#let's talk about gender politics. can we talk about gender politics? i've been dying to talk about gender politics
2maegor2cruel · 1 year
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Heres the oaf's political insight! So not in the Shield Islands succession context, its pre-kingsmoot, but still not very helpful. Anyhow I fully subscribe your frustration, its kind of a worldbuilding sinkhole by GRRM - I just tend to take the I think opposite approach for my daydreaming that is that if there's no Canon confirmation that a a group of siblings all come from the same mother I make a random amount of them salt sons lol. I even considered it for Rodrik Harlaw bc I Imagine there's a ton of rock daughter vs salt son inheritance dysputes and i really don't see why Gwynesse feels like she had a shot in a dispute with him if they're full siblings - but eh thats definitely One where It would have been said if It were the case and Gwynesse Is Just being metaphorical lol. Anyhow Always a Joy to see people overthink worldbuilding and I Wish you good luck on your writing and on your read of Last Serving Daughter i had a very good time with it
@hell-heron THANK YOU!!!! I could not find that for the life of me, I swear. tbh I can't tell if George legit forgot about Harras for a hot second or what. My best guess is that the assumed mutually beneficial alliance between Vic and Hotho would involve two things: 1) Hotho swings Harlaw for Vic using his influence, 2) once Vic wins the kingsmoot, he'll repay Hotho by marrying his daughter and (politically) strong-arming Rodrik Harlaw into giving Hotho the castle of Ten Towers. So perhaps Vic was low-key threatening Asha, because Rod the Reader holds a lot of political sway in Asha's favor, but if Vic throws in with Hotho, then that power is undermined? Idk, if anyone's got a better idea then please let yourself be known.
But yeah, it's frustrating. I know a stupid amount about George's ironborn lore, but it's not uncommon that I look at a particular bit of world-building, think to myself "hm. nah. that's stupid", and totally disregard it lolll. On a personal level, I think George could have done so much more to explore gender on the Iron Islands, but I just need that old man to focus on finishing TWOW. Leave the gender stuff to the experts: tumblrinas 🫡 (affectionate). Ironborn gender gets discussed a ton in relation to Theon (which is fair, considering that homeboy is a cocktail of the worst gender expectations and masculinity Westeros has to offer), but I wanna know more about ironborn women too!!
And oooOOOoo I like your salt son Rodrik idea... that's pretty spicy. I just assumed Gwynesse was an old battle axe that liked to make her younger brother's life difficult (same), but that's a fun interpretation too lol. I've had a lot of thoughts about the Rodrik-Alannys-Gwynesse sibling triumvirate of widow(er)s rattlin' around in the ol' braincase lately, and now I have something new to ponder... hehe.
Finally, it's good to hear that you liked "Last Serving Daughter"! That means I should definitely read some more of it tonight 😉 And thank you! I wrote a handful of short one-shots back when I was 15 (a dark time), and then didn't really write again for like 7 years lol. But now I'm back in the game! My confidence (and frankly, competence) has improved a lot in the last few months, and I've been having a great time! These next few chapters of The Fic will involve a lot of Iron Islands world-building, with a ton of details and character backstories that I 100% made up lol. But the important part is that I'm having fun and being myself 👍
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50shadesofjayden · 2 years
Gareth Emerson Headcanons pt 2: Electric Boogaloo
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These are once again written with the mindset of Gareth being 18+, not that there's any NSFW ones this time. With that being said, please if you are a minor, keep scrolling. I'm also sorry for the title but I couldn't not include that.
TW: Swearing, slight talk about homophobia in the 1980s and talk about political ideologies - nothing to bash them, just what political alignment I think Gareth would have. If you see any others I've missed, let me know and I'll add them.
There’s a good chance he’d have an alternative partner. He’s very intensely into the things he likes, so I can’t see him being interested in people who don’t have similar interests. Which is why I think his partner’s style would be alternative. Specifically, punk, if I can toss my two cents in. Regardless of gender or lack of gender, they’d have that big dyed and teased hair, a safety pin through their ear, maybe some facial piercings, the whole nine yards. They’d both love plaid. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t go feral seeing them in a mosh pit at a concert. He’d think it’s one of the hottest things he’s seen them do. He’d be amazed by your ability to walk in platform boots without breaking or spraining an ankle. And maybe a little turned on by it. I could also see him being with someone who isn’t all-out alternative. I don’t think the look has to be there for him. As long as you have similar morals and interests, he’d be down.
In a similar field, I don’t think he’s straight. He doesn’t have a label for his sexuality. Pretty men, handsome women and adorable non-binaries are all good with him. There’s a good chance that Eddie could have been his sexual awakening for men. Still, there’s also a good chance that it could be someone from Mötley Crüe, Lemmy Kilmister, K.K. Downing, or another band member in a band he likes. He thought he admired them for their music - until he had a wet dream or fantasy about them. He didn’t tell people about it right away; he’d know Hawkins isn’t the safest place to be out. When he feels comfortable telling people, he’d tell hellfire at a DND session. Everybody would accept him, even if they did not understand it. He’d tell his mom and siblings last (in case they don’t accept him), who automatically give him hugs and assure him that this doesn’t change their opinion of him in the slightest.
He’s a Scorpio. I know, I know, we don’t know his birthday. But it just makes sense. He’s got the resting bitch face down, he’s got the aggression that’s kinda really hot, and he has this passion to him that you tend to see in water signs. I am going based on other Gareth fics and head cannons for this, but he does seem very private to everyone except the people he trusts. You would not be able to tell if he likes someone until they’re brought into the friend group. It takes a bit to win him over, even after someone new is brought in. He knows what he wants and will eventually get it, which he is sure of every time. The scene that makes me think this the most is the scene when Jason is stepping on his hand. Gareth was adamant about not giving Eddie up. Mostly because he didn’t know where he was, but he could have told Jason places to look. They’re close friends, if not best friends. He’d have a good idea where Eddie was, not just that Dustin was looking for him and might have found Eddie. He only gave the Dustin part up when it became obvious that Jason wouldn’t stop until he had information and he assaulted him. It just gives me Scorpio vibes.
He and Eddie fucking gossip together. It’s like that stereotype of two teenage girls type of gossip. It is sometimes about music, but more often, it’s about what Eddie overhears when dealing. Eddie learns so much gossip from the different cliques as he deals to people in all of the cliques, and they just don’t care what’s said around him. He always reports back to Gareth and Gareth alone. None of the other Hellfire members are interested in his gossip. Eddie being Eddie lets himself into Gareth’s house as he’s babysitting his sisters to inform him of the latest gossip. “Gareth, you’ll never believe what Amanda was talking about with Stacy.” “What?” “Madison hooked up with Ryan at Tina’s party.” “NO!” “Yes!” “But she’s dating Christian.” “Oh, I’m very aware.” “Lunch is going to be interesting on Monday.” “That it will be Gareth the Great. That it will be.”
Can we talk about the dynamic of the older hellfire boys for a second: specifically their music tastes. They’re all obviously music lovers, music lovers of a ton of genres at that. But they all seem to have a bit of a different genre they fit into. Eddie is obviously our metalhead. It was harder to find in the 80s, but I think he’d also love international metal music. He’d be so excited to see Ramstein; it would give him many ideas for Corroded Coffin. Many of them are about fire, but he’d have a lot of ideas nonetheless. Jeff, I thoroughly believe, is more of a rock guy. I think he gets it from his parents. He’d have those cool, slightly younger, maybe teenage parent’s archetype. But Gareth, I fully believe he’s a punk lover. He loves the music, but he also aligns with the core ideologies of punks - like being very anti-establishment, vocal about the mistreatment of minorities, ACAB, anti-war, fuck Reagan, big on equal rights for all, etc. I don’t think he would be overly vocal about it, but he’d argue about it in class with other students and would make his beliefs known. Their music tastes would combine to make Corroded Coffin a genre-hopping metal band.
He’d throw hands for his partner if needed. Is he good at fighting? Honestly 50/50, but he does his best when it comes to his partner. I’ve mentioned him being overprotective before, and I think it comes from either being an only child to a single mom or the only brother to sisters. I think he has this ideology or mindset that even if you are perfectly able to stand up for yourself, it’s his job. It’s not in a toxic masculinity way, more of an I protect the people I love.
He’s not the best in school. He is smart, but I agree with the fandom that he has ADHD and has a hard time focusing on specific things for a prolonged time. He’d be great in a woodworking or shop class; he’d get to use his hands and brain and doesn’t technically have to follow a specific set of rules - even if he should. He’d make you tons of gifts, though. Like a really nice birdhouse, a floating picture frame, if you wear jewelry - a really nice jewelry box. This also makes me think he may go into carpentry for work or keep it as a hobby after Corroded Coffin takes off. I think he’d branch out and begin making guitars for people. He just loves working with his hands.
He is a short king. Apparently, Gwydion is 5’ 8, so he isn’t super short but isn’t the tallest, either. I love the video a fan posted of them carrying Gwydion at a con (also a huge thank you to said person if they ever see this). Gareth, with a taller partner, is an adorable thing. He’d fully take advantage of having a taller partner, piggyback rides, can you get this for me, how’s the weather up there etc. Totally uses your height to check out your boobs if you’ve got them and are comfortable with that. Puts up a fuss when you rest your arm on his shoulders. He actually does like it, but he also likes to tease and playfully harass you. He is the definition of the shorter you are, the closer you are to hell.
The first holiday season, you’re together Gareth bought you a heated blanket. Hawkins is freezing in the winter, and sometimes a regular heating pad doesn’t do the trick. He’d never used a heating pad before you got together, but he’d soon find out how much you use and love yours. So why wouldn’t he get you a heated blanket? It turns into him also loving the blanket. It’s used a little bit too much if you are being honest, at least when you look at your energy bill. It’s used for cuddling while watching movies while sleeping, and he’s even asked you to bring it when going to friends’ houses for movie nights. It really was the best gift.
He’d be extremely loyal once he let anybody into his life. His partner would be no different, or anybody he likes. The only difference is he might be a little bit clingy, but not in an annoying way. He still knows how to give you distance and thoroughly enjoys his space and time. Still, he does prefer to be around his partner and touch them when they’re around one another. He would be the one to throw hands for his partner; in fact, he has. He’s very forward without pushing. He enjoys walking you to class regardless of whether you have the class together or are walking with friends. It’s not that he gets in between you and your friends. It’s more that he’d walk on the outside of your group, and your friends would be on the other side of you. If you have a class with him and your friends, he will sit at the inside or the outside desk, let you sit in the middle and your friend on the other side. He will try to distract you. Usually, by drawing on your hand or by attempting to play footsie. If you’re not dating and unsure, he will still be there for you regardless, no matter what, even if you get another partner.
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I just have to get this off my chest after seeing some very disturbing posts about 9/11 floating around on my dash as well as some truly crude commentary. A lot probably won't agree with my sentiments but I feel like this needs to be said.
I've seen a lot of things on Tumblr in the past that maybe I consider to be in poor taste or don't agree with but I usually just scroll past, sometimes block for curating sake, but today is the first time I truly was shell-shocked. To see the memes and blasé jokes people are making about this day are just absolutely horrific and appalling.
I get that a lot of people on this site now may not remember what happened that day and only learned second hand through school or media or other people telling them. I get that a lot occurred after this that wasn't right which we definitely should be learning from. I also get that there is a lot of anti-American and anti-white sentiments going around currently, especially on this site.
But here's the thing:
Not only Americans died that day. Not only white people died that day. That's the thing about terrorists and what these hijackers did: they don't care about your skin color, your culture, your religious preference, your sexual orientation, your gender orientation, your age, your economic status, your personality, whether you support them or not, your political persuasion, your job, or any of it. Everyone is fair game to them. For crying out loud, look at what the Afghani people are currently going through and how the Taliban are treating their own country's people, women especially. If you think this is bad (which it truly is), have you seen how things went under their rule before 9/11 even happened? Do you know their terrifyingly violent and brutal history? Women had acid thrown in their faces if they didn't wear a full hijab. People were mutilated or executed if they didn't fall in line with the law of the Taliban. And this doesn't even begin to go into Al-Qaeda or Isis. But I'm not here to talk about that or delve into that topic too much.
My point in mentioning all of this is that white Americans weren't the only ones that were killed that day. People of all faiths, of all colors, of different countries, died that day, too. And the unity that is consistently discussed every 9/11 anniversary is in regards to us being aware of that fact, us mourning all of their losses together, and the collective desire to come together and help once the planes hit and after the towers collapsed.
So when people say "why am I supposed to cry over white Americans getting killed that day" think about that. Not only white Americans died that day. And regardless of their color, their nationality, their culture, their religion, etc. anyone dying is always sad. Whether it be a jetliner being used as a weapon that crashed into their floor or someone dying of cancer or someone being killed in a mudslide or someone dying in a car accident -- it is always sad. And empathy should always be shown in response, even if it doesn't impact you personally. Let's not forget these people have loved ones that got left behind, that are still here.
So when people say "if something knocks into a cow and knocks it over, I'm not expected to care, but if something knocks into a building and knocks it over, suddenly I'm supposed to care?" think about that. People aren't grieving two large pieces of steel architecture. People aren't saying "always remember those two towers". The WTC Towers were a symbol (yes, for American wealth, I get it) but became so much more of a multi-faceted powerful symbol after 9/11. The towers represent a way of life before 9/11 happened, but more importantly they represent the people lost that day, who were in the towers when they collapsed. For all of the first responders who were stuck on those floors still trying to help evacuate people to safety when the buildings finally gave. The two footprints and two blue lights aren't a symbol of American wealth or a naivete and simpler way of life pre-9/11 - they are a symbol of memorialization for that day. The Freedom Tower was erected to show that despite the loss of that day, we stood united (even if there seems to be more and more division these days). It's a message to the world that yes, destruction and death happened that day in NYC, but so did rebuilding and life carrying on. It's a symbol of strength, resilience, and unity - something that was everywhere you looked days after this event occurred. The two towers (aka NYC) may have gotten knocked down but the city got back up. They weren't kept down - that's the point of the Freedom Tower.
When people say "I don't understand, what is it that I shouldn't be forgetting since I can't remember it anyway" here is what we all should be remembering despite our age or our connection (or lack thereof) with this event:
2,997 innocent civilians died that day. Among them were 343 firefighters, 37 police officers, 23 Port Authority police officers, 8 EMS workers, and 4 other first responders. Also among them were 246 people on the four planes that crashed.
The passengers of United Flight 93 made a choice to fight back against the hijackers and saved lives that day by sacrificing their own.
Many children lost parents. Many parents lost children. Many brothers lost sisters, and many sisters lost brothers. Many spouses lost their significant others. Many lost friends, family, and loved ones.
For those who want a better connection to this day who didn't experience it and/or don't remember it, and for those others who are seriously lacking in empathy: yes, it was a highly publicized event due to the hundreds of cameras (including media outlets) watching that day, but if the horrific images aren't enough to garner some of your empathy, then there are plenty of other resources at your disposal. Documentaries like 9/11 by James Hanlon and the Naudet brothers, 102 Minutes That Changed America (which shows you not only all of the first-hand eyewitness accounts that day but also lets you hear 911 calls, radio transmissions between firefighters, and people's reactions to the event and each other who were there), 9/11 Firefighters (on Discovery Plus) and even more recently, 9/11: The Turning Point (on Netflix) which provides a 360 degree view of the events that led up to 9/11, 9/11 itself, and what came after, displaying all different viewpoints. You can read the 9/11 Commission Report or there are several books and memoirs out there like Wake-Up Call by Kristen Breitweiser, or even historical accounts in books, newspaper articles, and online. But most importantly, listen to people's stories. The ones who were there, the ones who saw it happen, the ones who ran in to help, the ones who lost loved ones. That is the most important part and the most powerful. On Hulu, ABC News ran segments of 9/11 Twenty Years Later, "Women Of Resilience" being especially powerful. It's hard not to feel a human connection to these stories or any kind of empathy.
For those who are making these jokes and memes, if you like shows like 9-1-1 and Chicago Fire, etc, imagine those first responder characters rushing into those buildings to save lives and losing theirs in the process. If you don't remember 9/11 or feel any connection or empathy, imagine hundreds of Bucks or Eddies or Bobbys or Hens or Chimneys dying that day as they worked to save so many. Sorry to be so blunt because I love those characters too, but do you get a little bit of the connection now? Do you feel any empathy? I'm not trying to equate real life heroes and sheroes with fictional characters of course, but if it helps you to understand a little better in some way, well...I'm throwing it out there.
I myself lived in the Tri-State area at the time of the attacks. I remember seeing the second plane seconds before it crashed into the second building. I remember the devastation I felt watching the first tower collapse knowing that a loved one was most likely inside and how hard I cried thinking he was dead. (thankfully, he had been late to work that day and he got out of the area before the towers came down) I remember the relief and gratefulness we all felt hearing from him to assure us that he was alive when he finally was able to get to a phone, stating he was covered in dust and ash from the buildings. I remember the panic and fear we all felt, thinking the world was ending and we were all going to die, that this was it, this was World War III, after it was confirmed that the Pentagon had also been hit and there was also a downed plane in Pennsylvania. I remember the grief another loved one suffered because she lost her entire floor (she had been out sick that day) and every single one of her co-workers. I remember the race to pick up children from school and get them home as soon as possible. I remember the rage that coursed through us seeing the footage of some people in certain countries celebrating the attacks in the streets, enjoying the deaths of so many Americans, a couple of these countries who lost citizens themselves in these attacks. I remember the camping out in front of the televisions night after night for a week straight afterwards, watching the news 24/7, worrying that there might be more attacks. I remember the feeling of sheer terror anytime a plane was heard overhead or seen appearing low enough in the sky that you could practically make out which airline it was for months afterwards. I remember seeing the lights the first time they were lit from our home. I remember feeling pure fear not only for what happened that day but also what came afterwards (not yet understanding that these weren't practitioners of Islam that did this but radical extremists who had literally hijacked the religion). I remember seeing the devastation at Ground Zero through a tear in the fabric over a fence as we walked through the city months afterwards. I remember not wanting to fly for years. I remember the anger I felt that our government had failed us due to political bs between agencies and countless others (which we found out especially when the 9/11 Commission Report came out) and that because of this horrific and absurd failure, thousands of innocent people had died. I remember seeing the crushed ladder truck, and the toy of the little girl who was on one of the planes at the 9/11 Memorial Museum and all of the pictures in that room that just floored me. (I also remember being pissed off that many were treating it as a selfie op where they were allowed to take pictures, completely missing the point of the museum's existence) But most of all, I remember feeling that life would never be the same for any of us ever again, and that the feeling of safety we had naively enjoyed on September 10, 2001 would never return.
But I also remember the compassion and unity we saw rising in the country after those attacks. I remember the gratitude for all of our first responders, those we lost that day and those who were still with us, actively working to recover those lost and to clear Ground Zero. I remember the feeling of collectiveness, that we all shared grief and showed support to one another in those days afterwards. I remember the fallen heroes and sheroes who ran into those buildings, who were off duty but raced from wherever they were that day to come and help. I remember The Man In the Red Bandana aka Welles Crowther (and many like him who worked to save others) who has become another important symbol of that day. I remember hearing all of the stories of people helping one another before and after the towers collapsed. I remember the good that this day represents. That while we may have seen some of the worst of humanity that day in the form of violence, death, weaponized airplanes, and devastation, we also saw the very best of humanity in the form of our first responders and people helping one another.
Look, did Islamophobia happen? Yes. Was it right? No, absolutely not. As I stated above, I myself feared the idea of the religion until I was educated by a friend of mine about the difference between the religion and extremism. This form of hijacking ideology can be seen in examples like the Westboro Baptist Church or even Hitler. Terrorists do not represent the true spirit of Islam no matter what the former tries to force people to believe. Just as the WBC is not the true spirit of Christianity, and so on and so forth. But even during the time I had feared the religion before gaining understanding and clarity, I never confronted or mistreated any practicing Muslim or Arab-American. Ever. I never posted hate or spewed vitriol against them. Just like with the current pandemic, I still cannot believe there are people out there attack Asian-Americans as if this whole thing is their fault. That's still mind boggling to me and it is absolutely 100% WRONG. It should not be happening. Same with Islamophobia. And it breaks my heart to read that many Arab-Americans and practicing Muslims still worry when this anniversary comes around that they may be attacked. It might not mean much, but I just want to say I am truly sorry for that and you have my full support. Always.
Did we go to war and was it just? Yes we did go to war. Was it just? Afghanistan? I need more information in order to have a fully-formed opinion but there are plenty who say yes and plenty who say no. Plenty who say we made things better over there (before we exited and the Taliban advanced) and plenty who say we didn't and only made it worse. I truly cannot say which assertion is correct and I think it would be narrow-minded and completely moronic (and possibly arrogant and presumptuous?) of me to speak on a subject I know so little about, one way or the other. Iraq? No, I don't think it was just and I honestly wish we could go back and do things differently.
But coming back to 9/11 and what this day means for so many, the people who died, the people who rushed headfirst into danger, the people who lost their loved ones. We saw incredible bravery, selflessness, and compassion for your fellow human that day despite what happened. We saw the strength within ourselves despite the fear and anger. We saw resilience. That is what the anniversary is meant to be a reminder of. The sacrifices, the loss, the courage, and the strength. Black, White, Gay, Straight, Christian, Muslim, Man, Woman, Young, Old -- it didn't matter. We all came together.
So regardless of whether it's the cool thing to do right now on this site (or elsewhere) to hate on America or 9/11 or white Americans or the anniversary itself on the very anniversary of these attacks, I ask that you please consider when posting these hurtful (and frankly harmful) words of hatred and vitriol such as referenced above that there are people out there who lost their loved ones on 9/11, that yes some of them may be on this very site and going through the 9/11 tag, and that some of them may have even lost a loved one in either war and are again on this site reading your words. Regardless of what you think or feel, please consider them and tag appropriately if you're going to post. Please consider that some of these people are currently losing their loved ones due to 9/11-related illnesses because of the cleanup at Ground Zero. Please consider that there are children who lost a parent or loved one, or who were orphaned that day (yes, they exist, we had some in our school district) who are also on this site reading your words. Basically, please just consider and be considerate. Please stop spreading hatred on a day that happened due to hatred; please stop perpetuating that cycle.
Like Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."
TLDR: Love and light, my friends. Love and light. ✌️❤️
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Doctor visits while detrans. Surreal shit.
I've been super sick all week. Hate doctors & don't go unless I'm basically dying, but I dragged my sorry carcass to the walk-in clinic yesterday.
Have been using this clinic off & on for a long time. Apparently back when I was transitioning too. Kinda forgot that part though. Lemme explain.
Relevant background: legal name is still 'male' name. Changed gender marker on ID back to Female a few years ago. As you might guess, my voice is pretty deep but otherwise I get read as female, mostly.
So the last time I'm in this clinic, somewhat recently, the gay dude working the check in desk is getting my info & he's asking, "Sooo, when are you making the change?"
And I'm genuinely baffled what the hell he's talking about, which must show on my face, cos he decides to just try harder.
He's practically stage whispering to me, "Y'know, have you made the gender change? The surgery? Do you want us to update your info in our system?"
I realized two things, y'all. 1) the last time I was in this place years before I was still transitioning, so their records still say male. 2) this dude assumes I'm a transwoman, which happens a lot, actually.
My response basically: "That's not.. I'm not.. yeahhh, no." Probably should've just told him to go ahead & change their record to 'female', but whatever.
That was the last time. Went in again yesterday. No third degree at check-in this time. Hate to say it like this, but it's usually only LGBT people who ask questions, cos they think they're being polite. It doesn't much bother me when crap like that happens, just nice when it doesn't. Cos leave me alone, right.
Anyway, they take me back to the room-- nurse weighs me, takes my blood pressure, the typical shit. They let me know the doctor will be back soon.
No shit y'all, they send back the one gay doctor who works in this place. We know our own, especially when you live out in podunk.
Ok, I could be overthinking this whole thing, but remember, they already assume I'm a transwoman. & I don't believe in many coincidences.
Let me preface this by saying, I get what they were trying to do. They were obviously trying to make me feel comfortable & everyone was very professional & respectful, & I'm not trying to crap on that or anything. It was just funny.
So the doctor is going through his usual questions-- what are my symptoms, any past medical history, etc. And y'know, they always ask about any surgeries you've had, but guys.. the way the doctor hesitates at this question, he is very obviously trying to sound nonchalant here.
And I know this guy is waiting for me to tell him about some facial feminization, or some breast augmentation, or whatever.
I cannot tell you the absolute inner delight with which I nonchalantly tell him, "Yeah, I had a C-section a few years back, but that's it."
Mhmm. You could tell by the look on his face he wasn't expecting that one. To his credit he just rolled right along & was very professional & didn't try to pry or anything.
Anyway, just a little anecdote of what going to the doctor can sometimes be like for detransitioned women. That's just one instance though, this is basically a variation of any doctor visit I've ever had in the past six years since detransitioning, & definitely one of the better scenarios.
TL;DR: most medical practices know how to deal with trans patients. Detransitioned people confuse the hell outta them.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Hello!, I hope your day/night is going well!, I saw that you were doing matchups for certain anime's and I was wondering if I may have one for bnha? :), // I just want to say- as I always like to stress that there's no pressure to respond quickly or even at all as I completely understand as I've done matchups in the past lol-but of course I'd be thrilled if you did! Hvngbh anyways tho-// // also I just want to say that if you do add nsfw to your matchups please don't with this one if possible of course, as I am a minor and that would make me uncomfy, if it's not possible I understand and just ignore this request if so <3 //
I'll start with the info on me now! :)
So to start off with a description of my appearance, I am a 5'5 naturally brown haired person with pink dyed hair, my hair is naturally wavy/kinda wild and long, and body typewise I'm a tad chubby, and have been told I have a baby face at times, I'm pretty pale so I tend to have a natural blush as well lmao, I do have a fair amount of freckles and I always wear glasses as I'm blind as a bat without them tbh gbjbhv, style wise I kind of fluctuate between dressing soft in things that are mostly in my favorite color pink!, such as frilly dresses and skirts and such and a more alternative style like fingerless gloves and chokers, I also sometimes just tend to chill in pajamas even in public xD, it all depends on my mood lol
Next facts about me/my identity and preferences! :>, I identify as a demigirl going by she/they pronouns, I am 16, an infp, my zodiac rising sign is Leo, and even though I'm sort of still figuring myself out I've kind of settled on at the moment that I am omni romantic/asexual :)
// I am attracted to all genders equally I don't have a preference btw-//
Now For a description of what I believe my personality to be like and just some traits/interests :)
Personally I think I can be very shy at first when meeting someone as I don't want to annoy them and or seem weird, but once I know a person is chill and or nice I tend to open up pretty quickly though gradually, since we live in a very negative world I like finding the positives when it comes to things although I'm not naive about how bad things are and or can be, I try to spread a little kindness wherever I go and I just don't see the point in being rude or mean to others as it's so easy to just be polite at the very least // if unprovoked of course-// I find myself to be a very easy to get along person as it's very hard to annoy me and or get on my nerves and I'm pretty go with the flow in the way that I tend to find interest in whatever the person I'm with is interested in and or wants to talk about/do, and when it comes to my own interests if somebody shows intrigue and actually lets me talk about them that's one of those scenarios where I will become a chatterbox xD, like I'm naturally quiet but if the topic is one of my special interests such as Animated media, certain parts of History, DC and marvel, cryptids/unexplainable things, I will go on for as long as I can and or as long as that person would let me hvjgjhbh
I do tend to be a bit cowardly at times when it comes to sticking up for myself and or just butting into situations in general admittedly as I am a very anxious person and very non-confrontational, I tend to try to peacekeep mostly ghhbh :'), I have a habit of apologizing for the littlest things and I do have a stutter I'm working on getting rid of, it usually comes around when I'm too excited and or nervous but sometimes it just happens randomly, I tend to get flustered when that happens gghghgh // sorry if this info is useless btw xD I just like going into detail for matchups-//
When it comes to my hobbies I enjoy both reading and writing, mostly fantasy stories, I do have a habit that kind of connects to that as I've been told that I tend to daydream a lot and it's mostly about the world that I create in the fiction that I write and or consume, hvjhvjhb, I also love to skate I just think it's awesome and fun!-I'm pretty good at it too not to brag xD, like I know a few tricks this is roller skating by the way-I tried skateboarding but fell on my face 💀
Some extra miscellaneous details about me is that I do tend to get overwhelmed at times when it comes to being around a lot of people and that's when I'm usually the quietest although in private I'm much more open if it's with somebody I'm comfortable with, I also tend to be very sleepy a lot like more than the average person as I have this thing where I go into a dream like stayed almost immediately after falling asleep which isn't normal-hvngbhg and it makes me wake up sporadically so like in class and such after I'm done with my work I usually just crash till it's time to go most of the time Pfff,
Now when it comes to relationships and dating I'm kind of inexperienced tbh-, although I do understand that my love language is quality time, as I greatly enjoy just being with the people that I hold dear even just sitting in silence and watching a movie, as it's just nice and comforting to know that they're there :) and want to spend time with me, my ideal date would honestly just be me and my significant other doing something like that together/just chilling with one another, I don't need anything fancy or too extravagant, just to know there here and want to be around me,
I consider myself to be rather affectionate in the way that is my s/o were to give it i whould gladly and gratefully accept, although with that said I do become a bit flustered/nervous at initiating it myself and it takes me a while to build up courage to do so, I normally regularly ask permission to give things like hugs lol so in a relationship I feel as though I would do the same
Thankyou for reading all of this if so!, I hope the rest of your day/night is wonderful <3
Anime Matchups 💘
My Hero Academia
Hello and thanks for your patience! It’s very much appreciated. I’m happy you’re interested in my matchups I hope you enjoy yours. I don’t mind you making your matchup 😌 Your very welcome. These days I’m doing better. A lot of unfortunate stuff happened which is why I took a while with your request.
Ochaco Uraraka
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You’re match is with Ochaco. This was a no brainer. You would both enjoy each other and form a cute relationship. She will be gentle with you and do her best to help you.
Ochaco would enjoy your shyness. She’s friendly so you two would easily form a relationship. She’ll be happy the more you open up. She also isn’t naive about the world since she does want to become a pro hero. She likes talking about your interests and will share many of her interests with you. Conversations last for hours thanks to this. She also doesn’t get annoyed easily and will be on the same page as you about being polite to others. She’s such a positive one.
She respects your pronouns. She’ll have an understanding of your anxiousness and wanting to stay peacekeeping. She’ll want to help you when it comes to defending yourself. She might teach you some moves or have you join her martial art classes if you like. As for not be confrontational she’ll try helping you with this. She is protective since she cares for all people especially her friends and loved ones. She’ll also help you with apologizing too much.
She thinks your natural blush and wavy hair are gorgeous. I imagine she’ll want to do your hair maybe re-dye it and give it a hair treatment. She’ll love the shade of pink you choose and might suggest another shade seeing as she also adores pink. She’ll compliment your glasses and freckles.
You two share the love for frilly dresses and pink. When you two go shopping she’ll want to buy you different frames or clothing. You two will have many shopping dates since your share the same tastes in clothes. With your alternative style she’ll support this and help you pick out clothing for this style too. She won’t care that you wear pajamas. She wishes she was confident enough to wear them in public.
Ochaco thinks your nervousness and flustered side is cute.
She’ll love hearing about the stuff you read and write. When it comes to fantasy stories you’ve read she’s all ears listening to you with a dazed look on her face. She enjoys these moments. Fanfiction is fun and interesting so she won’t mind hearing it. When you daydream she’ll be curious about it and want to know what was on your mind. She likes the stuff you dream up. You’re lucky she has the quirk she has so you won’t be getting hurt when you skate around her. She’ll be impressed watching you skate. She’ll also use her quirk to help her skate with you.
She’ll understand you don’t do the best in a public setting. When she can she’ll pull you to the side so you can chill. If needed she won’t mind comforting you either.
When you’re sleepy she’ll be sure to give you drink with caffeine if you need it. She’s thoughtful like that.
Ochaco isn’t judgemental so she’ll understand you tend to sleep and daydream. It’s a part of you and she knows it.
She doesn’t have much relationship experience either but she’s definitely comfortable spending quality time with you. She loves being around you so this works out very well. She’ll adore that you simply want to spend time with her. She is fine spending time with you however you’d like.
Ochaco is very affectionate so I’m sure you won’t always have to initiate but she’ll be extremely happy to see you get so flustered around her. She also tends to be bashful so you’re both in the same embarrassed state. Ochaco makes sure she has your permission as well. She thinks it’s super sweet you ask for permission for something as small as a hug. She’ll start needing your affection since you make her feel loved.
You mentioned being a Leo meanwhile Ochaco is a Capricorn. So they’re not the most compatible but there’s still room for a relationship. While an unlikely couple there’s still a good chance of having a relationship so long as the couple meets each other halfway.
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This dynamic is soft romance since you both get so flustered around each other. Ochaco is a good, understanding partner to you. Meanwhile you’re a chill and respectful shy bean. You treat Ochaco with upmost care and value so much more in life than others. Ochaco admires this seeing as she is selfless and wants to become a hero. She can see the value in the smallest of things as you do. This builds such a solid relationship between you two.
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