#lester papadopoulos x oc
wraithisd3adinside · 5 months
Hi! My name is Wraith, my pronouns are she/her and I'm in my Trials of Apollo phase. Honestly not much to say, I'm bad at introductions.
I run the following accounts: @glowsticks-soda-and-magic (For my OCs Cassidy Raven, Aiden Hawthorne and Claire Lewis. Most active on this account), @shapeshifting-tsunamis (For my OCs Rhys Hawthorne and Myra Khan), @apollo-is-my-servant (Meg McCaffrey rp account) and @ellis--wakefield (Ellis Wakefield rp account) @the-wine-twins (Castor & Pollux rp acc) @yeah-i-control-time (OC rp acc)
My fanfictions:
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I've been making a lot of ooc posts, huh? This I would normally put on my main account except it has no activity so I'm putting it here
I made a TOA fic, it's my first Riordanverse fic and I need opinions
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bbwritesmuchstuff · 6 months
Magic and Sunlight
Being involved in both the Second Titan War and the War with Gaia, the last thing I wanted was to get involved in more of the gods problems, but such is the life of a demigod. Especially when a got lands in my dumpster. My bleeding heart is going to get me killed. Welcome to the dumpster fire.
Chapters; 1(You are Here), 2, 3
1 I Adopt a God and a Feral Child
Meeting a god in a dumpster alley was not in my plans for the day. I was studying for my driving test, which was murder on my brain. Studying with ADHD and dyslexia was already hard enough, but with a subject as boring as traffic laws, it was mild torture at best. I was rubbing my temples due to the swimming letters when there was suddenly a loud thud from outside my window. I jumped and immediately slipped my bracelets on my wrists, the Celestial bronze decorated with my mother’s symbol. 
Leaning out the window, I frowned in confusion. There was a boy in the dumpster beside the bottom of my fire escape. At first, I thought that maybe he’d fallen from a window or something, but then, that wouldn’t have explained the smoke coming from his body. Given that my mother was in charge of controlling the Mist, I was very good at seeing through it, so I knew this guy wasn’t a monster. He obviously wasn’t human either, so I was cautious as I crawled out the window onto the fire escape. 
“No!” The kid cried, “No, it wasn’t! Please!” 
Pity and sympathy churned in my chest. Poor kid seemed delirious and was talking to himself. Now that he was conscious, he struggled and pulled himself out of the dumpster. He collapsed onto the asphalt. I carefully started down the fire escape. Whatever was up with this guy, he needed help. The boy from the dumpster fumbled around. I was so distracted that I didn’t notice the two idiots coming down the alley until one of them spoke. 
“Hey, Cade, take a look at this loser.” One of them jeered. A blonde and a redhead. The redhead one looked at the wallet the dumpster kid had in his hand and grinned. 
“Now, be nice, Mikey. This guy looks friendly enough.” The redhead, Cade, apparently, pulled out a big hunting knife. “In fact, I bet he wants to give us all his money.” 
I cursed under my breath and shuffled down the fire escape as fast as I could without slipping. The wet, icy weather of January was not helping that endeavor. The dumpster kid stood up and tried to square his shoulders confidently. His lanky body type and boyish curly hair wasn’t helping whatever intimidation he was going for. 
“I am Apollo,” the dumpster kid announced, “You mortals have three choices: offer me tribute, flee, or be destroyed.” 
His voice cracked on the word ‘destroyed’. A ball of dread settled in my stomach. If this kid was serious, this was bad. Apollo had disappeared shortly after the Seven had defeated Gaia according to Percy and Annabeth though we hadn’t heard from him for some time before that. Then Olympus went silent AGAIN. 
“What do you think, Mikey?” Cade grinned mockingly, “Should we give this guy tribute?” 
“Not feeling the tribute, Cade.” Mikey sneered sarcastically, “What are the other options?” 
I fiddled with the ladder that was meant to drop to the alley floor. It was rusty so it was stubborn and not unlatching. 
“Fleeing?” said Cade. 
“Nah,” said Mikey. 
“Being destroyed?” 
“How about we destroy him instead?” Mikey snorted. 
I finally got the latch undone and the ladder dropped with a clang as Cade flipped his knife and caught it by the handle. The muggers glanced at me but quickly decided I wasn’t important. 
“I can live with that. After you.” Cade said. The dumpster kid, maybe Apollo, raised his fists. I slid down the ladder. 
“I warned you,” said the dumpster kid, “My powers are far beyond your comprehension.” 
As soon as Mikey got close enough, Dumpster Kid swung. Unfortunately, Mikey ducked and kicked him in the back. I winced as I heard Dumpster Kid’s head strike the asphalt with a crack. 
“Hey!” I shouted. “Back off, jerkface!” 
The boys laughed at me. I picked up a nearby loose chunk of broken asphalt and chucked it straight into the side of Mikey’s head. The guy cursed loudly as he crumpled to the floor. I darted over and put myself between Dumpster Kid and Cade. Cade swung the knife at me. His aim was shoddy though and I moved, grabbed his arm and used his unsteadiness from the swing to fling him into the brick wall. After years of fighting monsters, street thugs were relatively easy to deal with. Mikey tried to get up, his head bleeding where I’d hit him with the asphalt, but I stomped on his head before he got far. He lost consciousness. I glanced back at Dumpster Kid, who was sitting on his knees, nose bleeding and swollen, and staring at me with a mixture of confusion and awe. 
“You little-” Cade started, but I quickly cut him off with a swift kick to the gut. I kneed his head into the wall which knocked him out too. I turned to Dumpster Kid and picked up the wallet he’d dropped. I handed it to him. 
“You okay?” I asked, “Sorry, dumb question. You just got mugged. Of course you’re not okay.” 
I grabbed a pocket package of tissues from my back pocket. I kneeled down and tried to clean as much blood from his face as I could. He flinched and blinked rapidly, seemingly just processing what just happened. 
“Aphrodite…?” He croaked. I shook my head. 
“Nope. Sorry.” I told him. “I’m Celeste.” 
“Apollo.” He said. I couldn’t find any trace of a lie. Before I could ask any more questions, I was interrupted by a shout. 
“Hey!” I looked up to see Meg. She scrambled down a fire escape. Meg was a kid who seemed homeless but hung around the alley a lot. I’d slowly gotten Meg to like me, mostly through offering her food. Kinda the same way you’d tame a feral cat. 
“He fell in MY alley!” Meg whined, “Whatever he has is mine!” 
I sighed. 
“Meg, I just stopped the guy from getting mugged,” I said, “Please don’t start anything.” 
I didn’t see Meg kick the apple but it smacked me in the forehead nonetheless. I grimaged and shot her a glare. Meg crossed her arms and pouted. She skipped over and inspected Apollo. 
“This loser is supposed to be Apollo?” Meg snorted. 
“Why is everyone calling me a loser?” Apollo lamented. 
“You crawled out of a dumpster and looked like a mess.” Meg said. 
“I am not at my best.” He explained, “My father, Zeus, has exiled me from Olympus.” 
“That explains a lot of what just happened.” I said. 
“I may need assistance.” Apollo said hesitantly. “I need to become a god again.” 
“If I remember right,” I said, “you’ve been turned into a mortal before, right? What did you do then?” 
“You’ve done this before?” Meg snickered, “How many times?” 
Apollo gave Meg an irritated look. 
“Usually, Zeus requires me to work as a slave for an important demigod.” Apollo explained, then perked up as though something occurred to him. “Like Percy Jackson! We are in Manhattan, aren’t we?” 
“Yeah,” I said then hesitated, “But Percy isn’t going to be super thrilled if you try to push him into another quest.” 
“Nonsense,” Apollo said, “Everyone is happy to see me!” 
“How do you even know?” Meg asked. 
“Know what?” Apollo asked. 
“Which demigod you’re supposed to serve, duh.” Meg said and rolled her eyes. 
“I… uh. Well, usually it’s obvious. I sort of just ran into them. That’s why I want to find Percy. My new master will claim my service and-” 
“I’m Meg McCaffrey,” Meg blew Apollo a raspberry, “and I claim your service!” 
“Meg!” My scolding was cut off by thunder rumbling overhead. Apollo’s face fell in a look of shock and horror. Then he grimaced and glared at Meg. 
“I walked right into that, didn’t I?” Apollo grumbled. 
“Yep!” Meg chirped cheerfully. “We’re going to have fun.” 
“Are you sure you’re not my sister in disguise playing a cruel trick on me?” Apollo groaned. 
“I’m that other thing you said,” Meg said, “a demigod.” 
“How do you know?” Apollo questioned. 
“Just do.” Meg said cryptically with a smug smile. “And now I’ve got a sidekick god!” 
“I’ve seen her get targeted by monsters before.” I told Apollo. Meg’s shoulders slumped when I explained. Apparently, she’d been getting a kick out of being unhelpful. 
“Please, Father, I get the point. Please, I can’t do this!” Apollo pleaded to the sky. If Zeus was listening at all, he ignored Apollo and showed no signs of response. 
“Either way,” I said, “we’re going to need to see Percy. If for no other reason than that Percy can drive us to camp. You guys are going to be a huge target if you don’t get somewhere safe.” 
Meg groaned. 
“I’ll be fine.” She protested. We’d had this argument before. I’d been trying to get Meg to come to camp with me since finding out she’s a demigod. She’d been weirdly against the idea. 
“Maybe, but now you have a god turned mortal with you and he’s going to attract more than just monsters who are going to want to have a crack at killing him.” I told her. “Plus, you can barely feed yourself a lot of the time. Camp can give you food and shelter for both of you.” 
“Good food?” Meg perked up. I figured that’d get her attention. I nodded. 
“Most of the time, yeah.” I said, “You don’t have to go dumpster diving for it, at least.” 
“Let’s go!” Meg said quickly. 
“Let me grab something from my apartment. Do not go anywhere.” I said and quickly went back up the fire escape to my window. I shut and locked my window. I grabbed my emergency quest back which had an extra dagger, mortal money, drachmas, some Nectar and Ambrosia, a first aid kit and a change of clothes. I left a note for my father so he wouldn't freak out as badly when he got home and saw me gone. Slinging the backpack over my shoulder, I left and locked the door behind me.
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