dragonofeternal · 9 months
2 tag memes
I got tagged in two different memes this week! Yaaay~
Current things tag meme!
Tagged by @ghoul-misadventures
3 ships: Millionsummers, Vashwood, LeoJoker
Last song: "radio protector" by 65daysofstatic
Currently reading: The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Currently watching: I don't really watch a lot of TV, but I have been on and off binging through the "how it's actually made" parody dub-overs by huggbees on youtube. I also want to check out Flanagan's "Fall of the House of Usher" but starting shows is hard for me XDD
Last movie: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh assuming that hours long youtube documentaries don't count, then I think the last thing I watched might have been the fucking FF7 Advent Children Director's Cut that we rewatched over the summer. (I feel like I've watched something since then but I can't. Remember. What it would have been. So. Yeah.)
Currently consuming: After binging through it in like 2 days, I am now more slowly replaying through Paranormasight
Currently craving: hot chocolate bc it's really cold and rainy here =A=
15 people 15 questions tag meme
tagged by @rosemirmir!
1. are you named after anyone? My first name is the name of my cut-throat great- (or was it great-great?) grandmother who earned the family fortune, and my middle name came from my mom's college roommate.
2. when was the last time you cried? Uhhhh... Like... a couple therapy sessions ago? I have a really good therapist, so we're working on a lot of shit, but unfortunately that means I cry somewhat frequently ><
3. do you have kids? Nope! Not really my scene, but more power to those who do.
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I did basketball on and off in elementary school, and my high school tried to get me to join the basketball team there too, but uhhh I wanted to do theatre more and I only had time to do one or the other. Not a "sport" but I'm gonna be taking an aerial silks class soon!
5. do you use sarcasm? Never. (yes)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? I don't. (I dunno? Height? I'll be honest and say I'm not the most observant about other people lol)
7. what’s your eye color? Blue~
8. scary movies or happy endings? That's a weird dichotomy to present XDDD I guess happy endings if we're talking movies, because I prefer horror in games, writing, comics, and audio mediums slightly more than movies.
9. any talents? Writing and acting spring to mind as two that are both "I've always been fairly talented in this" and "I have worked a lot to hone this skill."
10. where were you born? DC~
11. what are your hobbies Numerous. Uhhh, I write, I draw, I play video and tabletop games, I take walks, I enjoy watching anime and getting way too serious about it.....
12. do you have any pets? We have four cats at home! Two are technically "mine" and Killians, and two are technically Pat's, but yeah. They're good kitties
13. how tall are you? 5'9"
14. favorite subject in school? History! (Though I also honestly very much enjoyed Math bc it was one of the easiest to keep on top of homework and shit in lol)
15. dream job Honestly I'm really, really happy with my current job. It's not anything I necessarily would have expected being like HOMGORZ DREAM JOBBBBB but it's like? Really fulfilling and enjoyable? So uh. Admin for an LGBTQ Health Equity Center XDDD.
tagging @rosemirmir @ghoul-misadventures @arahith @onlines @clockworkspider @setsuntamew @ehyde @jacenbren @orcelito @xx-bluesummers-xx and whoever else feels inspired to do either of these in the most "seriously no pressure guys just do it if you feel like it" way XDD
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goldilocz · 4 years
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repost via @instarepost20 from @the.usual.leo This is so true lmaoo . . . #leo #leos #leosign #leosign♌ #leoseason #leoseason♌️ #leoseason🦁 #leosbelike #leosbelike♌ #leosbelike🦁 #leomen #leowomen #leomemes #leofacts #leojokes #leozodiac #leoastrology #zodiac #astrology #zodiacmemes #astrologymemes #firesigns https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTDvFFDHUk/?igshid=5q5tqjyajbl5
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
Perhaps I shall draw leojoker for Jun's birthday, as a treat to myself
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
I'm writing a LeoJoker ship manifesto for snowflake challenge in dreamwidth. Maybe I'll cross post it here if I feel motivated lol
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
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You Make Me (make me, make me) Holy For You
Chapter 1 - They Can Take All But My Oracles
Fandom: Persona 2 Ship: Tatsuya Sudou & Jun Kurosu, one-sided Sudou/Jun Rating: E, just to be on the safe side Words: 1694 Tags: Pre-Canon, Dysfunctional Relationships, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Mental Institutions and Drugs
And lo! Spring winds blow, and Regulus shines in the Lion. The Exalted One shall appear before him and extend his grace- the thorn is plucked! The lion’s roar shall, in gratitude, ignite the Flames of Atonement to cleanse the world in preparation for the Destruction of Nahui-Olin. Tatsuya Sudou is lifted from perdition to take his rightful place at the side of the Exalted One.
Read it now on AO3!
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
Like a Goddess
Fandom: Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Ship: Tatsuya Sudou/Jun Kurosu
Rating: E
Words: 4146
Tags: Dubcon, Underage, Body Worship, Light Body Horror, King Leo's obsessive loyalty to Joker
What lies behind Joker's mask is true beauty, infinite possibility waiting to burst forth, and King Leo will offer whatever service and praise it takes to show Master Joker what he sees.
Read it now on [AO3]
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
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You Make Me (make me, make me) Holy For You
Chapter 2- Taming Lions has never been easier!
Fandom: Persona 2 Ship: Tatsuya Sudou & Jun Kurosu, one-sided Sudou/Jun Rating: E, just to be on the safe side Tags: Pre-Canon, Dysfunctional Relationships, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Mental Institutions and Drugs
And lo! Spring winds blow, and Regulus shines in the Lion. The Exalted One shall appear before him and extend his grace- the thorn is plucked! The lion’s roar shall, in gratitude, ignite the Flames of Atonement to cleanse the world in preparation for the Destruction of Nahui-Olin. Tatsuya Sudou is lifted from perdition to take his rightful place at the side of the Exalted One.
This chapter, King Leo gets some hair care, followed by mild blunt force trauma to the head.
Read it now on AO3!
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
Good morning everyone I'm full of feels about Tatsuya Sudou because I'm a trash human with impeccable taste.
He just. He's so pitiful, in the truest sense of the word. I pity this blorbo. He's also an absolutely terrible garbage fire (lol) of a person but like. Damn if he didn't have the deck stacked against him.
Like maybe you shouldn't have become a serial arsonist and then murderer but like your dad hated you and wanted you gone, you had a Lovecraftian nightmare whispering incessantly in your head, and your favorite teacher who seemed to be the only person that gave a shit about you was like 'yes please tell me all about what the voices say because they're magic aliens and you're their prophet'
And then finally there's belonging and purpose when he joins the Masked Circle but WHOOPSIE DOOPSIE cults are actually a terrible fucking idea! Die in a fire that was entirely your own fault!
Universe restarts? Don't worry, the Lovecraftian whispering is WORSE now bc Nyarly ain't pleased at having been cheated out of his win by Philemon. Dude spends half his screen time in Eternal Punishment in a trenchcoat and a hospital gown after breaking out of where his father had him committed so he wouldn't embarrass the family, which I mean, bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy there chief, and then dies again. Don't worry though, fate makes time for him to be rebuffed by Jun, who doesn't remember him and thus is REASONABLY FREAKED OUT by the crazy man who kidnapped him and talks to him like he's fucking god and gonna save him and humanity from all this.
I dunno. Just. I wanna write some fic but so far my thoughts have just been incoherent flailing of this approximate tone.
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dragonofeternal · 2 years
Might fuck around and post the leojoker dubcon with light body horror I wrote a few months back
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