#lesbian Xina Kwan
machineheraldandy · 1 year
Can I post this🧐 let’s find out
This is actually a version of Miguel for an AU where Xina becomes spiderwoman! But if Miguel got to live basically lol, in this he is MTF hence the “lesbian panic” please just ignore if you don’t enjoy that💔
It is Xina x Miguel (xinamiguel/ximig/Retrofang)
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jazzums · 9 months
ive read 1992 sm2099 but im not sure id consider myself part of its tiny dedicated fandom im just a casual fan of miguel’s origin
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machineheraldandy · 1 year
“Cardboard flat” Xina Kwan was not cardboard flat, definitely not infact that’s why us fans love her so much and it is obvious this answer was aimed at her as a character because the question asked directly mentioned Xina Kwan.
She was a genius inventor that was smarter than Miguel who created/fixed Lyla, she was obsessed with retro things to the point she wanted her car even to be retro, she could stand up for herself and knew how to put Miguel in place, being able to insult him and Dana for things they’ve done and it’s not shown so much in a negative her carrying on way but a funny way of her messing with them for the hurt they caused. She studied aliens as well her entire life, trying to find out if they existed. She had complex emotions, even if Miguel’s love interest for a lot of time she didn’t even care about being with him, the most she wanted out of him was a sexual encounter in Mexico, she suffered human emotions like any character would, being conflicted about Miguel wanting to kill an alien life form even if it hurt her, and having survivors guilt when Dana had passed, looking past all her hatred for Dana to feel sorrow. She was so smart and gifted that even doom admired her and believed her to be amazing, with his last message to her being about how the state would treat her well and how she could have what she wanted from them due to how amazing she was for them. Showing her strength and ability to please even doom
And let’s not look past her childhood, where she helped shape Miguel to the way he was, helping him learn to stand up for himself, soon helping him want to go to court against Kron, helping him be nosey to listen in to what would happen, something someone that is cardboard wouldn’t do.
She had a sense of humour, guilts, strong emotions, the smarts not even Miguel had
Yes she had her flaws, any POC from old comic books do, there are times when the artist even forget she’s Asian and give her brown hairs and green eyes! Something that I hate about the comics, but she isn’t cardboard flat. And she deserved to not be “disposable.” She deserves to come back as a proper character that marvel doesn’t forget about, because without her, you wouldn’t have the Miguel that is in the 1992 comics, and without the miguel in the 1992 comics you wouldn’t have any of the comics with him in it, or any of the games with him in it, or any of the movies with him in it. Xina helped form and shape the man you love so much. (Let’s not pretend that parts of ATSV Miguel aren’t based off of 1992 when they are)
Also let’s not pretend you don’t like her cause she’s cardboard flat, or written badly. the opinion on Xina is because the idea of Miguel being with a woman is so disgusting to you because it’s too straight even though everyone that ships her with miguel, or ships Lyla with Miguel do it because they are queer and just enjoy Miguel with the people/things he canonly loves in ways
Like trust me I don’t ship Xina x Miguel because I’m a gross heterosexual that found them, I ship them in a lesbian way as a lesbian
And your excuse may be “but the marvel editorial settled on it!” But how can you use the same company who you are complaining about being racist and not knowing how to treat POC well, as a way to explain your feelings for not liking characters.
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machineheraldandy · 1 year
I guess warning to Xina Kwan fans, that you may see random hate for Xina Kwan :((
A very popular spiderverse art (for spider-dad ships) does not like Xina Kwan at all and infact openly doesn’t like the 1992 comics, wanting Xina to not appear again ever in comics, they are very clearly if you look at what they say about women characters a raging misogynist, but no one really knows that, they have even said the D slur which is lesbian-phobic as a non lesbian.
Their popularity may cause hatred for Xina to appear, as I already know people are saying weird things about the 1992 comics because of him
Im not going to say the name as I don’t want to be attacked by his fanbase as I was really attacked the last time I publicly called him out, to the point it lead to me being kicked out of charities even (his fanbase and friends are insane, the caused me a lesbian to get mass harassed for calling out a non lesbian saying a slur), this is just a warning to my fellow Xina Kwan lovers to be aware people may think it’s okay to publicly hate her on our posts
Just block and move on from these people, avoid them, and keep our space safe
Me at my fellow Xina Kwan lovers rn:
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