#let's just pretend Yamato and Sora moved to America or something and named their kids accordingly
windfighter · 4 months
The origins of Windfighter
Taking a break from torturing Kouji to revisit an old AU :3
Enjoy Yamato possible lying for his children!
”Why do you call yourself Windfighter?”
Yamato blinked. Looked up from the newspaper and looked at his kids. Both stared at him, Tim leaned forwards and Maria nonchalantly leaned against the back of the chair.
”Did I forgot to log out somewhere?” Yamato asked.
”Yeah”, Tim answered.
He was almost vibrating. Yamato wondered what he was expecting from the answer. He grinned.
”Are you suuuure you want to know?”
”Yamato”, Sora warned from the kitchen. ”Dear.”
”Couldn’t care less”, Maria answered.
But Yamato could tell she was curious as well. Tim almost bounced on the chair.
”Well”, Yamato answered.
Closed the newspaper and leaned back on the chair. Looked at the ceiling.
”It’s from a long time ago. I was just a few years older than you are now.”
He had been fourteen, close to fifteen. The best years of his youth. He moved the newspaper so it was aligned with the edge of the table, could feel Sora’s eyes burn his neck.
”Your uncle and I was on our way home, me from bandpractice and he from skateboarding, when we were stopped.”
”I’ve been looking for you.”
Whoever, or whatever it was, stared at Takeru and Yamato stepped between them, arm out to shield Takeru, looked at the person. They had long, tousled hair, dirt, leaves and sticks stuck in it. A colourful mask in the shape of a bird covered their face, wings made of feathers along their arms. Yamato wondered if they were real, if this was a digimon. They were floating in the air, a cloud gathered at their feet.
”Give me your powers”, they said.
Takeru grabbed Yamato’s guitar, pulled at it.
”Yamato, run away.”
Yamato planted his feet firmer on the ground. He had gotten better, less desperate to protect Takeru, more trusting. Knew that Takeru could take care of himself. But he couldn’t leave, couldn’t step out of the way. He needed to protect Takeru from whatever this lunatic was.
”Yamato!” Takeru repeated.
The creature’s eyes narrowed. It had to be a digimon. Humans didn’t float.
”I’m not letting you hurt Takeru!”
The creature lifted its wings, lifted further into the air. Yamato should have felt scared, felt fear drip along his back, but he didn’t. The sky rumbled, thunder roared above them from what had just been a clear sky.
”Then go down with him.”
The creature’s wings started glowing, a bright green that cut through the air, made Yamato’s eyes ache. He lifted a hand above his eyes, felt someone tug on his jacket.
”Razor winds!”
The wings cut through the air, the light thrown off of them. Towards Yamato and Takeru. Yamato reached behind himself to make sure Takeru was safe, Takeru pulled at Yamato to get him out of the way. But Yamato planted his feet even firmer, leaned forwards, towards the attack. It would hurt, he didn’t know how much, but at least Takeru would be fine, able to run away.
Then it hit. The air was knocked out of him, light spread around him. Pulsated. But it didn’t hurt. The creature stared, its wings started glowing again. Yamato lifted a hand, stared at the light pulsating around it. It felt like an autumn breeze, moved with his body.
”Razor winds!”
Another attack. Yamato closed his eyes, felt the breeze around him grow stronger. Explore every inch of his body.
”Razor winds!”
It wouldn’t hurt him. Yamato let his arms fall to his sides, took a breath. The breeze rushed into his lungs and he didn’t need to breathe any longer. Wind filled him up, blew around him, made him glow. He was full of energy, was about to explode.
”Sailor evolution!”
His clothes disappeared, his guitarr. Replaced by leathery armor in a soft green, almost white, color. Arrows at his hip and two small wings on his back.
He felt dizzy, the world returning to him, but different. Everything had a whitegreen tint it hadn’t had before.
”My turn”, he said.
Grinned. Lifted a hand, drew circles towards the sky. Wind gathered, blew faster and faster. Held back by only his will.
He threw the winds towards the creature, watched as it was engulfed, thrown into the air and disappeared into the sky. Then the winds disappeared. Yamato took a stumbling step, seconds from keeling over. But Takeru’s hand was on his chest, supported him.
”Well then”, Takeru said, voice trembled, ”welcome to the family.”
Maria and Tim both stared at Yamato. He grinned.
”You’re lying”, Maria said.
”Maybe I am”, Yamato answered.
Tim stood up, bounced.
”Is it true, is it? Are you a magical knight?”
Yamato laughed, grabbed the newspaper and opened it again.
”Maybe I am”, he said. ”Or maybe I just had a period where I was really into bows when I was a kid.”
”That’s so lame”, Maria said. ”You’re cringe.”
”Of course I am – I’m a parent.”
Maria shook her head, stood up.
”Come on, Tim, let’s stop wasting time here.”
Tim hesitated, less inclined to disbelieve the stories Yamato told them. But after a while he turned around, followed Maria back towards the living room. Yamato wondered what exactly they were doing out there. Sora put a hand on his shoulder, squeezed it hard enough to leave bruises.
”I know”, Yamato answered. ”I won’t tell the Oracle if you won’t.”
”I’m sure he already knows”, Sora answered. ”We weren’t allowed to tell anyone.”
Yamato knew. He let out a sigh, put the paper down again.
”Sometimes I wonder about that time. What would have happened if it hadn’t been a warrior of wind who was after Takeru?”
Yamato looked at his hands. He couldn’t feel the power of the wind any longer, it had long since faded, even if it hadn’t completely left him yet.
”Would I have been someone else, gotten another element? Or would the attack have killed me?”
Sora smiled, wrapped her arms around him.
”We were stupid back then, weren’t we?”
”I’m not sure I would have done it differently today”, Yamato laughed.
Intertwined his fingers with Sora’s, leaned his head back against her.
”I knew they wouldn’t believe it”, he said. ”Not until it’s their time, and they would have found out by then anyway.”
”...but why do you go by Windfighter?”
Yamato laughed, let go of Sora and grabbed the paper. Opened it to a page he hadn’t read yet.
”Do you know how hard it is to come up with new and unique internet aliases? Windfighter works perfectly most of the time.”
”Fine”, Sora said. Kissed his cheek. ”Just remember to log out next time.”
Yamato’s heart skipped a beat. He dropped the paper, stood up. Let out a loud ’shit’ before he darted towards the livingroom. That’s what they were doing out there.
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