ask-carmenpondiego · 4 months
Chapter 25: Is it cold in here or did Hell freeze over?
A few days later, Lekir and Carmen were packing for their trip to Cador, after much discussion, since Carmen had been accidentally setting things aflame. The trouble was that the Doctor still hadn’t fixed the C5 Doorway to be functional and undetectable. Some components were not compatible then there were some that simply exploded in use. He had to rush off to a place he knew to pick up what he needed to replace and complete the work, and possibly save the world. Lekir was sour that she had missed him as they were about to leave. “Looks like we’ll just need to ask Kalai for a portal. She at least has the authorization to create one. Then we can set your device to return whenever.” She suggested.
Carmen thought for a bit, she knew she may be able to sneak past security as she was at the capital’s portal transit station, but perhaps not since she looked a little different than her passport pictures. Portal travel had been extremely tight to anyone with dimensional portal powers due to the uptick in dangerous activity. Its been restricted to only authorized use and the main portals at each region’s capitals. Lekir knew some folks in her homeworld that were high up the command chain that were able to create portals for them, Carmen has never met them though but she knew they wouldn’t appreciate constant portal requests for her heisting. Portals were rare enough, they were only summoned after months of preparation and consultation at the capitals, and heavily guarded. General teleportation was not as regulated since the amount of magic to be used to travel to different worlds is far too much for an ordinary individual of this particular world, and simple teleports were limited to short distances.
This particular morning, Carmen’s stomach was churning. She couldn’t figure out if she ate something that didnt agree or she was just too nervous. She hasn’t traveled this way before, and she hasn’t been this nervous before. She had everything packed in a single suitcase and ran through a list of things that continued to be done while she was gone. She met up with M and Wally in the foyer for the review. “Alright so we may be gone a few weeks, I don’t know how this training is supposed to go but it’ll help me control this fire thing going on.. Wally, I need you to keep a stock of food, make sure Ninoga doesn’t empty us out, and keep a check on the fresh produce, Blendin may come over and you know he’s a crunchy kid with his veggies. He prefers greens over junk, so make sure theres fresh stuff for him.”
“M, I would like to have Daring introduced to how things work here, she’s my eldest and I would like a family backup if I decide to retire or something. She’s the closest to my body shape and all, gotta keep appearances. Go over the protocols and maybe let her on the field with one of you on one of the lesser priority heists. She may not like it now but she may grow into it.” Her stomach flopped a bit, and she paused. Wally and M looked at eachother, M tilted his head, “You sure you wanna go travel in this condition, Red? You usually don’t have nausea.” Wally gently shuffled her to the foyer sofa, had her sit down, he opened her water bottle for her, “M’s right, are you sure you wanna do this? You do look absolutely green around the gills..” Carmen took a sip and waved them off, “I’m fine, its probably just nerves.. This Cador has much heavier gravity than here and before I was not able to survive, I’m now supposedly able to and I am kinda worried about it not working but I’ll be fine..urp!” She clapped a hand over her mouth as she almost heaved. She got up and dashed to the nearest bathroom, rushing past Lekir. “Whoa.. Is she still sick?? I can let Kalai know to postpone for a day..” M groaned and shook his head, “You know how hard headed she is. She’s determined to leave today as scheduled. We’ve even asked her.”
“Good thing we’re not leaving for a few more hours. Gives her time to settle herself.” Lekir put her hands on her hips, waiting for her wife to be free from the bathroom. “Well, I’m about to go to my physical exam, maybe I’ll bring her along and see if theres anything they can give her to ease it up.” Wally offered. M laughed, “Good luck with that, you know she fuckin hates doctors since she was hauled away after the fuckin fire. Its been years.” Wally shrugs, “All the more reason, its been too long.” Carmen stepped back out to the foyer, looking a little worse for the wear. She had tied her hair up to a tight high-tail, “I’m not going to any doctors. Its just nerves. I’m fine. Go, don’t be late for the appointment. See if they can give something for the pain at least, maybe get them to do a chest scan, we don’t know how far its gotten..” she fussed over him, picking a missed crystal from his shoulder, where the shards shredded a hole. Wally smiles and kissed her nose. “I’ll be fine, just drink some ginger ale or something. I’ll be back soon.”
Blendin rushed through, almost bumping into his father, “Whoop, sorry Pops. Hey Mom, have you seen my backpack? I’m heading to a mission but I need something out of it real quick.” He starts looking behind the cushions of the sofa, M’s tentacle actually held it right above his head in a corner, the two wives snickering, “Look up, sweetie.” Carmen chuckled. Blendin looked around the ceiling for a moment “Hey! I need that! I’m gonna be late!” M cackled as he kept it slightly out of reach. “Uncle M, come on.. please?” The young stallion begged, the brash changeling dropping the backpack into the awaiting arms of the newly eighteen year old. M shook his head with a wicked grin, “That kid cant jump worth a damn..”
While the wives were preparing for their trip, Wally made his way to his appointment in a large city. In a large concrete building that almost looked more like a facility management center like the city’s Water Works, he stepped through the door and flashed his Wander Society coin, “Waldric Wander. I’m here for my physical.” He mentioned to the front desk where he was directed to the waiting room. After a few moments, he was called into an exam room where a new doctor stood to greet him. The tall black and white stallion grinned as he outstretched his hand, “Waldo, Glad you could make it. I’m Dr Ravidel Soltek and I’ll be handling your checkup today…”
Daring walked up to the door right outside Skyggja’s lab, where Sigryn greeted her, “Hello Daring! We weren’t expecting you! Would you like anything to drink?” The young pegasus shook her head, “No, I’m just looking for Mom. Have you seen her?” The dovefox nodded and escorted her towards the workshop area, “Oh yes! Carmen is right over here, getting some adjustments done before her trip.” Daring soon saw Carmen sitting in a shop chair, with a snack-tray in front of her with papers and books, awkwardly trying to sift through things with one arm as Skyggja was just a few feet away, working on the missing arm. Carmen looks up and smiles, “Adora! What brings you here?” Daring huffs a bit in annoyance, "Mom, why do you have a thing in my schedule for VILE training?! You know I don’t want to be a part of this! And with Uncle M for that matter!” Carmen straightens up and takes off her glasses, “Honey, I don’t know what will happen when I’m away and I need you or Blendin to know how things work here just in case there needs to be a leadership shift in the event of emergency. That and if anything should happen to me or your father, you’ll know what to do. I don’t want this to dissolve, too many people have made their home here. So its just a little crash course on how things work. I’m not asking you to become me. I want you to be your own person.” Daring crossed her arms, “You’ve already proven that you are worse at dying than a cockroach. So why me? If you hadn’t noticed, I’m now the only normal person that hasn’t been altered or abnormally strong or have powers..” Her mother beamed, “Sweetheart, I’m talking about your intuition and intellect, your ability to notice details, quick thinking and even quicker reflexes.” Daring glares, “But you don’t see what is wrong here! You have a skewed sense of morals in which I don’t want any part of! You steal from museums and other locations! And its mostly for your own gain! You don’t need any of it! Its all to see if you can while trying to disguise it as a way to punish a more crooked individual!”
Skyggja looks over her shoulder, “It may be stealing but your mother has done more to help others than you realize! She’s not exactly a Robin Hood but she isn’t any Sheriff of Nottingham either! As for doing it to see if she can, I’ve seen first hand how easy she can steal things. No wonder she keeps trying to go for more complicated heists. Theres no effort in protection anymore in lots of places. Consider us like WhiteHats, finding holes in security, only we get paid with their loss.” Daring growls in frustration, “You can get hired legally for that! You don’t have to do it illegally!!”
Sigryn comes over with a tray of drinks for everyone, some spiked lemonade. “I think they learn the lesson harder when its done off a legal paycheck. Besides, Don’t you do similar to us, Daring? You steal things from temples and ruins..” Sig smirked, sipping her own drink. “But thats different!! I’m legally allowed to because its covered under anomalous archeology!! Its my job to collect and neutralize the unstable artifacts for the safety of the world!” Carmen puts her glasses back on and goes back to read a paper, “So its not that different, honey, just a different boss to answer to. Where here, that boss may be you someday.” Skyggja turns, holding the arm, and reattaches it with a couple clicks. Carmen flexes her hand, and moves it around to make sure everything is connected and functioning properly. Daring turns to leave, her mother calling after her, “Just talk to M, he’ll help you out!” Skyggja chuckles as Daring leaves, “You sure have a firecracker there. If she comes around, she’s gonna be a spittin image.” Carmen smirks, “I think she’ll warm up to the idea. She just needs time. Ooh I just got a craving for pickled beets and peanut butter, out of now where.. weird.” Sigryn laughs, “That sounds like a pregnancy craving if I ever heard one! Such a weird combo!” Carmen sips her spiked lemonade, “Nah, I’ve been on a strong birth control since having Blendin. I have unusually high levels of hormones during my cycles and I had to cap it somehow. Not even Kiros could get me pregnant with these pills. Besides, its not so weird, folks used to roast whole onions stuffed with peanut butter about a century ago and it was a household favorite! I personally havent tried it but pickled beets cant be too much different!”
Skyggja raised an eyebrow, “You capped your hormones during cycles yet some of us STILL can’t keep up with your stamina during your heats.” The mare shrugged, “I’m a medical marvel apparently between that and my disability to use my natural unicorn magic. Other than that I used to be perfectly normal!” Skyggja’s mechanical eyes whirred a bit, “Right, well ya ain’t normal anymore. Maybe you should cut back on the drinkin till after you get back. You said your stomach wasn’t too happy with the nerves, and who knows what the portal may do, especially since Lekir said the environment is different.” Carmen waved the notion off, downing the rest of the drink. “I’ll be fine. Thats why I’m double checking with you about my augments. If I can get used to the atmosphere quickly, I’ll be right as a rainbow.”
Within a few hours, Wally had returned, and had a small pill bottle in hand. He went to put it in his medicine cabinet after reading the label when Carmen knocked on the doorframe, “Hey, how’d the appointment go?” Wally smiled and shrugged, “Fine I guess. I got prescribed a new medication that may help slow the crystal growth and help with the pain. Still no word on a cure. But its better than nothing.” She smiled and rubbed his arm comfortingly. “We’ll find a way. I promise. Now you have everything you need while I’m gone? Because once I’m on the other side, its hard for me to get back on short notice.”
He nods, “I think we’ll be just fine. I’m already kinda feeling better. And I haven’t even had the new pill yet.” She points to him, “Take the medicine, even if you feel better now. You still need to take it. The doctors say it will help in the long run. I’ll check that bottle when I get back if I have to.” She chuckles.
Soon it was time to depart, Lekir sent word that they were ready and a shimmering portal appeared with a figure of a gracefully lanky black fox with green tipped ears, a green stripe along her back and emerald eyes, she was dressed in a modern version of a greek muse, the pale green shirt was billowy with draping sleeves and matching dress pants. Lekir crossed her arms and glared at the arriving figure, “Hello Kalai, Its about time you showed up..” The newcomer sneered smugly and got close to Lekir, growling, “About time you begged me to send you back, I expected more groveling.” The two growled fiercely at each other before bursting out laughing, giving each other a big hug. Lekir laughed, “Its soo good to see you, is everything ready for our arrival?” Kalai wiped a laughing tear from her eye and nods, “Oh of course! Everything is all set and ready. And you must be Carmen, I’ve heard so much about you. You are absolutely glowing!” Carmen blushed as Kalai looked her over, “Its a pleasure to meet you, and I’m just nervous. I’ve obviously never been to Cador and I’ve heard so many stories about it.” Kalai smirked, “Its a certainly more than that but I’ll explain more when you’re settled and checked out.” Carmen hesitated, “Checked out? Like customs and quarantine right?” Kalai tilted her head, “Its a medical standpoint to see how far along you are and to see how your new blood is effecting you.” Carmen relaxed a bit, “Oh right, haha, to see how far I’ve adapted to this, right. Got it.” Kalai chuckled with a confused look, “Did you forget that I can sense all life and health? Or did Lekir not relay that.” Lekir huffed, “No, I told her everything I knew!”
Carmen reached out in a sudden thought, right before Kalai was about to speak, “Wait! So that means you can heal, right? Like take diseases away? May I ask a favor before we depart? My husband, Waldo, has been inflicted by what we call Vivian’s Burden. Its fatal with no cure. We haven’t had any luck finding anything that helps. Can you help him?” Kalai sighed and had him stand near her since she couldnt stray far from the portal without it closing. She looked him over, “You recently took out all the shards of crystal?” Wally nodded, “We try to take out any that we see.” Kalai turns to Carmen, “I do not do these for charity, I do require payment and the cost will be steep. Are you prepared to pay my fees for such a service, even in your condition?” Carmen gave a confused face and looked herself over, “My condition? Like my limbs? Whatever my condition, yes I will pay whatever the price, I have plenty of money or priceless art, or if I dont have what you want, I can get it with no issues... Just.. we’re running out of time to find him a cure. He has less than a year and a half before it starts getting to his vitals.” Kalai looked her over and proceeded to reach out her hand, touching Wally’s chest and with a soft green glow, she pulled the illness from him absorbing it into herself and destroying it, healing his wounds from the crystals. “We shall discuss payment when you get settled then, and it will not be monetary.”
Wally lifted his shirt and smiled wide, laughing, “Holy moley! I feel amazing! I didn’t realize how much strength I lost!” He did a couple hops and ran over to Carmen, picking her up and twirling her, giving her a deep kiss. “Oh this is wonderful! Thank you Kalai! I have a new lease on life!” He woops out. Carmen smiles and laughs, “Better thank Lekir too! She’s the one who knows Kalai and had her come here!” Wally went right over to Lekir and gave a big bear hug to which Lekir patted his back and felt awkward. “Thank you so much!” Lekir pried him from her with a chuckle, “Yeah, no prob. I didn’t realize this was the answer you all were looking for.. “ Kalai smiled, “Its may not have been the main reason for my being here but if a life can be saved, I’m happy to help. Now, say your farewells for now, I’ll have you back safely within one month of your calendar.” M takes a draw from his cigarette and strides up to Kalai. “You better fuckin keep them safe. Those two are my charges, and I don’t like being fuckin far from them. If anything happens to them, I will have no issue rending your flesh into fuckin paste, myself.” Kalai looked at him and suddenly whipped vines from the ground to twist around him tightly, sapping his strength from full to near completely depleted, his breathing labored as he wriggled. She gets close to him, the vines pulling him lower to his knees, she ripped the cigarette out of his mouth and tossed it, “And You should not be smoking near a mother to be! I have much to discuss about her and her son.”
Carmen raised an eyebrow, “Wait, you mean Blendin? He’s just turning 18…” Kalai never broke eye contact with M, “No, no, your other son.”
“I don’t have another son. I have a daughter.”
“I’m talking about the son you carry in your belly this very moment!”
Carmen’s hands instantly went to her stomach, “Wait, I’m actually pregnant?! How?! I literally just had this conversation.. I was on birth control since having Blendin! Do they not work anymore?!… oh my god they dont work anymore. Why dont they work anymore?!” She starts panicking and Lekir rubs her back soothingly, getting her some ice water. “It could be the demon blood.. your transformation could be enough to override it. Normally non Cadorian females who carry Cadorian Demon babies cant survive the pregnancy, but you can since you have had the blood transfer.” Lekir explained. Kalai smiled over to Carmen, keeping M bound still, “I thought you knew already, I apologize but this way I can assess both your abilities and progress! This has only happened once before with a human but never a unicorn! I’m very eager to learn what I can if you are willing to let me observe while you train your new skills.” She turned back to M and used her power to read his biology and such, smirking, “Oh.. now you are a strange one. Much different from the individuals in this building. Last time I was here on this planet, nothing like you existed yet.. Oh interesting.. Hmmm Lets keep some of that between us, shall we?” She patted his cheek and let him go, releasing his strength back to him. He stumbled back and shook his head, “What the fuck did you just do to me?!” He roared, his claws lengthening sharply. Kalai flicked her fingers and explodes his bones within his arms before flicking them back, instantly healing him as if no harm was ever done. “I am the Harbinger of Life. I can unmake you as easy as you were made to begin with. I am a scientist of biology and magic. I am older than you can comprehend. I have seen wars and seen my people die around me. I have felt their anguish and pain.” M straightened up and adjusted his jacket, “So we have something in common.” Kalai tilted her head, “You are a being who changes shape. Your biology doesnt show this feature you speak of otherwise. Please elaborate.”
M scoffed but went into detail of his kind and his experiences. “I’m a dark balance changeling, I feed off the negative of life. Every Murphy’s law, every bad luck streak, is my dinner. I use my powers to feed off those emotions of despair and hopelessness and chase it down with survivor’s bittersweet love and pain of the lost one. I don’t just kill and witness death. I absorb it, I feast upon it. Well, I used to kill. Red here has a no kill ban and I agreed to it.” The fox came much closer, her lips almost touching his, she breathes cold air onto him, breathing her experiences of those exact emotions and senses him taking it in. He licks his lips as the glow in his eyes shift slightly, “That was a nice appetizer. I never fuckin expected that.” Kalai smirked tracing her finger along his shirt, “I could feed you for a lifetime with all that I am. Take you home like a lost puppy.” He took her hand from his chest, “Don’t mistake me for a fuckin puppy. I can do more than just bark.” Kalai smirked wider, “Suddenly you have gone from just a passing thought to someone I may actually enjoy. Not many fully understand what I feel, but you do. Interesting for such a strange one.”
M growled, “I have a name. I didn’t just spend two fuckin decades fighting with an ai to say my goddamn name instead of Rude one, I ain’t gonna do it again with you.” The vixen crossed her arms, “Oh I know your name, Marehem Skaedfryd. I was hoping you would take my compliment instead since you don’t care for your full name being spoken. So you go by M, as I was saying, you are a strange one.” M grumped and adjusted his jacket, sticking his hands in his pants pocket, “So. You said a month, yeah? I’ll set my calendar. One month. On the dot. Be here, or I will come there and destroy what I can to get them back, gravity or no gravity.” She laughed, “I have seen extinction level events, you do not frighten me.” M lifted his chin before moving his muzzle next to her cheek, speaking low, “I’ve caused extinction level events. I do not intend to harm you if you do not intend to harm them.” She chides softly, “I am as gentle as a flower but certainly not as frail, no harm will befall them, I assure you.” He puts his hand on her arm, keeping his head close, “Even the smallest and weakest flower can be deadly just as a sturdy flower needs care to not wither.” Kalai licks his cheek, “Perhaps someday I will let you tend my garden. There are no gods to judge, we ate them, haven’t we?” He gave a soft groan, almost a low chuckle. “When we ate them, we became gods ourselves, ain’t that right?” Kalai grins bringing up a hand to cup his neck in a soft embrace, “Then perhaps gods shall lay with gods someday.”
Carmen leans over to Lekir, whispering, “What the fuck am I seeing right now?” Lekir shrugs and whispers back, “I dunno.. I wanna say they’re flirting.”
Carmen gives an unsure grimace, “With M though? Oh maybe he’ll do his fake out that he does with Molli. M never flirts seriously. Any minute he will give the middle finger or something.. any minute..” Lekir shakes her head, “I think he’s serious. Even look at his tail, its curled around both their feet. Not swaying like he’s plotting.” Carmen continues her grimace, “But M though?!” Lekir chuckles, “Almost reminds me of a Death and Deadpool type of chemistry.” Carmen shrugs, “A death and what? Whats a deadpool?” Lekir looked at her wife in disbelief, “Do you not keep up with pop and comic culture? Your own son reads them, ask him. It’ll make sense when you do.” Carmen scoffs, “I read comics! I’ve read… Garfield…” The Vesk pats her shoulder, “When we get back, we’re having a comic crash course.” They look back in time to see M kiss her hand gently, then he catches eye contact with the wives, and flips them his middle finger. “There’s the middle finger.. its just towards us instead of her. Great.”
After Lekir and Carmen finished farewelling, Kalai escorted them through the portal, looking back to give M a wink before the portal closes. Once the girls were gone, the two brothers stood, Wally giving a sheepish grin towards M who had crossed his arms in thought, tapping his chin. M gave a side eye to Wally, “What the fuck are you lookin at?” Wally grinned and chuckled, “M has a crush~” M cackles, “Right, and you are the king of Scotland. Bullshit.” Wally singsongy teased him, “You think she’s preeeetty, I think you liiiiike her, you wanna kiiiisssss her..” M grabbed him by the shirt neck and made a fist, “If you dont fuckin quit..”
“Mom hasn’t been gone five minutes and already you’re fighting like children?! This place is in a more sorry state than I thought.” Daring stood in the doorway, hands on her hips. “And what is a little pipsqueak like you gonna do?” M towered over her. She smirks as Kiros comes up behind her. “I’ll ask her next strongest agent to help me keep things under control.” Kiros grinned as he cracked his knuckles, “Daring and I have been getting along quite well. Now whats this I hear about M having a crush?”
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arinnaamin · 4 months
HANG TUAH VERSUS HANG JEBAT ; The Blurred Lines between Loyalty and Betrayal
POST 3/5 - A classic tale of a tragic falling-out between two friends, but the complexity of its conclusion far outshines the story in its entirety, for most people.
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Hang Tuah, commonly known for his many ambitious endeavors with his four friends; Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu, was a prominent Laksamana (admiral) and warrior who served Sultan Mahmud Syah in Malacca in the 15th century. He has played many supporting roles in other Malay folk tales that remain well-known to this day, like the story of the Taming Sari keris and his involvement in seeking Puteri Gunung Ledang's hand in marriage on the Sultan's behalf, but by far, his most famous tale is that of his conflict with Hang Jebat.
Some time after he began to serve Sultan Mahmud Syah, Hang Tuah was faced with slander that charged him of involvement in adultery alongside one of the Sultan's court ladies, the reason for such allegations being that he was, in a sense, the Sultan's favourite, making other commanders jealous of him.
Sultan Mahmud Syah soon discovered these allegations, but never actually investigated them with a fair trial, and so, he sought out the Bendahara (Prime Minister/treasurer) to execute Hang Tuah. Despite this, the Bendahara decided to take Hang Tuah into hiding in a remote location.
Back in the vicinity of Malacca, everyone wholeheartedly believed that Hang Tuah had since been killed - and his best friend, Hang Jebat, even more so. Having been heavily affected by the injustice of his friend's 'untimely fate,' he was sent into a rage, rebelling against the Sultan by seizing the palace, killing many of the Sultan's men, declaring his own rule, and overall challenging the Sultan's authority.
The Sultan lamented the loss of Hang Tuah when faced with the havoc being wreaked across the palace by Hang Jebat, as Hang Tuah stood as the only warrior capable of stopping him due to being aware of his capabilities. Luckily, the Bendahara stepped in just in time to salvage things, revealing that Hang Tuah was still alive. Hang Tuah was presented with a royal pardon from the Sultan, and was soon ordered to kill Hang Jebat for the chaos he'd caused thus far.
While initially overjoyed to see Hang Tuah alive and well, Hang Jebat was met with surprise when he saw his friend brandishing his keris, preparing for battle. Their long-lasting friendship was quickly overshadowed by the unending loyalty Hang Tuah possessed for the Sultan, and after seven long days, Hang Jebat was finally defeated and killed by the former. While both denounced this act of betrayal to their friendship, the two friends shared a mutual understanding that to Hang Tuah, loyalty to the Sultan comes before anything.
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As previously mentioned, the ending of this story brings with it a plentiful discussion - one of who really was the hero, and of who really was in the wrong. Some suggest that it was Hang Tuah for his unwavering obedience in the face of authority, while others express that it was Hang Jebat for his loyalty to his comrade.
While the two both regretted the strain in their friendship, some sources suggest that Hang Jebat reacted a lot more strongly to this, possibly feeling a far more immense betrayal (for example, "I was so angry about your execution that I tore down this whole place to avenge your death, and now that I found out you're alive, you want to kill me just because the Sultan told you to!?").
On a serious note, though, if you were to ask me for my opinion on who really saved the show, I'd say it's both of them - both Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat are driven by their own sense of honor; Tuah by his loyalty to the Sultan and Jebat by his quest for justice.
In layman's terms, this story is one of duality and contradiction. In some versions, Hang Tuah is portrayed with more moral ambiguity, raising questions about blind loyalty, which shifts the central theme slightly from one of the glorification of loyalty to a higher power to a more nuanced discussion. Similarly, other versions might depict Hang Jebat's rebellion in a more heroic light, emphasizing his fight against tyranny and injustice and suggesting that standing against unjust authority is honorable, even if it leads to personal ruin.
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Even with all of the discrepancies abound when approaching the tale of Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat, the question of who the hero really is is left to the Malay population to work out. The lines between right and wrong are rather subjective for most of us to understand, not only in the context of this story, but in many aspects of real life, too.
The narrative embodies the tension between loyalty to authority and personal moral convictions, mirroring the complexities of Malaysian society, which values both traditional hierarchies and individual integrity. It's often hard for us to decide whether loyalty or obedience is more important, especially in situations that require us to consider our own moral judgments about the figures we hold in reverence.
The discussion this time around has been rather open-ended as opposed to the previous folk tales I've explored, but although I don't necessarily like having a clear-cut summary to all of this, it does make for a nice change of pace - in fact, in a sense, it can be used as a call to action to encourage audiences to consider the contrast between our two protagonists, guiding the collective ethos of Malaysian society.
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Works Cited
MT Webmaster. “So, Was Jebat or Tuah the Hero?” Malaysia Today, July 2015, www.malaysia-today.net/2015/07/01/so-was-jebat-or-tuah-the-hero/. Accessed 30 May 2024.
‌Zain, Sabri. “The Tuah Legend.” Sabrizain.org, 2024, www.sabrizain.org/malaya/melaka2.htm. Accessed 30 May 2024.
Noor, Sabrina. “Originally Seen as a Traitor, Hang Jebat May Be the Story’s Real Hero 500 Years Later.” CILISOS - Current Issues Tambah Pedas!, 22 Aug. 2022, cilisos.my/plot-twist-in-the-story-of-hang-tuah-the-real-hero-might-actually-be-hang-jebat/. Accessed 30 May 2024.
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barbariankingdom · 2 years
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Malaysian Corvette Lekir
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mirakancil · 7 months
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Jebat dying on tuahs lap. Died cause of his friend's illness
Been thinking about Jebat and Tuah all day today. Jebat's seeing from the sidelines, just outside of the court where Tuah defends his Sultan with animate, robust speech, initially, when had just been promoted to Laksmanas, he admired it, but recently Tuah rarely talks outside the court, he just stares into the distance blankly, only smiling occasionally when he, Jebat, Kasturi, Lekir and Lekiu hang out when Kasturi's jokes make the rest of the canteen side eye those 5 guys who never seem to be able to separate themselves from eachother. Tuah is slowly apotheosizing, becoming a legend of Malacca but all of it is at the cost of the things that made Tuah, the person, for the propagation of Tuah, the legend. For Jebat it was someone whose entire life he spent with, someone he knew every little thing about, the way he'd always used to joke about eating one more suap during santapan beradab (Jebat never found this funny, something he never frets to inform Tuah, yet he continues regardless), how he'd roll up his friends' sirih for them, his fear of cats. For Jebat it would've seemed like he was seeing his friends soul be sucked out. You can't be the legend famously known for his unwavering loyalty to the Sultan without having your individuality stripped away.
And then, one day, Jebat wakes up. Tuah's bounty is announced, by the Sultan he so adamantly defended. He's sitting on the tikar Tuah bought from that Persian merchant. Nothing else matters.
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hamslivenews · 7 months
The third edition of Exercise Samudra Laksamana commenced on February 28 and will run until March 2, taking place in Visakhapatnam. Indian Naval Ship Kiltan and the Royal Malaysian Ship KD Lekir are participating in this collaborative effort. The exercise aims to foster professional interactions between the two navies, starting with activities at the harbour followed by operational maneuvers at sea, as stated by the Ministry of Defence. During the harbour phase, crews will engage in subject matter expert exchanges, sports events, and other interactions to enhance knowledge sharing and cooperation. The sea phase will focus on joint skill development and conducting various operations at sea. The Indian Navy's official handle shared updates on the exercise, emphasizing its goal of strengthening bonds and interoperability between the two navies. India-Malaysia defense relations have seen steady growth, with regular Defense Cooperation meetings at the level of Defense Secretary, according to the Ministry of External Affairs.
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isshinotasuke · 1 year
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tumjuman19 · 1 year
Semi D Siap Renovate Dapur Besar Taman Anjung Lekir 2 Untuk Dijual
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paradecomix · 6 years
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Silat Legenda Neo - KASTURI Ne Zha or Naz as called by his friends is a young, tall and intelligent person. He always shown a calm and positive persona and be the most rationale among his friends. However, behind the smile and happy face of Naz, there's a dark secret related to his past. He never told anyone, only Nabil who he trusts as a loyal friend. After knowing that Nabil will assist a strange boy with his crazy story and background, Naz gladly open his arms to help and protect Nabil even though having some trust issue with the boy, Hang Nadim. #paradecomix #danialHaikal #intuos #manga #drawing #tablet #clipstudio #clipstudiopaint #digitalart #character #design #silatlegenda #20thsilatlegenda #jebat #tuah #lekir #lekiu #kasturi #kotakomik https://www.instagram.com/p/Boq2OSQlZBF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nupy8og5lgko
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fairuzyusoff · 5 years
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Lunch Selera Kampung @ Lekir. Harga Pi Ipoh Balik Hari 🤪 #lekir #telaviv #fzphoto #malaysianfood https://www.instagram.com/p/B2YVAAZn-vto1sR82058bYJxCnP5sgOp2P2p4I0/?igshid=dyltqc1rdriv
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*KOPERASI HARTANAH ANGGUN BERHAD* *PROJEK MEGA PERAK* *Istimewa untuk Kakitangan KERAJAAN* 🏡 *TERES* 🏡 *SEMI D CLUSTER* (1 TINGKAT) *BANDAR BARU SETIAWAN PERDANA MANJUNG PERAK* 🔸Projek usahasama diantara Perbadanan Kerajaan Negeri Perak & Taraf Nusantara Sdn Bhd 🔸Skim yang ditawarkan kepada pembeli ( kakitangan kerajaan ) ✔Tanpa deposit ✔Tanpa duit muka ✔Free booking ✔Free yuran guaman ✔Pembeli hanya sediakan dokumen lengkap untuk proses permohonan. Lokasi : Simpang 5 ( berhampiran pekan gurney ) 🏠Jenis : Teres setingkat 3 bilik & 2 bilik air Keluasan : inter / end lot Saiz tanah - 20 x 65 ( 1300sqft ) Saiz rumah - 20 x 45 ( 900sqft ) 🏡Jenis : Semi D Cluster Setingkat 3 bilik & 2 bilik air Keluasan : inter Saiz tanah - 33 x 60 ( 1980sqft ) Saiz rumah - 23 x 40 ( 920sqft ) 🔸Status tanah Hak Milik Kekal ( Freehold ). Rezab melayu. 🔸Status Binaan Dalam pembinaan dan jangkaan siap pada 2021 🔸Kemudahan ✔Taman rekreasi ✔Trek jogging ✔Taman permainan ✔Kolam renang ✔Taman Tema Air ✔Lapang sasar golf ✔Dewan serbaguna ✔️Masjid dan Surau ✔Shopping Mall ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ *Harga* *TERES RM 178,000.00* *SEMI D RM 208,000.00* ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ 🔸Kakitangan Kerajaan: Hantar payslip utk kami cek kelayakkan pinjaman LPPSA. ======================== Swasta: Sila buat semakan kelayakkan pinjaman dgn pihak bank.. Nama bersih dr ccriss & ctos ======================== 🔸Bayaran balik pinjaman; Kakitangan kerajaan (LPPSA ) Selepas 25 bulan dari tarikh kelulusan atau rumah telah siap 95%. Swasta ( bank loan ) Bayaran yang akan ditetapkan oleh pihak bank ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Dokumen yang diperlukan : Salinan ic pemohon Salinan ic pasangan ( berkahwin ) Salinan sijil nikah Salinan surat pengesahan perkhidmatan Salinan surat pengesahan jawatan Salinan surat berpencen Slip gaji 3 bulan ( terkini ) 💕untuk rujukan phasa 1 dan 2 sebanyak 2000 unit Semi D dan Teres telah habis dijual dan kini pembinaan phasa 3 telah bermula dgn kuantiti unit sebanyak 1000 unit telah dibuka💕 Untuk semak *KELAYAKKAN* Sila whatsapp 0123428908 atau www.wasap.my/60123428908/perak #bandarbarusetiaawan #manjung #lekir #perak #koperasihartanahanggunberhad #rumahtanpade https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9-3Uwlu4r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k7iomjvd719o
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ask-carmenpondiego · 5 months
Chapter 23: Not the Sharpest Lightbulb in the Crayon Drawer
The next morning, Molli stood on the doorstep and adjusted her outfit, trying to look presentable. She changed her body color to be her more natural color of such a deep red, it almost looks black. She wore a blue jumpsuit with a gold belt with a rose buckle. She hesitated a moment and knocked on the door. A few moments went by and the door was opened, revealing a surprised Waldo. The two stared at each other for a moment, “Holy moley! Molli! I haven’t seen you in forever! Does M know you’re here? Lemmie get him for you..” she tried shushing him frantically as he called out for his brother. Both M and Carmen came to the door, wondering what the commotion was, and one look from M had him rolling his eyes, “What the fuck are you still doing here?” Molli straightened up and smiled nervously, “Well, I was just about to tell your brother here about me thinking of joining… here. As a henchman-woman.. person.” Wally raised an eyebrow, “You were?” M crossed his arms, “Bullshit. You still have that hit on Red.” Carmen looked at M a bit surprised, “She what?” Molli waved her hands defensively, “No no I swear! I cancelled that contract. After I got free from that spear, I came over and saw how happy everyone, like Skaedfryd, was to be here! I mean, if people are happy, the boss must be doing something right.. right? Oh.. and I wanted to give this back too. Its still so cold, its weird..” she handed the spear back to M and put her hands behind herself, twisting anxiously. “I wanted to have a fresh start, I promise to try not to be a pest or a weed to you. I want to help out.” M snatched the spear and leaned on it like a wizard staff. “I will say it again. I do not fucking like you and I want you to get off this fucking island.”
Carmen puts her hand on his arm, making Molli’s eye twitch for a brief moment, “I personally think we should give her a chance. I mean, if we don’t help her out somehow, she could go back to doing worse things than we do. First sign of broken trust, I’ll let you send her off. How’s that?” M narrowed his eyes at his ex, putting the spear tip to her throat, “One whiff of deception from you and I will make sure you never find every single piece of your body to stitch back together..” Molli gulps and gingerly pushes the spear away from her neck, “Good to know, lover boy. So when can I start?” Carmen shows her inside, and has her follow her to her office. M gripped the unicorn’s arm and whispered, “Keep yer door open. I don’t want you alone with her. I don’t fully trust her yet.” She smiled and patted his hand, “You worry too much. I’m sure it will be fine.” M growled as the two girls went up to her office, the door stayed open much to M’s relief. Wally scratched his head, “Did I miss something?” M shadowed the spear back to Lekir’s room and he shoved a cigarette into his maw. “Red’s bleeding heart is gonna land her in more trouble than she can handle.. she’s already dealing with different body parts and powers up her ass, I don’t think she realizes she still fucking vulnerable. It aint like those superhero movies where they automatically good at things. Example, she took weeks to learn to walk again without aid. These powers?? She’s NEVER had magic. Her horn is.. is as good as shattered. You knew that, but it got worse when you were gone. Its completely dead in the water.” Wally rubbed his neck as M paused to take a drag. “We tried to do simple shapeshifting the only way I know how. She could barely muster the focus to grow a single hair on that piece of metal. She couldnt even change the color. She needs training and actual progress before she’s as invincible as she feels. And with Molli showing up last night and tellin me she has a hit on Red? Then joins us the next day? It don’t taste right.” Wally sighs, “Maybe she’s being truthful though. You may not see or even want to admit it but I can see you are happy here. Maybe she wants that. And who knows, maybe you can get together again. Don’t let the past breakup ruin the future bonds. Its an open opportunity to move on and possibly gain a new friend if anything.” M strode off, grumbling.
He passed Lekir who had watched from the other room, but didn’t get to hear much. “So, who was that, Bugboy? And why does she look familiar?” M groans and rubs his face, “She’s…. My ex. I stabbed her last night with your spear.” Lekir nodded, “So thats why it was returned with dirt and blood on it.. so if you stabbed her, why did you welcome her in?” M turned and snapped, “I wasn’t the one to welcome her. Yer fuckin wife and her fuckin bleedin heart did. And I stabbed her because she is a crazy dumb bitch who is horny for me seven ways to tuesday.. last night she said she was assigned a hit on Red but then this morning said she had a change of heart and canceled it to become better like me.” She gave a concerned look at him and at the ceiling where Carmen and Molli were in a meeting. Lekir sighs, rubbing her temples before looking back at M. “She's gonna turn on us one day you know that right? She's just waiting for the right moment. And if she is anything like you powerwise, Carmen can't win with her current state, neither can I because you can overtake me. You need to tell me and the others exactly what you know about her in its entirety. Leave nothing out.”
M rolled his eye with a groan, “Fine.. when Red gets out of her meeting I’ll call the rest of the group and give a full situation report briefing without my ex present.” Lekir nodded, “I definitely think a sit-rep is very much needed. Especially that threat of a hit. Why did she tell you about the hit? Didn’t she know you were security here? Or did she not read her own report?” M snickered, “Thats the thing, she does things half assed, probably only saw the target and location and when I saw her last night, she thought I had the same job and spilled the beans before I told her what I am here. She really isn’t too bright. She’s durable, like me. Hard to fully kill, but her powers are plant based and not very expertly controlled. Her emotions get in the way and her attacks are weak. She does excel in the knowledge of poisons and many of her thorns are laced with a decent cocktail. But she has never been known to finish a job.” Lekir raised an eyebrow, “And her job is to kill the world’s second biggest pacifist next to her himbo husband..”
Carmen came down from her office after supposedly showing Molli her room. “Hey Lekir. M, mind if you gather the other agents, other than Molli to the war room, I need to give a bit of a sit-rep briefing for everyone asap.” Lekir and M looked at eachother with a slight air of relief. Lekir turns to Carmen, “Please tell me we didnt just adopt a stray cobra..” Her wife chuckled, “More like a cartoon coyote. She’s still in my office, asleep.”
Lekir tilted her head, “What do you mean asleep?” The mare smirked, “I left my coffee on the desk unattended as a test. I had my back turned while at my file cabinet, you know, beside the mirror? I saw her put something in my coffee, and stir it with my spoon I had near it. She then licked the spoon. And now she is face-planted at my desk.” Lekir furrowed her brow with concern, “Is she a complete moron?!”
M lit his cigarette, “Its like I’ve been trying to tell you two. She COULD be formidable if she wasnt a dumb bitch.” Carmen smirks, “I think we should stick to my plan of treating her with kindness, though heavily restrict her from the more advanced things like heists and access to 079 fully. I’ll tell more at the briefing.” Carmen headed off to the war room when Lekir suddenly pinned M to the wall, holding an ice blade to his face, “You better handle this because if she ever succeeds in even hurting Carmen, I will make you pay! I spent 6000 years regretting not being able to save my husband from death. Make sure this is plenty preventable.. and prevent it before I prevent you from ever finding your head. Got it?!” M growled and shoved her back, straightening out his leather jacket, “You say this like I wasn’t going to already! News flash! You ain’t the only one who would go absolutely apeshit ballistic if Red were hurt! Now back the fuck off so I can do my fucking job!” M snorted as Lekir stormed off, brushing past Carmen who had a concerned look.
M flicked his cigarette angrily and checked in on Molli, who was still face-planted and out cold with slight foam to the mouth. He still felt her neck and wrist, disappointed at feeling a pulse but glad he didnt have to dispose of a body. He was about to reach for the coffee to pour it down the drain and his eyes caught on some of the paperwork they were working on for her hiring. Looking closer he noticed her signature, “Mali Negatta” and hmmed. He’ll need to ask when she had changed her name. She groaned a bit trying to lift her head. He remembered nights she used to get drunk off some of her lighter concoctions because alcohol didnt touch them as far as drunkenness. He sighed and shadowed a handkerchief to help clean her face from the drool and foam. He pulled her back and her head somewhat rolled on her shoulders, she slow blinks her eyes open as he gently cleans her face. “Hey you.. we should totally bang on the deshk here.. office sexssis soooo sexy..” she slurred. He paused silently and took the coffee cup, “Here, have some coffee, sober up..” he knew full well what she did, and wanted to know if she even remembered. Which she did not and eagerly took the cup and downed the whole thing. After a moment, she hiccuped and face-planted on the desk again. “Oooh I smell a new fuckin betting pool with this one.” He chuckled, patting her back and leaving her there to set up the meeting. “Fuckin lightweight.”
The meeting was very detailed, strategies were put into place and betting pools were cast, a bingo sheet for the kinds of attempts, and how she would fail, and how long until she either quits trying to kill or quits VILE itself. It was a mix of extreme seriousness and mockery. They knew the severity of the situation if she should actually succeed. But given her track record already, that severity was guarded by cautious ridicule and vice versa. And thats how it went from then on, although many heists were placed on hold while they tried figuring out a new cure for Wally’s condition.
Carmen searched all her books on afflictions and curses, minerals and crystals, and even diseases and illnesses. She felt she barely had anything on the subject and the internet didn’t come up with much either. She shut the large book she was looking in and sighed, taking off her purple glasses to rub her eyes. “Alright..” she said to herself, “Looks like I’ll need to take a trip to Canterlot.. they may have the book I need in the royal library. Might get a new hat too while I’m there..” She was sad when her hat had fell into the acid during the whole stone pillar incident but it was better than losing her life. She headed to the mech lab where M had been hooking up some new device to the chronoskimmer. She didn’t see him around and checked in with 079. “I haven’t seen the rude one today, he’s probably being harassed by that stray twig you brought in.” Carmen tsked, “You shouldn’t say things like that! Yeah she’s pretty thin but you dont know if its her metabolism or an eating disorder! I’m working on helping her gain a bit of meat either way. But I’m not judging her. Now can this thing still take me to current day Canterlot?” The ai sighed as if asked a huge burden, “Does Canterlot exist?” Carmen raised an eyebrow, “Yes.. thats a silly question.” The ai just looked at her, “Exactly my point. Just set the dials and be on your way..” Carmen wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes, “Just tell M that I’m popping out for a book. And I’ll be right back.” She set the dials to open a doorway to right inside the castle, by the stained glass windows. She’ll be able to get to the library with ease from there providing no guards had seen her. She stepped through and closed the doorway back, knowing that she’ll be able to dial it back if she needed on her phone. She looked around and stood back, admiring the stained glass craftponyship of the multiple pieces. “I need to come back for one of these eventually. I always forget how beautiful they are in person.” She mused quietly to herself.
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elkaylee · 3 years
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#streetphotography #streetphotomalaysia #klstreet #fjm #shotoniphone #iphonography #fotografijalanan (at Crossroad of Jalan Petaling & Jalan Hang Lekir) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXSS71spqGd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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citrakirana · 3 years
Yang Rapuh [Terjemahan The Fragile, Victor's R&S)
Ini adalah terjemahan dari Rumours & Secrets yang didapat dari karma Victor: Instant Moment
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“Perajin” adalah bagaimana anak-anak muda zaman sekarang menyebut orang tua, seperti aku, yang memiliki keahlian di bidang kerajinan tangan. Namun, bagiku, membuat kerajinan kaca kristal bukanlah hal yang sulit. Siapa saja yang telaten dan bersedia berlatih tanpa lelah dapat mencapai keahlian setingkat aku.
“Suhu, kekuatan, warna, semuanya harus tepat ….” Aku telah menjelaskannya berkali-kali pada orang-orang yang datang menemuiku.
Sebagai rasa terima kasih karena telah jauh-jauh datang untuk bicara pada orang tua ini, aku tak keberatan menjelaskannya beberapa kali lagi.
Selalu ada pengecualian, bagaimana pun, dan pengunjung hari ini tampaknya lebih tertarik pada hal lain.
Anak muda dalam setelan jas yang berdiri di pintu itu tidak memiliki gairah maupun keceriaan di matanya, nada suaranya pun sopan dan berjarak.
"Tuan Chuck." Daripada bertanya, dia menyapaku sebagai konfirmasi.
Aku mengangguk, tetapi tidak beranjak, tidak pula mengundangnya masuk. Karya seni terbaikku ada di dekat pintu, tetapi dia bahkan tidak meliriknya. Jelas sekali, dia datang ke sini untuk hal lain.
“Apa yang bisa saya bantu?”
“Saya ingin menanyakan sesuatu ….” Saat bicara, dia melihat ke dalam, dan apa yang terjadi berikutnya berlaku begitu saja, tanpa kata-kata. Jika dia ingin membicarakan soal kerajinan denganku, atau bertanya tentang kerajinan kaca kristal, aku akan menyeduhkan secangkir teh untuknya. Namun, permintaan tidak jelas seperti itu … terasa tidak begitu tulus.
Aku tersenyum. “Hanya ada saya dan pegunungan. Tak ada orang lain di sekitar sini. Katakan saja apa yang ingin Anda katakan.”
Anak muda itu tetap diam beberapa saat, kemudian sedikit mengerutkan kening dan berkata, “1908, White House … Anda yakin kita bicara di sini?”
Gagak yang terbang melewati pepohonan serta gemerisik dedaunan hampir menutupi suara dalamnya. Aku menatap jauh ke kedalaman hutan dan melangkah mundur untuk memberi jalan pada anak muda itu.
“Terima kasih,” katanya
Aku menutup pintu, memandunya ke ruang tengah, dan melihat keluar begitu melewati jendela. Dalam keheningan, pepohonan mengaburkan sosok samar di antara bayangan lekir. Betapa pun terpencilnya, tempat ini tidak dapat menghentikan antusiasme “pengunjung” yang penuh hasrat.
“Apa dia datang mencarimu? Atau juga mencariku?” Kuletakkan cangkir teh di atas meja dan duduk berhadapan dengan anak muda itu.
“... Akan kuurus nanti. Tidak akan melibatkan Anda.” Dia mengambil jeda, menyeruput tehnya, lalu mengangkat kepalanya dan langsung pada topik pembahasan. “Tentang White House ….”
“Tidak banyak yang tahu soal ini.”
“Saya punya sumber sendiri, dan saya tidak dapat menyebutkannya. Maaf.”
“Nak, kau tahu, aku juga bisa menjawab seperti itu kalau aku mau.” Kugelengkan kepala dan kembali menyeruput teh dengan mata tertutup. Hmm, tehnya cukup enak.
Saat kami membuka mata, kami tidak lagi berada di ruang tengah. Ada kristal yang sudah berlapis kaca, cetakan, tungku, dan sebaris pelat yang belum dilapisi kaca. Bengkel kecil itu ditutupi debu dan jaring laba-laba.
Kuletakkan cangkir di atas lemari rendah di dekatku, dan dalam sekejap, situasi di sekitar kami berubah. Matahari bersinar melalui jendela, menyelimuti semua yang ada di ruang tengah dengan cahaya kehangatan.
Aku menatap anak muda yang berdiri di hadapanku, dan tak melihat sedikit pun tanda-tanda keterkejutan di matanya. Dia balik menatapku dan berbicara perlahan, “Apakah ini Evol Anda? Bagaimana Anda melakukan perjalanan waktu?”
“Evol.” … Aku terkejut. Kapan terakhir kali aku menyebutkan kata ini pada seseorang? “Kau … minumlah teh dulu. Kita masih punya waktu.”
Ada waktu beberapa saat sebelum aku bicara dan menunjuk cangkir di atas meja. Kaca berlapis warna itu membiaskan cahaya, dan bahkan teh pun menjadi sejernih kristal, bagaikan ilusi.
Kami bicara panjang lebar siang itu.
Pertama kali aku mendengarnya mengatakan Evol, mau tak mau, aku teringat pada seorang kawan lama. Mereka berdua menyimak dengan saksama saat aku bicara, kadang-kadang mengangguk atau mengajukan pendapat.
Namun, anak muda ini lebih pendiam, matanya terpahat dengan ketenangan dan pemikiran, sementara kawan lamaku itu lebih mirip cahaya matahari, hangat, dan baik hati.
Putrinya juga seperti dia. Gadis kecil itu tersenyum laksana mentari, tidak menyilaukan atau pun menarik mata, tetapi hangat dan penuh harapan.
Takdir benar-benar hal yang sangat hebat. Tak lama setelah aku teringat kawan lamaku, aku bertemu dengan putrinya, bersama dengan anak muda dingin itu, yang dia panggil Victor.
Namun, Victor di hari itu berbeda dengan Victor di pertemuan pertama. Tadinya, kupikir dia adalah kolam air beku, yang ditemani oleh malam-malam panjang dan musim dingin yang lama. Bahkan angin hangat musim semi tidak akan bisa mengganggunya.
Tak disangka, dengan kehadiran gadis itu, ekspresinya terlihat cerah dan penuh kehidupan, seperti aliran air setelah es mencair.
Jadi, kupikir aku bisa menebak mengapa ia ingin mengonfirmasi banyak hal denganku, dan berusaha begitu keras untuk menemukan kebenaran.
Betapa menyenangkan menjadi muda.
Sebelum mereka pergi, aku memberikan sebuah kotak yang telah lama sekali tidak dibuka.
Isi dari kotak itu hanyalah cenderamata yang tak lagi berguna untukku. Namun, bagi dua anak muda ini …. Mungkin itu bisa membantu mengubah takdir mereka.
“Nak, selama kalian punya waktu, segalanya masih bisa berubah. Waktu adalah masa depan.”
Gadis itu memutar kepalanya. Jelas sekali, dia tidak mengerti. Namun, Victor tetap serius dan mengangguk dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Sebelum masuk mobil, dia memberiku tatapan terakhir. Aku melambaikan tangan kepadanya, menunjuk gadis itu.
Satu-satunya yang tidak dia ceritakan saat hari pertama dulu adalah keberadaan gadis itu. Sedangkan satu-satunya yang tidak aku berikan saat itu adalah yang sedang berada di tangan gadis itu. Dengan demikian, kita bisa menyebutnya impas.
Namun ...
Mobil itu perlahan bergerak mendekati matahari terbenam. Langit jingga terlihat terang, sebagaimana tidak berubah bahkan lebih dari seratus tahun.
Sudahlah. Kuhela napas dan kembali ke pondokku.
Namun, mengubah masa depan tak pernah mudah.
Cukup lama sebelum aku bertemu Victor lagi, dan tempat pertemuan kami bukanlan pondokku, melainkan di suatu ruang dan tempat berbeda yang tidak begitu familiar.
"Tuan Chuck?"
Victor tampak agak terkejut melihatku. Sebenarnya, aku pun bingung dengan keadaan saat itu. Aku hanya berencana memasuki ruang khususku sendiri, tetapi tak disangka, malah berakhir di sana.
Hanya untuk meyakinkan, aku mengonfirmasi, “Apakah kau yang membawaku ke sini? Apakah ini ruangmu?”
Dia menggeleng, bersikeras bahwa dia pun tidak tahu di mana kami berada.
Victor mengambil sesuatu dari kantongnya dan membuka telapak tangannya. Itu adalah jam matahari ukuran saku yang kuberikan kepadanya. Ada beberapa retakan kecil di permukaan lapisan kacanya.
Melihat lekukan membelit itu, aku akhirnya ingat di mana kami berada.
“Orang-orang itu tak pernah berubah ….”
“Para pengamat waktu. Kau akan bertemu mereka segera.” Aku mencoba memasuki ruang khususku, dan tempat ini tampaknya terhubung dengan itu, tetapi tidak dengan yang lain.
“Aku akan memperbaiki jam sakumu dulu, lalu kita pergi dari sini.”
Kuambil jam saku itu dari tangannya, kutarik bangku lalu duduk. Situasi ini terasa sangat familiar dan membawa kembali begitu banyak kenangan.
Victor mengerutkan kening. Dia sepertinya tidak terima mendapat penjelasan ambigu dariku, tetapi tidak menyelaku.
Sembari memperbaiki jam saku itu, aku menjelaskan beberapa hal kepadanya. Segera, dia memahami situasi dan bahkan menanyakan pertanyaan yang tak dapat kujawab.
Kuserahkan jam saku yang sudah diperbaiki, kukatakan kepadanya bahwa aku tidak tahu, dan dia dapat bertanya pada para pengamat waktu begitu bertemu dengan mereka.
"Saya paham. Terima kasih."
Dia mengangguk dan meraih jam saku tersebut, permukaan yang baru memantulkan cahaya cokelat yang lembut.
Aku tak dapat menahan diri untuk tidak mengingatkannya, “Kristal berlapis kaca sangat rapuh dan tak dapat menahan tekanan yang begitu berat.”
Setelah ragu beberapa detik, aku menambahkan, “Begitu pula manusia.”
Victor menatap jam matahari ukuran saku di tangannya. Keheningan menyebar di ruangan, dan waktu seperti berhenti. Cukup lama sebelum aku akhirnya mendengar jawabannya.
"... Aku tahu."
Dia tahu …. Namun, aku khawatir dia akan memberiku.
Aku mengamatinya meletakkan jam saku itu kembali ke kantongnya, yang membawa takdirnya, sebagaimana juga takdir gadis itu. Meski berat, itu adalah beban yang harus dia tanggung.
Lupakan. Kuhela napas diam-diam. Tidakkah sama bagiku sejak awal? Siapa aku berhak menilainya?
Aku hanya berharap, masa depan kedua anak muda ini akan lebih cerah.
Aku tidak terkejut saat gadis itu datang kepadaku. Lagi pula, ada banyak sekali kenangan ayahnya di sini, dan seorang lelaki tua yang dapat mengenang ayahnya bersamanya.
Namun, aku tak mengharapkan bahwa dia telah berubah banyak, tidak pula bahwa Evol-nya telah menjadi sangat sulit dikendalikan.
Kekuatan untuk mengetahui masa depan mungkin terdengar menyenangkan, tetapi jika tragedi hanya dapat dilihat tanpa bisa diubah, siapa yang menginginkan kemampuan seperti itu?
Aku menenangkan gadis itu dan mengantarnya pergi, kemudian melangkah masuk ke ruanganku sendiri dan memulai lagi pekerjaan melapisi kaca setelah beberapa lama.
Sebagaimana dalam pembuatan kristal kaca berlapis, selama seseorang cukup telaten dan bersedia berlatih tanpa lelah, dia akan menjadi ahli dalam hampir apa pun.
Kecuali mengendalikan masa depan ...
Api di dalam tungku dapat membakar mata orang. Dalam kondisi tak sadar, aku kembali pada hari itu di White House, 1908. Cahaya merah terlihat di langit, menghapus ingatan orang-orang dan mengambil nyawa sekelmpok orang.
Tidak peduli seberapa perhatian seseorang pada detil atau seberapa banyak seseorang mencoba lagi dan lagi, takdir telah tersegel, dan masa depan tidak dapat diubah.
Kuletakkan cangkir berlapis kaca merah, yang baru selesai dibuat, di atas meja. Kembali ke pondok, aku bertemu dengan tamu yang tak diharapkan.
“Apakah … kau telah menemukan caranya?”
“Belum,” balas Victor dengan tatapan yang rumit. Dia melangkah maju dan menyerahkan jam saku yang pecah.
Aku belum pernah melihat lapisan kaca dalam kondisi pecah sedemikian rupa. Permukaannya tertutupi retakan seperti jaring laba-laba.
“Maaf, aku tak dapat membantumu ….”
Mungkin dia telah memperkirakan jawabanku dan tidak memintaku melakukan usaha yang sia-sia. Dia hanya membungkuk dan berterima kasih kepadaku.
Aku menggeleng dan menatap keluar jendela.
Wajah gadis itu bercahaya merah dalam nyala matahari terbenam. Dia berdiri di bawah pohon, sendiri tetapi bahagia. Mungkin karena dia tahu seseorang pasti akan selalu ada untuknya.
Setelah mengantarkan mereka pergi lagi, aku duduk tenang di sisi jendela, menyaksikan kegelapan menyebar melintasi langit, melahap semua warna.
Sandikala tiba.
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myth01s · 4 years
10, 20, 33
10. The last dream that seemed so vivid it sounded like it was real.
tw: drowning, torture/abuse, suffocation.
ooc: it isn’t always the same dream, but it makes him afraid of falling asleep nonetheless.
He dreams of seeing his Master, what little light the moon shone that night bounced against his sun coloured hair, his cold blue eyes looking down at him with a cruel smile. He didn’t remember what was being said, muffled voices surrounded him as he was placed underwater, legs and hands bound tightly by the heavy chains. He gasped for air that he didn’t need, only to fill his lungs with dirty seawater. His eyes pleading as he struggled against the chains, feeling the chains rubbing against his skin and his protruding ribcage.
This is your punishment, he remembered his Master said, for defying me. The lid closed on him, leaving him in a cold, dark, and small place. 
And he woke up then, gasping for air that he didn’t need and wiping the sweat that he didn’t have. He’d look at the clock and it showed 3AM. Too early for him to start his morning, too afraid to fall asleep again. He waited for a few minutes before pushing himself out of the bed, opening the door that led to the rooftop garden and sat on the patio, curling into himself as he wrapped a warm blanket around him, waiting for the sun to rise before preparing for the day as he wore a mask of a polite smile and friendly demeanour.
33. A quote they live by.
“I tell myself to keep going, not because it’s easy. Not because it doesn’t hurt. I tell myself to keep going because there’s no other way. To stop is to die. Life is in motion. In growth. In change. Life is in seeking and in finding. Life is in redemption. Each moment is a new birth. A new chance to come back, to get it right.”
-- Yasmin Mogahed, source: x
20. Who was their best friend when they were kids?
ooc: Since it’s long I’mma throw it under the readmore so it won’t clutter the dash <3
sidenote: Tuah’s friends are loosely based on Malay myth, much like Tuah. There is not much story about their friendship, sadly, other than the famous duel between Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat. I didn’t like how the story ends, so I made one up for Tuah and his BFF back in the day XD
tw for death mention
During his childhood, Tuah was part of a rag-tag group that consisted of his closest friends; Jebat, Kasturi, Lekir, and Lekiu. Aside from Jebat, who’s the son of a wealthy trader, all of them came from poor families of farmers (Tuah), fishermen (Lekir), miners (Kasturi), and woodcutter (Lekiu).
Tuah knew Jebat first as his father worked on the trader’s land, and would always see the young master being chased by his caretakers. They became fast friends as Tuah often helped Jebat find a good hiding spot, and while waiting for his caretakers to go away, Jebat always told stories of what he heard from his father to Tuah, who listened with rapt attention. When Tuah voiced his desire to learn Silat, Jebat took the initiative to suggest it to his father that he wanted to learn it too (the first sign of him wanting to learn anything), provided that Tuah joined him. That was when they met the others, all of them learning everything they could under the tutelage of a teacher, Adi Putera.
Together, they caused havoc across the village with their mischiefs - stealing chicken eggs, putting up simple traps in the middle of the road to trip whoever that walked past (usually it was the village head), made their own firecracker (meriam buluh / canon reed), and many more. Oftentimes they were caught red-handed and caned by their parents as they were dragged by the ear to their respective homes (Jebat was excluded from this experience due to both his parents were absent, and his caretakers were too afraid to reprimand the young master too harshly).
On occasions, they would go swimming by the river, and Lekir would show off his skill at catching a fish using only a spear. Tuah would sit by the riverbank while they went swimming due to his fear of drowning. Tuah didn’t remember this, but he almost drowned while trying to retrieve Jebat’s toy from the river, and was saved by his friend (Jebat felt bad since he threw the toy into the river on purpose during one of his ‘temper-tantrums’).
As they grew older, it was clear where Tuah’s path laid, determined to get his family out of poverty once and for all by becoming an admiral for the king. Out of his four friends, Jebat was the only one that followed the same path as his, much to his father’s dismay. Lacking his own ambition, Jebat was more than happy to play Tuah’s shadow, protecting his friend while Tuah protected the kingdom.  Where Tuah’s loyalty was with the kingdom, Jebat’s loyalty was with Tuah.
Jebat unfortunately met his untimely demise when they were ambushed by Tuah’s soon-to-be sire, and tried as he might Jebat wasn’t able to protect his friend in the end, and paid the price with his life as Tuah could only watch.
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whateverlahweh-blog · 4 years
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Ready stok ya.. kerepek peria rangup. Cuba sekali pasti nak lagi.. (at Batu 10 Lekir Sitiawan Perak) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHH-oH_rUDX/?igshid=1v1qr0ceqxjzt
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judgemark45 · 5 years
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STRAIT OF MALACCA (Jan. 26, 2011) The Royal Malaysian 🇲🇾 Navy frigate KD "Lekir (FF 26)" leads the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS "Bunker Hill (CG-52)" during a passing exercise. "USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)" ☢️🇺🇸 and (Carrier Air Wing 17) are underway on a deployment to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility
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