Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Shin Heaven [01]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Tsukinami manor
Yui: Huh...?
Shin: Uu...Nn... ...
Yui: ( Fufu, Shin-kun’s nodding off...I guess he’s tired? )
( ...! Right, he teases me all f the time, so perhaps I should get revenge for once? )
Shin: Hmーー ...ーー
Yui: ( Fufu, seems like he hasn’t noticed me getting closer. )
( I’ll try tickling him...There. )
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: Uwaah!? Yuiーー? Wai...Sto...Haha...!
Yui: Fufu, not yet! ...!
Shin: C-Cut it outーー ! What are you doing, hehe...Wai...Time out, stop!
Yui: Nuh-uh! This is revenge for all the times you’ve teased me.
Shin: ...I’m mad now.
Yui: Kyah!?
Shin: There, you can no longer move your arms. ーー So, since you chose to pull a prank on me, I assume you’re prepared to face the consequences as well?
Yui: Uu...But you tease me or pull pranks on me all the that time, don’t you?
Shin: Those are completely different things. ーー That being said, you shall suffer the same fate now.
Yui: O-One second! Then why not turn it into a challenge?
Shin: ーー Hah? What do you mean?
Yui: We’ll both tickle each other...and whoever gives up first loses. ーー What do you say?
Shin: Heeh, sounds fun. Sure. Bring it on.
Yui: ...Then, once again...!
Shin: Fufu, it doesn’t tickle when you know it’s coming. Come on...!
Yui: Kuh...I-I won’t lose either...! Take this...!
Shin: Hehe, you seem to be growing weaker though? You’re awfully sensitive after all.
Come on, why not give up already? ーー !
Yui: N-Not yet...Not yet...!
Shin: ...Heeh, you’re really hanging in there, aren’t you? Then, how about this? ーー Nn...
Yui: ...! Licking me...is foul play...!
Shin: It isn’t? We never decided on how we can or can’t tickle the other person.
Come on, this side tooーー Nn...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Uu...S-Shin-kunーー...!
Shin: ーー Your hands have stopped moving? Throwing in the towel already? ...Nn...Hah...
Yui: I-I’ve...reached my limit...It’s my loss, I don’t mind handing you the winーー!
Shin: Hehe...You’re a hundred years to early to try and challenge me. 
Yui: I-I just admitted defeat...didn’t I? So please, f-forgive me...?
Shin: After seeing how much you seemed to enjoy that, I only want to mess with you even more now...Nn...
Shin: Come on...I’ll make you feel even better...Nnhーー Nn...Haah...
ー Shin bites her
Yui: ( Ah...He’s sucking...my blood...! )
Shin: Come on, offer me your neck even more...and satisfy me...
Haha...Your eyes are watering. You really are a lewd woman, aren’t you?
Like how you prefer for me to suck your blood, over tickling you...Nnh...Nn...Hah...Nn...!
Yui: That’s...notーー...
Shin: Fufu...So simply having your blood sucked isn’t enough to satisfy you?
ーー In that case, I’ll dote on you in other ways too as I drink your blood.
Yui: Ehーー? H-Hold up, Shin-kunーー!?
ー He pins her down
Shin: ーー So writhe around all you want. Don’t worry, I promise to make you feel good. Nn...
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