#person: haim
olsenmyolsen · 3 months
Dinner with Scarlett, Brunch with Geneva, and a Tracklist with Fans
Part 42 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: 6.6K
Elizabeth and Y/N head to Scarlett's house for dinner and a chance to meet someone new. Later, brunch with Geneva ends with a follow on Instagram.
Scarlett POV
"What are you laughing about?"
I look up from my phone to see Colin holding our baby boy, Cosmo.
"Lizzie and Y/N at the premiere." I look down at my phone and miss the confused look Colin has on his face. "You're laughing at our friends?"
He walks into my home office and looks over my shoulder as Cosmo babbles. "Look." I hold my phone up to him to show him a series of tweets about Y/N's phone wallpaper.
"No way!" Colin says in disbelief.
I nod and snicker as I look at a few more tweets before turning my phone over.
"So what's up?" I turn in my chair and look at my husband and son. The latter giggles as I poke his tummy.
"Not much," Colin says. "Coz and I were just missing Mom." He looks down at our son in his arms. "Isn't that right, buddy?"
Cosmo just smiles.
"Well, Mom is right here!" I blow a kiss to Colin and Cosmo. "But Mom is busy. She has to get ready for a meeting!"
"With Kate?" Colin asks, earning a nod. "With our Sephora launch and starter kit, it's just a lot of expanding."
Colin begins to walk to the office door. Humming to Cosmo. "I shouldn't be too much longer!" I say only to revive a laugh. "Scar, it's fine. Take as long as you want. I was coming to hang out and to remind you that Jess Parker is coming over tonight."
I freeze in my tracks and look away from my open laptop.
"No, Liz and Y/N are coming over tonight..."
Colin tilts his head. But he has a look that I hate to see.
He might be right.
"Are you sure?" Colin asks. I nod. "Here, I'll call Lizzie." I grab my phone and find Lizzie's contact. I place her on speaker and wait as the sound of ringing fills the room.
I look up, and Colin looks from his phone. He's texting someone.
Jess. He mouths.
"Oh, Hey, Scarlett!"  I hear Lizzie's voice, and just by the tone, I can tell she's smiling.
"Hey, Lizzie! How are you and the rockstar!? Did you see the news??" I smirk and swivel in my chair.
"Yeah, no, I saw Y/N's wallpaper."
I laugh. Y/N's totally gonna get it later from me and Lizzie.
Wait, that sounded dirty.. but I mean... have you seen those two?
"Hey, so sorry to call right after your premiere, but I was just wondering if you and Y/N were still on for dinner?"
"Yeah, of course, we're still on for dinner! Why did something come up?"
I look up to Colin. "Umm.." He flips the phone to face me, and I see a text exchange between him and my friend Jess. With the words: "Yep, I'll be there!"
"Shit," I say. "Shit?" Lizzie repeats back. "No! No.. Sorry! I- I double booked."
"Huh?" Lizzie says, making me quietly laugh. "I double booked dinner tonight with you and Y/N and my friend Jess Parker."
The other side of the line goes quiet.
"Jess Parker? The Jewelry maker? She's your friend?" Y/N speaks up for the first time all call.
"Yes?" I answer, unsure of where this is going, but I quickly find out when Lizzie brings the phone closer to her mouth.
"Scarlett Ingrid Johansson, do you mean to tell me you are friends with Jess Parker, and this has never come up? Not once? You've never once thought to introduce her to her very fashionable friend! Someone who walks the red carpet with you!"
"And me!" Y/N pipes up again.
I gulp. It's clear I've made a mistake.
I look up to Colin only to find him gone. The door to my office closed.
"I- uhhh..."
Before I can even say or think of any words to say, it's like in a blink of an eye, somehow I've time traveled, and I'm in a long sundress while I carry Cosmo to answer the front door for our first guest of the evening.
My long-time friend Jess Parker.
In a way, she's been like a sister to me. Sorry, Vanessa. But we've always been close. Not many people know that the reason I took the role in The Nanny Diaries was because of her.
And while living across the pound for some odd years, she has always been a sound support system. But now that she's back in New York after a long 18 months, it'll be nice to catch up. Oh, and to warn her that she's famous no matter how little she believes me.
I mean, Lizzie and Y/N want a piece of her work, apparently.
Oh shit, that means I have to warn Jess about them coming over too.
But before I can say anything, I'm pulled into a side hug by Jess just before she scoops up Cosmo from me. For a baby who normally screams his head off when someone new takes him, he remains quiet.
"You look so good!" Jess says as she takes her shoes off and looks back at me. Her English accent still on her tongue.
"You too!" I easily reply as I look her up and down. "Love the top!" Jess gives a little shake of her head that says, "eh."
She never was the best about compliments. Her and Lizzie are the same that way.
"So Scar, do you wanna tell me why you were trending earlier?"
Y/N and I are about to arrive in front of Scarlett's when Y/N looks up from her phone with a smile. "What's up?" I ask.
"I just can't believe it's almost here."
I can see on Y/N's phone that she just read an email from her label, which probably led to Y/N thinking about her livestream tomorrow night.
"Is the studio set up?" I question her about the set up the label put together for Y/N. Basically, the idea for the cover of the album started when Y/N had a dream about her and I on a beach flipping tarot cards.
Hence the original name of the album: tarot cards on the beach.
She described it as the most nerve-racking dream she has ever had, and I'm still unsure why.
But when she woke me up to tell me about it. I remember being cranky in the moment but ultimately happy for her.
She then immediately got into contact with her old friend Cyrus and had the label commission a giant canvas of what the album would look like. It's going to be revealed live for the first time at midnight tomorrow, followed by Y/N sharing the tracklist.
I can only imagine her smiley, cute face when she sees the finished product.
Y/N nods. "Yeah, that's what the email was about. They have everything ready to go."
"Even the cards and CD's?" I raise an eyebrow. "Even the cards and CD's." She states.
Following the tracklist reveal, the studio wants Y/N, aka hex, to autograph specially made tarot cards that will go into the CDs for the first 500 people that preorder.
I promised to massage her hands for as long as she wanted after it was done.
"What?" Y/N asks, making me realize that I've been staring at her face. Her perfect face. "Do I have something on my face? Because I know you told me not to snack at the hotel, but I still did it."
I laugh and pretend to wipe crumbs off her lips before leaning in and kissing her.
"You're perfect."
"You're still cheesy." She says. "Learned it from you," I reply and look down at her outfit.
Since it's dinner with Scar, we didn't decide to go clits to wall decked out like we would if it was the twins. We know Scar and Colin are busy with baby Coz, so the fewer clothes that could get messy, the better.
Wait- basically, what I'm saying is that we're just going as cute casual! I'm in brown boots, jeans, and a long black sleeve, while Y/N is wearing wide-ankle khakis, her vans, and a long maroon button-up.
I wasn't sure about the outfit, but she picked it out, and knowing Y/N, she'll be trying to color with Rose anyways, so who cares.
"I like what you're wearing." I look back up to Y/N's eyes and slowly lean in. She does the same until our lips touch again.
"I think the label will push for an August release," Y/N says as she leans her head on my shoulder. "It's still summer, but I was expecting July."
"August is still good, right?" I ask, unsure of what Y/N really wants. "It is." She says. "I think I'm just ready to start some shows because every time I think about performing, I wanna throw up."
That's right.
She's going to be on the road sooner rather than later.
"Well, I'll be there with you," I say and hold her close. But Y/N chuckles, confusing me. "What?" She leans up and fiddles with the ring on her right hand. "I know you'll be there, and I love that, but I know you, and I don't want you to put off filming for me."
I look at her as if she doesn't see through me.
"What do you mean?" I look away from her eyes and clear my throat. "Liz..." She sighs. "I know about Azazel reaching out to you." I found her eyes, and they light up. "We both know I will probably be on the road if people want me to be. So please take any offer that comes your way. I'm mar- I'm in love with Elizabeth Olsen, the greatest Emmy-winning actress of our generation. Not Elizabeth Olsen, the-"
"Y/N." I stop her. "I get it." She leans in and kisses my nose, making me giggle. "Thank you." She says.
The car rolls to a stop in front of Scarlett's, and before Y/N moves away from me, I thank her for always being supportive and caring.
She said, "No, you." before jumping out of the car while laughing.
"Oh shoot. Should we have brought wine or chocolates or anything?" I turn to Liz just after ringing the doorbell. She looks back at me with a look that says yes.
"We should go." I turn my heels to walk away, but Liz grabs my arm and spins me around. "I think it's too late for that." We both know that, but it's not confirmed until the door swings open, and instead of a short blonde greeting us, it's an even shorter blonde.
"Auntie Lizzie!" Rose runs and jumps out of the doorway to Liz's legs with arms outstretched but stops when she sees me. "Auntie Y/N!" She squeals, making me smile.
Her and I are entirely different with one another since our first meeting.
But just like that, Lizzies runs as favorite aunt ends. I see the defeat on her face as the scorned look in her eyes washes over mini Scarlett and I, but- wait, what did Rosie say?
"Huh, Rose?" I ask as I bend down the child by my side. "I said you have to meet my favorite Auntie ever, JP!"
I look at Liz, who looks back to me. Who the hell is JP??
"Rose!" All three of our attentions turn to Mama Bear Scar as she steps out of the house to take Rosebud from me and place her on the ground. "How many times have I told you not to open the door?"
Rose hangs her head. Clearly, knowing that she shouldn't open the door without an adult present. "But I know it was Auntie Lizzie and Y/N." Rose cries.
Scarlett gets onto her knees in front of her daughter. "Rosie, look at me." Rose turns her head to look at her mother. Liz and I watching this interaction like statues. "I know that you know it was them. And that, yes, they are safe people, but still, it is better to be safe than sorry. I'd hate for anything to happen to you." Rose nods. "I love you." Scarlett pulls her daughter close and smiles when a smaller, quieter "I love you too." happens.
Rose pulls out of the hug and looks at her mom. "Can I hang out with Auntie Liz and Y/N?" She asks, earning a nod from Scarlett. "Yes, you can."
And just like that, I have Rose by my side as she points at every little thing in the hallway as if I've never been here before.
"Is that a chatterbox I hear?" Another woman's voice surprises Liz and me as we enter the kitchen. As soon as our eyes see the person, we immediately remember. "Auntie JP! Look, I brought friends!" Rose smiles proudly and makes a grand gesture with her arms.
"I see that!" Auntie JP, aka Jess Parker, says as she comes up and makes a goofy face at Rosie before turning to Liz and I. "Hi!" She says as she extends her hands to Liz first. "It's nice to meet you finally." Jess smiles widely at Liz as Liz returns the greeting.
Rose watches the interaction with glee as Jess turns to me. "You must be Y/N." She extends her hand to me as well before leaning closer to whisper: "Scarlett, let it slip that you have a huge crush on her."
Immediately, I groan and turn around to the older woman, but she puts her hands up. "Hey, look at Twitter and tell me what's true!" I roll my eyes away to see Colin laughing as he fixes Liz a drink. "Yeah, yeah, keep laughing, Jost."
I narrow my eyes before Rose grabs onto Jess and I. "I want to show you my new coloring book! It's in my room!" Liz turns her head at this. "Can I come, Rose?" Rose thinks before walking away. "No, thank you."
As comedic as Rosie is, I see Liz's face falls. So, instead of having Rose pull Jess and me away, I crouch down to her. "Hey, Rosie, how about you go grab all your art supplies and books, and we can color them at the table before we have to get ready for dinner. How does that sound?"
Rose thinks and agrees before pouting a little. "Can you see my room later, too? I got some of new toys of momma."
Jess crouches next to me and nods to encourage Rose. "That sounds great." Rose nods and runs to grab her things.
"Drink?" Colin asks as I turn around. "Yes, please," I say as I stand by my girlfriend sitting at the kitchen island. "Damn, I can't believe I'm old news now." Liz jokes as Scarlett brings in baby Cosmo. "I doubt that," I say as I kiss the top of her head. Liz shrugs. "You and Jess seem to have it pretty covered."
From the tone, I can tell there's more under the surface.
But before anything can spill from my mouth, Scarlett hands me a babbling baby boy. "Carefully, he's rigged to blow any minute." I grimace but hold Cosmo steady. "Gee, thanks." Scarlett winks at me. "Want me to talk to her?" Scarlett asks Liz in regards to Rosie. Liz lightly laughs and shakes her head. "She's a kid. She's fine."
Scarlett gives a flat smile as Colin places a drink before me and Jess across the island.
"Be honest..." Scarlett starts. "How many pictures of Natasha do you have on your phone?"
I sigh. "I don't know. Enough to have a folder..." I shrug. This only makes Scarlett smile wider. "Can I see?" She wiggles her eyebrows. "I'd die before I let that happen."
Scarlett looks me up and down. "Put me in a red wig, and I think you would."
I look around the room and see no help on the defense. My girlfriend sips her drink, knowing that she'd rather sit with jealously than engage in between Scarlett and I.
"So Lizzie..." Jess speaks up. "You had a movie premiere today, and now you're here? Slumming it with us? What's up with that?" Scarlett watches her friend tease effortlessly with a smile, and as my girlfriend answers, I watch Scarlett's eyes shift from one friend to the other.
I had no idea Scarlett even knew of Jess Parker, but looking at them side by side, I can see a similarity between them.
I tune into the conversation just as Liz speaks my mind. "Well, what about you, Miss Jess Parker! Word has it closed up shop, but after eighteen months, you're here slumming it with us! I had no idea Scarlett, and you were so close! I mean, I know you designed the Infinity Gauntlet piece Scar wore at the Endgame premiere, but..." I chime in. "We could've used your jewelry on the red carpet earlier this week."
"And tonight!" Scarlett makes a point.
Jess smiles and takes a sip of her Moscow mule. "Basically, I missed home."
"New York?" I question. Jess nods. "I was overseas with my Dad and stepmom, taking time off to find myself." Scarlett pipes up as she wraps an arm around Jess. "A horrible ex who never have to speak about ever again." Jess nods and gags. "The worst. But yes, now I'm back home. Close to Scar again-"
"I'm sorry." I interrupt. "How long have you and Scarlett known each other?"
Scarlett takes the question.
"We grew up together." This information shocks Liz and I, but my mouth works faster than I can stop the words. "Cool. And you never meant to mention this??"
"Babe-" Liz tries to stop me while laughing. "Liz, we could've been wearing Jess Parker this entire time! Do you know how hot you would've looked with a Scarlet Witch Crown!"
I shake my head to make my thoughts pure again.
Everyone laughs, including Cosmo, as he spits up disgusting me just as Rose enters the room, pretending to laugh like she knew what was going on. "Got 'em!" She says as she holds up her supplies and books.
"That's great, Rose! We'll meet you at the table." Rose happily turns to the table at Jess' words as Scarlett takes her baby from me.
"Well, rumor has it the shop might be open again." Jess makes a face to Liz and I as she sips on her drink with a grin before joining Rose.
"Oh, she's fun!" Liz says as she turns back to Scar and Colin. "Fun, huh?" I'm quickly met with a green-eyed glare. "Noted," I say as I take my drink to color with Rose and Jess.
"Wow, Rose!" I say as she is coloring a picture of The Black Widow. Jess coloring in Hawkeye. "I didn't know you had an Avengers book!" Rose looks up at me with an are you serious look. "Yeah." She says before handing me a page. "You can do this one."
It's a picture of The Scarlet Witch.
"I tried asking for it, but she wanted you to color it so you could give it to Aunt Lizzie," Jess says with a smile while also doing a pretty good impression of Rose that the child ignores. I look up at her and laugh.
"Thank you, Rose." I turn to the small blonde. "No problem." She replies.
"Hey, Rosie?" I say as I pick up a red colored pencil. "Yeah?" She looks at me. "I can do this picture, but I think Aunt Lizzie would really appreciate it if you made something for her that was an original piece."
Rose looks away as she thinks before grabbing a blank piece of paper. Paper that looks like she easily took it from a copier somewhere in this house. "Like flowers? She's pretty like flowers."
"Yeah. That's a good idea, Rose."
Pretty like flowers.
I immediately store that line in my head for another day.
As Rose gets to work on a 2-D paper bouquet for my girlfriend, I look up and see Liz fully engaged in a conversation about whatever Colin is talking about.
My eyes travel down her face to her hands.
"Hey, Jess?" I whisper before looking her way. "Yeah?" She whispers back with a smile. "Could I have your number?" Jess widens her eyes a bit before looking in the direction of the other adults. "That's kinda bold of you, don't ya think?"
I give her a confused look before hearing my own words. "Oh my god, no." I continue whispering. "I heard a rumor that maybe your shop was open."
Jess makes an ah sound. "Yeah, and?" I take one last look up at Liz before turning to Jess.
"I'm thinking about a ring."
Jess' lips immediately curl up into a wide smile as she can't help it. "Omg yes!" She jots down her number on a piece of paper, and tears off the strip before tossing it to me. I quickly shove it into my pocket before anyone else can notice.
No one does, but the only person in between us. Rose.
I think nothing of it before remembering that kids talk about anything and everything, and my name and a ring would spill at some point.
"You're getting a ring?" She asks at kid volume, but luckily, no one else heard. "Yes," I whisper. "I want to get Aunt Lizzie a ring, but no one else can know about it." I plead with my eyes at the sweet little Rose.
She nods her head. "Okay." She says innocently enough as her red colored pencils makes contact with the page.
"Legos," She says moments later. "Legos?" I question, indirectly forcing Rose to grace me with her presence. "Legos for the secret."
Jess watches the shake-down happen.
I slowly nod. "Legos," I repeat, unaware that Liz and Scarlett were joining us at the table. "Legos! We're talking about Legos?!" Scarlett asks as she kisses her daughter's head before looking over Jess' drawing. "Yeah! Auntie Y/N said she's going to get me legos once the school year is over!"
Suddenly, all eyes are on me.
"If it's okay with you, Scar," I say as Jess holds back a laugh. Who knew kids were this scary!! Scarlett shrugs. "Sure. We love legos!"
"Legos! We're talking about Legos?!" Colin asks as he enters the room with a freshly changed Cosmo. "Old news, Jost, keep up!" Jess says, making me laugh as Liz sits down next to me.
"Ooh, now, who is this!" She grabs and holds up my colored page of her Marvel character. "I don't know, but she looks pretty hot!" I jump my eyebrows up as I get a playful eye roll back.
"Please, we all know who you really want." Scarlett bites back as she smirks at me.
God, damn Johansson and that smirk.
Dinner came and went with much harassment from Scarlett and her endless run of jokes. While funny, my cheeks might've been painted red by the end. Although I know for a fact she wasn't joking when she said she had a Black Widow suit upstairs.
I'm pretty certain my hand was going to break from how hard Liz was holding me.
Anyways, conversations flowed well, and Colin talked to Liz and me about SNL with Benedict this weekend and how fun that'd be. I then realized that I'd be in the same room with Benedict and how I would restrain myself from trying to get him to say penguin.
I also told Liz she should try hosting SNL, which was tabled for another time.
Jess also talked about how she'd love to make jewelry for Liz and me and our upcoming events—so stay tuned for that. _
"Babe, there's no way you're still jealous after last night!"
Liz scoffs as she pulls on the handle to the restaurant, letting me through first. "Jealous?" She scoffs again. "Who said I was jealous?"
"Me!" I point to myself with my thumb. "All because sweet little Rosebud wanted to sit next to me. Hang out with me. Only talk to me! All last night! You got stuck with a gassy Cosmo." I say with glee as we see William and Geneva stand up from their table in the corner of the restaurant to greet us. "Yeah, because Legos were promised. Oh, and let's not forget about Scarlett's friend!" Liz says as her jaw tightens. "And yes, Jess Parker was very nice. I'm glad Scarlett introduced the two of you. Being chatty and all." Liz says as she waves her hand around, and I know I'm immorally pushing the buttons here. Especially when I say. "Pretty, too."
Liz turns to me, and even through her sunglasses, I can see her glaring at me. "Stop, okay. Fine. Let's say I was jealous, but I have no reason to be right now because I'm Geneva's favorite."
I nod my head and agree. "Yeah... for now." I smugly say as I pass her to greet William first while she hugs Geneva before we switch. "Y/N, sit here!" Geneva pulls out the chair to the right of her. "Okay!" I say with a smile as I turn back to Liz to see her flummoxed.
She wasn't expecting that, but being the polite angel she is, she graciously pulls out the chair and sits across from Geneva.
"Hey, you two are matching!" William points out to Liz and Geneva, who are both wearing their LA Dodgers hats. "Yeah!" Liz says as she removes her sunglasses to glance at me. "I knew I had to match with Geneva today! You know..." She glances. "Had to make someone jealous."
Geneva laughs as she sees me roll my eyes.
William notices, too, but chooses not to comment on it.
"Oh. I hope it's alright, but I ordered a round of coffee for the table. I don't know what you two might've gotten up to last night."
Liz and I thank William and let him know that he's definitely speaking to the two most homebodied people who just so happen to have a certain celebrity status. This makes Geneva laugh again before asking Liz about her garden.
Liz happily answers any question Geneva has, and the conversation flows from one topic to another.
The waitstaff come by periodically, and it's always funny to see the different looks from the surrounding customers as they recognize us.
I know I saw a few phones take some pictures; it's annoying, but that's the life I want to have. It comes with a price. But anytime I did catch someone snagging a pic, I made sure to glare their way.
Not for me or Liz. But for Geneva. She's 15. She doesn't need to be posted all over the internet, first off. And secondly. I'm sure her being pictured with Elizabeth Olsen and myself would bring a particular stress she doesn't need.
"So, Geneva, how was the camping trip?" Liz finally asks the one question I know she has been keeping in her back pocket. And just like Liz said, Geneva's face lights up. "Oh my God, I have to show you pictures. It was so cool!"
As Geneva picks up her phone and begins scrolling, mine begins vibrating in my pocket. I think about checking, but I ignore it and choose to remain present in the conversation as Geneva's phone gets handed to me.
I lean over closer to Liz and begin swiping to the left on her photo album titled 🌲 Oregon Trip 🌲
"Oh my gosh, look at that one!" I say as we swipe by a selfie of Geneva at the top of a waterfall. "That's a stunning picture! Where is that?" Liz says as she looks up to Geneva, but her finger points to an object in the picture.
It's an LA Dodgers hat.
I nudge Liz with my leg under the table before handing Liz the phone to reach mine as it starts vibrating again.
"Sorry," I say to the group as I check the Caller ID: Bo.
"Shit," I say before looking at Geneva. "Sorry." She shrugs. "That's fine. I curse, too. Fuck. See?" She says deadpan before breaking out into a smile, making me and Liz laugh while her dad scolds her. "Honey, don't do that." She shrugs again.
"Who is it?" Liz asks as my screen goes black. "It's Bo." I think he's calling me back to give me the final word on what the album will be titled." I sigh. "I don't think the studio likes the I keep pushing back." Liz brings her hand gently onto my arm before rubbing it up and down. The action, while comforting, reminds me that we're not alone.
"Sorry. Geneva, you were saying?" I question, but William stops me. "Hey, if you have an important phone call, we're more than happy to wait or let you take it." I shake my head. "I don't want to be r-" Before I can finish my sentence, my phone starts vibrating on the table.
"Take it," Liz says to me with a pointed look. William nods in agreement. "Go! Don't worry, I'll have more photos to share!" Geneva smiles at me before focusing on her chocolate chip pancakes. "This place is always so good." She looks to her dad.
"Go." Liz practically shoves me out of my seat with love and care. I nod to the table and let them know that I'll "be right back." As I answer the phone.
"Hey, Bo!"
"You know I called you two other times."
"Uh oh, someone's cranky," I say as I wave to the hostess who waved at me. Good thing Liz didn't see that.
I hear Bo grumble on the other side of the call as I exit the restaurant and begin walking around the parking lot.
"I'm not cranky." He says. "Well then, let me guess, someone got Decaf this morning?" I know I hit the nail on the head when he doesn't immediately quip back. "Come on, who's your favorite!" I tease with a smile.
"Anyways..." He starts making me awww. "Would you like to know what happened in the meeting a few minutes ago, or should we keep joking around?"
As I look back from the hostess waving at Y/N, I'm met with the smirk of a 15-year-old.
"Does that happen a lot?" She asks before stabbing a strawberry with her fork. "Does what happen?" I ask, pretending to be clueless. "Girls throwing themselves at Y/N." Geneva dramatically falls onto the table.
William clears his throat as a warning to Geneva just in case she's crossing a line. But she's not. Because. "No. It doesn't."
Geneva makes a questioning hum.
"Okay, I'll bite. What?" I ask, tilting my head. But the teen just smiles and smirks again.
"Okay, Wanda." She takes a sip of her water. "I was just saying that you had a certain look of jealousy in your eye. I mean, I get it hex is very attractive-" "Geneva."
"Dad." She mocks back. "Elizabeth knows." I breathe out. "For the last time, it's Lizzie." I chuckle. "And yes, I do know. But that doesn't mean every girl throws themselves at Y/N."
(A/N: They do)
Geneva puts her hands up in surrender. "I was just saying." William leans over and apologizes for his daughter in a very teasing way, making Geneva defend herself, leading to her and her dad playfully arguing.
It's cute, but it does make me think about my father. It's been months since I've seen him or spoken to him, and yet I wonder what he's doing right now. I know he misses me, but is he truly sorry?
Y/N has moved on from how he treated her, but I can't.
He hurt me and someone I love—bottom line.
"Elizabeth?" Geneva pulls me out of my thoughts. "It's Lizzie." She smiles back, loving this back-and-forth we have. "Sorry." She makes a very sarcastic gesture as she rolls her eyes. "Lizzie?"
"D-do you think.. Do you think Y/N would follow my Instagram?"
Okay, maybe Y/N IS everyone's favorite.
"I just love you and her so much. And since you don't have any social media anymore, it'd be really cool! Plus, I love her music! And we are all forming this fanfic kinda bond right now, so it seems like-" I hold my hand to let Geneva catch her breath.
I take a glance at William, who shrugs.
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind, but try asking her." Geneva nods and grabs her phone. "Okay!" She immediately gets up and runs out to speak to Y/N.
"Oh wait, Geneva.. I didn't... mean now... she's gone."
"And then there were two." William laughs as he leans back into the wooden chair of the restaurant. Rubbing the grey hairs, he has under his neck. "How long do you think she'll be?"
"I was just about to ask you." I chuckle while William smiles before leaning forward with his elbows on the table. He clears his throat before taking a full of coffee.
"This is a lovely place you and Geneva picked. I've never been here before." I say as my eyes dart around the fun interior. "Yeah. Geneva and I have been coming here since she was about 2." My eyes widen a bit. "Oh wow!"
William nods. "Course, she only remembers it only being just the two of us."
"There was someone else before?" I cautiously ask. Curiosity getting the best of me. William nods again. "Clara. Geneva's mother." There's sadness as he says her name.
"Excuse me for asking. But has she passed?" William doesn't take offense and only offers a shake of the head. "No." He sighs. "I don't think anything will kill that woman." Again, he rubs his shaven beard. "She's not in our lives."
"Oh.. By choice?" He nods. "Ours." Referring to him and Geneva. "Geneva has always been a bright girl. Smarter than me. Funnier than most. She's the type not to be afraid to show off what makes her, her."
I nod along to his words and smile. It's true. I barely know this father and teenager, but everything he's saying is true.
William takes a breath and sniffles as he continues speaking. "Clara did not like that. Especially when Geneva was discovering who she is." I raise my eyebrows and make an ahh noise.
"I used to work a lot more than I do now, so I was blind to it."
I tilt my head and bring my body forward against the table. When William moves his face upward, I can see the light of the morning sun bounce off the water in his eyes.
I hesitate to ask... "Did she ever-?" William stops me before I can finish. "She never laid a hand on her. But the verbal assault was enough." A shaky breath escapes him. "What kind of parent does that?" He asks me.
Once again. I can't help but think of my father.
"It only got worse when Geneva was brave enough to come out and tell us that she was gay." William clears his throat again. "And maybe another reason she did it was to show she wasn't going to change. Or maybe she did it because she truly thought it would change Clara."
William sighs with a shrug.
"Of course, I accepted her, and I thought my wife did too..." He shakes his head. Still hurt. "But one week later, she was trying to send our tween off to a conversion camp."
He pauses.
"I never looked at the person I married the same way after that." He picks up the napkin in his lap and runs it over his nose as I blink away the tears in the corners of my eyes. "I had a point when I started this, I promise." William cracks. "I could tell." I light-heartedly joke back. He smiles.
"Geneva is one hell of a kid. One in a million. And she likes you and your girlfriend. And hell, for some reason, it looks like you like us too." I smile and nod. "And she may look tough as nails, but she's still a kid, at least to me. My girl." He says. "So please be careful with her."
I nod with a sniffle."I can promise you that Y/N and I only want to be the best for her." I take a second. "She's a brave kid. She helped me be brave, too."
William smiles.
"Jesus..." I ran a hand through my hair. "It sounds like we're adopting her." William belly laughs at that.
"They pushed. They want it to be like a real debut album. And since this is more than an EP, they're making you go self-titled. hex." Bo says on the other side.
I sigh. This isn't the worst, and I know I should be grateful for this opportunity. So I breathe out and smile. "Okay. Timetable?" I ask.
"Late Summer," Bo says as he looks at a stack of papers in front of him. "August."
I turn around when I feel the eyes of someone on me. I quietly laugh when I see an out-of-breath Geneva.
I quickly wave to her as she waves back.
"And did they say anything about a tour?" I raise an eyebrow with interest.
I hear Bo go quiet.
"Ten shows to start. With you going self-titled, your livestream tonight and if depending on your sales once released, they'll add more."
I nod to his words, but I hate the roadblocks I have placed in front of that I must maneuver to please men in suits.
"But you get to pick where you want the tour to start."
It makes me smile because I instantly think about my Dad and where to play. "Nashville. Anywhere you can fit me."
When the call ends minutes later, Geneva politely holds her phone out to me, and I press follow.
Saturday Morning May 7th
Billboard Today "Fans of newcomer hex showed up in force just after midnight last night to see the drop for the tracklist to the artist's debut album. The livestream, which many thought was going to be small, was watched by over 200,000 people. Oh, and what about the songs, you ask? It looks like the album is going to be a solid eleven songs. But just before signing off, hex let it slip that there may be more in the future. Deluxe album, maybe?"
PopCrave "Artist hex debuted their tracklist for their debut album hex last night to awaiting fans. Check out the photo below from the livestream!" photo
MusicStarsNow "In a series of tweets starting with a profile picture change. Artist hex shows fans who missed last night's livestream the painting of the album cover commissioned by a friend of the artist Cyrus Wilcott. Followed by eleven tweets. Each one being a track title with short information about the song. However, the final tweet only contained the song title. Other than that, no release date has been given, but we hope for a summer release!"
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A/N: Hey, everyone. Sorry, this took a while! But it's here now with a lot going on! The next chapter will probably skip to the time the album drops. So see you next time! I hope you enjoyed it! Be safe, and drink some water!
Also, below is the real tracklist Fake album. Real songs. ________________________________
Track#. Track Name . (Real Artist)
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hex by hex . 1. Too Bad . (King Princess)
2. My Silver Lining . (First Aid Kit)
3. Nashville . (CMAT)
4. The Last One . (First Aid Kit)
5. Hospital . (Madison Cunningham)
6. Oh Wasn't It Fun . (hex)
7. Graves . (Hand Habits)
8. Always, Joni . (Trousdale)
9. Big Time . (Angel Olsen)
10. Leaning On You . (HAIM)
11. Wishful Thinking . (Gracie Abrams)
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new-york-no-shoes · 1 year
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selserenades · 1 year
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gasoline is like one of the hottest songs ever
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valeeeez · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals! 💞
omggg I love thisss, ilyyy!
so ....
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btwww my fav playlist is this WHICH I MADE MONTHS before of seb's retiring to cope with it, I literally spent 4 months crying.. this is basically everything that seb makes me feel in a playlist😢💓💓
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dirlygupe · 1 year
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
i personally think she chose mad woman, mean, wonderland and topped it off with you're not sorry on purpose, and i think a lot of yall are missing the point. women can be mad about other things than cheating rumors yall fabricated out of nowhere and i think choosing 3 songs in which she calls out the media industry and its obsession with tearing women down and then finishing it off with a song that talks about watching someone (or in this case something) that used to shine so bright, fade away until you're left seeing the reality is very on the nose specifically saying something that I don't think a lot of yall are hearing tbqh
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My current emotional support upbeat song about being lonely
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new-york-no-shoes · 1 year
Why can’t my body let me bejeweled 😩
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putting on my silly little headphones to play my silly little playlists to romanticize my silly little quotidian suffering (3 hour commute)
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ghost-sound · 1 year
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There was so much more than a spark, enough to make me run and follow you in the dark 🌙
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bedcorpse · 2 years
literally what has taylor swift made or done that is so good, so interesting that her fans need to make her the center of the universe. nothing abt kanye west’s antisemitism has anything to do with her. it’s not “revenge,” it’s not karma, stop making everything about your mediocre gentile white woman jesus christ
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keone32 · 1 year
“Wrapped up in your obliques” is my favorite HAIM lyric but it isn’t even a real lyric. I thought someone finally understood the desire to be so close to someone you want to be inside them.
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livingasaghost · 1 year
unclear why i made my foundation twitter of all things but it's like now that it's rebranding i feel like my entire world is collapsing in on itself and while it is depressing as fuck and i want to cry and i feel time slipping through my hands...it's also the first time maybe ever that i see the light at the end of the social media addicted tunnel and ya know what? maybe i can be better without any of these hellsites
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oscarisaacsspit · 1 year
manifesting blondie will perform peace on sunday seattle n2🕯
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