atashamariel · 6 months
By: Atasha Allauigan
My semestral beak was really relaxing Some people spent this time to relieve their stress and to have a perfect vacation. It is one of the availed part of students for mones and also swimming. When the final exams. concluded and the weight of assignments lifted, all the tiring days and nights are finally gonna cover! Little did I know that these weeks of apparent simplicity would tum into a profound journey of self -discovery and appreciation for the uncomplicated joys of life.
I mostly spent my time with my family, helping my mom clean the house Keeps me weli organized and peace. I can finally recover my sleepless nights by sleeping all day long. I also enjoyed the time my favourite cousin would go to our house everyday to see me. Cooking with my mom and dad also house emerged as a delightful adventure. Instead of hastily preparing meals betweenn classes, I found joy in experimenting with new recipes and also my parents for so long. got time to bond with
delightful adventure.
When I'm bored, I spent my time listening to music, watching television and playing online games. In the midst of this simplicity, I found the time and space reconnect with loved ones without the constraints of tight schedules, conversation flowed more naturally. I spent quality time with my family, sharing stories and laughter without the pressure of time ticking away. Friends became companions in exploring the simplicity of shared experiences, whether it was a Picnic in the park or a often movie night at home. These connections, over shadowed by the demands of the threads weaving through the fabric a busy academic life, became of my semestral break. The joy of shared moments and the comfort of companion chip added depth to the simplicity I was embracing.
of my own This break became devires, a relcindling a journey of self-chiscovery an exploration passions, and ordinary. I taught me that simplicity is not celebration of the a lack of nichness but an appreciation of the richness found in the present moment. this scar batalk also taught me that everything has limitations. As I prepare to step back into the world of academia, I carry with me the lessonc learned duning this retreat into I would be the best version simplicity of me I promise when to myself that I come back to echod I've discovered that in the uncluttered spaces of life, there is noom for authenticity, self-discovery, a profound appreciation for the say that simplicity onings. The semestral break, initially seen as pouse, become a celelaration of the art of living sometimes, the most profound moments are found in reminder that in the simplicity of just being.
As the break unfolded, I mealized that the true essere of simplicity log in finding ing in the small, everyday pleasures. A cup of tea steaming through family ofer the ones on a rainy aftermoon, the warmth of sunliquit the window, the laughter shared with my Simple meal. These were the moments that painted of my dongs.
As the curtain falls on this captivating chapter of my life, the concluding days of the semester break have wrapped bittersweet embrace. The past weeks have bren a whirlwind of relaxation, self-discovery, and the subtle thaill of braking away from the academic routine. As I pen down these final thoughts on my sem break, I find myself oscillating between nostalgia and anticipation The freedom to wake up without the persistent alarm clock, the luaury of unstructured days, and the bliss of uninterrupted sexsure have been the hallmart's of thic 10 hatus. us. From lazy momings with cup of hot coffee hand to the exhilarating adventures with trends, every moment was a pretty pre es ous poorace in the moment of time.
Reflecting on this past few weeks it becomes cudent that this sem break has been a canvas for personal. growth. Amidst the lavopter and lighthearted escapades, I stumbled upon moments of quite introspection. The break allowed me to relax, asses my goals, organize my time schedule. wether it was exploring new hobbies like singing, had me striking for excellence.
In conclusion, the sem-break has been a symphony of relaxation, self-discovery, and growth of knowledge - as I bid farewell to this interlude, I carry with me the echoes of laughter, the warmth Friendships, the resilience cultivated in the coloon of leisure. The curtain may fall on these days of reprieve, but the memories and lessons will endure, shaping the narrative of the semesters to come.
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prettygirlgerard · 2 years
hereshow drownl.ing lessoncs can still win..
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tumblunni · 6 years
Okay..uhh..man i dont even know what pronouns to use for this character
Like the few posts in their tag call them nonbinary? But it seems thats just because of that one line saying "gender is stupid" which was literally in response to someone saying "stop dressing like a girl, youre a boy". And like every single artwork of this character everywhere forever shows her dressed incredibly feminine and like.. Calling herself a girl. And the series just treats it as "quirky gay man who's lol sooooo gay that he crossdresses all the time" and seriously everyone else seems to call her a man and she calls herslf a girl? Like this really doenst seem like a nonbinary character this seems like an old manga with a poor understanding of trans people that was using kind of offensive language to refer to a trans woman and like.. Now just looking back on it through a a modern lens we'd say it seems like how we talk about nonbinary people.
Cos i mean seriously man this is just a girl who always dresses as a girl and calls herself a girl and loves girly stuff and its just meant to be somehow 'comical' because she's uhh..well..clearly flat chested and the manga makes it clear she was "born a man". And seriously wtf is up with this "comical" slant to all of it?? Like im glad to see trans rep and i understand that its so flawed because its a really ahead of its time bit of representation that was made in a time when bigotry was a lot more overwhelming and LGBT equality had made less strides. But still it seems so weird that even if they think of this character as "a gay man who likes to crossdress" then they'd be portraying "him" as a joke when they'd had other positive gay characters before. And like its not even outright "eww trans women" or anythingits just like they draw her SO exaggerated when she shows her crush on Toya and then he's drawn all..comically disgusted? And everyone is all shocked? And it was really confusing for the first chapter before they had a character staye that she was DMAB cos seriousky it just looked like everyone being weird to this girl for no reason.
Like i wondered why on earth Toya's crush on Yukito was played so understated and never allowed to be outright confirmed even though its clearly canon and they were able to show Syaoran having a crush on literally the same guy before.
But seriously its starting to become WEIRD in regards to that! Like Ruby Moon is telling Yukito "i'll steal him away if you dont want him" so hey yes confirmation that it IS fuckin canon and they JUST WONT SAY IT. and then they have this really weird dance around conversation where toya is all "ugh gasp you're a-" and like he's...uncomfortabke with her being "a man" (SHE'S NOT A MAN DAMMIT) and she's like "but yukito is also" [suspicious gap in dialogue] "and you" [suspicious gap in dialogue] "him". Its all fuckin weird how much theyre dancing around saying the word gay or even saying a man loves a man yet they SAID IT BEFORE FOR SYAORAN! And then the dancibg around LGBT terms was actually used kinda cleverly here cos it could also mean "yes i'm a clow card and yukito is also not human". And probably the writers could point to that as reasonable denial if anyone accused them of writing a trans woman, i guess...
And uhh.. Yeah.. I think i get why these two situations are considered "different" by the writers.there was just a whole fuckin chapter about Syaoran realizing that her REALLY loves sakura and he only mistook his feelings for a crush on another boy because something something sensing subconciously that yukito had magic in him. And now its presented as CHARACTER GROWTH that he gives up on yukito and goes and has a straight relationship instead. And at the same time in the same chapter Tomoyo also decides to give up on her crush on Sakura WITHOUT EVER EVEN TELLING HER OR TRYING TO SEE IF SHE FEELS THE SAME WAY because she just thinks sakura will be happier witj syaoran. And this is meant to be noble and again be character development. And then looking back we had that whole plot of tomoyo's mom having a crush on sakura's mom and it being played all comical?? And her accusing sakura's dad of being a cradle robber and horrid for LITERALLY FUCKING HIS UNDERAGE STUDENT AND SHE DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL TO MARRY HIM was again played for 'comedy' and she 'learns her lessonc that he's really a good guy and everything is fine.
So..yeah. It seems like a bit of an undercurrent of "gay crushes are a thing for children that you grow out of". Cos seriously the way they play the "comedy" on these older characters is like.. Infantalizing them? Tomoyo's mom is meant to be seen as immature and overreacting. And sakura's mom of course 'grew up' and got a 'real relationship'...
Or like i dunno maybe this was all an accidental implication caused by writers who just didnt realize what itd look like when they make EVERY SINGLE QUEER CHARACTER LOSE THE LOVE TRIANGLE and also refuse to actually confirm the one singular potential actually happy, healthy and recipricated gay pairing.
Also calling a trans woman a man and making everyone act grossed out by her expressing interest in her and making it all so confusing that even actual LGBT people dont really know what to make of it...
And then like there's also some bit where they say "oh well clow card guardians dont actually have gender", by which they mean "biological sex" cos i mean clearly they have genders! And why would "having no biological sex" give them ALL THE BODIES OF MEN??? Like seriously why would "cannot reproduce" mean "male by default"? Why would one of these "genderless" creatures make fun of one of the others for choosing to be female if none of them were born aligned to either of the human reproductive categories in the first place? Like its not "ha why are you being female, we dont have genders" its "why are you NOT BEING A MAN, we dont have genders". That makes no sense!! Also double wtf cos like 90% of all the clow cards look feminine and even half of the ones who don't still use female pronouns and get listed as female in the profiles. Like yes, all of them are drawn flat chested or with barbie doll anatomy but that doesnt make them "men by default"! And nobody's ever mentioned this before, we havent had kero-chan being all "ugh this is the DEVIANT Windy card that PRETENDS to be a girl" or anything. Seriously i cant get over the fact that its her straight up sibling guardian who's the one who makes fun of her for wearing a girls uniform. You are a goddamn talking panther!! What do you care about human cissexism!!
I dunno man the whole thing's got me a bit grumpled.
Also they continue dojng the damn nasty "romance" between a 35 year old teacher and a ten year old girl IN A MANGA AIMED AT TEN YEAR OLD GIRLS, and its presented all wholesome and life goalsy with no criticism whatsoever. Its been getting even creepier and it fuckin STARTED with him giving her a wedding ring! Now theyre really drawing attention to how young she is cos she sews a makeshift teddy bear for him and gives it to him as a good luck charm thatll make their love last. Gahhhhhh
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pius2017 · 3 years
acoueine is making a player sor an mp3 player she i, trying to de de what IOsorgstoplayan, what order rey told trayed if she has her chokes narrowed down to 8 blues, 5 rock 6 country, arid 4 pop songs, and she wants to play alt 5 rock songs how many different playlists are possible?
acoueine is making a player sor an mp3 player she i, trying to de de what IOsorgstoplayan, what order rey told trayed if she has her chokes narrowed down to 8 blues, 5 rock 6 country, arid 4 pop songs, and she wants to play alt 5 rock songs how many different playlists are possible?
AVON MODESTER 0 save & End Certily Lessonc 4.5 Combining Probability and Cou.. Question 9 of 11. Step 2 of 2 메》acoueine is making a player sor an mp3 player she i, trying to de de what IOsorgstoplayan, what order rey told trayed if she has her chokes narrowed down to 8 blues, 5 rock 6 country, arid 4 pop songs, and she wants to play alt 5 rock songs how many different playlists are possible?…
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