#lenpa blue <3
wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Hii!! I've missed u! I hope you're doing well? How r classes??
In other news, i might have covid :( it's not serious I'm not like realllyyy sick but I've been having a cough and fever for a few days now and today i lost my sense of taste n smell so :( I'm getting tested tmrw. Like i said it's not serious and if i do have it i just need to isolate n stuff, I'm not bedridden or anything so yeah.
Hi!! I've been pretty good, sorry I haven't been writing (I keep on planning to and then forgetting TT) I went to a historical district and the aquarium with my friends this past week, it was super fun! sadly almost all my friends left this morning though :'( I cried a lot
classes are going well! We got our midterm marks last week, I have 94 in English and 90 in philosophy! I have a big project in both classes (in English it's about Frankenstein and in philosophy it's about Kant), so I started working on those today
I've also been doing a fair amount of research about financing uni (scholarships, bursaries etc) and yesterday I was told that if your parent works at the University of Toronto, you don't need to pay tuition. my dad used to work there!! I could have gone for free if he hadn't decided to take the offer he got from the research facility he works at now! instead I am destined to pay over 60k every year if I end up going to uni here TT so close and yet so far
ooooh and!!! we watch lots of videos in philosophy from this one YouTube channel and I went to their channel today to watch more about philosophy and I found out they have videos on so many subjects! so excited, I spent the morning learning abt physics, I have so many videos of theirs that I want to watch (the channel's called Crash Course if you're interested)
that sucks!! I'm glad you're not too sick, but I hope you're feeling better soon <333
other than being sick, what have you been doing lately?
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
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Bread came out good!!! I added a few herbs n spices and it's so subtle but the flavour is there!!! The cream cheese is good too!!!
it looks so yummy omg if we ever meet irl you have to bake me bread
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Bestie after 18 long long years i have FINALLY learned how to whistle im so proud :))) i can even mimic simple tunes in songs now! Its been three days!!!!!
Oh my god!! that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you :D
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Hiii how was ur day? Hope ur doing okay?
my day was good! I went to uni, had an interview for uni next year (I’m continuing the same programme, but next semester I’m trying out english studies!), did a little schoolwork
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Hiiii <333 how r u!!! I finally answered all ur letters yday SORRY it took so long
Hi!! I'm sick :( hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow, we were planning on going on a trip to two museums (I'm missing an amusement park today, but I can handle that. missing not one but TWO museums though? I would cry) hbu?
I saw! sorry I haven't answered yet, I haven't had the energy. I promise I will soon though!
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Heyyy ilysm just wanted to hop on here and say that <33 hope ur having a great time! When do classes start? Have they started already?
yeah, classes started today!! they’re from 9am-4pm (in your time zone that’s 6:30pm - 1:30am). ily more <333
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Hiii i missed college today cuz i overslept rip </3 i needed the rest tho so it was nice!
I got a haircut!!
Oh god, I hope you didn’t miss anything important/have friends who will show you their notes! I'm very glad you got to rest though. and ooooh how does it look?
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Your sun sets @9:30????????????
yeah and it rises at 4:45, when does yours rise/set?
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Hiii!!! How're u doing !
Before I forget, i meant to reply to your reblog the other day but i forgot rip so im saying it here
OLOGIES!!!! I subscribed to that podacst a while back i never got round t listening to it tkdhdjsk i rlly wanna!!! It sounds SO interesting fr :)(
Anyway how u doin!!
The weather here has been better :) its been cloudy fr a few days so it isn't as bad as it was
ah it doesn’t matter, I love getting asks! and yes!! ologies is so cool, I definitely recommend it!!
I’m pretty good! just got out of bed (it’s 6:24). I have school from 8:15 - 17:15 today which sucks, but I think I’ll live. hbu? it’s very cool (haha pun) that the weather is getting better!
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
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Some views from vacation :)))
my jaw is literally on the floor so beautiful omg
waterfalls >>>>>>
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Tell me all ur thoughts abt that post <3 also aLOT of our choices were the same lol nice
I’ll put a cut bc this got very long but here we go
indoor plants or gardens:
you can go on walks in gardens. you can see the sky. it’s better for the plants. better for taking silly photos with your friends and having picnics. clearly superior
cloud-watching or star-gazing:
my dad’s an astrophysicist so I grew up learning about the stars. also I grew up in a big city where you couldn’t see the stars and so seeing them is very very cool (even though I’ve lived in a smaller city for 5 years now, they never lose their wonder)
water or fire:
water is cool (literally). I like drinking it and swimming. also I am clumsy and will burn myself
paperback or hardcover:
floppy paperbacks >>>> (also hardcovers are sometimes more bothersome to transport/hold, or they have those covers that you always have to take off and it’s kinda a hassle)
running or hiking:
I don’t like running. and when I’m hiking I can appreciate the nature more and take tons of pictures and sit and breathe the air and it’s just better (also you can hike with friends and have tons of fun it’s great)
sleeping with socks or without socks:
I’ve never slept with socks but I like it when my feet are free
fruit or vegetables:
idk it just feels like fruits are less work to eat bc most of the time you cook veggies before eating them and fruit you can just eat without prep. also I have some very happy memories involving fruit (and vegetables are a social construct anyways)
hanging plants or succulents:
I just like succulents I think they’re cute (also hanging plants can get in the way)
dark wood or light wood:
I was very indecisive for this one but in the end I tend to prefer light things over dark ones. It’s more cheery I guess
handwritten or typed:
handwritten is more personal! a person’s handwriting is so fun and individual
instagram or pinterest :
I don’t understand Instagram it’s very weird. pinterest has an easily understandable organization scheme which is very fun and simple. It’s cool and if you sort things properly it’s easy to find things you liked again later. also just generally easier to find cool stuff (I cannot use Instagram’s search function properly idk what I’m doing but I can hardly ever find what I’m looking for). also seeing lots of tumblr posts on Pinterest is what made me get a tumblr account which made me meet you <3
braids or pigtails:
having your hair braided by someone/braiding someone’s hair is very good. someone braid my hair please (also I think braids are prettier and far more diverse and varied, like there’s so many different types of braids)
curls or straight hair:
I actually like wavy hair the most but between curls and straight I prefer curls (like to look at, straight hair is definitely very easy to maintain unlike what I’ve heard from my curly haired friends). no idea why, maybe bc I have straight hair and it’s fun to see something different
dc or marvel (idk enough abt either franchise to choose):
this is fairly self explanatory I think, I’ve never watched a dc film and I have watched a very select few marvel films. I don’t feel qualified to make a decision based on that
books or movies:
movies are great too, but I loveeee books! I can take them anywhere with me, I can read at my own pace, I can take breaks, I can imagine how things/the characters look myself, the feeling of paper, how beautiful books are, they’re just amazing. also I grew up reading nonstop so it’s always been such a big part of my life
oceans or meadows:
you can walk around meadows! they all look so different! flowers!! picnics! stargazing/cloudwatching! meadows are simply superior due to how varied they are and how many different things you can do there (mind you, while making this choice I was just thinking of the oceans I’m familiar with which are fairly boring with little wildlife near the shore and nearly identical beaches everywhere. I now remember that coral reefs exist. but you still can’t have a picnic in the ocean so my choice remains the same)
forests or fields:
this was hard bc fields can be very nice as well (I often mix up meadows and fields though. I am only talking abt crop fields here) but forests are so lovely. The shade. the animals. the diverse flora and fauna. I can climb trees. forests also sometimes have ruins/buildings which is very fun. fields are far more monotone.
sweet or salty:
I love both but recently I’ve been tending more towards salty. idk why though maybe it’s a symptom of growing up
ice cream or chocolate:
I love chocolate so much but ice cream. is cooling in summer. and there‘s so many different varieties. and it feels so nice on my tongue. and it sometimes comes covered in chocolate and I love those. I have no substantial reason why, it’s just vibes. on another day I might choose chocolate
hoodies or sweaters:
piercings or tattoos:
Tattoos are such beautiful art!! there’s so much personality in tattoos. I love them (I don’t want one myself but they look so cool on other people. piercings are cool as well but not as cool)
summer or winter:
this actually depends on where I am, the winters here absolutely suck, it’s cold but not cold enough for snow so it’s just raining all the time. disgusting. the summers are very hot though so I hate them as well. The only saving grace of winter is that I can dress properly to ward off the cold, and if all else fails I can hide in my heated home. summer, while having the great benefit of longer days (god I hate it when the sun rises at 9 and goes down at 4) and less rain, offers little to no escape from the heat. there is no air conditioning in places I go regularly. we have no fans. I can only take off so many layers. I melt. humidity is my greatest enemy (though the lack thereof in winter is the greatest enemy of the skin on my knuckles, it is so cracked). nights are my only respite but even those are hot sometimes. another thing to consider is also clothing, in summer my outfits are far more varied and cooler (I have a large collection of t-shirts that I love, among other summer clothing), but also the parts of my body that I hate and feel insecure about are more often on display/harder to hide. in winter I wear the same thing every day in different variations (sweater and jeans with sneakers and my winter coat. on cold days leggings appear under my jeans. on very cold days I’ll wear boots, a second shirt under my sweater or even a second sweater (that hasn’t happened this winter yet though, it was quite warm)). but my problem areas are safely concealed AND I can easily get away with not wearing a bra. clearly winter is better than summer (my favourite season is spring though. fall (not here though, somewhere with good autumns) is a close second)
boots or sneakers:
I hardly ever wear boots, while I wear sneakers every day (unless it’s summer, then I wear sandals.). sneakers are quicker to take on and off (a great advantage on days where I‘m in a hurry or have pe or theatre in that one room where we’re not allowed to wear shoes. they‘re far comfier. my only pair of boots are winter boots and it’s too warm for them
cars or motorcycles:
I’ve never been on a motorcycle before. and cars have a lot of good points. I can read, look out of the window, it’s not cloudy, there’s a far lower chance of accidents, I can talk to people, listen to the radio/music/podcasts etc., watch things I’ve downloaded, they have heating and ac
castles or cottages:
cottages are more homely! I love castles (and palaces as well, which I am far more familiar with due to the amount of them in my area) for how beautiful and historical they are, but cottages are comfy
sunny days or storms:
I can go outside better when it’s sunny! and storms are loud and while I like the sounds of storms sometimes, sometimes it sounds like the wind’s going to blow our house down and that’s unpleasant
reptiles or birds:
idk birds are just cool. they can fly and sing
disney or nickelodeon:
I basically never watched nickelodeon growing up (I didn‘t watch much disney either, but due to the sheer enormity of the company of course I watched things, even if not the typical children’s shows or films.). so just due to the fact that I have little to no experience with nickelodeon I gotta say disney (don’t ask why I’m making a decision here and didn’t for marvel/dc. I don’t know myself)
strawberries or watermelon:
strawberries have more flavour and they are excellent on cakes. also strawberry flowers are pretty and finding wild strawberries is a great experience. I have never seen a wild watermelon and if I did I’d never just take it with me
essays or posters:
two ways of interpreting this, posters win both times. either I am consuming essays or posters, and I am often too lazy to read essays and also posters look cool, or I am creating them and in that case posters are far more fun to make than essays
phones or laptops or desktop or tablets:
added tablets bc I spend most of my time online on my tablet. it’s nice and portable, has a bigger screen than a phone and (most importantly) is something I actually have (unlike a laptop or a desktop)
glass or stone:
I am clumsy and break things often
dark or light:
see the one abt dark/light wood. I just like it more. also I like being able to see and my eyesight in the dark isn’t very good
photos or paintings:
of course photography is also something very dear to my heart, but something about the intimacy of paintings gets to me. everyone would paint the same thing differently. it’s like getting a brief glance into someone’s mind. the individuality is so amazing. and the amount of skill some painters have (@arbitreneart ?? absolutely insane). of course photography is also an artform that requires skill, but paintings are somehow different. also I’m a horrible painter and I admire people who do things I cannot
circuses or theatres:
I am a theatre kid. I love theatre, it’s so fun. I love plays and musicals, they’re great. I can read plays at home and listen to musical soundtracks and enjoy the experience even if I’m not at the theatre. I can discuss certain plays with my friends. I can analyze the meaning of the writing and the moral of the story. I can get involved myself by acting in plays at school or in camps (even though I’m bad at it). I had another amazing reason but it escapes me at the moment. circuses are not great. (this is largely based off of one circus experience I had as a child btw) they’re loud and you’re uncomfortably close to other people and I hate clowns and I can’t do any of the things I loved about theatre
reading or writing:
I’m a bad writer and I love reading. I could list all my reasons for loving reading but most of them are listed by the books/movies one
dogs or cats:
I love dogs but sometimes they’re… too friendly. I don’t like it when dogs run up to me or jump at me (a dog knocked me down once) or bark at me (even if the barking is clearly bc they’re excited). I get overwhelmed easily by dogs. cats are more chill
poetry or novels:
poetry is great but novels. there’s so much to read. stories are so cool I love them. so much to imagine.
monsters or ghosts:
idk ghosts are kinda boring. monsters are cooler and more varied.
thrift shops or libraries:
yeah I could never decide between these two (actually probably if I were held at gunpoint I‘d say libraries bc free books and ac/heating and comfy seating but thrift stores are grand as well)
fiction or non-fiction:
I like imagining things! being taken into new worlds!!
sorry this was much longer than I expected, I applaud you if you made it all the way through! go drink some water. also it’s past midnight for you as I’m typing this, I hope you’re reading this at a decent hour in the morning
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
I also came first in my batch for like the daily class tests <333
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
!! Hi! :). How're u??? U doing good how was ur day??
Hi! Yesterday was kinda meh (nothing particularly bad happened, but we didn’t do anything productive so it was quite pointless to go to school) but today is the first day of the break!! I have some work to do (some uni work and find a recipe to cook this evening) but other than that I am free to laze around today
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wedefyauguryy · 3 years
Bestie tell me abt the arguments uve gotten in over mat/rug/carpet
so. it was a cold day about a year ago (it wasn’t cold enough to snow, so I think it was probably november/early december), there were only 5 of my friends and me in our classroom bc our class was in 3 different rooms due to corona (technically we only had 2 rooms, but there was a third empty room that we commandeered). It was german class, we were left unsupervised and somehow came upon the topic of furniture (I don’t remember exactly why, but we were talking about the furniture in each of our rooms at home) and I said that my carpet was a piece of furniture, a long discussion over whether carpets and furniture ensued, we plagued our german teacher with it and she all but ran away from our heated, but entirely pointless, discussion about what counts as furniture. because we were already talking about carpets and I think in english (in german there’s no distinction between carpets and rugs, it’s just a Teppich), the question came up in my mind what the difference between a rug and a carpet is. I then asked my friends and again, a long discussion ensued. Mainly bc some people thought that carpets had to be wall-to-wall and others (myself included) disagreed and said that carpets could be smaller as well. my friends who aren’t as good in english were very confused. one person suggested it could be a british english vs american english thing. the others loudly disagreed. we consulted google and dictionaries. they all said different things. at the dinner table that day I brought up this discussion and started arguing with my family over what the difference between a carpet and a rug is, because when you see a carpet or rug, you mostly instinctively know whether it’s a carpet or rug, but none of us could come up with clearly defined characteristics of carpets and rugs. my father then brought mats into the discussion, something I had never even thought to include bc the divide between them seemed very clear to me (my main characteristics for mats were texture/material and size, but reading through the responses to the survey some ppl said that mats have a utilitarian purpose which is indeed very true and has now been added to my mental list of what defines a mat), but he had some sound points that certain mats are quite similar to carpets/rugs. I largely hadn’t thought about it since then, but a few days ago I was thinking about the curtains we have in the living room and how they don’t have the vibe of curtains but not of drapes either, and they certainly aren’t shades or blinds, and this made think about what the difference between curtains and drapes are (I have decided it is the thickness/sturdiness of the fabric), which reminded me of the carpet vs rug vs mat debate of yore
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wedefyauguryy · 2 years
Ahh lol I don't mind ppl knowing what state i live in :) thanks for the concern tho!!
Also no :( i do not have instagran du have snap :")
No :”)
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wedefyauguryy · 3 years
Re: white blouse
How does it feel to be the best dressed human
very good
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