#let's play a game called spot which parts are me projecting /hj
considerablecolors · 2 years
thinking about how once curt starts treating barb a bit better and they become closer and are just peak adhd/autism solidarity so here's some Thoughts on neurodivergent spies (also ignore that half of these terms didn't exist back then it's fine shhh):
barb swaying on her feet and twirling her hair infodumping about technology and curt gets all excited and starts stamping his feet and talking about spy history
sometimes they'll have sessions where one of them just infodumps for a long-ass time while the other listens but sometimes their interests connect and they just. lose it. like curt is talking about ways to make learning languages easier and barb's like what if there was a device to automatically translate things for you and curt goes HOLY SHIT.
curt will pull barb aside sometimes and be like "does cynthia hate me or is it just the rsd" and barb's like "i thought you were into me for years do you think i understand social cues any better than you do???"
"hey curt i was talking with tatiana and telling her about this thing i do but she said most people don't do that. is this a Symptom?" "nah i do that all the time!" "oh god it IS a Symptom then."
barb. inventing. new stim toys. and curt gets to test them out first!!!
going out to dinner and barb being like "oh uhhhh-" because there's nothing there she can eat because Texture y'know but curt Gets It and just immediately is like "hey can we go somewhere else i don't really wanna eat here" so she doesn't have to say anything
curt gets injured all the time obviously and always hates certain bandages because Sticky Scratchy Texture y'know and barb just casually one day is like "i made a new type of bandage for you :)" and curt almost breaks down crying.
barb getting overstimulated sometimes from listening to all the noise happening during a mission while she's on call with them so curt sets up a way for them to just message on the watch so that when she needs it he can mute his microphone for her
owen asking barb questions to make sure he's understanding and treating curt properly. and curt finds out and is so touched.
owen being like "i'm glad you guys have each other but idk. i don't want to be mean at all but you guys always talk about shit that's supposed to be a symptom of neurodivergency but i mean i've experienced most of those things for my entire life and i'm neurotypical." "......you what." "oh god owen..."
owen "if i don't click my gun three times before each mission then Something Bad will happen idk what but i Can't start this mission until i've read this case file three times because three is a Good Number but that's all totally normal right" carvour going "i don't have ocd what are you talking about" "yes bud you do"
curt starts consciously setting aside time before missions for owen to compete any ritual he needs to feel comfortable
owen's very embarrassed by it at first but one day curt goes "hey. if three is the big number, then i better give you three kisses right?"
owen blushes very hard and refuses to admit it
they tell tatiana later and this prompts a bunch of friendly teasing because "how could you not realize that carvour lol. anyways can someone help me file this case file i'm not good with reading." "what do you mean?" "oh you know when you're trying to read and the letters are just floating around?"
curt and tatiana as dyscalculia/dyslexia buddies that help each other out. tatiana will help curt with math and curt helps tatiana with reading and writing, and it works out really well bc tatiana likes math and curt likes reading and writing <3
the Squad is having a conversation one day and the informant keeps clearing their throat. and everyone is just like "hey. you uh. you need a lozenge bro? you good? you need water? you need a cough drop? are you okay?" and everytime he's like "yes im fine haha don't worry about it"
but stuff like that Keeps happening
the gang chalk it up to just another quirky thing abt them until the informant gets really stressed out one day and is just clearing their throat Again and Again
this master of disguise has tourettes babeyyy
when they're in situations where she has to be quiet, she's just sitting there desperately holding her tics in. and the minute the mission is over, before they go out to celebrate they sit in the car for a minute and let the informant get everything out of their system
sometimes when he's in a crowd and the informant's ticcing is bad enough that he starts getting self conscious, everyone else just starts helping him cover them up
the informant, ticcing: "are you SURE this isn't annoying?" curt, playing with a very loud and squeaky tangle fidget toy: "i gotta be real with you i literally didn't even notice man."
it's not something they really talk about with anyone besides each other. but one day, without saying anything, they show up to an agency meeting and cynthia just goes "susan?" and susan brings out a little bowl of stim toys and just. sets them in the middle of the table.
everyone just casually grabs one throughout the meeting. cynthia does not address this but sue enough. every meeting afterwards there is always a bowl on the table.
"cynthia, may i ask-" "susan, when mega is playing with a fucking stretchy worm he is more focused on what i have to say than i have ever seen him. we are keeping them." "understood."
"....hey cynthia, can i-" "sure, take your pick susan."
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whatisahyunjin · 5 years
Bittersweet; hjs - part two
genre: angst, fluff, drama, high school au
summary: after having a past with Jisung at a summer camp, you have to tutor the same boy over six months later. however, now he has a significant other and attends your rival school
word count: 1.2K
part one / part three / masterlist
At school, your brain was brimming to the edge with the thoughts of Jisung, the previous summer, and the unknown girl. How is it that someone who you met six months ago at a camp which was miles away, lived in your neighbourhood and you didn’t have a clue about it? It can be attributed to the fact that you had poured your heart out to the boy, but he was no where to be found the very next day.
After packing away your stationary that laid still on the desk since the beginning of the lecture, you swung the bag over your shoulder and exited the classroom. Keeping your eyes fixated on your phone you navigated through the hallways, only to collide into a student right in front of your locker.
“Sorry- oh hello Seungmin.” After regaining composure, you smiled at the boy standing in front of you. His blond-dyed hair was wet and water trickled down his face as he smiled back.
“Hey, I was looking for you, can we meet up after school tomorrow for the evs project?” He leaned against the adjacent locker as you grabbed your belongings.
“Yeah, sure, text me after your classes are done. How was practice?” Securing your bag on your shoulder, you led Seungmin through the now empty hallways towards the exit of the building.
“Practice was great, we’re thoroughly preparing for the race next week. But honestly, a replacement for the third spot would be heartily welcome. The one we have now could be our setback for the final game,” he smiled cheekily at you before sighing. 
“I’m sure you’ll find one in a few days. You can choose from the freshman year, there might be a hidden gem,” you reassured him, waving good-bye as you parted ways with him, moving toward your house.
Seungmin was on the swim team, which was probably the most successful sports team in your school. They had won many competitions, including one against your rival school, the one Jisung goes to.
The next day, you were in school, attempting to keep your eyes open during the very first period. The professor rambled on about biology and genes, you zoned him out, till a sentence caught your attention.
“Okay students, a new student will join us from today, he must have completed the formalities by now, let me check.”
The professor left the classroom, leaving behind a class full of whispers and excitement.
“A new student? Better be good at studying if he’s joining now,” Seungmin spoke up from behind you.
“Yeah who joins a science class in the middle of the year,” you agreed, keeping up with studies was already hard enough for you, and you were in the class since a year.
The professor entered the class again, making everyone go silent. Trailing behind him was a boy, dark hair parted at the side, a mole under his eye and a confident aura radiating off him.
“Hello, I’m Hwang Hyunjin, please take care of me,” he said in a stable voice to the class before turning his attention to the teacher again.
“Please take a seat beside Seungmin, you’ll be joining his team for the evs project. Seungmin, help him in every way you can”
Seungmin muttered a quick ‘yes sir’ before scooting away. Hyunjin sat directly behind you, reaching into his bag for study materials.
Wait, you did not sign up for having the new soon-to-be popular and good-looking guy in your class to sit behind you. And you had to work with him on the project, which meant awkward situations that you weren’t fond of.
Hyunjin minded his own business, only asking Seungmin a couple of questions before the classes ended for the day. Even during lunch he sat with another group who looked like they were already his friends. How did this guy just come and make friends, when it took you a year to make a single good friend other than Seungmin? And you weren’t even that close to Seungmin.
“Hey, we’re meeting up today for the project, so we’ll discuss and tell you your part tomorrow,” Seungmin said to Hyunjin, gesturing towards himself and you. 
“Do I have to come?” Hyunjin asked.
“No, it’s okay, since you just arrived, we will take care of this,” Seungmin told the boy before walking out of the class, leaving you two to stare at his back.
“I can help, I have already read the textbooks and know what we have to do.” He turned his gaze to you, making your mind go blank as you stared at his face.
“Oh no, take your time to adjust, you can help us next time, the grouping will be the same for all subjects throughout the year. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you waved at the boy before walking down the hallway to get yourself out of any awkward situations.
Wednesday morning, you were back in front of Jisung’s apartment, hesitating to ring the bell. When you did, Jisung, who was already in his school uniform, opened the door, allowing you in. Giving him a quick nod, you sat the dining table and opened your books.
“Do you need water?” The boy asked, awkwardly standing next to the table, scratching the back of his neck.
“No, thank you,” you replied lowly, turning your attention to the book.
The session proceeded as the one before, uncomfortable silences, conversations only when needed, the sound of pencil scraping against paper, and glances at each other before turning your gaze back down.
Sometime in the middle, your phone rang, making you wonder who would be calling you at such an early hour.
“Hey Seungmin.” Jisung looked up from his math problem to see you talking on your phone. He didn’t want to intrude, but he couldn’t help but listen to your conversation.
“What is it?”
“Hyunjin? I don’t even talk to him!”
The name caught Jisung’s attention, and he listened more intently.
“Why me? Do you hate him or something?”
“But how do you know Hyunjin’s a good swimmer”
“Okay but just this once Seungmin, I will talk to him about it when we’re discussing the evs project today. And if he agrees, you owe me one,” you ended the call and turned to Jisung to find him not solving his problems but staring at your phone.
“What?” you snapped, making him turn his attention back to the book in hand.
A few moments of silence passed before he spoke up.
“Were you talking about Hwang Hyunjin?” Jisung asked, almost hesitantly.
“Yeah, I think that was his name, he has a mole under his eye,” you replied, playing with your fingers to avoid looking at him.
‘She remembers the details of his face, is he that good looking?’ Jisung thought.
“He’s good at swimming,” Jisung said, ignoring the memories that played through his head.
“Yeah, my friend told me that,” you said curtly before looking at the clock. It was time to head to school.
You started packing away your stuff, leaving Jisung to complete his problems. As you stood up, Jisung rose from his chair as well, leading you towards the door.
“(name) can we talk, please? Can you meet me after school?” He asked you suddenly.
You eyed him standing in the hallway before proceeding to wear your sneakers.
“I don’t think there is anything to talk about,” you replied and exited his house.
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