#lemme know if this is too spammy for the icemav tag fam!
adiduck · 1 year
wait hold on i am fascinated with the groundhog day / time loop fic snippet that you posted. it's ice and maverick going on the uranium mission from tgm? would the fic be exploring their training? is ice volunteering them for the groundhog day thing without actually knowing if it works? it's such an good take on the story - really drawn to the idea of a story of maverick and ice exploring their own training for the mission while still having to train the daggers how to fly it (potentially without the same safety net in place??) i would love to hear more about what you're thinking because my brain is just whirring like a little machine trying to wrap my mind around it!
LOL okay so... close. The idea is that younger Ice and Mav--I’m gonna say 1989ish Ice and Mav, so post Top Gun, probably they’ve actually flown together as wingmen for a while--get pulled through MacGuffin Operation Groundhog to TGM era, where they’re going to be the single seaters on the uranium mission. They DO have to complete the training anyway, because they have never seen an F-18 before, and because even without that this is NOT EASY, and the decision of which of them will be team leader is still up in the air. And Maverick--the OLDER Maverick--is still teaching it. Yes, Ice did pull older Mav to teach and younger Mav to fly with himself on Mav’s wing, why do you ask? 🤣
So, the original single seater potentials are there because this means they can have one or two extras around in case something goes wrong--which means Bradley’s there. Which means Bradley has to interact with both older and younger Mav. Lots of potential fun there. Additionally, Maverick strikes me as the sort of person who would not get along with himself AT ALL, and I suspect that Ice would end up feeling a lot of pressure meeting his older self/putting a lot of pressure on his younger self to not fuck up (intentionally in older Ice’s case), but I ALSO suspect they’d be far kinder to the OTHER’S younger selves, if that makes sense. So there’s that tension there too.
Also you know. Ice and Mav are together in the future, but not in 1989, so there’s that LMFAO
IDK there’s... like, I’ve got IDEAS, but I don’t have anything... I don’t know how to explain. I don’t have a plot or theme! It’s just a bunch of “lol this’d be great/cool/so funny”???? hm
Anyway what do y’all think?
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