#legalshield representative
commercecpa · 2 years
Small Businesses and Individuals often have to pay steep hourly rates to avail of Legal Services. The optimum LegalShield Services at Commerce CPA, LLC helps to protect and empower the interests of their clients. Our LegalShield, LLC services are as quick and reliable as a LegalShield Express Download App.
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homebiztaxcoach · 4 years
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#REALRESULTS Member Story of the Day - Employment Law: “A LegalShield representative from Wyoming, had talked to me several times about LegalShield. I had hesitated purchasing it because I really didn't think I needed legal protection. She kept telling me all of the benefits that came with LegalShield… so I finally signed up. I figured I could always cancel it if it didn't meet my needs. Well, my wife was terminated from her job of twelve years and we thought wrongfully so. We contacted LegalShield and they had an attorney contact us. We told the attorney our story and she thought we had a case against my wife's employer. We proceeded with the case and won. Needless to say, I don't think we would have won the case without an attorney and LegalShield made it affordable. Since then, we have used some of the many benefits afforded us through this program. I wouldn't be without legal protection again and I highly recommend LegalShield. Thank you, [Associate]. Without your persistence and enlightenment on legal protection, I don't know what we would have done.” #LegalShield #member #membership #lawfirm #lawfirms #attorney #attorneys #lawyers #lawyer #employment #law (at Carlstadt, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FKm3VDJGT/?igshid=xs6m0nethhit
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jeritaylorswade · 4 years
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DSA: Direct Selling and the Virtual Push because of COVID
“ Like most people, direct selling executives are crossing out travel and large in-person gatherings from their calendars. For an industry known for its relational appeal, eliminating the face-to-face factor should be crushing. But instead, many executives are reporting that they feel more connected to their teams than ever before and are experiencing record engagement.”
“I’ve been involved in more field events in the last two months than I have been since I started the company in 2014,” says MONAT President Stuart MacMillan. Connecting virtually has become part of the daily workflow for MacMillan and many direct selling executives like him, as their teams and distributors take part in trainings while experiencing the benefits of connecting from home for both small- and large-scale events. “I still don’t believe there’s any replacement for face-to-face, and our people are itching to get back together—both employees and the field,” MacMillan says. “But I think what we’ve learned is that between those opportunities to get together, there are better ways to do this.”
Increasing Engagement with Function and Fun
This shift to virtual has opened the event doors wider, allowing people who would normally be limited by family obligations or financial flexibility to participate. For SeneGence Founder and CEO Joni Rogers-Kante, virtual events have drastically impacted the company’s attendance numbers. “Only a percentage of distributors go to our events, and ours was never a huge percentage,” Rogers-Kante says. “But we have five times more distributors than we have ever had at a single seminar because it was online, and they just got to sit down and login.”
The SeneGence virtual event sought to emulate a lot of the function—as well as fun—of a live event by passing out virtual awards that instantly appeared across social media channels as names were announced, conducting drawings and shipping prizes to distributors’ houses. While their next company-wide in-person event has been postponed, the SeneGence team is already implementing plans for a conference that will take place in Tulsa. “We think it will be the largest event we’ve ever had because people are so excited to get back together, and we have so many new distributors who can’t wait to actually physically show up at a SeneGence event. We just know it’s going to blow everything we’ve done out of the water.”
“We have five times more distributors than we have ever had at a single seminar because it was online, and they just got to sit down and login.”—Joni Rogers-Kante, SeneGence Founder & CEO
10 Cents on the Dollar, 10 Times the Reach
Twenty-four hours after a recent Mannatech virtual live event, the entire 12-hour event was available for replay. The 6,500 unique visitors, representing a ballpark of 8,000 to 12,000 viewers who watched the virtual event live, quickly multiplied as people shared the content and participated after the event had ended. A traditional Mannatech event hosts 1,200 to 1,500 people.
“For one-tenth of the expense, we were able to connect with six to ten times the number of people we would have connected with,” says Mannatech CEO and President Al Bala. And although event product sales were one-third of the normal amount, Bala says it was offset by the savings in product transport to the event and the convenience of shipping it directly to consumers’ homes. “It was more efficient and definitely more profitable sales than we would have had normally.”
“Even though we aren’t all together, we see you!”
“Going virtual” has a simple ring to it, but executives in the driver’s seat know the challenging behind-the-scenes experience of sifting through broadcasting options and platforms. Arbonne, who planned to launch 13 new products at their live convention this year, suddenly had only a fraction of their usual preparation time to devise communication strategies that would build excitement while playing well through the screen. Social media, which has always assumed a role at Arbonne events, was now critical, and the company leaned hard into these social integrations. To allow the executive team space to focus on engaging with attendees through the chat function, much of the content was prerecorded.
“Virtual GTC 2020 was created in about four weeks, and because of the incredibly pressing deadline, we absolutely learned as we went,” says Arbonne Senior Director of Communications Kristen Gruber. Gruber’s social media team developed teasers, quizzes and other interactive content that posted throughout the event. “This provided a level of engagement to our audience to really say, ‘Even though we aren’t all together, we see you!’”
Despite the fog of uncertainty during the first few weeks of the stay at home orders, LegalShield dove headfirst into creating virtual experiences and may have been the first direct sales company in North America to pivot to an entirely live-streamed international convention on April 4. When it became clear that their planned live event would not take place, the company transformed the auditorium in their Oklahoma headquarters into a full studio with only three weeks’ lead time. From there, they offered 16 hours of training content and recognition from over 40 field leaders and live hosts to more than 10,000 viewers. In addition, more than 5,000 associates joined their two-day Zoom Breakout Trainings before the larger event.
“For one-tenth of the expense, we were able to connect with six to ten times the number of people we would have connected with.”— Mannatech CEO & President Al Bala.
“Our field leaders are extremely creative in using Zoom as a recruiting and training platform,” says LegalShield Network Division President Don Thompson. “They use breakout rooms to host associates and their guests after a presentation for a Q&A session and for associate interaction.”
To not only survive, but thrive in this unprecedented environment, LegalShield’s CEO Jeff Bell has cast a vision for the company as a “digital disruptor” who uses technology to fulfill their company’s mission. The focus for the company is not on their limitations, but rather on how they can innovate and improve and use the tools available to spread their message and keep the field engaged and excited. “We are not at the level of Netflix or CBS,” Bell says, “but we are getting smarter and more successful in producing engaging content.”
As companies expand their live-streams to their international markets, the existing cultural and language barriers will have to be considered. Elepreneurs Chief Impact Officer Garrett McGrath, who also serves as President of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals, is watching as these virtual events begin to take shape on a global, multi-lingual scale. Although these broader events are more complex, McGrath is encouraged by the existing platforms that can do the heavy lifting for the direct sales industry.
Vimeo, a tool the ANMP relies on for its broadcasts, is paired with remote translators who use the Interactio app—which McGrath describes as a flawless application—to tap into the livestream and recreate the content in their listeners’ language.
“All you have to have is a good originating broadcast quality, and that becomes the place from where everybody views the actual convention, even though we’re bringing people in from all over the world,” McGrath says.
Caution: Challenges Ahead
Everyone is more than eager to get back to normal and industry leaders are at the front of the line, hurriedly trying to recreate their office environment from thousands of satellite home offices scattered across the globe where their leaders live and now work. But as the world has quickly discovered, working separately but together has come with its own set of unique challenges, and large virtual events are not immune to these foibles.
Security has been a hot topic for Zoom users (LegalShield reported instances of “Zoom Bombers” during their first few training sessions before password protections halted any further disruptions), but for other, more complex broadcasting platforms, hacking isn’t as much of a concern. The security concern, according to Katapult Events President Erik Johnson, should be privacy. “I wouldn’t put anything out on a stream that you wouldn’t want the world to see,” Johnson says. “Someone at home is likely recording it whether you want them to or not, and it’ll be on YouTube by the end of the day.” For companies who live and die by FTC compliance, it’s a stern warning for leaders. Even if a distributor thinks they’re in a private virtual room with only top-tier leaders, there is great potential that their words will become public.
“Our field leaders are extremely creative in using Zoom as a recruiting and training platform. They use breakout rooms to host associates and their guests after a presentation for a Q&A session and for associate interaction.”— LegalShield Network Division President Don Thompson.
There will also be a fluency issue for older distributors who aren’t used to virtual interactions and for whom these new changes will require a steep learning curve. “I feel sorry for companies that are older and already have their culture set in stone because they’re going to have to switch at some point to this,” RevitalU CEO Andrew McWilliams says.
Even though virtual events are notoriously less expensive than their in-person counterparts, going too cheap can be very obvious. “A lot of people think they can just hop on Zoom and be fine,” says Johnson, who now produces SeneGence’s virtual events. The result of a frugal presentation, however, is fuzzy resolution, glitchy streaming and a visible mouse pointer on shared screens—not the high-quality presentation multimillion- and multibillion-dollar brands should attach their names to.
For the April SeneGence virtual event, Johnson utilized Vimeo for live streaming at the Enterprise level and set up studios at the Oklahoma and California SeneGence offices. With his crew and all of their gear at both locations, they connected the two offices live on camera for a high def broadcast that looked like prime time tv.
As physical events reemerge in the months to come, Johnson warns that virtual events should never be just a recorded version of the live event. Instead, he encourages leaders to plan for physical and virtual hybrids. For example, his crew is building a side stage that is reminiscent of the ESPN Sports Desk for the host of the virtual watch party at one of his client’s upcoming in-person events. Even though one large event will be happening, two different audiences with different attention spans will be watching. By having a dedicated host, he’ll be able to accommodate both.
Facebook Live Fright
As leaders who are used to delivering speeches from stages in loud rooms begin broadcasting from their kitchen table or home office to an audience they can’t see, they’re discovering that stage fright and Facebook Live fright are two different fears and require two different skill sets.
McGrath described his feelings about hosting an eight-hour live event as somewhere between nerve-wracking and exciting. He and wife Sylvia, Elepreneurs Chief Experience Officer, introduced live speakers and announced prerecorded segments and then watched comments and emojis unfold in real-time over an eight-hour stretch.
The stamina required to create these engaging content segments back-to-back for that length of time is similar to expecting sprints in the middle of a marathon. “The biggest concern you always have is: can you keep people’s attention for 12 and a half hours?” Bala says.
But it’s not just the audience’s attention that leaders are concerned about. “I don’t think you can underestimate what it does to the speaker’s energy to talk to a crowd,” Bala says. “When you’re a speaker, it engages you at a different level. You can’t replicate that virtually.”
An Attention Shift
Change can be a dirty word in an industry rooted in tradition, and that’s why McWilliams is choosing to embrace this time of disruption. As people readily accept digital platforms out of necessity, McWilliams says this temporary shift to virtual will now be permanent for his young organization. “I’m never going back,” he says. “It has been the most cost-effective thing we’ve ever done.” In April, RevitalU experienced double-digit percentage growth over March. After their first major virtual event on May 2, the company was up almost 55 percent over April by May 7. “It does not feel like a blip on a radar screen,” he says. “What it feels like is a shift of attention.”
These live virtual events with openly visible comment boxes bring with them a lack of control, but the effect, McGrath says, is unparalleled. “We were very aware that people don’t want a presentation; they want a conversation,” he says. “There’s a risk with a conversation because you don’t know what the other person is going to say, but that’s why people show up: because it hasn’t gone through the corporate whitewash and hasn’t been overly sanitized. It’s spontaneous and real.”
“We were very aware that people don’t want a presentation; they want a conversation.”– Garrett McGrath, Elepreneurs Chief Experience Officer
In the short term, physical events aren’t possible, but even when the restrictions from the global pandemic are lifted, some executives are expecting a slow return as people remain gun-shy about close social interaction and even handshakes. McGrath says the question of when things will go back to normal is the wrong question. “The real question is, between now and then, can we document a plan that people can rely on as proven to work today?”
Is Virtual Really a Success?
There is no industry-wide metric for success when it comes to this new switch to virtual. Still, as many leaders face pent up demand and anxiety swirling around the new normal that has been thrust upon them, the measurement for success will depend upon each company’s specific goals and missions.
For affiliate-focused companies, comment engagement on a Facebook Live event could provide a gauge for distributor reach. Many executives are now reporting a sharp increase in sales during and after virtual events—when distributors would usually be socializing or traveling home—and are using that as their new benchmark for success.
Virtual can’t mimic the adrenaline rush of a packed arena, but industry leaders are approaching this new playing field with cautious optimism. For now, there is convincing emerging data that pivoting to virtual is doing little to harm the health of direct selling companies, and might actually be making a once-in-a-lifetime paradigm shift that offers a glimpse into where the future of the industry might be headed.
“This is here to stay,” Bala says. “It’s just going to become another tool in our toolbox to create that engagement with our associates and for associates to create engagement among themselves.” DSN
VirBELA: The New Virtual Headquarters
Virtual events may be booming, but it will be finding ways to digitally recreate the ordinary daily interactions that will be key for direct selling to weather this storm of isolation and uncertainty. RevitalU has found its solution through VirBELA, a technology platform that allows companies to create a virtual headquarters. With VirBELA, people can come together formally for events, like a conference room where they’ll hear keynote speakers, as well as informally, like in virtual hallways between sessions where they can start up casual conversations.
Through avatars and multi-dimensional rooms, users can interact digitally in a personal way that doesn’t create the Zoom fatigue that comes with endless video chats. “It gives you autonomy to interact with whom you want to interact with and go where you want to go,” says VirBELA Founder and President Alex Howland, Ph.D. “When you read a book, you’re not paying attention to the black and white words or pages; you’re getting immersed into the book. The same thing happens with VirBELA. Your brain starts to feel like you’re physically in the room with colleagues.
Glenn Sanford, eXp Realty Founder and CEO, has been using VirBELA as his company’s virtual campus since 2016. During that time, he grew his number of agents from 900 to 29,000 from the virtual headquarters that he mans from the casita over his garage. In April of this year, his success with the virtual platform led him to join the VirBELA team as the company’s Chief Strategy Officer so that he could extend his knowledge and experience with simulated campuses to other business leaders navigating these unprecedented waters.
Sanford offered advice to McWilliams, one of the newest CEOs to become an adopter of the VirBELA technology, by explaining that the simulated campus will only work if McWilliams insists that people meet him in his virtual Planet RevitalU office, rather than picking up the phone. “We have an office, and I don’t care if it opens back up,” McWilliams says. “We’re going to make the physical office voluntary. For our business practices and working together, it’s going to be done online.”
Virtual Event Tips
Take your virtual event to the next level with these tips from production expert and consultant to the direct selling industry, Erik Johnson of Katapult Events.
“How good your first event is will determine if they buy your next.” — Erik Johnson, Katapult Events President
Forget Zoom. Use Vimeo to live stream.
Prerecording some content eliminates the potential for user error, streamlines transitions and trims the boring out of stories.
Use permissions to put events and event extras behind paywalls or passwords. Erik uses Phinkific.com to preserve special VIP treatments, like a Q&A with the keynote speaker, for specific distributor ranks and above.
Hire a professional. Picture-in-picture, title animation and HD screen shares matter.
Show others what they’re missing. Even if you’re charging for a virtual event, share a short segment onto Facebook Live for things like new product announcements. At the end of the segment, offer viewers the opportunity to buy access to the rest of the event. It’s a double bang for your production buck and a quick upsell.
Everything has to be faster. What might have taken you four minutes to say on a live stage, should take you 90 seconds when speaking to a virtual audience.
Shoot with two cameras. A simple wide shot and a close up will give your broadcast movement and will be more likely to hold attention.
A high-quality mic is just as important as good video. If they can’t hear you well, they will leave.
Don’t be afraid to hire an outside emcee. Professional talent can take your event from stagnant to funny, drive the energy of the show, and be in charge of throwing it to different hosts—chief executives, distributors—to keep the show moving.
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Get rid of the extra stuttering and “um” sounds and give your team the chance to feel the flow of the event.
Double-dip your filming days. When broadcasting virtual events, you’ll likely have the members of your executive teams and an elaborate, staffed studio all in one place. Use this opportunity to film upcoming product launches, expand your expert interviews and update your opportunity presentation.
Five Ways to Simplify Your Pivot to Virtual
Don’t confuse virtual with automated. Even though there are no smoke machines and spotlights, this is not a set-it-and-forget-it type of environment. Building an interactive experience is key to getting virtual events right.
Prepare your team. Expect worst-case scenarios and plan how they’ll be addressed on the spot to protect your brand.
Choose your comment comfort level. Instantly visible, unfiltered feedback may complement the tone of a keynote address, or it might exacerbate the awkwardness of lackluster attendance. Pick an audience participation level that matches the event vibe.
Tap into existing partner platforms. Seamlessly charge registration for large events and automatically capture potential customer contact information. (Eventbrite, PayPal, Pardot and HubSpot are good leads for these functions)
Deliver an in-person experience. Pick two or three elements of your usual in-person events that can be creatively replicated while apart. If distributors have come to expect a lavish lunch break at events, send restaurant or food delivery gift cards to registrants ahead of time. These small gestures will build community while making a memorable impact.
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tcssrsolutionsllc · 3 years
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I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.
Jack Kerouac
This quote from Jack Kerouac’s 1958 novel “The Dharma Bums” summarizes the energy of the Beat Generation — a group of artists, authors, and poets who saw with wide eyes the boundless opportunities that were opening up during the cultural revolution of the 1950s and ‘60s. To Kerouac, a blank page represented the exciting infinitude of the new age, and a life lived outside the boundaries of conventional society.
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mjfinsurance · 7 years
LegalShield & ID Shield Perfect Together
LegalShield & ID Shield Perfect Together
We have been representing a LegalShield since 2014. I can tell you all the people who think they don’t need this service typically realize they would have used it in the past had they understood what the benefits of the plan were.
LegalShield provides you access to a law firm, Legal Representation at a lower cost than if the public walked in off the street. The plan provides the member with a…
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unixcommerce · 4 years
SHRM Launches New LegalShield Service for Small Business
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) has launched a product, LegalShield, for human resources professionals working for small businesses.
SHRM is dedicated to creating better work spaces where employees and employers can thrive. The network has more than 300,000 members HR and business executive members in 165 countries.
In Partnership with LegalShield
Working in partnership with LegalShield, one of the US’s largest providers of online legal subscription plans, the product provides small businesses with affordable, legal resources.
Some 1 in 5 businesses lack confidence with various HR issues. The crippling COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on almost every aspect of business operations, and none more so that legal HR issues.
More and More Small Businesses Seeking Legal Advice
Research conducted by SHRM shows that 7 in 10 small businesses have sought outside advice since the coronavirus pandemic began. 86% of businesses have sought legal assistance.
With smaller businesses often more vulnerable to non-compliance of complex employment and liability laws, especially in the wake of COVID-19, it’s important they have the right guidance and support in place.
Affordable Legal Guidance
The SHRM LegalNetwork Plan provides small business with affordable legal guidance, and advice about compliance and liability issues.
Johnny Taylor Jr., SHRM President and CEO, commented on the new service available to small businesses:
“Access to legal protection shouldn’t be a luxury. As businesses reopen, smaller organizations will face many unprecedented scenarios and circumstances – where legal guidance will be needed more than ever.
“This service enables HR leaders to fully support their employers on the road to recovery with real-time solutions and dedicated legal protection to manage these important issues,” Taylor Jr. added.
Unlimited Number of Legal Business Matters Covered
SHRM LegalNetwork is available to HR professionals that represent small businesses with 100 employees or fewer. The guidance and support offered covers an unlimited number of business matters. These range from general legal consultation to the reviewing of documents. Other areas include assistance on debt collection and legal correspondence.
To access the SHRM LegalNetwork Plan, businesses pay a low monthly fee. Businesses can then speak to an attorney on limitless business legal issues.
With many small businesses having to operate on tighter budgets due to the COVID-19 pandemic, saving thousands of dollars over hiring an attorney directly, could prove invaluable.
The SHRM LegalNetwork Plan is designed to help small businesses meet legal requirements in an affordable way. Without legal issues to worry about, businesses will have more time and money to focus on reopening after lockdown, stabilizing their business, and nurturing growth.
Small Business News
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “SHRM Launches New LegalShield Service for Small Business” was first published on Small Business Trends
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2BiRnNJ via IFTTT
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SHRM Launches New LegalShield Service for Small Business
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) has launched a product, LegalShield, for human resources professionals working for small businesses.
SHRM is dedicated to creating better work spaces where employees and employers can thrive. The network has more than 300,000 members HR and business executive members in 165 countries.
In Partnership with LegalShield
Working in partnership with LegalShield, one of the US’s largest providers of online legal subscription plans, the product provides small businesses with affordable, legal resources.
Some 1 in 5 businesses lack confidence with various HR issues. The crippling COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on almost every aspect of business operations, and none more so that legal HR issues.
More and More Small Businesses Seeking Legal Advice
Research conducted by SHRM shows that 7 in 10 small businesses have sought outside advice since the coronavirus pandemic began. 86% of businesses have sought legal assistance.
With smaller businesses often more vulnerable to non-compliance of complex employment and liability laws, especially in the wake of COVID-19, it’s important they have the right guidance and support in place.
Affordable Legal Guidance
The SHRM LegalNetwork Plan provides small business with affordable legal guidance, and advice about compliance and liability issues.
Johnny Taylor Jr., SHRM President and CEO, commented on the new service available to small businesses:
“Access to legal protection shouldn’t be a luxury. As businesses reopen, smaller organizations will face many unprecedented scenarios and circumstances – where legal guidance will be needed more than ever.
“This service enables HR leaders to fully support their employers on the road to recovery with real-time solutions and dedicated legal protection to manage these important issues,” Taylor Jr. added.
Unlimited Number of Legal Business Matters Covered
SHRM LegalNetwork is available to HR professionals that represent small businesses with 100 employees or fewer. The guidance and support offered covers an unlimited number of business matters. These range from general legal consultation to the reviewing of documents. Other areas include assistance on debt collection and legal correspondence.
To access the SHRM LegalNetwork Plan, businesses pay a low monthly fee. Businesses can then speak to an attorney on limitless business legal issues.
With many small businesses having to operate on tighter budgets due to the COVID-19 pandemic, saving thousands of dollars over hiring an attorney directly, could prove invaluable.
The SHRM LegalNetwork Plan is designed to help small businesses meet legal requirements in an affordable way. Without legal issues to worry about, businesses will have more time and money to focus on reopening after lockdown, stabilizing their business, and nurturing growth.
Small Business News
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “SHRM Launches New LegalShield Service for Small Business” was first published on Small Business Trends
source https://smallbiztrends.com/2020/06/shrm-launches-legalshield-small-business.html
from WordPress https://businessreviewguidenow.wordpress.com/2020/06/28/shrm-launches-new-legalshield-service-for-small-business/ via IFTTT
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taleshalance4 · 5 years
Why Change the Group Legal Services Association?
This is my fourth article, in as many years, about the upcoming Group Legal Services Association (GLSA) annual educational conference and this spring’s event promises to be the most exciting by far. Not that the last three weren’t informative, but the GLSA is reinventing itself during this spring meeting. So the annual State of the Industry panel from last year has been expanded to include some new company representatives.
The GLSA mission only included legal plans or insurance, up until recently. Board President Matt Hahne, attorney at Boleman Law, comments on the expansion of the mission and membership.
“We need to improve on opening up the doors of GLSA to any and all organizations that are in the business of expanding the access to justice in this country. We need to build an organization designed to be a think tank for innovative legal services with the goal of providing access to justice, and marketing and encouraging the growth of legal plans in our country. The umbrella should be huge!”
ONE400’s CEO Allen Rodriguez explains that as a Board member of the GLSA, he sees the organization in three years as, “a leader in subscription-based legal services solutions. This will not only include traditional legal plans but also include technology-based solutions like artificial intelligence (AI) supported document automation, bots, limited scope automated solutions and more.”
This year’s panel will include the three large legal plans, LegalShield, ARAG, and Hyatt, but also Debt Cleanse and Chuong Bui of Counsel for Creators, an innovative law firm that is subscription-based. Chuong outlines, what he believes to be the most important changes within the legal industry, as follows.
“The profession must be willing to experiment with new business models and offerings. Legal help must be “productized” in a way that gives consumers a focused solution to a particular legal problem. Lawyers need to think beyond simply offering services and consider how their expertise can be leveraged in a variety of ways.
Beyond that, serious changes to various ethical rules must be considered. As of this writing, lawyers are completely forbidden from using many of the tools that other startups use to grow. For instance, they cannot raise capital from non-attorneys, which leaves the whole sector underinvested. This is a huge problem that throttles innovation.”
This area will be explored by all panelists, led by this year’s State of the Industry moderator, Allen Rodrigues who is also on the California State Bar Association’s  Access Through Innovation of Legal Services task force.
One aspect of the GLSA that continue is the organization’s two different target markets—the attorneys that provide the legal services and the clients that those lawyers serve. The recent focus has been on attorneys and Jean Clauson of ARAG explains a few things attorneys can do to make more money on the ARAG network:
Provide a great client service experience (resulting in referrals): We’ve found that attorneys with a really buttoned up client service process, in every facet of the client journey, do very well at ARAG.
Setup your firm to manage volume business: The most successful firms on the ARAG network have a system to proficiently manage a large number of calls, emails, and cases. They also have systems in place to choose the cases they want, enter case information, conduct the intake meeting, and bill ARAG. It’s really about attorneys working smarter versus harder.
Be intentional about the areas of law that you choose to provide legal services for with a legal plan. Some attorneys pick several areas of law on our network and then get frustrated when we send cases their way that they do not want. By only selecting the areas you wish to serve you will ensure that ARAG (and our plan members) are not contacting you regarding case types you don’t want to serve. This decreases the time and effort or you and your staff to communicate back and forth with a client you don’t want to represent.
As the GLSA expands, the hope is to create a campaign to promote legal plans to the American public as part of the solution to access to justice. In the years that I have worked with the GLSA, I see that the average American does not understand how they can access legal services without hiring a lawyer for each distinct issue.
If you are interested in hearing more from the State of the Industry Panel, participating in charting GLSA’s new course and learning more about how legal and subscription-based plans can help your practice, you can find the information on the Tampa Bay conference taking place on May 9th to 11thhere. Registration is open now and there are limited Early Bird tickets available here.
The post Why Change the Group Legal Services Association? appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from https://ift.tt/2UEo4to from https://eliaandponto1.tumblr.com/post/183645883392
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eliaandponto1 · 5 years
Why Change the Group Legal Services Association?
This is my fourth article, in as many years, about the upcoming Group Legal Services Association (GLSA) annual educational conference and this spring’s event promises to be the most exciting by far. Not that the last three weren’t informative, but the GLSA is reinventing itself during this spring meeting. So the annual State of the Industry panel from last year has been expanded to include some new company representatives.
The GLSA mission only included legal plans or insurance, up until recently. Board President Matt Hahne, attorney at Boleman Law, comments on the expansion of the mission and membership.
“We need to improve on opening up the doors of GLSA to any and all organizations that are in the business of expanding the access to justice in this country. We need to build an organization designed to be a think tank for innovative legal services with the goal of providing access to justice, and marketing and encouraging the growth of legal plans in our country. The umbrella should be huge!”
ONE400’s CEO Allen Rodriguez explains that as a Board member of the GLSA, he sees the organization in three years as, “a leader in subscription-based legal services solutions. This will not only include traditional legal plans but also include technology-based solutions like artificial intelligence (AI) supported document automation, bots, limited scope automated solutions and more.”
This year’s panel will include the three large legal plans, LegalShield, ARAG, and Hyatt, but also Debt Cleanse and Chuong Bui of Counsel for Creators, an innovative law firm that is subscription-based. Chuong outlines, what he believes to be the most important changes within the legal industry, as follows.
“The profession must be willing to experiment with new business models and offerings. Legal help must be “productized” in a way that gives consumers a focused solution to a particular legal problem. Lawyers need to think beyond simply offering services and consider how their expertise can be leveraged in a variety of ways.
Beyond that, serious changes to various ethical rules must be considered. As of this writing, lawyers are completely forbidden from using many of the tools that other startups use to grow. For instance, they cannot raise capital from non-attorneys, which leaves the whole sector underinvested. This is a huge problem that throttles innovation.”
This area will be explored by all panelists, led by this year’s State of the Industry moderator, Allen Rodrigues who is also on the California State Bar Association’s  Access Through Innovation of Legal Services task force.
One aspect of the GLSA that continue is the organization’s two different target markets—the attorneys that provide the legal services and the clients that those lawyers serve. The recent focus has been on attorneys and Jean Clauson of ARAG explains a few things attorneys can do to make more money on the ARAG network:
Provide a great client service experience (resulting in referrals): We’ve found that attorneys with a really buttoned up client service process, in every facet of the client journey, do very well at ARAG.
Setup your firm to manage volume business: The most successful firms on the ARAG network have a system to proficiently manage a large number of calls, emails, and cases. They also have systems in place to choose the cases they want, enter case information, conduct the intake meeting, and bill ARAG. It’s really about attorneys working smarter versus harder.
Be intentional about the areas of law that you choose to provide legal services for with a legal plan. Some attorneys pick several areas of law on our network and then get frustrated when we send cases their way that they do not want. By only selecting the areas you wish to serve you will ensure that ARAG (and our plan members) are not contacting you regarding case types you don’t want to serve. This decreases the time and effort or you and your staff to communicate back and forth with a client you don’t want to represent.
As the GLSA expands, the hope is to create a campaign to promote legal plans to the American public as part of the solution to access to justice. In the years that I have worked with the GLSA, I see that the average American does not understand how they can access legal services without hiring a lawyer for each distinct issue.
If you are interested in hearing more from the State of the Industry Panel, participating in charting GLSA’s new course and learning more about how legal and subscription-based plans can help your practice, you can find the information on the Tampa Bay conference taking place on May 9th to 11th here. Registration is open now and there are limited Early Bird tickets available here.
The post Why Change the Group Legal Services Association? appeared first on Law Technology Today.
from https://ift.tt/2UEo4to
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
When you see a legal advisor embroiled in ongoing legal battles, you can’t help but wonder…
If they’re the real deal, why can’t they defend themselves?
But LegalShield may finally have their act together. The question now is whether you can make any money with this MLM.
LegalShield was once a big, bad, publicly-traded company with a network marketing opportunity on the New York Stock Exchange…until they went private faster than a celebrity in rehab.
Judging from some of their past scandals and legal troubles, going private was definitely a smart move. But are they worth joining? We’ll let you decide.
1. What does LegalShield sell? LegalShield gives access to affordable legal coverage to its members, no matter how traumatic or trivial the situation. They’re the No. 1 subscription-based provider of legal plans to families and small businesses across the U.S. and Canada.
2. What are LegalShield’s most popular products? LegalShield’s Personal Legal Plan costs about the same as a dinner out ($24.95/month) and gives you coverage for you, your spouse or partner, and your children. Included with your membership are advice, letters/phone calls on your behalf, legal document review, standard will preparation, 24/7 emergency assistance, and trial defense services. Another popular service is ID Shield, which protects your identity, including customized alerts, complete identity monitoring, credit scores, and unlimited consultation.
3. How much does it cost to join LegalShield? It costs $99 plus any applicable state licensing fees to become a LegalShield associate. This gives you an Associate Start-Up Kit with brochures and applications so you can begin your business right away.
4. Is LegalShield a scam? No, LegalShield is a legitimate business with 1.7 million members in 50 states and 4 provinces. They have provider law firms across the United States and Canada, so the legal support you get comes from a lawyer who’s well acquainted with your local laws and regulations. What does feel scammy is the lack of full disclosure about becoming an Associate and how much you can earn. If it’s such a great opportunity, why aren’t they more forthcoming with information about how to join?
5. What is LegalShield’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has LegalShield been in business? Since 1972
7. What is LegalShield’s revenue? $457 million
8. How many LegalShield distributors are there? 287,812
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2001, Wyoming came down on Pre-Paid Legal Services (which was LegalShield’s original name) for making income representations that were prohibited by Wyoming law. [1] The SEC also required them to stop counting commissions as assets instead of expenses. Complying with their ruling essentially cut their reported earnings by more than half. [2] In 2005, LegalShield lost a case related to deceptive advertising and fraud and paid $9.9 million in punitive damages. [3] In 2007, the FTC began investigating their marketing, saying it was misleading. Fortunately for LegalShield, in 2010 the investigation ended without any action. [4] In 2018, LC Technology International filed a proposed class action against Harvard Risk Management and LegalShield for sending unlawful, unsolicited fax messages as part of a pyramid sales scheme. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Market America, Life Leadership, Primerica
So should you join LegalShield?
I’m not a hater of the company at all, there’s definitely a market for legal advice and resources. But as far as passive income opportunities go, there are better options out there.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on LegalShield.
LegalShield was founded in 1972 under the name Sportsman’s Motor Club in Ada, Oklahoma. A couple of years later, they changed their name to Pre-Paid Legal and went public, selling its shares on the New York Stock Exchange.
In 2011, the company was acquired by MidOcean Partners, a private equity firm worth $3.5 billion, for $650 million. They then went private and changed their name to LegalShield. In 2011, before they went private, they were raking in an annual revenue of $461 million. [6]
Back in 2001, they were hit twice by the law – first by the state of Wyoming for misrepresenting distributor earnings, and again by the SEC for counting commissions as assets to inflate their stock prices. They also faced legal troubles in Missouri that year. [7]
In 2009, they were subpoenaed by the SEC for various documents which were never sent over to the SEC despite multiple demands. After that, the FTC filed a complaint against LegalShield for multiple violations, including misleading representations. [8]
Jeff Bell is LegalShield’s new CEO, and this guy is no joke.
Bell got his MBA from none other than the Wharton School of Business back in 1989. He’s worked in key positions at Ford Motors, Chrysler, NBCUniversal, Advertising Age, where he won them their first-ever Online Marketer of the Year award in 2005, and Microsoft, where he oversaw the launch of Halo 3, among other major releases, as Vice President of Global. [9, 10]
He’s got decades of experience in marketing and advertising at some of the world’s biggest corporations, and he was named as LegalShield’s new leader in 2014. [11]
Hopefully, he can replicate his success in the world of multi-level marketing. This will be his first MLM, but maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe his credentials can fend off the FTC.
So maybe he can turn their rep around. However, in March of 2016, he made the decision to leave the Direct Selling Association, the regulatory body that pretty much ensures that an MLM is at least semi-legit (see the full MLM rankings here).
Bell claims their decision to leave the DSA is because the DSA actually isn’t enforcing its own Code of Ethics against other MLMs who are clearly breaking it, and thus is weakening the direct selling industry as a whole. Wouldn’t be the first time. [12]
As of January 2016, LegalShield membership began a steady increase, hitting 1,612,183 members before the end of the year. Now, they’re over 1.7 million members. Smells like a comeback.
How much does LegalShield cost?
At the time of writing this, it costs $99 for a New Associate Start-Up Kit, which includes online training, materials, sponsor support, a back office, and a few other perks.
LegalShield sells legal services, in case their name didn’t tip you off. They claim to offer direct and affordable access to law firms.
They have a network of almost 7,000 independent attorneys throughout the United States and Canada who offer these services. For your monthly membership fee, which varies by state but usually comes out to just under $25/month, you get:
Legal Advice: If you ever need advice or consultation from a legal representative, you always have one at your service.
Legal Representation: In the case that you should need legal representation, you have their independent attorneys at your disposal.
Automotive Defense: Accident defense and moving violation assistance.
Familial and IRS Legal Services: This covers everything from divorce and name changes to IRS audits.
Considering legal advice can cost hundreds, and representation from an attorney can cost anywhere from $150-$500 per hour, it’s not a bad deal.
The company also now sells identity theft protection services starting at $9.95/month. The basic plan covers you and a spouse, and includes:
Credit report and credit score analysis
Credit restoration
Unlimited ID theft consultations
Minor protection
Credit monitoring and alerts
Honestly, if you have even a halfway decent bank or own a credit card, you probably already have access to all of these services for free.
Compensation Plan
You’re selling a monthly membership, and when you get a new customer, LegalShield pays you an advance for a year’s worth of that customer’s membership. Sounds great, right? Yeah, until that customer decides to cancel, and you have to pay back a huge chunk of that advance.
The compensation plan is nowhere to be found on their website, and the information you can find is very vague. It doesn’t list any specific commission rates.
There are four ways to earn:
Personal Sales
You make a percentage on each membership you sell, which varies by rank. This is roughly what you can make, according to rank:
Junior Associate: Up to 50%
Associate: Up to $75 on each sale
Senior Associate: Up to $100 on each sale
Manager: Up to $125 on each sale
Director: Up to $150 on each sale
Executive Director: Up to $182.50 on each sale
These numbers look generous, but remember, they are advances on 12 months of membership payments. Also, it’s very, very difficult to move up even past Junior Associate, let alone all the way to director levels.
Build a Team
Team commissions are offered in the form of bonuses for every membership they sell. Exact numbers are not specified.
Residual Income
After a membership that you’ve sold lasts a year, you make a monthly commission on each month they stay active. Whether or not this commission is the same as before isn’t stated, but this is basically number one rehashed.
Performance Club
Each time you sell memberships and recruit new associates, you earn points. If you earn enough (fat chance), you can start earning cash bonuses and prizes.
The company is not without their scandals. They’ve got a pretty colorful history, to say the least.
However, it seems that the worst might be over for them. They’ve survived dozens of legal battles, and since going private, they’ve only had one claim made against them. (It looks pretty frivolous; they’ll probably pull it out.) On top of that, they’re being run by a rock star CEO, and so far, he’s doing good things for the company.
That being said, the commission plan is vague, at best. It’s really not clear how much money you’d make as an associate. One thing that is clear – you’re probably not getting rich here.
I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
0 notes
antionetterparker · 6 years
LegalShield: Are their legal services really legal? [Review]
When you see a legal advisor embroiled in ongoing legal battles, you can’t help but wonder…
If they’re the real deal, why can’t they defend themselves?
But LegalShield may finally have their act together. The question now is whether you can make any money with this MLM.
LegalShield was once a big, bad, publicly-traded company with a network marketing opportunity on the New York Stock Exchange…until they went private faster than a celebrity in rehab.
Judging from some of their past scandals and legal troubles, going private was definitely a smart move. But are they worth joining? We’ll let you decide.
1. What does LegalShield sell? LegalShield gives access to affordable legal coverage to its members, no matter how traumatic or trivial the situation. They’re the No. 1 subscription-based provider of legal plans to families and small businesses across the U.S. and Canada.
2. What are LegalShield’s most popular products? LegalShield’s Personal Legal Plan costs about the same as a dinner out ($24.95/month) and gives you coverage for you, your spouse or partner, and your children. Included with your membership are advice, letters/phone calls on your behalf, legal document review, standard will preparation, 24/7 emergency assistance, and trial defense services. Another popular service is ID Shield, which protects your identity, including customized alerts, complete identity monitoring, credit scores, and unlimited consultation.
3. How much does it cost to join LegalShield? It costs $99 plus any applicable state licensing fees to become a LegalShield associate. This gives you an Associate Start-Up Kit with brochures and applications so you can begin your business right away.
4. Is LegalShield a scam? No, LegalShield is a legitimate business with 1.7 million members in 50 states and 4 provinces. They have provider law firms across the United States and Canada, so the legal support you get comes from a lawyer who’s well acquainted with your local laws and regulations. What does feel scammy is the lack of full disclosure about becoming an Associate and how much you can earn. If it’s such a great opportunity, why aren’t they more forthcoming with information about how to join?
5. What is LegalShield’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has LegalShield been in business? Since 1972
7. What is LegalShield’s revenue? $457 million
8. How many LegalShield distributors are there? 287,812
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2001, Wyoming came down on Pre-Paid Legal Services (which was LegalShield’s original name) for making income representations that were prohibited by Wyoming law. [1] The SEC also required them to stop counting commissions as assets instead of expenses. Complying with their ruling essentially cut their reported earnings by more than half. [2] In 2005, LegalShield lost a case related to deceptive advertising and fraud and paid $9.9 million in punitive damages. [3] In 2007, the FTC began investigating their marketing, saying it was misleading. Fortunately for LegalShield, in 2010 the investigation ended without any action. [4] In 2018, LC Technology International filed a proposed class action against Harvard Risk Management and LegalShield for sending unlawful, unsolicited fax messages as part of a pyramid sales scheme. [5]
10. Comparable companies: Market America, Life Leadership, Primerica
So should you join LegalShield?
I’m not a hater of the company at all, there’s definitely a market for legal advice and resources. But as far as passive income opportunities go, there are better options out there.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on LegalShield.
LegalShield was founded in 1972 under the name Sportsman’s Motor Club in Ada, Oklahoma. A couple of years later, they changed their name to Pre-Paid Legal and went public, selling its shares on the New York Stock Exchange.
In 2011, the company was acquired by MidOcean Partners, a private equity firm worth $3.5 billion, for $650 million. They then went private and changed their name to LegalShield. In 2011, before they went private, they were raking in an annual revenue of $461 million. [6]
Back in 2001, they were hit twice by the law – first by the state of Wyoming for misrepresenting distributor earnings, and again by the SEC for counting commissions as assets to inflate their stock prices. They also faced legal troubles in Missouri that year. [7]
In 2009, they were subpoenaed by the SEC for various documents which were never sent over to the SEC despite multiple demands. After that, the FTC filed a complaint against LegalShield for multiple violations, including misleading representations. [8]
Jeff Bell is LegalShield’s new CEO, and this guy is no joke.
Bell got his MBA from none other than the Wharton School of Business back in 1989. He’s worked in key positions at Ford Motors, Chrysler, NBCUniversal, Advertising Age, where he won them their first-ever Online Marketer of the Year award in 2005, and Microsoft, where he oversaw the launch of Halo 3, among other major releases, as Vice President of Global. [9, 10]
He’s got decades of experience in marketing and advertising at some of the world’s biggest corporations, and he was named as LegalShield’s new leader in 2014. [11]
Hopefully, he can replicate his success in the world of multi-level marketing. This will be his first MLM, but maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe his credentials can fend off the FTC.
So maybe he can turn their rep around. However, in March of 2016, he made the decision to leave the Direct Selling Association, the regulatory body that pretty much ensures that an MLM is at least semi-legit (see the full MLM rankings here).
Bell claims their decision to leave the DSA is because the DSA actually isn’t enforcing its own Code of Ethics against other MLMs who are clearly breaking it, and thus is weakening the direct selling industry as a whole. Wouldn’t be the first time. [12]
As of January 2016, LegalShield membership began a steady increase, hitting 1,612,183 members before the end of the year. Now, they’re over 1.7 million members. Smells like a comeback.
How much does LegalShield cost?
At the time of writing this, it costs $99 for a New Associate Start-Up Kit, which includes online training, materials, sponsor support, a back office, and a few other perks.
LegalShield sells legal services, in case their name didn’t tip you off. They claim to offer direct and affordable access to law firms.
They have a network of almost 7,000 independent attorneys throughout the United States and Canada who offer these services. For your monthly membership fee, which varies by state but usually comes out to just under $25/month, you get:
Legal Advice: If you ever need advice or consultation from a legal representative, you always have one at your service.
Legal Representation: In the case that you should need legal representation, you have their independent attorneys at your disposal.
Automotive Defense: Accident defense and moving violation assistance.
Familial and IRS Legal Services: This covers everything from divorce and name changes to IRS audits.
Considering legal advice can cost hundreds, and representation from an attorney can cost anywhere from $150-$500 per hour, it’s not a bad deal.
The company also now sells identity theft protection services starting at $9.95/month. The basic plan covers you and a spouse, and includes:
Credit report and credit score analysis
Credit restoration
Unlimited ID theft consultations
Minor protection
Credit monitoring and alerts
Honestly, if you have even a halfway decent bank or own a credit card, you probably already have access to all of these services for free.
Compensation Plan
You’re selling a monthly membership, and when you get a new customer, LegalShield pays you an advance for a year’s worth of that customer’s membership. Sounds great, right? Yeah, until that customer decides to cancel, and you have to pay back a huge chunk of that advance.
The compensation plan is nowhere to be found on their website, and the information you can find is very vague. It doesn’t list any specific commission rates.
There are four ways to earn:
Personal Sales
You make a percentage on each membership you sell, which varies by rank. This is roughly what you can make, according to rank:
Junior Associate: Up to 50%
Associate: Up to $75 on each sale
Senior Associate: Up to $100 on each sale
Manager: Up to $125 on each sale
Director: Up to $150 on each sale
Executive Director: Up to $182.50 on each sale
These numbers look generous, but remember, they are advances on 12 months of membership payments. Also, it’s very, very difficult to move up even past Junior Associate, let alone all the way to director levels.
Build a Team
Team commissions are offered in the form of bonuses for every membership they sell. Exact numbers are not specified.
Residual Income
After a membership that you’ve sold lasts a year, you make a monthly commission on each month they stay active. Whether or not this commission is the same as before isn’t stated, but this is basically number one rehashed.
Performance Club
Each time you sell memberships and recruit new associates, you earn points. If you earn enough (fat chance), you can start earning cash bonuses and prizes.
The company is not without their scandals. They’ve got a pretty colorful history, to say the least.
However, it seems that the worst might be over for them. They’ve survived dozens of legal battles, and since going private, they’ve only had one claim made against them. (It looks pretty frivolous; they’ll probably pull it out.) On top of that, they’re being run by a rock star CEO, and so far, he’s doing good things for the company.
That being said, the commission plan is vague, at best. It’s really not clear how much money you’d make as an associate. One thing that is clear – you’re probably not getting rich here.
I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/legalshield/
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homebiztaxcoach · 4 years
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REALRESULTS member story of the day: LegalShield, for when you are in not so great hands... "WOO HOO!!! Allstate insurance has been suing me for $18,000 since the end of 2016 for something they claimed I was negligent with regarding service I provided in 2008 in my plumbing business. Yes, 12 years ago. My LegalShield provider firm has been representing me through all of this, and just sent me this email... 'Good Morning Ron, I have some great news. This morning the Plaintiff filed the attached Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice. This means the case is over, and they can never sue you again for this issue. We will now close our file, and you will receive your remaining retainer money in about six to eight weeks. It was a pleasure working with you, and I wish you all the best.' If I would have had to pay lawyers to defend me the last two years, it would have cost me over $12,000 out of pocket. But, because of my accumulated trial defense hours included with my LegalShield subscription, my cost was only $8 -EIGHT DOLLARS - which was the cost to send the original response letter via certified mail in 2017. Thank you LegalShield and [Provider Law Firm in Florida] for your excellent services!!" -- Another Happy Member #LegalShield #member #membership #lawfirm #lawfirms #attorney #attorneys #lawyers #lawyer #policy #smallbusiness #allstate (at Carlstadt, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gpMWTpiMO/?igshid=23lk35zi6yc5
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a-livewithoutfear · 6 years
It's Time for Your Legal Checkup
Get Legalshield now: Click Here
Each year 57 million full-time working Americans experience some type of legal event. As a LegalShield member, you have a network of provider law firms in 50 states and 4 provinces in Canada to assist you and answer your legal questions. Certain legal matters can be avoided with careful planning and review. Use your LegalShield membership to take preventative action. The following information will help you review your estate plan, insurance coverage, credit report, contracts and more. If you have any questions, contact your LegalShield provider law firm. Your provider law firm information can be located on your LegalShield mobile app or through the “Ask Erin” feature on www.legalshield.com.
Protect your family with a will. One of the greatest benefits of a LegalShield membership is the will package. Even if you already have a will, your benefits include a yearly review to make sure your information is accurate and up to date. The process of obtaining your will begins with completing the LegalShield will questionnaire. You can complete the will questionnaire via the LegalShield app (download for iOS or Android). You may also obtain a copy of the questionnaire by logging into the member’s only portal contacting LegalShield or your provider law firm.  The LegalShield provider law firms use the information you provide to develop an estate plan that meets your specific needs. If you have questions as you complete the questionnaire, please call your provider firm and speak with an attorney.
Get a living will or healthcare power of attorney. A living will, sometimes known as a health care declaration or advance directive, is a legal document that allows you to specify in writing the kinds of life-sustaining treatments you are or are not willing to receive should you become incapacitated. A health care power of attorney allows you to appoint an agent or proxy to make medical decisions on your behalf. Unlike a general durable power of attorney, a health care power of attorney is limited to medical decisions only. The laws where you live will determine which forms will best protect your wishes. It is always important to discuss your wishes with your family and your health care providers. If you need assistance or have any questions, contact your LegalShield provider law firm today.
Review your insurance coverage. The Insurance Information Institute reports that in tough financial times many people switch insurance companies to lower their premiums, but do not fully understand the limits of the lower priced coverage. Some individuals drop portions of their insurance to save money or cancel the policy in its entirety because they can no longer cover the cost. You need to periodically review your policies to ensure they cover the essential investments in your property, changes in your life and recent purchases. Do not wait until after you suffer a loss. Contact your LegalShield provider law firm today and put your mind at ease by having an attorney review the terms of your insurance contracts.
Review your credit report. Your credit reports include information on your residence; whether you pay your bills on time and whether you have been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy. The credit reporting companies sell your information to a number of entities you may deal with, including creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses.  Therefore, errors or an unfavorable report may affect your employment. It may also make it difficult or impossible to obtain life or casualty insurance or to obtain favorable premiums. In the United States, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires that the three consumer credit reporting agencies—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—provide you with a free copy of their credit reports once every 12 months. You can order your free annual credit report online at annualcreditreport.com or by calling 1-877-322-8228. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada offers Canadians online resources on how to obtain and understand your credit reports.
Watch for signs of identity theft. Large scale hacks have target some of the largest retailers and financial institutions. So the chances of your personally identifying information being exposed are great. There are still some precautions you can take. Be wary of sharing personal information over the phone or email, especially if you’ve received an unsolicited communication (even if you do regular business with the organization). Many scammers pose as representatives of trusted businesses. Do not leave personal financial documents out in the open or anywhere you cannot limit access. If you are already an IDShield member, make sure that you have enrolled on www.myidshield.com. If you do not yet have an IDShield membership visit www.idshield.com to learn more.
Have contracts reviewed by an attorney before you sign. Lawyers cannot change the past; NEVER sign a contract, lease or other agreement before you call your LegalShield attorney for review and advice. Contracts and other agreements are sometimes written to intentionally obscure the true meaning. Your LegalShield attorney can help you make sense of a contract, lease or other agreement to ensure you fully understand your obligations.  
Published Date: 
Sunday, October 7, 2018 - 19:00 to Monday, October 7, 2019 - 19:00
Get Legalshield now: Click Here
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We had a great time with these beautiful models of the #EliteSuccessTeam and #BOSSpromotions ...thanks to @iamtyliyahmonroe @daddysgirl_3 @karma_kissesz @___timaaa___ @najae_nichole @ashantikhaliah @momoneymylove @_queenlaiah for representing the #Team at the #v103carandbikeshow #bossup2getpaid #BOSSup #YRMA #MMLU #no925lifestyle #events #paid2party #models #dancers #actors #singers #makeupartist #hairstylist #college #collegestudents #celebrities #Novaelife #TLC #Paycation #MCA #LegalShield #Avon #MaryKay #FES #IML
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tyronetonyreed · 7 years
Hub City Now: Interview with Florence Howard
In this episode of Hub City Now with Tyrone Tony Reed Jr., I speak with Florence Howard, the executive director of the Jackson-Madison County African American Chamber of Commerce about its Saturday, July 15, 2017, West Tennessee Business Showcase and Economic Development Conference.
The conference, which is $65, will be held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the DoubleTree By Hilton, located at 1770 Highway 45 Bypass, Jackson, Tenn. Breakfast and lunch are included. Grant writing and lending institutions will be available to help assist in starting or improving your business.
Speakers will include LaTanya Channel, District Director of the U.S. Small Business Administration in Tennessee, grant writers Gwendolyn Gavin and Mary T. Jones with Assisi Foundation grantor Dr. Jan Young along TSBDC's Ron Acree, SBA Memphis' Eric Terrell and business showcase standouts Andre Gist, David Hunt, Roy Jelks, Garey Jenkins, Andrea Bond Johnson, Juan Self, and Sandra K. Walls. Also, on the program are HR expert Margaret Stark Adams, Cartridge World's Jerry W. Day, State Farm's Greg Milam, LegalShields' Leroy Jones Sr., and special luncheon speaker Dr. Clarence Davis of the Memphis Health Center. Government contracting representatives from TNECD and TDOT as well as SBA will be present along with lending experts from BancorpSouth, Gordon James Financial and Pathway Lending.
Workshops and Panel Discussions will include "Moving Your Business to the Next Level"; "Access to Capital"; "Contract Management"; "Health & Wellness with Dr. Clarence Davis"; "Marketing Your Business On a Shoestring Budget"; "Starting and Running Your Business or Nonprofit"; "Creating a Business Plan"; "Money Matters - Insurance, Bonding, Legal and Franchising"; and "Grant Writing"!
For more information and to register, visit www.jmcaacc.org/conference.html.
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unixcommerce · 4 years
SHRM Launches New LegalShield Service for Small Business
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) has launched a product, LegalShield, for human resources professionals working for small businesses.
SHRM is dedicated to creating better work spaces where employees and employers can thrive. The network has more than 300,000 members HR and business executive members in 165 countries.
In Partnership with LegalShield
Working in partnership with LegalShield, one of the US’s largest providers of online legal subscription plans, the product provides small businesses with affordable, legal resources.
Some 1 in 5 businesses lack confidence with various HR issues. The crippling COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on almost every aspect of business operations, and none more so that legal HR issues.
More and More Small Businesses Seeking Legal Advice
Research conducted by SHRM shows that 7 in 10 small businesses have sought outside advice since the coronavirus pandemic began. 86% of businesses have sought legal assistance.
With smaller businesses often more vulnerable to non-compliance of complex employment and liability laws, especially in the wake of COVID-19, it’s important they have the right guidance and support in place.
Affordable Legal Guidance
The SHRM LegalNetwork Plan provides small business with affordable legal guidance, and advice about compliance and liability issues.
Johnny Taylor Jr., SHRM President and CEO, commented on the new service available to small businesses:
“Access to legal protection shouldn’t be a luxury. As businesses reopen, smaller organizations will face many unprecedented scenarios and circumstances – where legal guidance will be needed more than ever.
“This service enables HR leaders to fully support their employers on the road to recovery with real-time solutions and dedicated legal protection to manage these important issues,” Taylor Jr. added.
Unlimited Number of Legal Business Matters Covered
SHRM LegalNetwork is available to HR professionals that represent small businesses with 100 employees or fewer. The guidance and support offered covers an unlimited number of business matters. These range from general legal consultation to the reviewing of documents. Other areas include assistance on debt collection and legal correspondence.
To access the SHRM LegalNetwork Plan, businesses pay a low monthly fee. Businesses can then speak to an attorney on limitless business legal issues.
With many small businesses having to operate on tighter budgets due to the COVID-19 pandemic, saving thousands of dollars over hiring an attorney directly, could prove invaluable.
The SHRM LegalNetwork Plan is designed to help small businesses meet legal requirements in an affordable way. Without legal issues to worry about, businesses will have more time and money to focus on reopening after lockdown, stabilizing their business, and nurturing growth.
Small Business News
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “SHRM Launches New LegalShield Service for Small Business” was first published on Small Business Trends
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