#lei do retro fit
myeventstore · 2 months
Behind the Scenes: Planning a Themed Party
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Discover how to plan a themed party with our comprehensive guide. Explore the best themed party ideas, and tips for event lighting rental UAE, and audio-visual rental Dubai.
Planning a themed party can be an exciting yet challenging task. Whether it's a New Year's celebration, a birthday bash, or a corporate event, a themed party adds an extra layer of fun and creativity. In the UAE, where events are celebrated with grandeur and flair, knowing how to plan a themed party is essential. This blog post will take you behind the scenes of themed party planning, offering insights, tips, and the best themed party ideas to make your event unforgettable.
Choosing the Perfect Theme
Selecting a theme is the first and most crucial step in planning a themed party. Here are some top themed party ideas to consider:
Hollywood Glamour
Roll out the red carpet and let your guests feel like stars.
Use gold, black, and red color schemes.
Set up photo booths with props for a true Hollywood experience.
Tropical Luau
Transform your venue into a tropical paradise with palm trees and leis.
Serve tropical cocktails and Hawaiian cuisine.
Play island music to set the mood.
Masquerade Ball
Encourage guests to wear masks and elegant attire.
Use dim lighting and candles for a mysterious ambiance.
Plan for a grand reveal at midnight.
Retro 80s
Bright neon colors, big hair, and classic 80s music.
Decorate with vinyl records and cassette tapes.
Consider a dance-off to iconic 80s hits.
Planning and Organization
To successfully plan a themed party, organization is key. Here are the steps you should follow:
Determine your budget early on.
Allocate funds for decorations, entertainment, catering, and rentals.
Venue Selection
Choose a venue that fits your theme and guest list size.
Ensure the venue has the necessary facilities and accessibility.
Design invitations that reflect your theme.
Opt for digital invitations to save on costs and reduce waste.
Event Lighting Rental UAE: Setting the Mood
Lighting plays a crucial role in creating the perfect ambiance for your themed party. Consider these options:
Best Lights on Rental in Dubai
From fairy lights to spotlights, the right lighting can transform your venue.
Use color-changing lights to match your theme.
Sparkulars and Special Effects Rental
Add sparkulars for a dramatic effect.
Consider a dry ice machine fog for a mystical atmosphere.
LED Screen Rental in Dubai
Use LED screens to display themed visuals or event highlights.
Great for interactive elements like video montages or live social media feeds.
Audio Visual Rental Dubai: Enhancing the Experience
A high-quality audiovisual setup ensures your party runs smoothly and entertains your guests:
Sound System Rental Dubai
Ensure clear audio for music, speeches, and announcements.
Consider a mixer like the Yamaha MG124CX for seamless sound control.
Extron HDMI Splitter
Useful for events requiring multiple displays, maintaining high-quality visuals.
Best AV Rental Company in Dubai
Partner with a reputable company for reliable service and high-quality equipment.
Entertainment and Music
Music and entertainment are at the heart of any themed party:
Live Performances
Consider hiring a band or a DJ from a reputable disc jockey store.
Use instruments like the Greg Bennett Guitar Avion or an electronic drum set for live performances.
Playlists and Music Themes
Curate playlists that fit your theme.
For a New Year theme, consider a countdown with special effects.
Catering and Beverages
Food and drinks should complement your theme:
Themed Menus
Design a menu that reflects your theme, such as Hawaiian dishes for a luau.
Offer signature cocktails that match your theme's colors and flavors.
Use decorative tableware and serving dishes.
Consider interactive food stations for added entertainment.
How do I choose a theme for my party?
Consider your interests, the occasion, and your guest list. Popular themes include Hollywood glamour, tropical luau, and masquerade ball.
What is essential for setting the mood at a themed party?
Key elements include the right lighting, such as event lighting rental UAE, and appropriate decorations that match your theme.
How can I ensure high-quality audio and visuals for my party?
Use professional audio-visual rental services in Dubai. Ensure you have a reliable sound system, mixers, and LED screens.
What are some unique entertainment ideas for themed parties?
Consider live music performances, DJ services, and interactive activities like photo booths or dance-offs.
How can I make my party eco-friendly?
Opt for digital invitations, reusable decorations, and locally sourced food. Partner with companies that offer sustainable rental options.
What are the benefits of hiring a professional AV rental company?
Professional AV rental companies provide high-quality equipment, technical support, and ensure your event runs smoothly.
Planning a themed party requires creativity, organization, and attention to detail. By following these tips and incorporating the best themed party ideas, you can create an unforgettable experience for your guests. Utilize the top services for event lighting rental in UAE and audio-visual rental in Dubai to enhance your event. Whether it's a retro 80s bash or a glamorous Hollywood night, make sure your themed party stands out and leaves a lasting impression.
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disappearingground · 5 years
Interview: Jenny Lewis on 'The Voyager', True Love, and her Musical Sisterhood.
Coup de Main October 6, 2015
By Shahlin Graves
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There’s a red panda toy on-stage tonight - undoubtedly a first for Sydney’s Metro Theatre (after the show, bemused Australian venue staff take photos of it on their phones). The 'lil panda sits proudly, surveying its surroundings - star-spangled rainbows and bouquets of fresh flowers - looking on as JENNY LEWIS and her five-piece band impress the heck out of an adoring audience.
Jenny Jr., The Panda, (as named during our interview at soundcheck / photos here) looks how I feel - equal parts ecstatic and reverential. When the last decade of your life has been soundtracked by all of Jenny Lewis’ albums, this kind of silent shout-out is like the bucket-list item I’ve always wanted to become reality, but just didn’t know.
Hours earlier, while writing a postcard addressed to New Zealand, Jenny tells us an anecdote about her time on Mumford & Sons’ stopover tour: "I just did this Gentlemen Of The Road festival show, and they have postcards pre-stamped backstage for the artists, so that you can send a postcard to someone - but I just sent postcards to myself, and I sat there for hours writing poems on these postcards about the Jersey Shore. I don’t know if that was their intention, putting them there."
Jenny Lewis is my spirit animal - she’s unashamedly unapologetic, the epitome of big sis wisdom, and a good human; like the very best kind that exists. Whoever said that you shouldn’t meet your heroes, has obviously never met Jenny.
"Can we embrace? I feel like I need to hug you after that," says Jenny post-interview, and the feeling is wholeheartedly mutual.
"...for me, it’s all on the table. My work, it comes from my soul, I’m never writing for someone else. I write from that feeling; so there are no rules."
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COUP DE MAIN: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us today! I grew up listening to Rilo Kiley, so this is such an honour! And in celebration of your existence, as tribute, we’ve bought you a lolly-lei made out of snacks. JENNY LEWIS: Oh my gosh, you guys! Are you serious? Thank you! What are these snacks? Milk bottles?! Thank you, I’ll need these later.
CDM: Selfishly, I’m so happy that you’ve got some Rilo Kiley songs on your current set-list - I don’t think Rilo Kiley ever came to New Zealand, so this is like the end of a long wait for me. JENNY: No, and we didn’t make it to Australia. Blake [Sennett] has a fear - or had a fear - of flying, so I think that was one of the reasons why we didn’t make it in the end. It’s a long flight, it’s quite a commitment - but that’s what drugs are for. <laughs>
CDM: Well, so that you have a super good reason to come visit NZ next time you’re in this part of the world, we’ve adopted you a Red Panda from the Auckland Zoo back in New Zealand. JENNY: WHAT?! This is the best interview I’ve ever done. This is the cutest little guy ever! This is Jenny Jr.? Because I have a purse - it’s like a little mouse-purse, and I call him Gary - and I wonder if Jenny Jr. will fit inside of Gary?
CDM: Jenny Jr. and Gary can be friends! JENNY: Yes! Perfect.
CDM: After working with Ryan Adams on your latest album and then touring together, it’s rad that it just so happened that you’re on the road together again here in Australia. Is tour-Ryan any different to studio-Ryan? JENNY: Ryan is pretty consistently himself, but the coolest part about travelling with Ryan is that he travels with a pinball machine in a road-case. So backstage, there’s always pins to be played. I was never a pinball fan until I started making 'The Voyager' with Ryan, and now I’m a pretty... I can’t say that I’m very good at it, but I really enjoy blowing off steam.
CDM: Can you beat Ryan? JENNY: I can’t beat him at anything. Maybe I could beat him at making a better Grass-Fed burger or something, but that’s about it.
CDM: Girls can do anything, Jenny. Keep practicing. JENNY: Yes! But he’s a pinball fanatic. I’d have to put in a couple years - I don’t have the time to play that much pinball.
CDM: While in NZ last week, Ryan made national news after he helped rescue an abandoned kitten that he found in a cemetery. Is that a normal kind of life-event for Ryan? JENNY: Really?! Did he really?
CDM: Ryan was the #1 Trending Topic on NZ Twitter with #CemeteryCat. He was roaming a cemetery one night, happened upon this abandoned kitten, then rallied our entire nation to try and help save/adopt it. JENNY: Did he just happen upon the cat?
CDM: I assume he was staying at the hotel opposite the cemetery. JENNY: Amazing! We’ve unfollowed each other on social media, so I don’t know anything about #CemeteryCat. <laughs>
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CDM: 'The Voyager' album opens with 'Head Underwater', in which you sing, "Looking out on my life / As if there was no there." A year on from the album’s release, do you still feel that disconnect with your past selves? JENNY: No, and I think that line is about the past even in the song. Like, this is what happened to me and I’ve come through it. By the end of the song, that is no longer the case.
CDM: When you look back on your life, do you visualise your past selves as Matryoshka Russian nesting dolls? Or more like pieces of a jig-saw puzzle that fit together? JENNY: That’s a good question. I think more of the Russian dolls, because that little you - that little innocent girl - is always in there somewhere.
CDM: The line, "If for just one second it helps us to remember that we like each other the most" in 'Slippery Slopes', is one of my favourite lyrics on the album. It’s so unashamedly unapologetic, which isn’t a typical narrative for female musicians in this day and age. Why do you think pop-culture stereotypes tropes of female fidelity and infidelity, pitting 'good girls' against 'bad girls'? JENNY: That’s a big question and I think that everyone’s sexuality is their own - you’re on your own path and there’s no right or wrong way to do things. I’ve been in a committed long-term relationship, and that has ebbs and flows, as any long-term relationship does. But it’s funny, 'She’s Not Me' from 'The Voyager' [album], some people have assumed that I’m saying, "She’s not me, she’s easy," as if she’s promiscuous - and that’s not the point of the song at all because I would never say that about another woman and I don’t judge women by how they choose to carry themselves in that regard. But really, it’s just about someone who’s a little easier to live with than me. <laughs> She’s easy; I’m a little more complicated, it’s a little more difficult with me.
CDM: Another of the album’s important takeaway lines, is of course, "There's only one difference between you and me / When I look at myself, all I can see: I'm just another lady without a baby," in 'Just One Of The Guys'. Do you feel frustrated with society’s gender constructs? JENNY: I do, but that line in that song is-- well, it changes from night to night, but on most nights, it’s light. It’s not entirely heavy, and I think that it’s okay to talk about those things in your work. I think there are pressures... like, you have to choose between your career and having a family - you can do both, or you can choose neither, or it’s okay to define yourself through your work rather than other humans that you’re creating.
CDM: I don’t really read album reviews unless it’s research-related, so I only read The Telegraph’s review of 'The Voyager' this week. They said, "Given Lewis’s age and retro-musical instincts, major stardom may now be beyond her grasp, but if you like your pop music grown up, she’s up there with the big boys." Every word of that sentence makes me livid, from them putting an expiry date on your career to the 'big boys' idiom. Do you think that music journalists would be judging these songs in the same way if they were Rilo Kiley songs? JENNY: I don’t know... because if they were Rilo Kiley songs, if my band were still together, I’d still be a 39-year-old woman writing pop songs. I didn’t actually read that review when it came out. <laughs> I was reading an interview recently with Meryl Streep and she said something really interesting. She said that when she turned 40, the only parts that she was offered were parts to play witches in movies. <laughs> So if someone like Meryl Streep feels it, I certainly feel it. But what she’s done, and she’s continued to do amazing work, is she’s also created a writer’s workshop for women over 40 - and it’s specifically for women over 40. So I think that kind of journalism... it will always exist, but I don’t let it affect my work.
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CDM: In Kim Gordon’s book, 'Girl In A Band', she says: "For high-end music labels, the music matters, but a lot comes down to how the girl looks. The girl anchors the stage, sucks in the male gaze, and, depending on who she is, throws her own gaze back out into the audience. Since our music can be weird and dissonant, having me center stage also makes it that much easier to sell the band. 'Look, it’s a girl, she’s wearing a dress, and she’s with those guys, so things must be okay.'" Do you agree or disagree with those thoughts? JENNY: Well, I think that’s why we play indie-rock. Because we don’t necessarily have to subscribe to that. I can only talk about my own experience, and in the way that I’ve presented myself as a female up on a stage with my band or with Rilo Kiley... and I grew up and I was extremely shy - I was a tomboy until I was in my mid-twenties - and when I started feeling more comfortable-- like if you look at early Rilo Kiley photos, I was in jeans and t-shirts, and then I started becoming more confident and just feeling more attractive. And so I started wearing dresses and I started wearing hotpants, and it infuriated some of the people in the audience - some of our hardcore fans - as if I had sold out. But really what was happening, was I was growing up and coming into my own and feeling more comfortable in my own body.
CDM: Because what you’re wearing totally affects the quality of your music. JENNY: Right! But it’s so funny how no-one ever said anything about what Blake was wearing - if he had a moustache or not, or long hair or short hair, or shorts or Tevas, hat or no hat. But suddenly somehow the quality of the music declined because the length of my pants got shorter. So it’s absurd. But again, you embody your own femininity and sexuality in your own time.
CDM: 'Love U Forever' ironically voyages from the bliss of young love, to "the feeling of hell in a hallway" when a relationship is no longer shiny and new. Do you believe in true love? What does true love mean to you? JENNY: I do. I think you have to believe in true love. I think practical love is also a part of the equation, and it takes work to be in love, and I think standing in love is something different than falling in love - and I think that’s the ultimate goal. You meet a lot of people that fall in love very quickly and obsess and then it sort of ends, but just the idea of standing in it is different.
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CDM: Through Rilo Kiley, Jenny and Johnny, and now 'The Voyager' album, you’ve documented your relationships in a public way over a series of albums. It would be easy to dwell on the negative aspects of that sharing, but what have been the upsides for you personally? JENNY: I learn about myself through my songs. And sometimes I write things that I don’t understand in the moment - I write songs because I have a hard time expressing myself in my own relationships, so a lot of times I’ll write something and then three years later I’ll truly understand how I felt at that time. So for me, it’s all on the table. My work, it comes from my soul, I’m never writing for someone else. I write from that feeling; so there are no rules. I never tell myself what I’m not supposed to write about. But talking about my relationship, that’s different - if I’m giving an interview, I think you want to keep some things for yourself. But once you start making rules about what you can and cannot speak to, then you could find yourself in trouble.
CDM: Do you think it’s more important to move forward or move on? JENNY: Move forward. Because, do you ever really move on? I don’t think so.
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CDM: In the Rilo Kiley song, 'Love and War (11/11/46)', you asked: "Can vanity and happiness coexist?" Over a decade later, have you found an answer for that question yet? JENNY: HA! I love that line. That line is so funny, I really thought about it for so long. I think that I probably wouldn’t write that line today, because the hope is that you become more comfortable in your own skin as you get a little bit older. But if I could tell my younger self anything, it would be like, 'Don’t worry about it.' Like a 22-year-old Jenny Lewis, 'Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. You look great. Don’t worry about it.'
CDM: You worked with Vampire Weekend’s Rostam Batmanglij on 'Completely Not Me' last year, for the 'Girls' soundtrack. He’s such an extreme perfectionist, that seems like it would have been the opposite studio experience of working with Ryan Adams who is so primal and instinctual? JENNY: It’s a completely different style of working. Ryan is all analogue - yeah it’s all instinctual, but he is also a perfectionist if he has an idea about the song itself. He doesn’t let the musicians dwell on the process, but he’s very specific about what he wants to hear. Rostam is in a digital world, so things change when you’re not even in the room. But working with both of those guys I learned so much, and I actually am working on a song with Rostam right now - we just started writing something together and I always love working with him.
CDM: You’re so super all about the sisterhood. From having Z Berg perform with you on Jimmy Kimmel Live, to playing at Haim’s Sam Jam benefit show and also having the Haim sisters appear on-stage with you at Coachella this year. As sort of the Patron Saint of Valley Girl musicians, do you feel like a proud Mom watching Haim take over the world? JENNY: How do you know all this stuff?! This is great! <laughs> I am so, so proud of them. I’ve had so many amazing musicians in my band over the years, Este and Danielle Haim, Blake Mills who’s amazing, Natalie Prass was in my band last year... so I’ve seen so many people go on to do really amazing things after spending a little time in my band. I’m so lucky to have people for a short amount of time. And I’ve learned so much from the Haim girls; I’m so incredibly proud of them, and I’m always there if they need me. They were actually over at my house a couple of weeks ago and were talking about songs and writing. I’m always a resource - if you’ve done time in my band, I’m always here for you.
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Finest Girls Fashion Skull Accessories Are Propounded To The Clients
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Tara Ley is popular for being the stockist of beautiful girls fashion skull accessories. Their aim is to deliver classy products and make their customers happy. They are proficient to proffer variety of badass tops. Tara Ley gives queen of the road long jacket. These are light weighted and give an amazing appearance. Such jackets are very comfortable and feel affluent against the body because the quality of cloth is light faux suede oil wash polyester. The colour of this item is dark caramel brown and dark olive. These are highly versatile and go well with every top, bottoms and footwear.
Girls fashion skull accessories are available at economical rates. Tara Ley offers supreme polly pony bling headwear. These are four inch wide headbands and are open in the back of ponytail. It is made up of polyester and spandex material that covers the head completely. These are also capable of absorbing moisture that keeps the head dry from sweat. Such bands are designed beautifully and fit with every personality as well as lifestyle.  These are ideal for ladies who ride because it covers the entire head above from eyebrows followed by ears and do not fly off with high speed.
Tara Ley confers stylish girls fashion skull accessories such as my skull backpack, vivacious pink collection, Rosie skull round pool towel and many more. They also render Belize Aquamarine and white Sapphire cross band. These are made up of 10K white gold and suits well with every outfit. The angel wings sunglasses proffered by them delivers a retro style with strong personality and admiration for peculiarity. These are made up of polycarbonate lenses and are of cat eye style. Tara Ley accords trendy my bella bling bootie as well.
For more information visit: https://www.taraley.com/collections/birth-stones-series
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What to pay attention to buy a table? Select the table to pay attention to these five points will not buy the basic wrong
i replica watches Just said and men have at least three men's life watch, sports watch, dress table, casual table can hold a variety of occasions. Then there are table friends in the background to the old Wei left a few words that you want to watch, you have to know how to choose a table ah! So today, old Wei hand teach you how to choose a suitable watch. How much do you spend on the watch?
h factory replica watches The economic basis determines the superstructure, although this sentence is very economic and political books, but it is the truth ah. Therefore, when you choose the grade of the watch should do what you want, do not buy a piece of land every month to spend money to spend chanting Oh. That in the end how much to buy a more suitable for it, neither too casual nor will you let you live on the soil, the famous watch critic Mr. Zhu Lei had mentioned a principle - a two-month monthly salary to buy A table.
h replica watches This should be easier for many people, if you are a monthly salary of 4000 people, you will buy a iPhone8 spent two months salary, it might as well buy a Mido watch wear more cool. Therefore, this principle is very practical for working-class people. It does not affect daily life and meets the wearer's identity. What type of watch do you need?
If you are in the first watch when you start, it should be based on their occupation and communication needs to make a choice, in general, the daily wear watches to have a functional and practical, comfortable to wear, classic and so on the shape of wild, which said Casual table is friends.
And then is the table to wear sports occasions, sports table based on different sports, such as diving, golf, polo wear a suitable watch. Rolex submariners, Omega hippocampus, plot home flip, as well as racing style Tiger Tagaytay Calera is a very good choice.
Finally, the so-called gorgeous dazzling watch models are suitable for high-end occasions to wear, most of them jewelery watches, precious metal watches and complicated watches, whether or craft are the king in the table, but also the ultimate goal of many watch players. Complex features Breitling air timekeeping, Bulgari watches, Earl jewelery watches to wear this occasion to wear a spotlight, become the focus. What brand of watch for you
Too many watches in the world, Swiss watch, German watch, practical Japanese watch, Patek Philippe, Rolex, Longines, Tissot and many other grades of watches. So whether it is novice or watch fans, the same choice in the brand will have hesitation.
The world is too good brand, too many temptations, if you want to make a decision to buy a watch, then you must determine the brand you need before buying a watch. Do not feel Oops the day after you bought Omega! Breitling seems to prefer ah, regret, and then all night can not sleep. What kind of watch do you need?
To know the watch carefully divided into the material but there are more than 10 kinds, divided into two main categories: precious metals and other metals. Precious metal refers to the main material is gold and silver, this watch is generally high-grade, with high ornamental and value-added is its main feature. Yu Shui watch favorite is the precious metal, covering zirconium, tantalum, magnesium, titanium and other precious metals and diamonds, precious stones, gold, platinum, ceramics, stainless steel and natural rubber perfect fusion.
The other most popular metal is steel, the lower the cost of materials in the corrosion resistance and wear resistance is also quite good, is the mainstream of watch manufacturing materials, if you carefully watch the parameters of the watch, you Will find a lot of steel used in the watch is 316 steel. 316 is a kind of stainless steel, compared with ordinary stainless steel, 316 stainless steel due to the addition of Mo, so its corrosion resistance, atmospheric corrosion resistance and high temperature strength is particularly good, can be used under harsh conditions.
There is the more prosperous ceramic these two years, the lighter weight of this material, the hardness is ten times that of stainless steel, but also has heat, never wear and never fade this advantage, known as the best overall performance materials. What shape do you fit the watch?
Since the watch is an indispensable decoration for men, then the shape is bound to be the most important, that shape is the key to determining the overall style of the watch is not excessive, and now we say how to choose the next watch style.
The first is to size according to their own wrist size, select the size of the dial watch. Most men think watches with a diameter of 40-44 mm are good-looking because the size is large and medium for them. If your wrist is small, then 36 mm table in some cases more appropriate, but personally think that the old Wei try to avoid the choice of 38 mm below the watch.
Watch the mainstream shape of three basic: the classic round, elegant square, retro barrel type. The round shape is the most wild and the most secure shape, no matter what type of people wear are appropriate, but it also means more public, for the pursuit of personality who can consider the latter.
Square is a very temperament to control the shape, this shape is very suitable for Chinese people do not wear the wrist so much, it is more elegant and more can highlight the introverted beauty of the Orientals. Finally, the barrel type, the shape of the table is very retro, but also relatively rare, the style is similar to the square table, suitable for the pursuit of individuality people wear. Of course, there are some special polygons, triangular watches, such as Hamilton's triangular watch, Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore and more.
Do the above five words, when you buy the table will not be so tangled. I hope everyone can buy their own watch.
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