finelyagedlemons · 2 years
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eulogy gen, klavier + apollo focused (pre-friendship), 2753 words
how do you grieve someone who's still alive?
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unbrxken · 7 months
Angie Doppler purrs slightly, snuggling in on Liam's arm, pressing her face into the crook of his neck and cuddling in, being so absolutely adorable.
And then she shifts and suddenly bites Liam's shoulder, eyes full of mischief as she looks back at him.
Liam cuddled into her, closing his eyes. This was nice. Almost too nice. He wondered how long it would take her to-
Hair rising on end, chills sent a shiver flashing up his spine as he let out a soft groan before looking down at Angie. And then, before she'd have had time to react or really think about what she did, Liam grabbed the Felinid by her throat and flipped them over, pinning her to the mattress with a smirk. "Oh, really, now?"
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applechaider · 6 years
My dad and I were successfully able to fix him!! I’m not sure what to name him at the moment but I would love if you guys were to suggest names for him!
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theabandonedones · 5 years
Multi Muse Munday || Accepting
👅 - Which muse is the kinkiest
As re: my HC post last night, I think that’d probably be Kieran. They’re a dirty boy who’s down to try anything once - if not twice to make sure it wasn’t a fluke. Bodily fluids, degradation, dynamics, questionable locations, the darling has done it all. And honestly…. They’re not stopping. 
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unbrxken · 3 years
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for: @starbcrn-kids
muse: Mackenzie
content warning: NSFW
"Okay," Mackenzie said, walking into their quarters finally, feeling her mind going a million miles an hour and already kicking itself into overdrive, "Nick's been dropped off with Fun Uncle Kai, Grayson's been intercepted and told to spend the week with Hale, and I'm on medical leave-"
She stopped, blinking at James, tilting her head. "James, baby? What's wrong?"
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unbrxken · 3 years
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for: @starbcrn-kids
muse: Acacia
content warning: NSFW
Acacia adjusted her hair, pulling her shirt down a little. She hated the way she felt about him, but she'd be damned if she didn't try everything to see if he felt it, too. That electricity between them.
Maybe it was just her.
But that didn't prevent her from wearing lingerie under her clothes... just in case.
She shook her head to herself, going to round the corner but stopping, looking up at Cal. Shit. "Cal."
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unbrxken · 3 years
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for: @starbcrn-kids​ muse:  S’Chn T’Gai Azura content warning: NSFW
Azura knew exactly what she doing with this; how could she not? She danced around the little kitchen, giggling to herself, smiling as her apron moved around.
Because, of course, she was wearing nothing but the apron, in hopes that when Maybeck came home...
Well, she just hoped he’d be in the mood for thanking the chef.
She didn’t glance over her shoulder when she heard the door open, just smirking to herself as she stirred the cookie dough in the bowl.
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unbrxken · 3 years
🎐 - you know
Send a symbol for an unresolved tension starter
🎐  : our  muses  slow  dance  together .
Arthur smiled softly, holding Willa close gently, not saying anything as they simply... danced in his living room, to the soft music playing. Soft moments... He liked their little soft moments.
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unbrxken · 3 years
“ how do you want me…? ” -"Holy" Spirit
Send in a dirty whisper
"Good boy," Hale cooed, gently running his hand through Grayson's hair. He hummed, pretending to think, though he'd already made up his mind. "How about you bend over the desk?"
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unbrxken · 3 years
[ groin ]  -"Holy" Spirit
Send a line to see my muse's reaction
[ groin ]  for your muse to run their hand over / grab my muse’s groin.
Hale gasped softly, instinctively reaching over and grabbing onto Grayson's leg, breathing hard from how caught off guard he was. He cleared his throat, trying to take deep breaths.
"What- What happened to watching the- the movie?"
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unbrxken · 3 years
"Right Here" -Very Unholy Spirit
Send "Right Here" for a Public Themed Sex Starter
Hale smirked, biting his lip. He leaned over to Grayson, lowering his voice. "Think anyone would notice if I slipped my hand down your pants?"
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unbrxken · 3 years
"Right Here" for "Holy" Spirit
Send "Right Here" for a Public Themed Sex Starter
"Please? I'm really horny," the angel whined softly, fiddling with the hem of Grayson's shirt.
Arthur snorted. "You should get him home. But my bets are on the nearest supply closet."
"Oh like that's even a question," Rebekah laughed.
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unbrxken · 3 years
if you’re not the type for ns/fw content, block the following tags:
*lemons.txt, *lemons.jpg, *lemons.gif
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unbrxken · 3 years
Tags: OOC & More
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applechaider · 6 years
“Oh, period twins. Nice.”
-a guy I just met
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