Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Reiji Ecstasy [10]
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ー The scene starts in the Church
Seiji: The Church has decided to sentence you to death. ...No hard feelings, okay? 
Reiji: ...
( I shamelessly waltz onto enemy territory, only to get myself killed. What an absolute joke. )
( I doubt this would have ever happened to Father in the past. )
( How come I feel so conflicted, even though this was a decision I made myself...? I suppose I was never suited to be a King after all. )
( Father...Your decision was right. )
( With such an incomponent fool on the throne, the Vampire race as well as the whole entire world will soon enough come to an end. )
( I can...never be like you. )
Seiji: Say something. 
Reiji: ...Yes, I understand. However, will you be satisfied with only taking my life? 
Seiji: Only those immense powers you possess pose any threat to us. 
Once we have gotten rid of those, the other Vampires are nothing but a bunch of fools not even worth our time. 
Reiji: ...
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Kino: ーー And there you have it. It has been decided that Sakamaki Reiji will take you guys’ place and be executed. 
Yui: You’re lying...!
Kino: It’s the truth. Moreso, your Father is the one who decided it. Ahaha, life is cruel, isn’t it? 
Yui: No way...! Let me see Father!
He might just reconsider if I ask him. ...So! Please...!
Kino: Hahー He won’t, trust me. He considers you to be corrupted, you see? 
Don’t you think he might just shoot you if you run up to him? 
Yui: No way...
( Is there really no other way? I don’t want to just wait for his execution...! )
Azusa: Eve...Hang in there... 
Ayato: ...Oi, what are you guys doin’ together with Reiji? 
Yuma: It’s a long story. ...But we decided to follow the dude. 
Laito: Hmm~? Out of your own free will? 
Kou: Pretty much. 
Shuu: ...So, what are you going to do? 
Azusa: Hmー...
Kanato: ...It’s no fair that only Reiji will get to die ahead of us. 
Subaru: Exactly. 
Male Clergyman B: Woman, listen. The Vampire King has requested an audience with you. Follow me. 
Yui: ...! Yes!
Azusa: Wait. I’ll go with her...
Kino: You can’t. I won’t let you go, unless you go by yourself. 
Yui: ...Azusa-kun, please. I’ll be alright by myself, okay? 
Azusa: But...
Yui: I’m begging you! Let me see Reiji-san...
Azusa: Eve...Okay, I understand. 
Yuma: Don’t try and do anythin’ reckless, ‘kay? 
Yui: Yes, thank you. 
ー The scene shifts to the Church
Yui: Reiji-san...!
Reiji: Yui!
ー She embraces him
Yui: Why are you being executed...I don’t want that. I won’t be able to handle it!
What happened? Is there anything I can do...?
I don’t want you...to disappear...! Didn’t you promise that you’d stay with me...!? 
Reiji: ...Yui. 
Yui: ( Even though he’s holding me tightly in his arms, I can’t help but be overcome by fear. )
( I can’t stop shaking... )
Reiji: ...What can I do to make you smile? 
→ Fabricate a smile (❦)
Yui: ( ...It’s just the two of us finally, I have to smile...! )
Reiji: ...It is that smile of yours which secretly continued to comfort me. 
...My apologies for forcing you, but the sentiment makes me incredibly happy. 
Yui: Uu...
( I can’t. When he says something so sweet, I’ll cry again...! )
→ Fail to stop the tears 
Yui: ( That’s impossible...! )
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: ( It’s already hard enough to suppress my voice as I bury my face in Reiji-san’s chest like this...! )
Reiji: ...I suppose this works as well. 
I cannot say I dislike you doing this. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: ...Did you calm down a little? 
Yui: Yes...I’m so sorry. 
Reiji: No, I should apologize for surprising you. 
Yui: ...Let’s run away. Everyone is waiting for us outside, so I’m sure we’ll be able to make it ouーー 
Reiji: No, I cannot do that. ...Please take a look at my hands. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( He’s got something around his wrists. I’ve never seen anything like it before... )
Reiji: Apparently this is a tool developed by the Church which suppresses one’s magic. 
I do not know what kind of research they did but...I must say the end result is quite impressive. As a result, I gave up on trying to escape. 
Yui: No way...!
Reiji: I suppose they only called you over here because they had these to fall back on. I suppose that’s one good thing about them. 
Yui: I can’t just wait for you to get executed!
There should be something we can do...So please don’t give up!
Reiji: I am powerless right now. ...No, not just now. I have been powerless all along. 
Deep down, I knew painfully well that I could never follow in my Father’s footsteps. 
Yui: Eh...?
Reiji: Even so, I truly felt happy knowing that he chose me. It had been my life-long wish after all. 
However, ever since I gained these powers, my own powerlessness only became even more apparent to me.
...It has become very clear to me that it is simply impossible for me. 
Yui: Don’t say that...You tried so very hard, didn’t you? 
Reiji: Yes. I racked my brain, struggled and fought till the bitter end. 
Ever so often, you would cheer me on, comfort me, or look out for me wherever you could...We spent many moments together, did we not? 
And at the end of all that, there is one thing I realized. 
I believe that I was chosen, exactly because I am powerless. ...As the Adam who will lead this World to its demise. 
Yui: Demise? ...What do you mean? 
Reiji: In other words, Father was well aware from the very beginning that I would fail to control these powers. 
He saw right through me, and realized that I could never be capable of wielding this immense force or in other words, attain the status of God. 
Yui: God...
Reiji: Yes. A true God does not allow himself to feel ever, no matter what. 
He must be someone who transcends everything in this World. 
Because Father was once a God like that, Eden was maintained and he ruled over the Demon World. 
...I figured I could be like that as well. However, it was more than impossible. 
No matter how hard I tried to fight my feelings for you...I could not get rid of them. 
I failed as a Vampire King. Therefore, I believe I have to now take responsibility for my own failure. 
Just like Father wished for, I will destroy the future in which the Vampire race gets to live on for eternity, and put an end to everything...
I believe...that is my final duty. 
Yui: ...You aren’t a failure!
You are the ideal King both to me and to the others!
So....Please don’t say such sad things...!
*Knock knock* 
Male Clergyman A: It’s time. ...Leave, woman. 
Yui: Once the door opens, let’s run togeーー 
Reiji: Did I not just tell you? I will take responsibility in my own way. ...Therefore, I cannot go with you. 
Yui: No...I won’t be able to cope with it. 
Yui: !
Reiji: It is time. ...Please try not to make choices which will only bring harm upon yourself, okay? 
I believe in you. 
Yui: ...!
Reiji: Farewell, my beloved Eve. 
What makes one God? 
Never had I ever asked myself said question before. 
I am left speechless at the answer he arrived at,
after gaining such immense powers. 
Someone who does not let themselves get swayed by anything,
but instead looks at things from a neutral point of view. 
It is simply too tragic, knowing that someone would not be allowed,
to feel joy, fear, grief or pleasure (喜恐哀楽), nor experience any other slight shift in emotion. 
However, I am sure that those who have once gotten a taste of kindness (優しさ),
will never be able to give it up again. 
Exactly because I am convinced of that,
I refuse to let him be sacrificed. 
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