#let this AAR be a legend *wink wink* for the ages
herzogindariya · 2 months
The church bells scare the doves away
Woken up from my throughts it feels like I've forgotten everything, I take a breath before my feet are steady enough and then walk to the altar
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Today I marry a general of the Romans, Symmachos of Rhodes. A lowborn man seeking fortune in the frontiers of the empire. Lands not too far for the emperor to reach but not too close for the him to rule, a land for his wayward solders to wander.
Some say there's been already too many solders of fortune like him. Solders who come and request our gold in exchange for their sword. By now we have been left with far too many swords and far too little to show for it... What use are they now?
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Yet, this man was different. He requested my hand for his, for his guiding hand to lead my sword. With it, he swears, I'll strike all that threatens me and my domain. He swears that he'll stay by my side, till death do us part.
However... Some say that with this, after all the wealth they took, that they've come to take what was left. That with my hand taken I am no longer a ruler but a servant - a servant to a commoner no less!
Let them talk as they want! I have no choice in that, I do what I have to...
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I do... till death do us part.
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