royalsnis 2 months
Wanted to touch on this discovery because I believe more people should know about it. Especially Rusty's own friends and fans.
A few months ago, a group of Rusty haters found out that Rusty had liked, drawn, and regularly talked about mpreg artwork.
This on its own is weird, but I personally have no issues with it as it's obviously not harming anyone but it's extremely ironic coming from a woman who regularly claims bisexual/gay trans men are fujoshis or that their reasoning for being a man is rooted in yaoi.
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Examples #1 and #2
This is only ONE problem, though. The other was the subject on which she decided to create said mpreg on.
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Yup, you got that right. Rusty regularly created and posted her ship art of two REAL MEN, who at the time were both presumably straight and in relationships with women. If that's not delusional, then I don't know what is. (This is 2015, so right before leasebound and when Rusty apparently dove deep into the radfem landscape.)
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Her name and quite similar art style were all over these artworks as well, and they were pretty popular at the time too.
There's a few additional discoveries we made that should also be shared.
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This FAQ is from her blog when she was around 18-19. You might be thinking, well this was long before she supposedly "peaked" so maybe that's why both her gender and sexuality are different from today.
Sure, you may be right, but Rusty doesn't claim that.
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In livestream from a few years ago, Rusty claims to have been a radfem since she was 14 as well as a lesbian, and that she was very isolated from her female peers.
Maybe, just maybe she had a few years later, dropped it and identified with the non disclosed queer label but either way, it's very odd she doesn't touch on this part of her past. Without this prior knowledge, most of her radfem/lesbian fans would assume she was always like this and never participated in the "nasty gendie things" she hated so much.
And to bring focus back to the 1D content. No matter how much Rusty likes to complain about the fetishization of gay cis men, yaoi is at the very least, fictional and of fictional men. She as a grown woman, regularly drew these two real men as gay and got each other pregnant. She's disgusting and deplorable.
I hope her fans see this and understand she's not someone to be trusted in general. I don't know how any of you could excuse what she's done.
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boreal-sea 1 year
If you don't mind asks about your opinion on particulary bad and infamous radfems/terfs 馃憖
Any thoughs on Leasebound and Lesbihonest.art Aka Rusty Hearts?
TLDR Context: A mid as frick supposed lesbian slice of life comic (LB) that's actually poorly disguided transphobic, transmisogynistic, misandrists and anti-femeninity propaganda made by a woman who's proudly all of that + antisemitic, tokenist towards black and gay men and a cyberharraser (Rusty)
Here's a post that details all her anthics with sources at the end: https://www.tumblr.com/king-of-general-disarray/716044849274568704/
I know very little about it, thank fuck, other than that it exists, and it is transphobic + everything else. As such, it's a passing drama I've seen one or two posts about and have chosen to stay out of. To that end, I'm going to continue staying out of it lol.
Bigotry is bigotry and tends to come in groups. If someone holds one fucked up view, they probably hold others, too.
That's about all I can say.
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