Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts in the Big Hall at Eden
Shuu: ーー What’s the situation on the battlefield? 
Ruki: The enemy troops have been expelled in the North, West and South. Things are going well in the East as well with Yuma and Sakamaki Ayato handling the front lines. 
Shuu: ...I just hope those two don’t overdo it.
Ruki: Do not worry about that. I made sure to send Kou and Sakamaki Reiji with them to keep them in check.
Azusa and Sakamaki Subaru are in charge of taking care of our injured soldiers. Yui is with them as well, so that should be fine. 
I asked Sakamaki Kanato and Laito to track down the Vibora who ran away, just in case. Of course, I told them not to take action unless necessary. 
Shuu: ...Why am I still here, I wonder? You’re much better suited to be the King than me. 
Ruki: Hah, talk about irony. You should know better than anyone else that I am not fit for that title. 
Shuu: I just spoke my mind, that’s all.
Ruki: ...A King is the symbol of its clan. In which case, I do believe you are the best candidate, Sakamaki Shuu. 
Shuu: ...An eye for an eye?
Ruki: I just spoke my mind, that’s all?
Shuu: ...Haah. You’re not as nosy as Reiji is, but you’re kind of a pain in the ass. I feel for that woman.
Ruki: Unfortunately for you, it appears she happens to enjoy that side of me.
Shuu: ...Save that sappy bullshit for another day.
???: Exactly.
ー Somebody approaches them
Shuu: ...Who’s there? 
Ruki: You...! Why are you here!? 
Kino: What’s so strange about that? I’m a Vampire too, remember?
I came here because I want to have a little chat with Mr. King over here. Do you have time right now?
Shuu: I don’t see why I would talk with some guy I don’t even know?
Kino: Oh come on, don’t say that! I’ve come with a tempting offer.
You might not expect it, but I’m actually the leader of a certain organization. So here’s my suggestion...
I’ll offer you my underlings as soldiers for your troops, so why don’t we join forces? 
Shuu: Excuse me...?
Kino: We actually planned to take out the Vibora and the Wolves by ourselves, but that’s proving to be a little tricky. 
We’re both Vampires, so why not? Let’s work together, okay?
Shuu: ...
...Very well.
Ruki: Oi...Are you sure?
Shuu: It’s not like I’ll lose anything from it. Having more soldiers to rely on never hurts, does it?
Ruki: ...
Kino: Fufu, I knew you’d understand. I expected no less from the guy who inherited Karlheinz’ powers. 
Right! Why don’t we make a toast on our alliance? I’ll prepare some drinks right away! Yuuri!
ー Yuuri walks up to them
Yuuri: Here you go.
Kino: Ah, this is my aide, Yuuri! While he might not be as impressive as yours, he’s nothing to scoff at either!
Well then, here we go! Cheers!
*Cling cling* 
Shuu: ...
Ruki: ...Haah.
Kino: ...! What are you doing!?
Shuu: ...What are you playing at, Ruki?
Kino: Oh come on! What’s the intention here? Way to waste the drinks I prepared!
Ruki: Drinks, you say? ...Shouldn’t you say ‘poison’, instead? 
Kino: !!
Ruki: Then there’s you, Sakamaki Shuu. Stop fooling around.
Shuu: Not really...I just didn’t mind if I died, that’s all.
Ruki: You really lack even the slightest shred of motivation, don’t you?
Kino: ...Hold up. Don’t tell me, both of you saw right through me? 
Ruki: Why else do you think we agreed to your conditions? We were just baiting you to see when you’d show your true colors.
While this guy has the energy level of a sloth, he is far from an idiot. You should remember that.
Kino: ...Excuse me...? So you were making a fool out of me!?
Ruki: That’s our line. You must truly underestimate us if you thought you could deceive us with such an obvious scheme. 
Shuu: So, what are you two after? My life? My powers? 
Kino: ...Look at you acting all calm!
Yes, exactly! I want those powers of yours!
In this case, I’ll just have to take them by force! Yuuri! Back me up!!
Yuuri: Roger. 
Shuu: ...Just when I thought I was lucky for not having to directly fight those Vibora, here I am facing a Vampire instead. 
Ruki: Need some help?
Shuu: Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to. ーー No thank you.
Ruki: ( ...You truly are the rightful King, Sakamaki Shuu. )
( I cannot survive without having someone lend me a hand. ...However, that is fine. )
( I am powerless and weak. That is why I live together with my family. )
ーー Three days later.
The Vibora troops had completely withdrawn, 
from both Eden,
as well as the Vampire’s territory. 
Ruki-kun told me,
that if Shuu-san as the current King,
were to continue showing his commanding power,
the ongoing chaos should gradually come to an end as well. 
As he spoke those words,
all distress he showed in the past had completely faded away,
and I could tell,
that he had acknowledged Shuu-san from the bottom of his heart.
ーー However, even with the war coming to an end,
and the situation at the Demon World stabilizing. 
Eden did not return,
to its former magnificent state. 
Even so, Ruki-kun told Shuu-san,
that he wanted to continue watching over the castle,
which he always wanted to protect for its many memories it holds,
until the day it crumbles apart.
Shuu-san gave him permission to do so,
and I ー�� without a moment of hesitation,
decided to stay behind here together with Ruki-kun.
ー The scene shifts to the World Tree
Ruki: ...
ー Yui walks up to him
Yui: Ruki-kun. You’re here again? You could always read inside as well...
Ruki: It’s most pleasant to read over here. I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean if you join me. Now, come over here.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“I didn’t think we’d get to spend time together in peace like this again. ...I am eternally grateful for the fact that I was able to overcome that obstacle and once again live happily with you and my brothers.”
“When I look at this picture, it’s almost like I can hear their voices.”
Yui: Guess what? We got a letter from the other guys. Look, it even came with a picture. 
Ruki: ...Seems like they’re doing well. Are they managing by themselves?
Yui: Seems like Kou-kun is busy with his job as an idol again.
That’s why Yuma-kun is trying his best to cook, while Azusa-kun takes care of the laundry. 
Apparently they take turns to do the cleaning...
Ruki: They suck at both cooking and cleaning after all. I guess they haven’t changed in that regard.
Yui: We received a letter from Reiji-san as well. Here you go.
Ruki: ...Seems like there’s some developments in the case I told you about.
Yui: The one about the Ghouls? 
Ruki: Yes. Seems like everything is finally ready to have them move to a new home. 
Ruki-kun actually made one more request,
to Shuu-san. 
This being for the Ghouls,
to get the chance to move away from Rotigenberg,
and allow them to live,
on the Vampire’s territory.
While things seemed rather chaotic on their part,
now that Kino-kun and Yuuri-san are no longer around,
that only lasted temporarily. 
While Ruki-kun claimed,
that he did not do this as some kind of atonement...
I do believe that deep down,
he is kind of worried about his biological dad as well. 
To Ruki-kun,
that man is just as much real family.
Yui: Want to go meet him...once things have calmed down? 
Ruki: ...No, I don’t intend to. Right now, I’m a Vampire, not a human nor a Ghoul. 
As a Vampire, Karlheinz is my one and only Father.
It’s just...I do wish for him to be able to live in peace. In this World, at least.
Yui: ...I see.
Ruki: I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time. While I did consider that man to be my Father, I also viewed him as some sort of deity. 
I believe the more I thought that way, the more I made a God out of him. 
That’s when I realized. While our situations were completely different, I believe that man had plenty of struggles of his own. 
Just like how I always tried to reach the ideal my brothers had set up for me...I believe he also tried to live up to the expectations of me and his other faithful followers. 
Right now, I truly believe he suffered.
Yui: ...Perhaps, yeah. That’s just far too heavy of a burden to carry by yourself after all.
Ruki: Yeah, it was for me, at the very least. I suppose that man was the only person actually capable of doing so.
I already had my hands full protecting my family. 
However, perhaps it’s the fact that we live while supporting each other which makes us a family.
Yui. Will you continue to be there for me?
Yui: Of course. We’re family after all. 
Ruki: ...I think you might be thinking of the wrong interpretation of ‘family’?
Yui: Eh? 
Ruki: While you are family, we’re not siblings. ...Do you understand what that implies? 
I want you to support me as my wife. That’s what I’m trying to say. 
Yui: Wife...Nn...!? 
Ruki: ...Nn....
Yui: I-I...haven’t given my answer yet...
Ruki: We’re family, aren’t we? Then I don’t need to hear your answer. 
I wouldn’t go as far as to call myself indebted but...You’ve always been the one saving me up to this point. 
That’s why from here on out, I want to protect and support you instead.
Yui: ...I feel the same way. I want to protect you, and be there for you. 
Ruki: We’re as similar as ever, aren’t we? ...However, that’s exactly why I like you. 
I love you, Yui. Let’s live together...as a family. 
ーー THE END ーー
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