#let me know whatbyou think!!!
basil-from-omori · 4 months
Trademark, not Basil, well the obvious one is Edgeworth, of course. And House, and Medic TF2, all of those. Oh and Springtrap. Can't forget the smelly corpse bunny man. Besides just favorite characters, let's see... I suppose the genre of post of "talking about a mundane thing with tons of ellipses and capitalization, with the whole post managing to make these mundane things sound like the most fun anyone could be having right now." is one I see a often and nearly exclusively from you.
I AM SO HONORED I thinj you just defined exactly how I talk oh mein gott (i was gonna put a … but i would be proving your point). I think if I was a fictional chsravter you could prob write me perfectly from whatbyou know
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edgeofmyniall · 4 years
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catch up here
Somehow in the midst of Officer Fuckface questioning him, the one person Niall did not want to see was standing in the bar as he hugged his mourning fiancee. His blue eyes sparkled under the fluorescent lighting and Richard gave Niall a quick smile. All but ignoring the person standing in the open room, Niall walked to the backside of the bar and poured himself a strong drink- double whiskey on the rocks. He sat there, letting the silence invade the room before Kennedy sniffled and broke the stillness that Niall yearned for.
“What was that about?” Kennedy spoke, his voice cracking from the meltdown she had earlier.
“Nothing.” Niall took a long sip of his depressant. The brown liquid burned his throat and made his stomach warm. The cold rim of the glass touched his hot skin as he raised the drink to his forehead. Even though with the cooler air and fog making its appearance, the drink began to condensate almost immediately at the touch of his anger.
“You okay?” Richard asked, his hand clasped the shoulder of the drinker. He sat down and smiled understandingly. He was wearing a white t-shirt under a tan leather jacket and ripped jeans. He smells of expensive cologne and bourbon. Niall continues to stare at the dark wooden bar, trying to collect his thoughts and hoping his anger bides down.
“Yeah,” Niall cuts shortly. Richard is the last person that Niall wants to speak to, let alone be here. He still wants to be wrapped in Kennedy’s arms as she cries softly into his chest. “I’m not good with being accused as the killer,” Richard laughs and reaches over the bar and takes a bottle of scotch to only grab enough cups for everyone with his fingers. “Think we all need this.”
Niall had lost count of how many drinks he had shared with Richard, but he knew two things:
One) the bottle of scotch was nearly full when Richard pulled it off the bottom counter of the bar, but now, in the dimness of the night rolling in, after the cops had taken their leave, the bottle stood empty.
Two) Kennedy, drunk and overcome with sadness, was still the most beautiful person he had laid eyes on. He couldn’t stop staring at her waves which now had fallen around her face. Her cheeks, rosy from the devil’s drink, were flushed with secrets and eagerness. They thought it best that the bar stayed closed for the evening, and even if they were to take a negative income that day, it would be worth getting to know each other again. Time and conflict of schedules had torn people apart. Not enough time was spent laughing and smiling with in the group than it had been in the hours that the party of four had been together.
“Do you miss...it?” Kennedy asked during a hiccup. She covered her mouth and giggled like a schoolgirl. Despite the fact that she hated being around people, she was very much enjoying the company of her brother, fiancé, and her new friend.
“Miss what?” Niall asked as he leaned in closer to Kennedy who sat beside them. Both Lincoln and Richard were playing pool near the wooden stage.
“Ireland?” Kennedy looked up at Niall’s light blue eyes and expected them to sparkle, but whether it be from the alcohol or hunger for more, his eyes were almost black.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. It’s been a while, but I still call it home. When I was in New York, I used to plan on running away and go back to Scotland, but my mam, she stopped me every time.” Niall smiled as he watched the memory play out in his head.
“How?” Kennedy asked, now scooting closer to Niall as the story became more exciting for her.
“Well, Ken, I don’t know if you know this or not, but you kinda hafta have money to leave. And I never did. I would go to my mom and ask if I could “borrow” money that was whatever the airlines condemned me for my passage back. She knew what I was doing, she always did,” Kennedy yawned as she leaned her head on Niall’s shoulder and suddenly he was sober again. The slightest touch of Kennedy made his heart race. He felt his throat close up as if there was some kind of allergic reaction from just being around her.
“I bet it's beautiful there. The pictures I see of Dublin are always so mesmerizing.”
“Not as mesmerizing as you.”
Kennedy sat back up and searched Niall’s face as the look of terror came about him. He had let it slip. This wasn’t some movie that Niall would get the girl, she was taken and there would be consequences to what he let fumble out of his mouth.
“Niall… I’m…”
“I know, I’m sorry, I-”
“I’m engaged, and…”
“Listen, I know, and you don’t know me. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ll go about my business and as soon as my bike is fixed, I'll leave,” Niall let his practiced speech fall out of his mouth, and the words wash over Kennedy.
“It’s not that. I’m sorry too,” Kennedy gently placed her hand on Niall's warm skin and kissed his cheek with such grace that felt as if a feather touched his skin instead of Kennedy's lips. “Never mind,” the whispered words hit like bricks being thrown, and for some reason, this girl he barely knew crushed his heart. She staggered along the wall and half laughed at her current situation: half drunk and the walls of affection closing in on her. She needed to get out.
The blue and red lights were still reflecting from the outside. The sun had fallen and Kennedy knew that now would be the best time to visit her work.
“Where do you think you’re going, miss?” Licoln eyed his sister as she was apparent in straightening up herself. “You can’t fool me. I work in a bar, for Christ’s sake. You’re drunk.”
“I am….I’m not,” Kennedy’s words staggered as she forgot her place. She saw the growing number of Lincolns, Richards, and Nialls in the room. “I’m going to work. The Gazette...Herald needs me!” Kennedy pleaded as she tripped over the laces of her untied shoe. She landed on her back and began to have a giggling fit. She cupped her face as she snorted.
“What you need babe,” Richard’s cool voice rang through Kennedy’s ears and she smiled as Richard took the drunken hands away from Kennedy’s face. “Is to go home. Let me take you.”
“BABE,” Kennedy yelled; her voice grew louder as each minute passed. “I’m fine. Really. But I do want you to ravage my body with your-”
“Alright, c’mon you idiot,” Richard laughed as his hands cupped both of Kennedy’s legs and neck lifting her up bridal style. He grunted doing so and nodded to the door. Lincoln followed the unspoken request and held the door open as Richard carried his lover outside. Niall followed them outside, hoping to retrieve fresh air from his stifling encounter.
“Scarlett Killer? That’s the name we’re usin’?' the pale face of the policeman was almost a reflector of the vehicle lights. “Stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. Might as well bury ourselves in our own graves. We’re never going to find this fucker.”
Kennedy smiled as she lifted her head up.
“Call him the ‘Red Writer’. Trust me, sounds more mysterious.” Kennedy giggled and clapped like a child. She was so proud of herself for coming up with a name that Niall half smiled at the ground when he noticed something amongst the gravel. It was silver, shiny, in the mix with the matte rocks that lined the parking area of the bar. He picked up the small metal piece and under the dim lights of the bar protruding out of the windows, it was in fact a slider from a zipper.
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