#lessons. soap-making with my mom. caring for monkey
bogglebabbles · 1 year
Registered for my piano lessons!! Bought a keyboard!! It's happening!!!
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1-99 because you're a babe and I love learning new things about you❤❤
1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed because open doors make me super anxious. Also, my cats will eat my clothes. 
2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Bruh, I'm lucky if I remember to take what I brought with me let alone extra things. 
3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Out 
4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Is a thing people actually do?? Well, sadly, I have not 
5:Do you like to use post-it notes? Yea 
6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? No, because I know how forgetful I am and also I can never find scissors. 
7:Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?Bees 
8:Do you have freckles? Yea, but they're really light. I have a lot on my arms.
9:Do you always smile for pictures?Never with my teeth.
10:What is your biggest pet peeve?When people are rude to customer service people simply because they 'can' be
11:Do you ever count your steps when you walk?Yea 
12:Have you ever peed in the woods? Nope
13:What about pooped in the woods? Nope 
14:Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Yea, and I don't realize I'm doing it. Because I'm constantly singing songs on my head (phineas and ferb songs specifically) and I won't realize I'm 'dancing'
15:Do you chew your pens and pencils? Not enough to leave marks 
16:How many people have you slept with this week? Do my cats count? None 
17:What size is your bed? Queen 
18:What is your Song of the week? 12 Feet Deep by the Front Bottoms 
19:Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yes, of course 
20:Do you still watch cartoons?Yep. Phineas and Ferb is my favorite show.
21:Whats your least favorite movie? Either of the Percy Jackson ones, but tbh calling them movies is a stretch. 
22:Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Idk, I don't have a yard so it'd have to be somewhere that had limited access 
23:What do you drink with dinner? Water or one of the Blood Orange sodas 
24:What do you dip a chicken nugget in?Hm, ketchup or ranch 
25:What is your favorite food? There's a place here that has my favorite food, and they're these vegetarian summer rolls with peanut sauce but only from this specific restaraunt.
26:What movies could you watch over and over and still love? I only watch two movies: the Aristocats and the Boxtrolls 
27:Last person you kissed/kissed you? Uhh, idk it's been over a year so probs my ex, Nathan 
28:Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Yes! 
29:Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Nah
30:When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? This year I wrote to my brother while he was away for school.
31:Can you change the oil on a car? Sadly, I cannot 
32:Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Yes, but I should've gotten a much higher fine 
33:Ever ran out of gas? No 
34:Favorite kind of sandwich? Egg salad 
35:Best thing to eat for breakfast? Hash browns 
36:What is your usual bedtime?After midnight 
37:Are you lazy?Physically, yes. 
38:When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?My mom used to make our costumes and I went as a princess a lot, but also I was a skunk one year 
39:What is your Chinese astrological sign?Rat
40:How many languages can you speak?Only English but can read Latin and Classical Greek 
41:Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope 
42:Which are better legos or lincoln logs? I grew up with Lincoln logs but Legos 
43:Are you stubborn? Yes 
44:Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Idk I've never watched either and had to google them to figure out this question 
45:Ever watch soap operas?No 
46:Are you afraid of heights? Hm, not really. 
47:Do you sing in the car?No 
48:Do you sing in the shower? No
49:Do you dance in the car? No
50:Ever used a gun?Yes, I go shooting with my dad and brothers 
51:Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? My senior pictures so like 4 years ago 
52:Do you think musicals are cheesy?No, but I don't watch them 
53:Is Christmas stressful? Horrifically so 
54:Ever eat a pierogi?Yes
55:Favorite type of fruit pie?I don't care for pie 
56:Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Nurse when I was like 5, but since 5th grade I've wanted to be a forensic anthropologist 
57:Do you believe in ghosts? No 
58:Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? No 
59:Take a vitamin daily?No 
60:Wear slippers?No 
61:Wear a bath robe? No 
62:What do you wear to bed? Tshirt and sweats 
63:First concert?Modest Mouse
64:Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target 
65:Nike or Adidas? Nike 
66:Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos 
67:Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?Sunflower seeds 
68:Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? No 
69:Ever take dance lessons? Yes, ballet for a few years 
70:Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Lol I can't even picture having a spouse 
71:Can you curl your tongue? No 
72:Ever won a spelling bee?Nope, I'm an atrocious speller. 
73:Have you ever cried because you were so happy? No
74:Own any record albums? Yes the Arctic Monkeys Humbug 
75:Own a record player? Yes 
76:Regularly burn incense?No, they make me nauseous 
77:Ever been in love?Yea
78:Who would you like to see in concert? Arctic Monkeys or the Kooks
79:What was the last concert you saw? Black Sabbath 
80:Hot tea or cold tea? Cold 
81:Tea or coffee? Coffee 
82:Sugar or snickerdoodles? Sugar cookies 
83:Can you swim well? Yes 
84:Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yea 
85:Are you patient? Nope 
86:DJ or band, at a wedding? Band 
87:Ever won a contest? A few 
88:Ever have plastic surgery? No
89:Which are better black or green olives?Black 
90:Can you knit or crochet? I used to crochet, I haven't in years but could probs pick it up quickly 
91:Best room for a fireplace? Living room 
92:Do you want to get married? Sometimes
93:If married, how long have you been married?
94:Who was your HS crush? His name was Aidan 
95:Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? Nope 
96:Do you have kids?No 
97:Do you want kids?Sometimes 
98:Whats your favorite color? Burgundy or black 
99:Do you miss anyone right nowNope @sickofbeingsuicidal this took forever and there are probably typos. But I love you, and hope you learned some things about me
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2sevenkristens · 6 years
The thoughts of a highly famous gal or chap - writing deeply of the raw longing for what we call a normal life- withdrawn from the spot light- not just a couple lines stitched together but a bleeding cry- a 69 flip of the slippery (unstable curiously). An Alcoholic mudhole<that kind> the writing of the stuck(or maybe not)- just show me the wiggling wonder of an unknown existence. What is it like to run on the only thing you know neatly? The Keen Kernaled Firecap. The flame in those lilacs descend as a stranger in my chair - In my pile of change on the floor in my Samaritan stainshed. At random we gallop- in our grape soda "Ballerina Sometimes". Our Lulu respirators. Yanked and slanted- All the Hank scorpions of a Razoring Reprinting- remalping spun chimes into our razzling neighbors boomstamps. The exchange of pudding and soupsounds-their recipe books- balking-in the house of our breakthrough we chant. Champion sonnets for our vigorous debate. We race in fort Brag (shut your damn cloudgrip) *oh grant me A Serenity* And We stick forks in the graves of the animal house- (Stack your monkey for the local farmers) Stack your monkey. Stamp your cunt with stickers of Disney characters- (don't tell me what to do) But treat me as I am. Bury yourself alive in Bettys Humble Cave. The sketch is vital. The sketch. Figure out your mean Mister . - Water this mold -shiver in your panicroom- for I love it there- invade the bug there. Slave to the snare. "I went through a Bad break up - and became a belly dancer for six weeks"- -Something Devin said on the R5 train- we were sitting on the side the sun met directly -me at the window-head against the glass. Casted and sailing and listening to Some Silly Crusher- her old adorable band in the garage- puffer lodge. Sparkled duck in the disco scrab. She wore a hat with animal ears- cute Caligula on exit mode. Songs about sex- acid rocked teenager playing fanboy line1. Ha! Fuzz. Here were two little girls in matching Japanese pancakes bopping at what we did -what we said - how we were pranksters- pins-pins- Alone. I smile when I think of our cared marshmallow horizon. Clicking our red shoes to the rhythm of the Louie Roses. More fuzz. -and some things make me laugh, Mrs Stiff and Squalid lashes. Got it? Its these small pickles of time condensed and skewed by our barnacle language. I dig MY OWN fingers into it- stroke the letters and BAKE them into my o- Into my own- Skulled cards. Read them Mrs. Muzzle. Flip your stupid grilled cheese sandwiches and look at the world's fat pink backhand- Put on this jacket of smacked lessons- so that your grasslands will grow and grow and graze over everything that is complete and sacked with carcass garbage. I got off the stuff. Needles in the trash. LISTEN UP. I did it okay and can laugh laugh laugh all I want to!☆ Take a plunge my Lady Locked. Look at me unchain myself. Look- see that it's real. Run into your own shiver. Shake the jukebox like your riding the best cock of your life. Like your riding the best. Hard knock. Knox Ride Woman. Crack those knuckles. -Women. Hopellessly devoted to the tightening up- to the unbuckling. Udon - seringe- violet snake. I am Needless- only for his rushing - rushing medical attention. Lumbered. Mastered. Mouth. Mumbled. Sedated. Sucked. Sore. Sorry. Im a Silly little brat. Still wining. Still looking at Your Hunt - Still looking at Your Ghost And the I heart huckabees cornucopia collie- Unstable in the bakery. Unstable in this bakery. Back with you at my high school job. My skirt is falling down as the phone ring rings - ringing past 3. Swung to all four of This Rooms Corners. My hands have dough dusted along the crev. Life lines filled up with the white. Oh Man. Youre pulling it down. Boss is gone. Doomed (in the corner i am) Spread like Marie's fine drapes- Then drug out by your invader. Caked. Situated in a drowning for your Pynchon diagram. The Last laugh- the last cry- so what ones going to be better? Both tennis balls being slacked by your racket- spanked by your partners. Shooting saliva -smock samples all over the floor. Beat by the sun- stomped by those gum souls. Chest breaking. We are Dead in the middle- Ha ha- you mangled- silly mango. Such a meaty texture. Suching. Seven sighs. ×Parking lots in the evening× "I am sorry to hear that you are unhappy with the work you are not doing" -again- I am laughing- Carter skips jokes in the air like rocks on the water. Slump. Yeah I complain about more than- [sink lower]- more things than just the W E A T H E R
Extreme in its soaked bag of a cloak-father. The Immediate dose- of hot thick suds in the veins. Spap me up. Soap your fingers up inside of me. We are drowning.  Defend yourself. Make yourself think u can control me- can you? Send me off with your spoons. Gonna hit up my friend now- Jump in the van Time for sad piano. And we all drive in this rain And all the emerald leaves  make out like French girls  (palms around the cone- tounge gliding the cream) She is cut out to be teaching Him too- and probably me- let's all spin ourselves so fast around on the playground together. Let's make ourselves sick and forget our big big uncharitable dreams. Because we lust so bad for living- so let me brush up against these things I want so badly- almost lose them- throw them in the backseat of the car- clean up- vacume the car- find the things- thumb tack them to my boards- my chest- drag the tacks down. Carve out. I will show you me doing that.  Again- can you? *watch*- can ya watch now- Sweaty doll- ripple me soft. Rip the rug from under me. I sware to God- M83 Godzilla- You will meet her absolutely. Haron Ontario Michigan Eerie Superior. Swung from the branches of all their rock hard-packed veins stemming to the ether- always racing out there away from our sunny land -magazine. Oh Ethan Tramadol - put us to sleep in the Lakes Lundragon. Snap our necks on the sandstone pie crust around it's ex- Next lover. Pierce our genitals. Pound our vox to the Yeasayer. Hit so hard it's black now but hey Hit so hard i am back now But hey Five seconds of the look on your face when I charge a fireballed- eye core. When I say goodbye and you fall out. When you go down my (Fuq- you know what you do) Some people listen - touch themselves over that five seconds - Five seconds stretched - looped and pulled- tugged- bulldogged delerious. It was those five long seconds of how she responded- how she didn't know yet- the way it made her grind against the wheel. Wilming around all hot and boilng - a bug in the pot. Unfixed under the hot wax of your cranked rhyme. Interupt this. Make yourself available- then dont- again back and forth we turn this glock. Licking limbs for a converged - silver death. Bubbling Moth. Mulp. SLing cuff. (It's discing) Straight through me shooting paper airplanes through the tinsel tolls- quiver in the stables. A Sorting spudged light driphouse- clipping in a couples pop. Jamming butterscotch oxygen - Smudgeing these suffering thighs on torched - testy freight trains. This skull(rather). Skum ray. The Scallion rape in stages game . Batter on the field sinner stays pillow tape- It's here- drooling. Pink bows on the stains. okay My Leading Knightfall- you jet velvet connotation-I know you see my PALLETS.  Look the other way- fill up your boots with gauges. Cage yourself. Bail your hurt for Melody to write about- masterbate then write about you're misbehavings on Rye. B side companions This Company car Like when Benny got off the stuff and betty got a job as a waitress - ( Bukowski knows it like I do)- scissors resting over our friends over ourselves. There is no Benny - bettys Mandy- Mandys your sister and everyone's your hiding place. We Write your faggy clasping fantasy all over your calves - i drain your statutory release so you don't murder 45 people even though you need to. I need to too. Take care of it in the slits of our creations- my creature. My slame. And Mom and dad were fighting again. Mom shoved dad into the book case - every single book fell off the shelf except for a book about - ((inhales)) ((Shakes head- shakes the weight off)) ((exhales)) ((nods head))- The one with all pictures- all those places that dad went. A book of slides. He showed us all of them on the wall. Every color cut it's life into the plaster.  Plugged into his traveling tremendous. I was barely aged. I was Unaware of this life but was injected with the purity of it and it's journey towards the same thing that sat between my ribs and my fingertips at 6 six years old- 5 years -4-3-2-1- - -  there. Slap me up into it Lover- take me to the wall- to the pixels- Mix it up with your cum on the bed sheet- Punish me in the night so I can cry for the places I miss and yearn for. You want the same. I don't give a shit what it looks like- tell me what you need to get there. How bad do you want to go there. Show me how you need me to be. Shove me- Bend me to your whistled fireplace. Time is shit here. Keep undressing me. Look deep into my pools. They've been raped - rung out by a uncontrollable spasm. That cool? It was The first book that made me realize I was broken. Dangling in the midst of a message threading itself back into my bones where it came from- birthed by the lips of my sick- lumpy fate. Dad met me here. The washroom of Our Home
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I advise our Vitalization Rich Strength Body Facial cleanser- that's moisturizing, cleansing and soap-free. Whether you were actually whipping up small handles in an Easy Bake Stove or nuzzling a Care Bear, all of us possess that plaything that attracts attention in our childhood years minds. Our team likewise are going to be having a September 18, 2014 master skin care lesson for National Skin Treatment Recognition Month, therefore email our team at RSVP @ if you would like to be actually informed when our team take appointments. Examples from labels that provide inexpensive and extremely delicate skin care products are actually: Aveeno, Dove, Neutrogena, and Cetaphil. And also since you're elevating on your own, you'll hesitate before consuming that doughnut, considering that you'll simply must elevate that later on. 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She examined my skin and asked me about the worries of my mom and me. By end of the consultation, she had provided me a regular to observe: Cerave frothing wash in the early morning, followed by a thin coating from clindamycin gel, 8% benzoyl peroxide during the night, tretinoin lotion, completed along with Cerave hydrating lotion. Acne and inflammation can be an irritating and also a bothersome skin problem, but along with proper care as well as these recommendations, you may assist regulate this, look a lot less reddish and also keep your skin calm and relaxed. At lifestyleblog-hu.com around 2 full weeks ago my face unexpectedly ended up being really dry out, it was rugged and also harms when i helped make facial expressions, particularly around my oral cavity region, which i possess eczema. Or you can read through full-blown descriptions from 7, 11 or nevertheless numerous measures, that Asian women experience as part of their day-to-day skin layer treatment regimen. Each person is going to possess a distinct endurance and taste level, so if you're considering this as an addition to your skin treatment programs, start little, experiment frequently and also always keep appearing until you discover a mixture that helps you! Yet even though just for narcissism welfare, if you take great care of your withins, it will appear in your hair, skin layer, skin, and body system. These formulations liquefy down my makeup without stripping skin and leave behind a layer of soothing dampness on my face. . That's a large declaration, however the task definitely revisits a theme known to Chopra's work: Athletics as a technique right into larger existential topics. On the contrary, Jay web sites stats about occupation development, connection development and also reproductive functionalities that all emphasize the usefulness from our 20s as a formative time frame that specifies the path for the rest from our everyday lives. 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