Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Ecstasy [10]
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ー The scene starts on the open fields of Rotigenberg
Kino: Hey there, I’ve been waiting for you, Ruki.
I thought it’d take you a little longer than this, but you’re early. You must have really been in a rush, huh?
I can imagine you aren’t too thrilled about coming here, but I guess you’d do anything for her sake? The power of love conquers all~
Ruki: I am not here to waste my time talking to you. ...Give Yui back. I know that she’s here.
Kino: Yeah, yeah. I was going to do that either way. So could you stop glaring at me like that?
I don’t think I can keep up with her constant crying much longer either, you see? Yuuri, the girl.
Yuuri: She’s right here. Well then, go ahead.
Yui: Ruki-kun...!
Ruki: ...So you’re safe.
Yui: ...Ruki-kun...!
ー Yui runs up to Ruki and embraces him
Ruki: ...What’s wrong?
Yui: I’m so sorry...Uu...
Ruki: ...For coming to the Demon World behind my back? Don’t mention it. It was my fault forーー
Yui: No. Actually, I want to apologize for that too but...
I didn’t know a thing...yet I said all those horrible things to you...I’m sorry.
Even though I should have known that it’d make no sense for you to completely disregard your brothers.
Ruki: ...Don’t tell me...
Yui: Kino-kun told me...about this man named Trismégiste.
Ruki: !
Kino: Sorry, I spilled the beans~
*Rustle rustle* 
Ruki: You bastard...How do you know about that!?
Kino: Is it really that surprising? All it takes is a little research, no?
Ruki: ...To probe into my past?
Kino: At first, yeah. However, once I started looking into it more, I realized that I’m not completely unrelated to this case either.
After all, Trismégiste has been to this place, to Rotigenberg.
Yui: Eh...!? 
Ruki: What...did you just say...?
Kino: Seems like you weren’t aware of that either, huh? I guess that makes sense. It isn’t mentioned in any of the books after all. 
Ruki: What do you mean!? Explain yourself!
Kino: You know that Trismégiste was rumored to have carried corpses away, right?
I do think that in the human world, this bit of trivia was regarded as nothing but an urban legend with no conclusive proof of its accuracy. 
But guess what! I know that it is actually the truth. I even know why he did it as well. 
Trismégiste, you see, he was conducting experiments on humans over here. That is why he needed those corpses. 
Ruki: Ridiculous...
Kino: Can’t believe me? Because it wasn’t mentioned in any of the books you read?
Of course not. I mean, you can’t ask the dead after all. 
However...What if those corpses were brought back to life as Ghouls? 
Ruki: ...!? 
→ Is that true...? 
Yui: Is that true...?
Ruki: Don’t listen to him! It’s utter and blatant bullshit!
→ Stop (❦)
Yui: Stop...Don’t make up random facts. 
Ruki: Exactly. I’ve heard enough of your ridiculous theorycrafting. 
Kino: Fufu...Do you perhaps believe that it’s impossible for the dead to come back to life? 
Have you forgotten? I’m pretty sure you died at one point too, Ruki?
Yui: ...!
Kino: But you’re alive now. No, you were able to survive at the hands of Karlheinz. Isn’t that right?
Then it wouldn’t be all that farfetched to assume that there were other people who were brought back to life by Trismégiste, right?
Ruki: It’s all just speculation on your part! There’s no evidence that it’s the truth!
Kino: Hm...In that case, you should try asking them directly.
If someone you know from the past were to appear in front of you as a Ghoul...You’d have no other choice but to believe me, right?
Ruki: ...Someone I know, you say...?
Kino: Exactly. Trismégiste was around when you were still a human, right? So it wouldn’t be that strange for those Ghouls to exist, would it?
I’ve heard that a lot of people died during that era either way. As a result of the Revolution, that is.
I’m sure you had people close to you...die as well, didn’t you?
???: ーー Ruki. 
...It’s you, isn’t it? Aah...You’ve grown so much. 
Ruki: ...Unbelievable...
Yui: ( This man...Is he someone Ruki-kun knows? )
Ruki’s Father: Take a good look at me. Were you really that cold of a son...you would forget about your own Father?
Yui: ( !? Don’t tell me this man is his biological Father...!? )
Ruki: ...No way...This can’t...
Ruki’s Father: I don’t blame you for feeling that way. However, this is reality, Ruki.
Ruki: ...If you are...truly my Father...then please tell me. What happened leading up to today?
Ruki’s Father: Very well. If that’ll help convince you.
There was someone who carried my corpse out of the manor, on that fateful day when I took my own life. ...It was one of Trismégiste’s loyal followers.
Of course, it was all done behind the scenes, but they abused the Revolution to gather corpses from all across the country. 
Trismégiste. He wanted human corpses. 
And all of the dead bodies they gathered were transferred to this place by him.
Most of them ended up buried underneath the ground but...Whether to call them lucky or misfortunate is up to personal interpretation, but there were also those who were brought back to life as Ghouls. I happened to be one of those.
Some people were obviously happy to have been brought back to life...But that wasn’t the case for me. 
I resented Trismégiste after all.
Ruki: Ugh...
Ruki’s Father: I had lost everything because of that Devil. So knowing that I had been revived by that guy sounded like a bad joke.
Ruki: ...You’re wrong. 
Ruki’s Father: Excuse me...?
Ruki: You never lost everything...! It was only your social and political power which were stolen from you, but you never lost your family!
I’m the one who lost everything! If you hadn’t killed yourself, I would...
Yui: ( Ruki-kun... )
Ruki’s Father: Aah, right...At one point, I felt the same.
While I did lose my wife, I still had a son. Yet I ended up taking my life regardless. I felt deep regret towards my actions at times.
ーー Ruki! If only you had not chosen to live as the son of none other than Trismégiste himself!!
Ruki: ...!
Ruki’s Father: I know everything that happened to you after the Revolution!
I heard that you have been living your life up till today as Trismégiste...No, as Karlheinz’s son, correct!?
That is when I realized! That Devil stole even my beloved son from me!!
Are you trying to tell me that even my own son disregarded everything I had done for him and was won over by that Devil!? In that case, he is nothing but a dirty bastard!!
Ruki: Kuh...!
Yui: Please stop!!
Ruki’s Father: You step back, woman!!
Ruki: ...Let go of me!
Ruki’s Father: ...!
Ruki: Coff, coff...!
Yui: Ruki-kun, are you alright!? 
Kino: Ahー God, you’re all getting a little too heated over there. Yuuri, have that guy step back for now.
Yuuri: Roger. ...My apologies, this way please.
Ruki’s Father: Let me go! I’m not done talking to him yet!
Yuuri: I understand. However, this is a direct order from Kino...So I shall have you come with me, even if I have to use force.
ー Yuuri takes him away
Kino: I’m counting on you! ...Hah, aristocrats are such a handful. Even as Ghouls they think they have the right to do anything. 
So...How was that? Ready to believe me?
Ruki: ...It’s all mere speculation...There is no conclusive evidence to prove that man is actually Trismégiste...!
Kino: It’s true that we have no proof. But you know, like I said earlier, do you really think there’s anyone else capable of reviving the dead?
Just admit it already. Only God is capable of doing such a thing. And who is the guy who was always regarded to be God in this World?
Ruki: ...
Kino: Honestly, this is the very pinnacle of irony. You can try and deny it all you want, but you’ve been directly confronted with something which proves the opposite. 
Ruki: ...Why? Why would that man...do such a thing...?
Kino: I went around and asked the Ghouls living here, and it seems like he was trying to create something new.
I believe it’s most likely the new humankind he always spoke of. That’s probably why he chose to use human corpses. 
I’m sure you know very well just how badly he wanted for that plan to succeed?
Ruki: ...’Adam’...
Kino: ...Well then. I’ll go check up on Yuuri. You’re free to go wherever you want.
ー Kino walks away
Ruki: ...
Yui: ...Ruki-kun, let’s head inside for now. You should try and calm down a little...
ー The scene shifts to the inside of the Ghoul’s manor
Yui: Take a seat on the bed. ...Do you want a hot drink?
Ruki: No...I’m good.
Yui: ( ...It has hit him pretty hard. Only makes sense though... )
( There’s nothing I can do. ...But. )
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“The warmth you radiate as you touch me...helps soothe me.”
“I have been saved by this tiny palm of your hand...time after time.”
Yui: ( Even if just a little. I want to share this grief and pain...with him. )
Ruki: ...This sure takes me back.
Yui: Eh...?
Ruki: I’m sure that in the past...You must have held my hand like this whenever I was suffering from a bad dream, no? ...For some reason, your touch is strangely soothing.
Yui: ...Ruki-kun, no need to hold back.
If you want to vent, you can...tell me anything.
Whether it’s your grief, pain or sense of guilt. ...Let me burden it all together with you. 
Ruki: ...
....That guy was right. I know that it’s no longer just mere speculation.
Karlheinz-sama tried to create a new humankind.
For the sake...Of the Apple of Eden project which you also know very well.
Yui: ...Yeah.
Ruki: I believe that is why he decided to show up in the human world as Trismégiste. 
And as a result, while it may not have been his direct intention, it is most likely true that...us four brothers ended up in misery because of this.
We cannot change the past. I know that. ...But I can’t help but wonder.
Did he perhaps choose to show up in front of us, knowing that he was responsible for our misfortune? 
Yui: ...But Karlheinz-san is no longer with us. 
Ruki: Yes. ...There’s no way to confirm the truth with him.
Therefore, I thought that as long as I kept my mouth shut, everyone around me could remain ignorant and nobody would have to get hurt.
Yui: But then...You’ll have to suffer all by yourself again. I...no longer want that.
Ruki: What happens to me doesn’t matter. Because while I did get you involved in the process, you are there to share the pain with me. 
However, right now I’ve come to realize that keeping the truth a secret doesn’t automatically lead to happiness.
My Father refused to talk to me about his hatred for this person. But in the end, he abandoned me...and left this world. 
The same can be said about Karlheinz-sama. Regardless of what the truth may be, he never spoke a word of it to us.
So we could say that the current situation was brought forth by his decision to remain quiet.
I honestly pity myself for having lived in ignorance up until now.
That’s why I want to tell those guys the truth. ...I don’t want them to have to feel this way as well.
Yui: ...Yeah. I believe that’s for the best too.
It’s true that finding out the truth might be painful for them. But I believe that it’d hurt them knowing you kept it a secret as well. 
I know that it may sound easy for me to say that, but I am glad that I know now.
I am genuinely happy that you told me about what happened with everyone, as well as how you truly feel about all of this. 
Ruki: ...Are you trying to console me?
Yui: Rather than consoling, I suppose I’m trying to...encourage you?
Ruki: Heh...You cheeky girl.
Let’s go.
Yui: ...We’re going to Eden, right?
Ruki: Yes. To tell them the truth. And also ーー To protect my family. 
You want to keep those you care about away from all things bad. 
I do not believe it is wrong to think that way. 
However, even after being exposed to all of that,
I still wanted to remain by Ruki-kun’s side. 
And I could confidently say,
that the same must surely be true for Kou-kun and the others. 
We are one big family (家族) after all. 
No matter what the truth (真実) may be,
this bond with them will never be broken. 
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