#lets see what the geniuses over at working partnurz came up with this time tho
bonefall · 8 months
I'm tired and snappish but this ASC thing would have been such an easy fix. Have Frostpaw come a day late when he is Splashstar already and show how he rewarded a bunch of cats. Gave her siblings their full names, doubled the patrols, already kicked ShadowClan out.
Instead of having The Whole Clan believe the dumbest lie in generations, show them divided and have Splashstar still be invoking Curlfeather's honorable name. Make it so he doesn't NEED the "support" to kick her out, he's an untouchable leader who just needs compliance. Even if a little over 50% don't LOUDLY challenge him, he can do whatever the fuck he wants
But no that would b implying the clan structures r flawed and we cant have that
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