#lethal magnetic pressed powders
chevalicr · 3 years
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Despite the uproar that sweeps through court with magnetic force, a wind of iron & rumor,  the days pass easily. They burrow into one another, small, harmless creatures sleeping in the face of danger. It’s as if time itself had shucked its shell. Calandre has thrown a fit, they whisper, Calandre wept openly in front of the northern ambassador. Calandre has ordered the whole palace, the whole city refitted, swaths of organza and crates of pearls filling up the halls. Calandre has ran to the country, fled with her lover, booked a foreign ship. Imprisoned the royal painter for defying her will, for daring to sketch an unflattering profile. No, she merely sidelined them for dragging up the fetid sands of the Obsidienne, for tarnishing the peacemaker’s Eden with the promise of gathering hell.
Fiacre gives way to Maccius, and there is no end to the hearsay. In a way, he supposes there is no end to the heresy as well. Matthieu Samuel, who lives and serves at Calandre’s side, knows most of it is rubbish. Yet he is more worried about the truth hidden in the straws. It’s powdered in grains almost too fine to see, ground thinly even by the mill of Val Faim nobility, which spared no absurdity and no whit of sense. Faint, yes, but not intangible. There’s a kernel of something sharp in all that feathered chaff. Sharp enough that, if he were to clench his fist around, he’d come up with it bloody. He has no need to grow bloodier still.
And so, the Chevalier chuckles at it all. He tips his head and feigns thoughtfulness, feigns listening at all. It’s amiable or scornful, depending on who’s on the other side of the table. He sits through those garden fetes and afternoon teas, standing guard same as he ever did, with a gilded pommel and a scabbard hollowed by death. There’s only the promise of lethality to him, up there in the heart of palace. There’s only the caul of it over his eyes.
When he’s not posturing, when Calandre sends him off as if it’s a party favor, a munificent gift, he patrols the city and keeps up with the crowd. If not... relaxing, it certainly masks it well enough. He’s had little cause to regret it, until now. Today, the sun is too hot on his back, and the swarm of bodies feels more liquid than material. It’s not full afternoon until he has to duck into the nearest shade.
He finds some Hightown terrace narrower than the bend of a waist; likely a baron’s balcony, now deserted for the summer while the city gushes out into the country. He doesn’t see the fact that the table is occupied until he’s already up the stairs. As if this day needed to spew insult over injury. The Chevalier decides to make the best of it. If anything, it’ll save me a future talk. The number of people who trickled in the capital meant a list of new people to charm, investigate, or simply scare off.
“I wouldn’t have thought you the sort to brave this heat. Courtly meeting gone wrong? Or am I putting my foot in it, and someone stood you up?” A smiling front, the knight draws nearer. He presses a curt bow forward, summer-lighting quick. Just snappish enough to cover the bases of liable offense. There’s some umbrage not even Calandre could smooth for his behalf. He leans on one of the colonnades, shirt sticking to the stone. “I’d tell you this is private property, but then, I imagine that rule only holds for other people.”
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viralafeed · 3 years
Lethal Cosmetics Flux Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Lethal Cosmetics Flux Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Flux Lethal Cosmetics Flux Magnetic Pressed Highlighter ($18.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a light pink with cool, bluish undertones and a soft sheen. The powder had a smooth consistency to it that was moderately dense but not thick or too firmly-pressed into the pan–just not powdery–and blendable on my skin. It had semi-opaque, buildable color payoff that stayed on well for eight hours before fading…
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bluepunkmon · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 2 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurosu Jun/Suou Tatsuya Characters: Suou Tatsuya, Kurosu Jun Summary: Just two guys on a date.
was going to be my gift fic for @ps2nocturne before the pairing changed. So Consider this a bonus gift, two christmas fics for the price of one
story also below the cut
Tatsuya glared at the box that housed his latest attempt at baking as wilted flowers soaked in a vase by the door, ignored the burnt cloying smell that lingered in his apartment even with the open window, and tried to reason out when his plan went wrong.  
It’d started well enough. He and Jun hadn’t had chances to go on dates before they left for separate colleges, and their schedules made face to face interactions scarce. With upcoming overlaps in days-off, his boyfriend would be coming over to stay with him awhile, and Tatsuya would make the most of their limited time together. Jun had mentioned almost two years ago that he wanted to go to a French restaurant with him, and it was about time Tatsuya made good on that wish. When he brought it up in one of their daily calls, as well as going to a movie, Jun’s voice perceptibly brightened, and it sent dizzying bubbles of joy through Tatsuya like a happy, non-lethal embolism.  
Unfortunately Tatsuya was not made of money. After looking up the average prices of the few French restaurants anywhere near him, he thought of his emaciated wallet, and settled for a nearby café instead. There was French food there, he was pretty sure, so it should hopefully compensate for the lack of an actual French restaurant.
The problems might have started with Tatsuya’s choice of gifts. He wanted to make him éclairs, since he mentioned liking them in passing, and get him flowers, (Which might be odd considering Jun was coming to see him instead of vice versa, but he needed at least one fool-proof element to their evening). Tatsuya had never made them, had never even eaten one, but he could figure it out. It was just baking. If Katsuya could do it, how hard could it be?
Two hours and three scrapped batches later, he was forced to conclude it was indeed fairly difficult.
The things he pulled out of the oven on the fourth attempt were scorched past recognition, but Tatsuya didn’t have time for a fifth. He still had to buy flowers, and his bike was out for repairs.
It definitely went downhill after he left. It was only after he made it to the florist, red faced and out of breath and trying not to sneeze at the cloying scents in the cramped shop, when he put his hand into an empty pocket, did he remember that he left the list of needed flowers at home. Already running late, he picked out flowers on a whim – they looked pretty, so their meanings had to be good, right? Halfway between the florist and home, he had another realization, this one being that he could have just asked the florist for help.
Which left him without food, the right flowers, or a bike to take him anywhere.
A knock at the door dragged him from his ruminations. Tatsuya gathered the flowers and went to open the door, dread unfurling sharp and heavy in his chest.
The sight of Jun in the hallway, smiling at him, small suitcase in hand and rainwater on his hair and jacket, helped though. It helped a lot. Tatsuya pulled Jun into a hug, unmindful of the flowers he held. Jun dropped his suitcase and hugged back, his grip tight and almost imperceptibly shaking “I missed you.” Jun said, the words muffled from where his face pressed into Tatsuya’s shoulder.
Tatsuya wanted nothing more than to just stay in, to hold Jun and listen to him talk until the sound and weight and warmth of him convinced him that he was really there, even if it was only for a few days. But they needed to head out for food if nothing else. He stepped back and gave Jun the flowers.
Jun’s expression morphed from happiness to something tinged with confusion. “Hyacinths?”
Were those wrong? “I was going to get better flowers, but. I panicked.”
It sounded stupid out loud, but Jun didn’t look angry, so maybe their meaning wasn’t bad after all. At the very least they weren’t burned.
As if Jun heard his thoughts, he looked past Tatsuya to plate on the table behind him. “What’s that?”  
“Pastries,” Tatsuya answered. “Sort of. Don’t eat them.”
Tatsuya first learned of the Spoonbill Café from one of its co-owners when he’d fixed her motorcycle at his part-time job at the repair shop. She was stoic, with a taut jaw and an angry expression only augmented by a faded scar that cut through her brow, but she proved to be patient and overall kind. After a long week and string of impatient, insufferable customers, she was enough of a relief for Tatsuya to start talking with her despite himself. Also, her leather jacket was cool.
Her name was Suzuki, and in addition to owning a very cool bike and jacket, nearby ran a diner with her partner, Aoki. She’d been happy enough with the repairs that she invited him to eat there on a discount (though the short, clipped offer sounded more like an order than anything). He made a habit of going after the first visit. The food was good, the coffee even better, and he ended up getting along with Aoki as well. Over ten years with Suzuki had acclimated her to interpreting silence, and she knew intuitively when small talk, questions, or reciprocal silence were desired.
As it was still fairly early in the evening, the place was barely half full when Tatsuya and Jun arrived. Suzuki and Aoki were behind the long counter along the far wall, Aoki writing on a notepad and Suzuki bent over the coffee machine. Aoki looked up when the door hit a hanging bell and rushed over to meet them, smiling brightly. She was a bit shorter than Jun, with brown skin and eyes, and hair only slightly streaked with grey.
“Tatsuya! It’s been awhile!” If possible, her smile brightened when she looked at Jun, whose hand tightened fractionally around his boyfriend’s. “I’m Aoki, and that’s Suzuki.” she said, gesturing to the woman by the coffee machine. Suzuki curtly nodded to them, then turned back to the machine.
“And you must be Jun! Tatsuya talks about you so much, it’s wonderful to finally meet you.”
Jun’s hand loosened around Tatsuya’s somewhat, and he grinned. ”Does he really?”
“Oh, all the time!” she said. “Once he gets started it’s hard to get him to stop!”
“I’m going now,” Tatsuya said, and went to find a seat. Jun joined him, thankfully before he started asking any more questions.
In the wait between ordering and receiving their food, Tatsuya silently took in the surroundings as he often did, and his attention was magnetically drawn to the man sitting across from him. Jun always looked good, and the present was no exception, but he looked even better than usual. It could have been due to his floral blouse and jacket, or the faint make-up around his eyes and on his face, or maybe just by virtue alone of him being Jun.
And Tatsuya was still wearing a baking powder stained shirt and pants torn at the knee.
Jun frowned. “Is there something on my face?”
“You’re beautiful.”
He blinked, opened his mouth, closed it, and then averted his eyes, blushing faintly “Oh.”
Jun spoke haltingly at first, like he was out of practice, until he got more confident and spoke fairly rapidly about his job and people he’d met since the last time he’d seen Tatsuya and physics and some kind of math Tatsuya’d never heard of and only half understood even after Jun explained it twice.
This is what he wanted back at his apartment. He couldn’t very well hold Jun in a restaurant, but having him back, hearing him in person and not just over the phone, soothed a part of his spirit he never realized was agitated. The peace of being with Jun, the muted ambient noise of the café, the sugary taste of the pastry he’d gotten, flowed over to Apollo, and their combined contentment chased away any lingering cold from outside.
(He had to remember to keep a tight leash on that feeling. Once he’d gotten so suddenly happy about finding a stray cat in front of a house down the street that he’d made a garbage can spontaneously combust. The cat scratched him, and the couple who lived there weren’t fond of the sudden trash fire.)
He was enjoying himself immensely, which is why he was caught so off guard when Jun’s conversation flowed to his education classes, and his face fell and voice died all at once like a switch was turned off.
Jun quickly changed the subject and kept talking, but quieter and more vaguely than before. He looked ill.
Tatsuya lightly touched Jun’s hand and inclined his head towards the door.
He hesitated for a few moments, but then his shoulders slumped. “Yeah.”
He went to pay Suzuki as Jun left, but she waved away the money. “You barely ate anything, it’s fine. Tell Jun he’s always welcome back.”
He was leaning on the wall. His face was tired. “Sorry, about inside.”
Tatsuya shrugged. It really wasn’t a big deal.
“Sorry,” he said again, and if Tatsuya wasn’t worried before he definitely was now.
“Do you want to leave?”
Jun shook his head. “No. I’m fine. I want to go see the movie.”
He still didn’t seem fine, but Tatsuya would take his word for it for now.
Only a few pedestrians were out, all bundled tight against the encroaching cold. The sun was rapidly sinking, painting the sky in a burnt orange and yellow haze. He wrapped his arm around Jun’s shoulders, and he sighed and leaned into him. Tatsuya realized that his boyfriend’s makeup might have been there in part to hide bags under his eyes. He hugged Jun to his side, as if the gesture could ward off whatever troubled him.
Jun should be able to enjoy himself while he was here, and Tatsuya would try his best to make that happen.
‘Try’ being the operative word.
“I’m sorry, but that screening is sold out.”
That wasn’t too much of a problem. Tatsuya had a backup option in mind that looked romantic enough at first glance.
“That one’s sold out too.”
This one couldn’t be –
“Sold out.”
Or –
“Assume most of them are sold out.” The ticker seller said. Their tired dark eyes went from him to Jun and back in an expression that might have been pity but was more likely exasperation and a desire to keep the line moving. “There’s an older movie still playing, most people have seen it already. Want to see that?”
He looked to Jun for confirmation, and then nodded. The title was a weird one for a romance, but he’d be damned if at least one part of this date didn’t go well.
“The killer’s gone, you can look up now.” Jun whispered.
But Tatsuya kept his head ducked and his shirt collar pulled up around his eyes. He could just hear the shrill violin strings building to another crescendo.
“How are you scared by this? You’ve fought actual demons."
"That was different." Tatsuya muttered, reply nearly lost in his shirt.
A chord screeched, followed by a gory squelch he didn’t want to think about.
“Oh. I though he was gone. I didn’t think they’d be that predictable...”
He nearly jumped out of skin when Jun touched his shoulder. “Do you want to leave?”
Tatsuya nodded, and they left as an incompetent police officer interrogated a probably doomed teenager.
The sun was long gone, and had taken its light and warmth with it. He held Jun’s hand and walked close to him, both for warmth and because he was more afraid of passing shadows cast by streetlights and dark alleyways than he would like to admit.
“It was actually pretty funny.” Jun mused quietly beside him. “The effects were terrible.”
Tatsuya couldn’t contribute, having shut his eyes after the first jump scare ten minutes in. His boyfriend was feeling better, though, so any potential nightmares later that night worth it.
His lightened mood gave Tatsuya a fleeting burst of courage. “Um,” He began eloquently.
Words never felt like enough. They were small and frivolous and could hurt so much easier than they could help. But Jun was in some kind of distress and he needed to know, without ambiguity, that Tatsuya was here for him. “Are you ok? I feel like, something’s bothering you.”
Quiet settled around him, and Jun looked a bit lost again, but he didn’t let go of Tatsuya’s hand “Yes. No. Not really, its just – “ he stopped short, then said more definitively, “I’ll tell you, but can we talk about it tomorrow? ”
He nodded. Tomorrow would work. But he still couldn’t share off how sad and tired he looked when they met earlier at his apartment. He stopped walking, and Jun followed suit, giving him a questioning glance, streetlights reflecting in his eyes like stars.
Tatsuya had already started talking, might as well keep going. “I promise I’ll help. And whatever it is, I won’t love you any less.”
Pure, blank surprise took the place of melancholy. But why was he so surprised? Tatsuya hadn’t said anything that strange, except – oh.
Well, he would have said it eventually anyway. He looked away, though he knew it wouldn’t hide the blush flaring across his face. He might have prematurely ruined his resolution to communicate more by embarrassing himself into silence forever.
Jun squeezed his hand. “Okay,” he said, a smile in his voice. “And I love you too.”
Maybe talking didn’t always have turn out so bad.
Across the street a tree caught fire.
(Even with his boyfriend sleeping beside him that night, Tatsuya left a light on. Both agreed to avoid horror movies next time they went to a theater.)
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feedburner2 · 4 years
Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches added to FeedBurner Blog on Trello
FeedBurner added the card Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches to the Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches list in the FeedBurner Blog board at December 12, 2020 at 03:43AM Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder Review & Swatches https://www.temptalia.com/lethal-cosmetics-bloom-magnetic-face-powder-review-swatches/ Bloom Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) ($14.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a light-medium, bubblegum pink with subtle, cool undertones and a semi-matte finish. The texture was slightly drier, almost powdery compared to other shades in the formula, and it seemed a little thinner, which made it less blendable than other shades as well. I’d recommend patting this one into place and then gently blending it altogether rather than trying to spread it out. It had semi-opaque, buildable color coverage that lasted for eight hours before fading visibly. FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent). Top Dupes Formula Overview Ingredients Top Dupes View Swatches View All Dupes Tarte Dollface (P, $29.00) is more shimmery (95% similar). theBalm Down Boy (P, $21.00) is cooler (95% similar). Too Faced Justify My Love (P, $26.00) is more shimmery, lighter, cooler (95% similar). MAC Pink Swoon (P, $24.00) is less shimmery, brighter, cooler (90% similar). MAC Well Dressed (P, $24.00) is more shimmery, lighter, cooler (90% similar). Urban Decay X-Rated (DC, $26.00) is more shimmery, darker, cooler (90% similar). Flower Beauty Bubbly (P, $9.99) is less shimmery, lighter, cooler (90% similar). Givenchy It-Girl Purple (P, $44.00) is lighter, cooler (90% similar). Make Up For Ever B212 (P, $23.00) is more shimmery, cooler (90% similar). MAC Bubbles, Please (P, $29.00) is less shimmery, cooler (90% similar). View Swatches Formula Overview $14.00/0.18 oz. - $77.78 Per Ounce The formula is supposed to blend "effortlessly" and "build" to a "luminous matte" finish and "any intensity with ease." In general, they had medium, buildable coverage that easily built up to mostly opaque to opaque coverage. Per the brand, they recommend "tapping" rather than swirling one's brush, which I'd agree with for picking up more buildable pigment--swirling or heavier motions could yield more opaque coverage in one go (which could be desired). The texture was moderately dense, smooth, and not powdery nor too firmly-pressed into the pan, so the product picked up well with more feathery brushes as well as denser brushes. As I applied the powder and buffed it into my skin, they had a more semi-matte to natural matte finish--not flat or dry but not overly shimmery either. They looked more "melted" on my skin, which gave them a better and more flattering finish applied. They lasted between eight and nine hours on me before fading visibly. Browse all of our Lethal Cosmetics Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) swatches. Ingredients CI 77019 (Mica), Magnesium Stearate, Kaolin, Zinc Stearate, Dimethicone, Caprylic/ Capric Triglyceride, Dimethicone/ Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Phenoxyethanol, Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Silica, Ethylhexylglycerin. [+/- (May Contain): Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, CI 77891 (Titanium Dioxide), CI 77499, CI 77492, CI 77491 (Iron Oxides), CI 778161 (Tin Oxide), CI 77007 (Ultramarines), CI 77288 (Chromium Oxide Greens), CI 77742 (Manganese Violet), CI 42090 (Blue 1 Lake), CI 16035 (Red 40 Lake), CI 19140 (Yellow 5 Lake), CI 15850 (Red 7), CI 45410 (Red 27 Lake)] Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list. Bloom PPermanent. $14.00. 1 0 B+ B+ 8.5 Product 9.5 Pigmentation 8.5 Texture 8.5 Longevity 4.5 Application 88% Total Quick Shop: Lethal Cosmetics, Camera Ready Cosmetics We hope you'll consider supporting Temptalia by shopping through our links below. Thanks! SephoraSephoraBeautylishUltaNordstrom More Explore Temptalia Best of Holiday 2020 Reviews of the newest releases from best to worst! Read now. Read Now Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) Lethal Cosmetics Bloom Magnetic Face Powder (Blush) via Temptalia https://www.temptalia.com December 12, 2020 at 03:00AM Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại saigonews.com https://saigonews.com/ View on Trello Kênh thông tin về làm đẹp, các bí quyết trị mụn và chăm sóc da mụn cho nam nữ tuổi dậy thì, để có làn da sáng mịn tự tin, chỉ có tại saigonews.com https://saigonews.com/
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viralafeed · 3 years
Lethal Cosmetics Scatter Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Lethal Cosmetics Scatter Pressed Highlighter Review & Swatches
Scatter Lethal Cosmetics Scatter Magnetic Pressed Highlighter ($18.00 for 0.18 oz.) is a light lavender with cool undertones and a luminous finish. It applied evenly and blended out with ease on my skin as the powder was smooth without being powdery, yet it wasn’t overly-dense or too thick. It had nearly opaque pigmentation in a single layer, which easy to apply with a lighter hand or build up…
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