#leliana: ill cut that bitch's tongue out
possamble · 5 months
^ guy who played too much pathfinder kingmaker and dragon age inquisition and can't stop thinking about laios looking at a project with three cards of marcille, kabru, and yaad respectively to choose from
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novamm66 · 4 years
Red Sky in the Morning - Chapter 24 - Sailor’s Delight.
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This is it folks. The conclusion to my (first) story. I am a bit sad. This has been one wonderful journey for me and I have learned so much. 
I hope you enjoy.
Everything happened at once. Imshael screamed and exploded into its demon form the moment it lost contact with Kiaya’s magic. Dorian retracted the spell, and suddenly Kiaya was flying through the air to crash into Sera’s arms. The moment Kiaya’s knees hit the floor, she vomited, but she pushed Sera’s hands away.
“Go,” she croaked, “Help them.”
Kiaya’s head was spinning, and her eyes wouldn’t focus as she tried desperately to track what was going on. Dorian was casting while Sera was off to the left. Still, Kiaya couldn’t see far enough to know what was going on anywhere else.
Kiaya focused on Dorian’s feet and the snap of Sera’s bowstring, trying to ground herself. She was utterly useless in this fight, which was the point, but she would not abandon her friends and let unconsciousness take her. A call from Sera drew her attention, and Kiaya watched as the rogue raced to Varric’s aid before he was overwhelmed. This left their flank open, and an enemy fighter less than nine paces away. He was held in a trap for the moment but quickly fighting free.
“Dorian,” Kiaya croaked. 
“I see him,” Dorian answered. Then the fighter broke free. “Shit! There’s nothing I can do!” Dorian was balancing two spells already, and dropping either one of them was not an option. The fighter charged at the mage, ready to cut him down, but Kiaya lifted herself on hands and knees and lunged directly into his path.
Kiaya took his boots to her ribs before the man fell, trapping her beneath his legs. She tried to roll away, but she was too weak to push him off. She heard Dorian scream her name, but her vision was filled with the sword rising above her.
Before the blade could fall, Cole appeared and opened the man’s throat. The sword clattered to the ground next to Kiaya’s head, and in a blink, Cole was gone. It took all of Kiaya’s energy and focus to struggle free of the dead man. She crawled until she came up against stone, then collapsed. She tried to open her eyes to see what was happening, but she couldn’t move. She could hear the ebb and flow of battle, heard Imshael’s screams fade to silence. She tracked the footsteps of her friends as they approached her.
“Kiaya, can you hear me?” Dorian’s fingers pressed to her throat.
“What happened?” Cassandra was panting, but she sounded unharmed.
“She saved my life and took a hit to the ribs for the trouble. She’s alive.”
“Heal her,” Sera demanded from near Kiaya’s head.
“I can’t, not with mage bane in her system,” Dorian replied. Kiaya could practically hear him roll his eyes. “Help me sit her up.”
Kiaya felt a bottle pushed between her lips and tasted the bitterness of an elfroot potion across her tongue. Kiaya felt her strength return, and she opened her eyes and lurched to her feet.
Hands reached out to stop her, but she shook them off. “I have to know. I have to walk.” Kiaya took a few steps, her hand never leaving the wall. “Ok, that’s enough of that.” Kiaya sagged against the wall before Bull caught her and lowered her down to the floor.
“Easy,” he chuckled.
You’re a bloody fool.” Dorian knelt in front of her. “Attacking an armed opponent like that. How many fingers do you see?”
Kiaya squinted at Dorian’s outstretched hand, “Four, but I’m assuming the two floating around not attached to anything aren’t real.”
Dorian shook his head and started checking to see if anything was broken. Kiaya glanced around, taking comfort in the smiles of her friends.
“Imshael?” Kiaya had to ask.
“Gone,” Cassandra answered. “Banished back to the fade.” 
“Thank fuck. Can we go home now?”
Kiaya’s happy relief lasted until they entered Skyhold’s lower camp. It was evident by the activity that something had happened. Skyhold itself was just as busy, everyone moving with haste and purpose. Loaded wagons were rolling through the gates. Kiaya asked her friends to stay ready until she figured out what was going on, and she headed for the war room immediately. The advisors were leaning over the map, but they straightened and smiled when Kiaya entered.
“Welcome back, and congratulations,” Cullen said warmly.
“Thanks,” Kiaya reached for and squeezed his hand. “What’s going on?”
“Corypheus has surfaced again,” Leliana answered. “His army is tearing up the Arbor Wilds.”
“Just for fun? Or are they looking for something?” Kiaya frowned.
Cullen shook his head. “It’s definitely a search for something. Whatever it is, it’s unlikely that we want him to have it.”
“Isn’t that the truth.” Kiaya stared at the map, calculating the distance. “I guess there is no reason to unpack then.” She sighed.
Josephine patted Kiaya’s hand with sympathy. “You and your team can rest and ride out tomorrow. You will be able to catch up to the army quickly, which will be leaving within the hour. We have also just received confirmation the Orlesian troops we requested will meet you there.”
Kiaya glanced up in surprise. “Our army isn’t enough?”
“Reports have the red templars outnumbering us. I would guess it is most of his forces.” Leliana’s voice was grim.
The lightness Kiaya had felt from returning home was gone. Corypheus was still out there, and this time they had no idea what he was planning. “Alright, can you let everyone know to be ready to ride out again tomorrow at first light?” Kiaya asked.
“Of course,” Josephine answered and hurried out the door. Leliana followed her, leaving Cullen and Kiaya alone.
“It figures,” Kiaya sighed as she turned and sat on the edge of the table. “I’m getting back, and you are leaving.”
Cullen chuckled as he moved in front of her and placed his hands on her face. “I’m glad you are back in one piece. Are you alright?”
“Yes, although Corypheus has put a damper on our success.”
Cullen expressed his relief by kissing her slowly, deeply. Kiaya sighed her disappointment when he stopped, Cullen smiled down at her. “I wish we had more time, but I have to leave.”
“I was really looking forward to celebrating with you tonight,” Kiaya huffed.
“I know,” Cullen laughed, pulling her to her feet, “but I promise to make it worth the wait.”
“Where is she?” Cullen stormed into the tent where Leliana was questioning Samson as quickly as his bandaged leg and walking stick allowed. Cullen had taken an axe to the thigh while protecting Kiaya at the gates of the temple. She had been forced to leave him bleeding in the water as she raced Corypheus to the temple, and that had been the last time they had seen each other. It was easy for Cullen to let his desperation show.
Samson, stripped of his armour and chained, sneered at him. “How would I know? Bitch left me for dead.” His injuries from the battle had been healed, so they weren’t life-threatening, but he still looked battered from his encounter with Kiaya’s team.
Cullen was ready to lunge at the man, but Leliana beat him to it, striking Samson across the face hard enough to bloody his lip. “You are not in the best position for glibness. Next time I will let the Commander pummel you.”
Cullen leaned across the table that separated them. “Where would Corypheus take them?”
“That was always your problem, Rutherford: Always asking the wrong questions.” Samson grinned as Leliana shifted. “Corypheus has no interest in taking anyone anywhere. If he had caught her, all you would have found is the pieces.”
Cullen’s vision went red, and he reached out and slammed Samson’s face into the table. Touching the other man-made Cullen feel ill: he could feel the lyrium in Samson’s veins, and he backed away while Samson laughed through the blood streaming from his broken nose.
Leliana had watched the exchange with a relaxed smile. “Thank you, Commander. Perfectly done.”
Samson continued to snicker as the two moved to leave the tent. “Just look at us now, Rutherford. How far we have come,” he called after them. Cullen paused, but he didn’t rise to the bait, and Sampson’s gurgling laughter followed him out.
“You were right, he did respond better to you,” Leliana said as they walked the short distance to the command tent.
Cullen shook his head in disgust. “He has nothing left to lose and has no reason to tell us anything. I am glad he couldn’t resist taunting me even if we didn’t learn anything more useful.”
“We know it’s likely that Kiaya and the others are alive, given what Samson just said and the fury that Corypheus was in when he left. With three of the most powerful mages in Thedas, they are likely somewhere safer than we are.” Leliana touched Cullen’s arm reassuringly. “The question is, what do we do now?”
Cullen sank into a chair, his freshly healed wound throbbing from the short walk. “I would like to leave two divisions to help the Orlesian army flush out and deal with the remaining red troops. They do not seem to be organized, so it’s likely he has abandoned them, but they still pose a threat. A small compliment will ride back with us, and three divisions will follow quickly to bolster Skyhold’s defences if Corypheus strikes at us there. The remainder of the army will travel back with the wounded.”
Leliana nodded at his plan. “When do we ride out?”
“Tomorrow. I don’t like leaving Skyhold’s weakened as it is, and it’s the first place Kiaya will send word.”
To: C.C. & L.N.
We are back in the Sky. We are safe and well.
Are you?
To: K.T.
Message received. We are two weeks out from joining you.
I am well. Thank the Maker, you are alright.
Cullen’s heart was pounding in time with his horse’s hooves as he rode onto the battlefield. It was Solas who approached as Cullen dismounted, the mage looming in Cullen’s vision. His voice echoed when he spoke.
“Corypheus is defeated, but the Inquisitor is dead.”
Cullen surged forward, his vision narrowing to what lay on the ground beyond.
Cullen bolted upright, his heart pounding wildly as his eyes darted around the room and canopy above until they landed on the sleeping woman beside him. Amazingly, Kiaya had not been disturbed by his outburst, and Cullen focused on her face, trying to slow his breathing to match hers.
It was only a dream. Cullen told himself. Once his heart stopped racing, Cullen shifted out of bed carefully and dressed. He wasn’t going to fall asleep again, and Kiaya had only just returned from a round of missions. She deserved all the sleep she could get.
Cullen had trouble setting into his work. His mind kept bringing back images from his dream. Eventually, he made his way to the Chantry, with the sun still well below the skyline. He knelt in front of Andraste’s statue and prayed until sunlight bathed Her face. When he finished and turned to leave, Kiaya was watching him from the doorway. He quickly crossed the room and pulled her into his arms.
“Are you alright?” Kiaya asked as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Better now,” Cullen sighed into her shoulder.
“Nightmares?” She asked.
Cullen nodded. “I didn’t want to disturb you.” He held Kiaya tighter. “I can’t bear the thought that you have to face Corypheus again, that I have to send you against him, and there is nothing I can do. Kiaya, I…” Cullen’s words shuttered to a stop, and his breath rushed in and out of his lungs.
“Shhh. I know.” Kiaya sighed and stroked his hair.  Her fingers travelled to his jaw, and she looked deeply into his eyes. “Nothing is for sure, but I promise you that while there is life in my body, I will fight with everything I have to make it back to you. Our luck has gotten us this far. I love you, Cullen.”
They stood in the morning light, wrapped in each other’s arms until the breakfast bell sounded.
“Shall we eat before getting to work?” Cullen asked, keeping her hand in his as they moved out into the gardens.
“Unusual for us, but let's try it.” Kiaya laughed.
A few steps short of the doors to the main hall Kiaya froze. “Cull-” but her voice cut out as the mark snapped to life, and Kiaya doubled over and screamed.
“Kiaya!?” Cullen panicked, his eyes darting around the peaceful garden for any sign of a threat, but there was nothing that looked threatening. Doors and windows were banging open, but that was apparently in response to Kiaya’s cries.
The mark stopped as quickly as it had started, leaving Kiaya gasping on the ground. Before Cullen could do or say anything, Kiaya shot to her feet and took off running. She stopped on the top step outside the main hall doors, her eyes focused on the horizon to the south-east.
“What is going on?” Cullen asked, ignoring the confused voices from behind them.
“I don’t know.” Kiaya sounded strained. With a crack, the mark flared again, and if it wasn’t for Cullen catching her, Kiaya would have toppled down the stairs. Kiaya muffled her screams in Cullen’s shoulder. The mark stopped again, Kiaya’s panting breath the only sound Cullen could hear. A green light split the horizon, and moments later, a boom echoed off the mountains.
“Corypheus has reopened the breach,” Kiaya said. Her face was pale, and her eyes wide as she stared at Cullen. He could feel her shaking against him.
Skyhold suddenly exploded with activity. Alarm bells sounded, and the defensive measures they had put in place filled the air with running feet and shouted orders.
Kiaya looked up at him. “I have to go.” They stood together a moment before Kiaya pulled away and took off towards their quarters and her gear. Cullen headed down the steps to oversee the activity at the gate. Leliana appeared at Cullen’s side.
“Can we send soldiers with them?” She asked.
Cullen shook his head. “We don’t have the numbers. Most of our army is still days away; if we send any troops that we have here, Skyhold will be undermanned and at risk. Kiaya won’t agree to leave our people here unprotected.”
Cullen shaded his eyes. He could just see the signal flags up in the village below. Their soldiers would be organizing the civilians to come up to the fortress. It was going to get very crowded, very quickly.
Cullen and Leliana moved towards the stables as Kiaya and her friends appeared, quickly tacking up their horses. Cullen set Kiaya’s saddle and tightened the cinch while she fastened Rollin’s bridle. Cullen lifted Kiaya up onto the bay’s back, but then he couldn’t let go of her hand.
Kiaya’s fingers squeezed his. “With everything I have,” she repeated her promise. Kiaya kicked Rollin into a gallop, and her party thundered through the gates.
Night had almost fallen, but no one was showing any sign of leaving the rookery.
Cullen was pacing back and forth the length of the floor while Leliana was at the spyglass. Josie, Evelyn, Danin and Lyra were sitting on the barrels and crates stacked along the inner railing. They were waiting for news. The Breach had disappeared from the horizon just before midday, but no word had arrived yet.
No one spoke as the light slowly disappeared, the tension was palatable, so when Leliana hissed and swung the glass, everyone jumped.
“It is a raven. One of ours.” Leliana confirmed, and there was a collective sigh. But Cullen couldn’t fully release his worry. It seemed to take forever for the bird to arrive and for Leliana to retrieve the message.
Everyone was silent as she turned back to the group, unrolling and scanning the tiny scroll as she turned back to the group.
The relief in her smile told Cullen what he needed to know before she spoke.
“She won, and they are all alive.”
Kiaya stared at the bed canopy above her. She was tired, but sleep was out of reach. This was the first quiet night after the victorious return of Kiaya and her party to Skyhold. The celebration had lasted two days, and the party spread from the keep down to the camp below. Kiaya had been in high demand, and it wasn’t until now that her mind had a chance to catch up.
Kiaya sighed and slipped from the bed. She stirred up the fire and curled up on the couch in front of it. She was going to have to get used to being the Inquisitor. When Evelyn told her that she was pregnant again, Kiaya decided that she would step up and allow Evelyn to have the normal life she deserved. Kiaya was excited for Danin and Evelyn, but she wasn’t looking forward to the public role Kiaya would now fill.
Kiaya reached for her neglected sketch pad and pencil, opening it to a blank page and staring for a moment before starting to draw. Corypheus’s death had not eased the burden from Kiaya’s shoulders, and the victory felt hollow for her. She should be grateful for the ease of his defeat, but it had left her angry, and Kiaya wasn’t sure she would ever be able to let it go.
There was so much damage still left to repair, and much that would never be the same. Before Kiaya had reached Skyhold, Scouts had reported that there were still active rifts, and the red lyrium infecting the land hadn’t receded, while the political and religious landscape was drastically changing. The new Divine would be leaving for Val Royeaux in the next few days, and that would be the beginning of the end of Kiaya’s little family.
The lines on the page began to form a face, and Solas was looking over his shoulder at her. Kiaya was worried about him. He had taken the destruction of the orb personally and had disappeared before she had been able to talk to him. Kiaya knew in her heart that this time he wouldn’t be coming back. The rest of her friends were sticking around to help for a while, but eventually, they would need to move on as well, and that thought made Kiaya’s chest ache.
Kiaya knew that she was worried about the inevitable, and there was nothing she could do about it. Everything was going to be different now, and she was still burned by the mark. She hadn’t told anyone, but the mark’s power had changed: it was stronger, wilder, and it scared Kiaya.
She heard Cullen shift in bed. ”Kiaya?” His voice was foggy with sleep.
“I’m fine. Just can’t sleep,” Kiaya answered. She thought that Cullen had fallen asleep again, but after a few minutes, she heard him get up. He settled on the couch next to her.
“Sweetheart, I can feel your worry.” He kissed her shoulder. “You have done great things, can’t you give yourself a little time to enjoy that?”
“Apparently not,” Kiaya answered. “I know that I should give myself a break, but I haven’t figured out how to do that.”
Cullen waited until Kiaya looked at him. “Whatever happens next, we will face it together.” Truth and love glowed gently in his eyes, and Kiaya’s tension eased. She nodded, unable to think of anything to say. He kissed her tenderly. “Come back to bed. Tomorrow we will figure it out.”
Kiaya followed him and curled in close to Cullen’s chest. He gently rubbed her back, and the warmth and tenderness chased Kiaya’s anxiety away and allowed her exhaustion to pull her under.
She pressed her lips against Cullen’s heart and fell asleep.
There we have it.  Thank so very very much for reading.
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To read from the beginning the Master List is Here or if you prefer it is here on AO3
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