lilyshadowwriter · 3 years
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Enrique Román Díaz for @legendofsim​’s Paradise BC
IT WAS MUCH MORE CHALLENGING THAN I ANTICIPATED TO MAKE A SIM WITHOUT USING ANY CC SLIDERS, BUT HERE WE ARE! I LOVE HIM. Now, without further ado because I’m already one of the last to submit their sim (eep!), here’s more about Enrique:
Age: 25 Traits: Loves To Swim, Heavy Sleeper, Nurturing, Loves the Heat, Sailor
Favorites: Green, Ceviche, and Island Music
Personality: Responsible, a bit serious at first glance, but quick to warm and friendly. Loves to laugh and lives in the moment. Optimistic, but somewhat wary. You never know what life may next have in store for you.
Bio: Enrique was born to parents who loved one another with a love that most only hear about in fairy tales. No matter what the family endured—including a hurricane that wiped out their home and had them moving from the Dominican Republic to Paradise Isles when he was only 7 years old—his parents’ love and optimistic outlook on life carried them forward to brighter days.
It seemed that nothing could shake them, until one stifling summer afternoon when Enrique was 15 years old and his father collapsed, never waking again. A fatal heart attack that no one saw coming, especially not his mother, whose plans for the future were inextricably woven with the man she loved more than life itself. Shattered, his mother withdrew deeply into a darkness she could not rouse herself from, and it fell to Enrique, the eldest sibling to two younger siblings, to look after them all.
Enrique had quite a reputation in high school for being utterly lazy, constantly sleeping through classes and scraping C’s by the skin of his teeth, but in truth he was always tired because he picked up a cleaning job at the local luxury resort, wiping sticky cocktail spills off tables until well into the night to make enough for the family to get by.
After graduating, he put all his focus into supporting them, even picking up a second job lifeguarding to make ends meet. Slowly though, in little steps and with lots of encouragement, Enrique’s mother gradually improved, to the point where she was able to work again, and Enrique was able to take more time to focus on himself and what he wants out of life.
Perhaps needless to say, he isn’t sure. Learning to be a bit selfish has been harder than he anticipated, and though he’s spent many hours on the beach or sailing on his own at sea, all this time for introspection hasn’t brought him any closer to an answer. He likes lifeguarding well enough, but despite knowing he doesn’t want to do this for the rest of his life, he’s unsure what he’d rather pursue. 
As for romance, Enrique has dated some, but no one has ever stuck. Part of him feels like maybe he’s spoiled and he’s looking for a love like the love his parents had for each other. Another part of him feels, however, that maybe he’s afraid.... 
He’s seen firsthand what love can do to a person when it’s lost, but maybe...with the right person...he could take the risk.
I really hope you like him and thank you so much for letting me participate and for being so patient!!!! I’m excited to see where Kennedy’s story will go and how all these awesome contestants will cross her future path :)
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wannabecatwriter · 3 years
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Randy Fitch for @legendofsim‘s Paradise BC
Age: 20
Traits: Childish, Daredevil, Slob, Excitable, Natural Born Performer.
Favorites: Loves electronic music, spicy food (Chili), the color spiceberry, and anything that gets the blood pumping.
Randy is one of those people who always want to live in the moment, even if the moment will end up landing them in the ER. If there is any extreme, dangerous activity to get involved in, he will get involved in it. The youngest child from a regular, calm family, with two older, much more serious and sensible brothers, he’s the kid that gave his parents early gray hairs. Some of the stuff he’s done up to this point (list incomplete):
- Went rock climbing without a harness
- Skateboarded down city hall stairs, on numerous occasions
- Took an upperclassman’s motorcycle for a ride in high school (sans permission or license)
- Climbed out of windows of numerous buildings, for no reason, mostly just for kicks
- Attempted to work as a stuntman at an actual movie studio but failed, because they realized he wasn’t old enough at the time
- Got both his tattoo and piercings on dares and doesn’t regret it in the slightest
After watching a certain heist movie, he is set on becoming a Professional Acrobat, as he figures it’s a good way to find a use for his habits and lifestyle. This is why he’s heading to the island, because he has heard there are many people over there who are like-minded. He’s hoping he’ll find his crew, maybe put on a show someday. But mostly, he’s just there to have a good time and live to the fullest.
His skin is my default, and I believe he should be custom slider free.
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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One Year Later
“What are you doing out here?” Dakota asked joining her wife outside on their deck.
Turning from the panoramic mountain view Macy sighed “It’s so beautiful.” “I guess so,” Dakota shrugged, unmoved by the view she’d grown up seeing every day.
“Is that all? You guess so,” Macy shook her head. “Why did you agree with me about moving here when you obviously don’t want to be here?”
“It’s not that,” she protested.
Macy raised an eyebrow “uh huh right.”
“Fine,” she huffed, letting out an irritated huff. “I never thought I’d be the one coming back to live. I always imagined myself in some exotic place.” Shrugging a little “I just had a lot of dreams and being back here feels like I failed or something.”
“Failed,” she cried. “What makes you think that? There’s nothing wrong in coming home and making the ranch you grew up on thrive again.”
“I know,” she mumbled, taking Macy’s hand “It’s a mind thing. I’ll get over it. I promise. I loved growing up here. Riding horses. My parents. It’s a perfect place to raise a family.”
“It will,” Macy agreed, “although we have plenty of time before we start a family of our own. I want to get things fixed up around here first.”
“What if I tell you we’ll have to do both?” she asked, biting her bottom lip.
Frowning “what do you mean?”
“I’m pregnant,” she watched as her words sank in wondering how Macy would take the news.
A grin slowly spread across her face “we’re gonna have a baby?”
“Yes,” she grinned, nodding “I’ll let you and dad do whatever you want with the ranch as long as I can decorate the house anyway I want. Daddy and I can do that.”
“Deal,” Macy put an arm around her “don’t go overboard.”
“I won’t,” she rolled her eyes “I did go to school for interior design. I was thinking maybe I’ll see if  anyone else might want some  professional help.”
“I think that’s a great idea,” Macy encouraged. “You might be surprised.”
“I might,” she agreed even though she didn’t sound like she believed it.
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tiny-tany-thaanos · 3 years
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Marius Villanueva for @legendofsim
Originally from Lucky Palms this sociable young sports-enthusiast came to the Islands exploring the water sports’ variety. Little did he know that he would fall in love with the place and settle there down. Today Marius owns a small boat and surfing boards’ renting inn. Sometimes he also gives private lessons to the passionate surfer wannabes. 
In Lucky Palms stayed Marius’ family: his moms and two siblings. He was adopted as a baby by Villanueva couple together with one more girl who isn’t biologically related to Marius. The third child in the family is his mother Theresa’s son from her first marriage. 
Marius has always known he and his sister are adopted as well as the fact that his parents gave him up for adoption as “it was the most responsible thing to do in their situation”. He doesn’t hold any grudges against them but neither does he want to meet them. He wouldn’t trade his moms and siblings for anything in the world. 
As for his love life... It’s been a couple of years since his last serious relationship. While finding the right partner would certainly be nice Marius prefers to go with the flow. Will this flow connect him to his soulmate on the islands? The time will show.
Hair (TZ1008)| Shirt (simlish version)
Private Download
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reverieinsimlish · 6 years
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Adriana Roda for @legendofsim
Personality: While slow to warm up to new people, her friends know that Adriana deeply appreciates life’s simple joys. Once her reserve has been breached, she can actually be quite loud and boisterous, only to clam up once someone outside her trusted circle appears. She knows swear words in 3 languages and can make a sailor blush, which invariably shocks people. 
Likes and Dislikes: She hates any noise at all while she’s trying to sleep. She loves tending her plants and sometimes finds them better listeners than people.
How do they feel about zombies?: She could find some very loud expletives for anything that threatens her precious plants, but it would be a flash in the pan before she started crying.
Family: Adriana’s most treasured memories are of learning how to coax a wide variety of plants into growing. Zombies, humans, and sickness have all taken a toll on her family, leaving her the last. She dreams of someday teaching her own child the secrets of seeds and weeds that she learned from her parents.
Any living relatives: No.
CC List under the cut:
Skin: Fresh Blue Non-Default (You’ll have to fix it because I used Skininator to add more ramps to the version in my game.) Eyes as on Lane’s post.
Hair: Anto Youth converted by simsoficeandfire
Eyebrows: Kurasoberina Jessica eyebrows
Makeup: Tifa Eyebag, S-Club Lashes Set N1 (I think, always hard for me to tell), Synestesi Contour (same as Lane, so only 1 thing), Tifa Clear Lipgloss V2
Clothes: Shirt: UL, Shorts: 70′s, 80′s and 90′s stuff (but no reason why UL or Pets shorts wouldn’t work), Boots: UL  Also only did everyday outfit, so no telling what everything else is, so change it as needed.
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wannabecatwriter · 3 years
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Brandon Lind for @legendofsim
Brandon is somewhat of a prodigy when it comes to computers and technology, running a successful blog where helps people fix their computers and other house tech in easily-understandable terms and assesses new technology for all its pros and cons. Interacting with him online, one would assume he’s an extremely charismatic jack of all trades who can accomplish anything. Unfortunately, Brandon is only like that when he had the option to interact with people over the internet. Face to face, he’s extremely shy and awkward and often puts his foot in his mouth over the simplest of things. Maybe that’s why he always carries a book around with him, so he could stick his face in it and avoid unnecessary human interaction that would embarrass him even further.
Despite all that, Brandon is a hopeless romantic, who still hangs on to hope that one day he’ll meet someone who sees past his poor social skills and sticks around long enough to get to know him and keep him company.
CC: Hair  Shirt  Eyebrows (3)
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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“Yeah I can think of one” he smirked “she can have mine.”
Almost choking on his drink Trebor sputtered “where do you plan on living?”
“I thought I’d move in with you” he replied like he was discussing the weather. “We’ve been living here for the past couple of weeks. Why change when we get home?”
“I guess,” he said slowly, “but you have the bigger apartment.”
“Doesn’t matter” he shrugged “I know you. You wouldn’t want to move into mine.”
“Oh yeah” he leaned into Braylin’s legs. “You’re right I wouldn’t want to do that.”
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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Nodding, she turned away tears rolling down her cheeks “I really am sorry.” As they stood and watched she turned and slipped through the door.
Trebor broke their shocked daze. “Go after her,” he urged, turning to his cousin.
Geoffrey nodded, moving towards the door, his movements stiff and disjointed. Pulling the door open he called out “Lia wait.”
Moving to the door left open by their guests Braylin asked “do you think they’ll be able to work things out?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “everyone deserves a second chance. Lia is a lot of things but she’s passionate about things and she cares about Geoffrey.”
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“Yeah you’re right” he agreed, closing the door. “What’s for supper?” he asked, changing the subject.
“I thought maybe we could go out for seafood,” Trebor suggested.
“Sounds good to me,” Braylin agreed. “Maybe over dinner you’ll tell me what your mom had to say when she called this morning.”
“Maybe,” Trebor said with a sigh. He was enjoying being home. He wasn’t in any hurry to go back to the old grind but soon they’d have to.
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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Hugging herself tightly she half turned away “I shouldn’t have said the things I said to your parents.” She blurted the words out quickly as if she were afraid if she didn’t say them at once they’d never come out at all.
“It wasn’t just what you said” he said taking a step towards her “It was the way you said it.”
“I know” her voice quivered as her calm exterior slipped. “I just wanted to help” she gave him a beseeching look, her hands reaching out to him.
“You called them idiots” his voice was stiff, accusing.
Her hands fell limp to her sides. “That’s the way it looked to me. Refusing my help” She glanced towards Trebor “you agreed with me when Trebor refused to listen to me about his issues at the hospital. I thought you would, with your parents too.”
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“I never said you didn’t have good ideas,” he said, relenting a little. “I said you never listen to anyone once you’ve made up your mind what they ought to do.” He glared at her, his anger just below the surface. “You don’t seem to realize that other people have good ideas too. If you want others to take you seriously you need to listen to them and their concerns otherwise you’ll never be able to help them effectively.”
“I do,” she protested.
They all looked at her as if she had lost her mind. It was Geoffrey who broke the stunned silence. “You only listen when it suits you or the agenda you have. Did it even occur to you that my parents had already consulted with a lawyer? Thanks to you and your big mouth they have to start over. The property dispute was close to being resolved but now …. Who knows.” He glared at her temporarily at a loss for words. “They’re going to have to pay for another surveyor, additional lawyer fees and hope the asshole neighbors won’t be able to fight it.” He took a deep breath “that’s all thanks to you not being able to keep your big mouth shut.”
“But I…” she hung her head “I just wanted to help.”
“You made things worse” he said “you’re not a lawyer yet. I know you’re learning all kinds of things about the law. Things you want to apply but you’re not there yet.” Pausing he took steps towards her “you need to learn, to listen and occasionally keep your mouth shut.”
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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Getting to his feet Trebor sheepishly waved at them. Braylin smiled moving to his side. Leaning into the kiss Braylin pressed to his cheek Trebor said “hi Lia. What brings you here?”
“I’m hoping Geoffrey was here” as she spoke, her eyes swept the room, searching.
“I don’t know if he wants to talk to you,” Trebor said, measuring his words carefully.
Her face paled a little beneath her bright green hair. “Please, I need to tell him something. Then if he still doesn’t want me here I’ll go.”
Getting to his feet Geoffrey leaned against the wall trying to pull off a nonchalant attitude. “Say it and go,” he said.
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Looking in his direction, her eyes were almost painful to see. Nudging Braylin in the side Trebor said “we’ll be in the other room if you need us.”
“No” Geoffrey cried “don’t go.”
The desperation in his eyes and voice made them stop. Turning towards Lia she too nodded wanting them to stay.
“I’m sorry” she began licking her lips like she was nervous.
“Is that it” he demanded incredulously “you can do better than that. Where’s the eloquent speech?”
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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Avery Atwood for @legendofsim's Paradise BC
Age: 20
Avery has always considered his step father as someone to look up to. He first met him when he was a little kid after Castel jumped into the ocean to save him from drowning. He used to call him Achoman (Aquaman) his all time favorite superhero. The happiest day of his life was the day he walked his mom down the aisle on her wedding day. Castel is more than his step dad he is is dad, the man he looks up to and hopes to emulate.
They live in Hidden Springs where Castel has recently set up a subsidiary company. Avery has no interest in taking over the family business and would just as soon let his younger brother take over the business while he pursues a career in music. However as a compromise with his parents he has agreed to go to college.
For his recent 20th birthday his parents have sent him to the resort for the summer. The plan was for him to have a few months of fun in the sun, no school, no responsibilities. Upon arriving at the resort he found out they were looking for a singer to entertain the guests at night. Wanting to work on his showmanship he applied and got the job. Now he hopes that maybe there will be some famous people there who might be on the lookout for new talent.
Avery is a pushover for anything cute and cuddly. He has helped raise money for shelters and would adopt every animal in need of a good home. He was the kid who was always bringing home animals to be tended.
He dislikes water. He's fine as long as his feet can touch the bottom but once his head goes under he panics. He knows all too well how it feels to drown and can't quite shake the fear that it could happen again.
He's quick to take offense of anyone talking badly of his step dad. He knows Castel isn't perfect and he's heard all about his failed relationship with Blair Gray. Castel has told him multiple times to always be honest with anyone he intends to start a relationship with. So far it's proven to be good advice. He just wishes his past girlfriends had also been honest with him in return.
Traits: athletic, virtuoso, star performer, handy, animal lover
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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“Find what hard to imagine.” Trebor asked, walking in from the kitchen.
“Dishes done” he asked.
“Mostly” he grinned sheepishly “grandma wouldn’t let me touch her special bowls.”
“Still afraid you’ll break them” Ian stated in a knowing tone.
“One day you’ll be glad I was careful with them,” Celia said, joining them. “They’ll be yours when I’m gone.” Looking over at Trebor “I know you’ll take good care of them.”
“Hopefully that’ll be years from now,” Trebor said, making himself comfortable in Braylin’s lap.
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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“And you are” she swooped down kissing the top of his head “I know how you are towards Trebor.”
Watching her walk away he said “I’ve been with her for over fifty years and she never ceases to amaze me.”
Frowning, Braylin looked towards the kitchen where Celia was talking to Trebor. She was old but she still had light strands of blue hair the same color as Trebor’s father. “You don’t look that old,” he observed.
“I’ll take that as a compliment” he chuckled “most days I don’t feel that old either.” Waving a hand towards the sitting area “lets talk.”
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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“You cooked” he protested “the least I can do is the dishes.”
“I’ll help,” Braylin offered, moving to follow him.
Celia stood shaking her head at both of them. “No, I’ll help. It’ll give you and Ian a chance to get to know each other.” Giving her husband a piercing gaze she admonished him “be nice.”
“What” he asked, somehow pulling off a face that both said he was offended and innocent at the same time. “I’m always nice. You’re the one always telling me I’m too nice.”
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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“Mrs Bennett, that meal was delicious” Braylin beamed at the older woman.
“Thank you,” she patted her husband’s hand, “but I’m not the one who should be getting the credit.”
Ian grinned “you helped.”
“Well thank you both” Trebor stood gathering the plates.
“Put those down,” Ian barked at his grandson.
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dandylion240 · 3 years
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Six Months Later
Ryan reached for Charity’s hand. There was a slight pressure as she squeezed his hand. There were also the unmistakable sounds of muffled subs coming from her as well. Words escaped him. It was all so hollow. Meaningless.
“It isn’t fair,” she cried, turning to face him. “Our little girl should be having fun. Falling in love. Figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up.”
Pulling her into his arms, smoothing her soft long hair. ‘I know,” he whispered. What could he say? Life wasn’t fair. They’d never know what Unity would have become only what she was. Their beloved little girl. Gone too soon.
Sniffing “I should be relieved that she’s not in pain anymore.” Her fingers curled around the collar of his jacket “I want her back. I want my baby back.”
Kissing the top of her head mumbling “me too.”
They were the last to leave the cemetery. Neither of them wanted to leave their little girl behind. As the sun began to set they turned from the freshly dug grave knowing that their little girl had gone ahead of them and one day they’ll see her again.
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