Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Ecstasy [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in Kino’s room in the Ghoul’s manor
Yuuri: Kino. Those two have just left the area. They are headed towardsーー 
Kino: Eden, duh? That guy really thinks and acts just like a human would. Although that makes it easier for me to read his moves. 
Well then, shall we go after them? ーー Seems like it’s finally our time to shine after all.
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Eden
Yui: ( ...Thank god. The war hasn’t started yet. However... )
Ruki: It’s suspiciously noisy over here. ...I suppose the Vibora will soon launch their attack.
Yui: Anyway, we have to look for Kou-kun and the oth...Ah!
Kou: Ruki-kun!? And M-neko-chan as well!
Yui: Kou-kun!
Yuma: Ruki, ya say!? Took ya long enough, dude! What have ya been up to this whole time!?
Azusa: Ruki...Welcome back...!
Ruki: ...I’m home now. Sorry for taking so long.
Kou: Exactly! Things were so hectic without you arou ーー Whoops. ...Sorry.
Ruki: Sorry for what? Why apologize?
Kou: We shouldn’t say those kinds of things, right? ...That’s why you grew sick of it, didn’t you?
Ruki: ...? What are you talking about? 
Yuma: Ya refused to come back home ‘cause we were always naggin’ ya to take care of all the shit, no?
Ruki: ...I have no idea what you’re talking about. I believe you guys might be misunderstanding something?
Azusa: ...Did Kou jump the gun on this one...?
Yuma: Eh? ...Kou, you bastard!
Kou: Wah! Wait, hold up! It’s not my fault, is it!?
A-Anyway, we have more important matters on our hands! The Vibora might come to attack soon!
Yuma: Che, look at the dude tryin’ to change the subject. Shuu will do somethin’ ‘bout that so it’s not that urgent, is it?
Yui: Eh? ...Shuu-san’s here?
Azusa: Yeah...The whole Sakamaki family came.
Ruki: ...Just as I thought. That’s a relief.
However, if it comes to a war, they will most likely need our help as well. Before that happens...
Kou, Yuma, Azusa. There’s something I want to tell you guys. 
Azusa: Tell...?
Yuma: ...Seems like it’s somethin’ serious. Let’s head inside first then. Who knows when the enemy will show up here.
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall at Eden
Kou: ーー No way...Karlheinz-sama is the one who...?
Yuma: He’s the true mastermind behind that Revolution? ...That’s not somethin’ to joke ‘bout, mate.
Azusa: But...Ruki would never joke about such a thing, would he...?
Ruki: ...Yes. I don’t want to believe it either, but all the evidence points in this direction. 
Can you guys...forgive him for his deeds?
Kou: ...
Yuma: ...
Yui: ( ...We knew that it would come as a shock to them. However, Ruki-kun chose to tell them regardless. )
( In which case, I should also confront them instead of running away from the issue. )
...I won’t deny that Karlheinz-san has committed a crime. And perhaps this led to you guys’ misfortune as well. 
However...The fact that he saved all four of you is just as much the truth.
Azusa: Eve...
Yui: I’m sorry...Perhaps I’m in no position to say this when I wasn’t there to experience it all.
Azusa: No...That’s not true. I feel the same way.
Even if it was but a mere coincidence that he chose to save us, or even if he had an ulterior motive to do so...
If he had not done so, I would have never been given the chance to be part of such a warm family...
Perhaps it’s because I never once thought of myself as all that unfortunate but...I believe I am able to forgive him. 
Yuma: ...Ya do have a point.
I mean, it does make me wonder how things would have turned out if that Revolution never happened. ...I lost many things ‘cause of it after all.
Still...Just like Azusa said, we were given a chance to meet as a result of it.
In that case, perhaps it wasn’t all a mistake after all.
Maybe I would think differently ‘bout it if I was still miserable to this day, but luckily, I can say that I’m happy right now.
Ruki: Azusa...Yuma...
Kou: ...Yeah. I agree with both of them as well.
I’m pretty sure that under normal circumstances, one wouldn’t be able to look past his crimes. Just like...How your biological Father can’t.
However, in our case, we didn’t just have everything taken away from us.
He gave us something back in return as well. Not just anything either...but something incredibly valuable. 
To be honest, I’m much happier now than I was as a human. I mean, now I have the best family in the whole wide world!
Ruki: Kou...
Yuma: You’re makin’ me cringe, mate.
Kou: What!? You don’t feel the same way?
Azusa: I do...
Kou: Right? Of course Azusa-kun would understand me~
Yuma: I never said I don’t agree, did I!?
Yui: ...Fufu.
Ruki: ...
Yui: Hey, Ruki-kun. It’s okay now. Everyone...This family you have here, it won’t fall apart no matter what happens.
Ruki: ...
Kou: I’m pretty sure that it’s the hardest on you to acknowledge the things which Karlheinz-sama has done.
But listen, Ruki-kun. Everyone makes mistakes, you know?
We did as well, and I’m pretty sure Karlheinz-sama is no exception to that rule either...
Perhaps he even realized his own mistakes, which is why he tried to start over with a clean slate?
ー Ruki recalls Christa’s words
Christa: That hurtful look in one’s eyes, capable of even making the hearts of those watching ache in pain...What is it that is making you suffer?
Ruki: ...Good question. I believe it is my own self-hatred which is causing this pain.
Christa: ...Fufu, the two of you really are similar.
ー The flashback ends
Ruki: ...I see.
Giving life once more to the people who died as a result of his own mistakes...Might have been his way of trying to start over again. 
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Ruki: ...Aah, damnit...
Azusa: Don’t cry, Ruki...
Yui: ...No, go ahead and cry if you need to.
You can do so right now. I mean, it’s in front of your family after all.
Yuma: ...Good point.
Ruki: ...It’s true that man might have committed a crime.
However, to me ーー to us, he remains an important individual who made this family possible.
I believe that he is our true Father after all...
Kou: Yeah. Which means that you are our older brother. No matter what happens.
Ruki: Ah...Yeah...
Azusa: Ruki...Uu...
Yuma: You’re cryin’ as well now, Azusa? Geez, my bros are a bunch of crybabies!
Kou: Says the guy with tears in his eyes~?
Yuma: Haah!? Says who...!? ...I mean, she does as well, see!?
Yui: S-Sorry...I’m just so happy...
Ruki: Hah...We really are alike, aren’t we? ...As to be expected of a family. 
ー They can hear a commotion outside
Kou: ...That sound just now...!
Yuma: ...So the Vibora have arrived at last?
Ruki: Seems like this isn’t the time for tears.
Let us go. ...Right now, I can proudly say this.
I want to protect Eden. ーー This place which I shared with my family.
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