24khealing · 4 years
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🐱🦁 International Cat Day (who are we kidding, everyday is CAT day!) & #88lionsgateportal 🐱 Show us your furry friends! Tell us about their unique personalities. 🦁 Sirius 8/8 Lions Gate Portal is upon is today too! No coincidence that the 2 events happen on the same day! Take in those highly alchemical energies. Great time for manifesting. Find a quiet space to meditate and relax. Welcome in a new timeline. #internationalcatday #leothelion🦁 #originalreikimasters #reiki https://www.instagram.com/p/CDo7vMBnsfu/?igshid=dw3v85dp44v
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j86869 · 7 years
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Yup. Yup. That's me. #augustborn #leothelion🦁 #memyselfandi #weekendmodeactivated👿👿 (at Istana Bunian)
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