Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Tsukinami Prologue
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ー The scene starts on the rooftop garden at Banmaden
Yui: ( The breeze feels nice... )
Several months have passed, since I came here.
While everything was quiet and peaceful at first,
the situation made a complete 180 right after,
and even right now,
things are rapidly changing in the Demon World.
The trigger for all of this,
was Karlheinz-san,
both the Vapire King and the Supreme Overlord of the Demon World,
and his decision to pass down his powers to one of his sons.
The once stable and peaceful state of the Demon World,
took a turn for the worst in the blink of an eye.
As soon as that happened,
the other Demonic races came to the conclusion,
that now while the new ruler was still inexperienced,
it would be the prime opportunity to steal the throne,
with various conflicts breaking out all over the country...
Yui: ( The Vampire, Wolf, Adler and Vibora Clan...Those are the four main sub-species of the Demon World. )
( Aside from those, there’s Founders like Carla-san and Shin-kun...The First Bloods. )
( Not only do they stand independent from any other race, they possess great powers. That’s why several other clans have reached out to them.
( ...Because they want to use their powers to their own advantage. )
( Seems like today as well, several Familiars from different species came to visit Banmaden one after the other. )
...Must be a lot of work.
( However, it seems like those two have been sending all of them back home empty-handed. )
( To be honest...I’m kind of relieved. It’d be worried if we were to get caught up in the chaos, and I’m kind of scared. )
ー Shin approaches her
Shin: Hah...Today has left me exhausted again.
Yui: Ah, Shin-kun. Good work out there!
Shin: For real. I’m completely beat.
They won’t give up even if you tell them to leave, it gets really annoying. They’re such a pain in the ass.
Nii-san’s not going to grant them an audience no matter how much they please, but they’re way too persistent...Haah.
Yui: Must be rough day after day.
Shin: It is. I mean, I do understand why they’d love to have us help them out.
We’re Founders after all...First Bloods. Ah, right. You can have this.
Yui: Wah? 
(  What’s in this bottle...? )
Shin: It’s supposed to be some kind of luxury item one of those other Demons brought along. I doubt it’s meant for Nii-san, so it must be for you, no? 
Yui: For me?
Shin: ...If they seriously thought about giving something wrapped in such a cute, frilly packaging to Nii-san, then they should be happy they got away with simply being send back at the gate.
Yui: ( He does have a point...I mean, he went through the trouble to bring it to me, so might as well open it up. )
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Ah...Look, it’s konpeito! 
Shin: I know. ...I already inspected it just in case.
Yui: Ah, right. Thanks.
Shin: You’re welcome. Wait, well, I only handed it over to you.
Yui: But I’m happy. Well then, let’s not waste any more time...
Yui: ( Waah, this really takes me back. )
...Here you go, Shin-kun.
Shin: Nn. ...Uwah, it’s sickingly sweet...
Yui: Fufu, you’re right. But it has a reassuring taste.
Shin: Maybe, I guess.
Yui: ( It almost feels like I’m having a relaxing time over at the human world but... )
I wonder if a war will break out in the Demon World
Shin: I mean, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If they let this chance slip by, it could take ages before another similar situation occurs.
Yui: ( One of the Sakamaki brothers now has Karlheinz-san’s powers, right? ...I wonder how they’re doing. )
( They might already be fighting against another Clan... )
Shin: Hey, hold up. You were thinking of those guys just now, weren’t you?
Yui: Eh?
Shin: Don’t try to play dumb. ...You’re thinking about those Sakamaki’s, aren’t you?
Yui: ...Yeah. While only for a short period, I did once live together with them, so I don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
Shin: Hahー ...You really are a miss goodie-two-shoes, aren’t you?
But you know. We’ve been turning down all offers so far, but if we’re made a good offer, the two of us might end up facing each other as enemies again, you know?
What will you do if that happens?
Yui: Well...
( I definitely don’t want...two groups of people I know to face off against each other. )
( I don’t want them to clash but...I’m not sure if I’m in any position to say anything about this whole situation. )
ー A strong gust of wind blows
Shin: ...The wind’s picking up. We should probably head inside soon. 
Yui: Yeah...
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s room
Yui: ( They might end up fighting each other, huh...? )
( I don’t want to have to witness that, but I’m sure it’s not that easy for them either. )
( I’m pretty sure they want nothing more to regain sovereignty over de Demon World previously in hands of the Vampire Clan. )
( However, said plan failed back when Karlheinz-san was still around. )
( I won’t deny that now might be the prime opportunity to take back control. However, if they were to do that... )
( Hmー We’d be back to square one. )
*Knock knock* 
Carla: I am coming in. 
Yui: Sure, go ahead.
ー Carla enters her room
Yui: ( I wonder what’s behind the sudden visit. )
Carla: ...An unfamiliar scent lingers in the air. Do you have any idea where it might be coming from?
Yui: Eh? Umー...
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Perhaps it’s this konpeito?
Carla: ...
Yui: Shin-kun gave it to me earlier and we tried it together.
Carla: Konpeito, you say? ...The unfamiliar scent made me assume that someone with bad intentions might have trespassed the manor.
Yui: ( So that’s why he came to check up on me. I must have made him worried. )
Would you like to try some as well?
Carla: No thank you. ...I do not particularly enjoy sweets.
Yui: I see...
Carla: You enjoy that sort of thing?
Yui: Yes! I feel happy for some reason as the sweet flavor spreads in my mouth...
Carla: ...I see. I suppose it was worth allowing Shin to accept the gift.
Yui: ( The two of us rarely talk because he’s always so busy, but it seems like he’s actually keeping me in mind. )
( ...I’m happy. )
*Knock knock*
Shin: Nii-san? Dinner is ready to be served. 
Carla: I understand. ...Well then, let us go.
Yui: Yes. 
ー The scene shifts to the ballroom
*Cling cling* 
Yui: ( Usually I feel most relaxed when the three of us are together like this but...The atmosphere is kind of tense. )
Carla: ...Update me on the situation. 
Shin: The same as usual. It’s pretty clear that all they care about are our powers. 
They could really benefit from some manners, I had to stop myself from simply burning them all to the ground. 
Carla: It cannot be helped. It only makes sense that they would seek out stronger allies.
Shin: But you know, it’s so blatantly obviously that they’re trying to be in control since we’re outnumbered. 
That sort of arrogant attitude really pisses me off ...!
Yui: ( Seems like Shin-kun is really stressed out from having to deal with various other Demons day after day. )
Shin: I mean, they won’t say it with that many words, but they underestimate us way too much just because there’s only two of us.
Carla: However, it is true that it is just us two. So they must be jumping to conclusions.
Shin: ...Hey, what do you plan to do, Nii-san?
What do we gain from keeping up with this!? 
Carla: ...We must not be hasty.
Shin: You think so?
Day after day I have to deal with other Clans’ Familiars coming to this Castle...I’m sick and tired of it!
This is a prime opportunity to take back sovereignty over the Demon World, so why are you keeping quiet?
Carla: ...
Yui: Shin-kun, calm down a little...
Shin: As if you could ever understand...So just shut up!
Yui: No way...
( I mean, it’s true that I’m not the one out there having to deal with all of this like Shin-kun is. )
( Nor do I know all of the details of the situation but...That still stings a little. )
Carla: ...
ー Carla gets up from his seat and walks away
Shin: Tsk...What’s his problem...?
Yui: ...
( I’ll leave with Carla-san as well. )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Yui: Haah...
( Perhaps I spoke out of line. )
Carla: Do not blame Shin for what he said.
Yui: I don’t plan on doing so. I’m sure he must be exhausted. 
Carla: Shin is still young. That is why he lets his temper get the best of him.
I believe he must want to free himself from this confinement as soon as possible. 
I am fairly sure that I would have done the same back in my younger days...
Now I cannot confidently make such a decision on the spot.
Yui: Right...
Carla: It is just the two of us now. While we may be strong, we are outnumbered. ...We must carefully work around this disadvantage. 
I refuse to let the first best Demon use us to their own advantage. ...Due to my pride as a Founder.
Yui: ( Pride, huh? Such a heavy concept. )
ー Carla walks away
Yui: ( I am sure that Carla-san has his own strategy in mind. )
( If Shin-kun is offense, Carla-san is defense. ...Even if both of them feel the same way, they come across as quite different. )
( ...It’s not making the situation any easier. )
Yui: ( Hm? ...What’s this sound...? )
ー Yui wakes up in her room
*Caw caw caw* 
Yui: ( Crows? What are they doing here...? )
ー Shin enters her room
Shin: Thank god...
Yui: Shin-kun! Did something happen?
Shin: Some random guys came to attack us out of nowhere. ...I’m glad to see you’re safe and sound. 
Yui: Where is Carla-san?
Shin: He’s fine. Anyway, you should worry about your own safety right now. Come on, let’s hurry.
Yui: Eh? Where are we going?
Shin: We’re going to move to a different manor and wait out the situation.
???: ーー You’re not getting away
Yui: ( Who’s this...? )
Kino: Hey there! I’m Kino. ...I’m part of the organization known as ‘Raven’. 
Shin: Is that so? And why exactly did you sneak into our place?
Kino: I’ve come here to pick her up. ...Did you like my konpeito?
Yui: Eh?
Kino: Take my hand...Eve.
Yui: ( Why is he...calling me Eve...? )
Shin: Hah? I’m not letting you have her. If you want her that badly...You’ll have to get past me first.
Kino: Ehー? What a pain...But well, if that’s what you want, I’ll take you on.
Shin: Heeh...Allow me to show you that you’ll end up swallong those words very soon!!
Yui: Shin-kun, don’t!
Shin: You stay back...!
Yui: Kyah!
Kino: Hmー... A First Blood’s combat style is rather unimpressive. 
Shin: Haah? Fuck offーー!
Kino: Ahaha! You haven’t landed a single hit? So, what are you hoping to achieve by wrecking your own Castle?
Shin: I’m seriously going to kill you...!
Yui: ( Oh no. I want to stop this fight, but I can’t exactly step in between them... )
Carla: ...Haah!
Kino: Uu...Kuh...Hah...
ー Kino collapses
Yui: Carla-san...!
Carla: You mannerless brute. It is common courtesy to request an audience with the King first. ...Now name yourself. 
Kino: Owowow...Well, guess I should have expected as much. This is what a First Blood should be like.
My name’s Kino. I am Karlheinz’ Prince Zero.
Yui: Eh? 
( Which means he’s one of Karlheinz-san’s sons as well? )
Shin: ...I didn’t think there’s be another hopeless Vampire aside from those guys. 
Kino: I only came to introduce myself today. I’ll be back. To ask you to hand Eve back to me, when I eventually become Adam.
Yui: ( ...Our eyes met... )
*Caw caw caw* 
Kino: Whoops, seems like I’m running out of time. ...See you!
ー Kino runs off
Kino: Ah, before I forget.
Mr. Long Hair, you’re terminally ill, aren’t you? 
Yui: ( How does he know that...? )
Kino: Why don’t you just give her up already, so you can get to spend the little time you have left in peace? What do you say?
Carla: ...
Kino: Ahaha! Well then, bye-bye!
*Flap flap flap* 
Shin: Kuh! Halt!
Carla: Stop. ...Let him go for now.
Shin: For now...?
Yui: ( Carla-san is terminally ill...He’s still contracted with Endzeit. )
( I nearly forgot because his usual demeanor wouldn’t lead one to assume that he is ill... )
( But since he never fully recovered, he’s constantly flirting with death. )
Carla: ...Nonsense. 
ー Carla walks away
Shin: Ugh...
It had been a while,
since I last heard the name of said illness drop.
After all,
Carla-san has been pretending,
as if it does not keep his mind busy.
Even now that the symptoms are seemingly under control,
it would make perfect sense for him to continue,
to feel the crushing pressure of reality.
I believe that he must have been hiding it,
not wanting to talk about his illness,
in front of us.
When I think about that,
my chest ached in pain.
ー The scene shifts to the balcony
Yui: ( Endzeit will never disappear ーー that being said, I’m pretty sure he’ll get upset if I show too much concern... )
Yui: ( ...Huh? )
Yui: ( Is that Shin-kun trying to enter the woods leading a pack of wolves!? )
( Carla-san is...not with him. )
( Don’t tell me he wants to go take revenge for earlier...I have to stop him! )
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Yui: Haah, haah...
( I guess it was reckless of me to chase after him after all. )
( I know that I should have probably told Carla-san but...I wasn’t confident about facing him after what just went down. )
( ...Anyway, now that I’ve come this far, I have to go after hiーー )
Yui: !
Yui: ( No way...Someone’s behind me...? )
I’m sorry, forgive me...
Shin: What are you playing at, following me all the way over here?
Yui: Shin-kun?
*Rustle rustle* 
Shin: Go back to the Castle. I’ll let this slide if you do. Hurry!
Yui: Wait! Were you going somewhere by yourself? 
Shin: ...Nii-san is dying at the hands of Endzeit. We can’t waste any more time.
If we stay cooped up in our Castle forever, we might get wiped out without accomplishing anything...We have to act before that happens.
We’ll regain control over the Demon World...!
Yui: ( Shin-kun...I understand why he’d feel pressed but I doubt Carla-san will be happy with this. )
But It’s not wise to act thoughtlessly. I’m sure you still have time to come up with a plan at least?
Shin: It’ll be too late then!
Yui: That’s not true!
Carla: ...What are you doing?
Yui: Carla-san...
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Shin: Nii-san, I’m sorry for acting without your permission but...
Carla: ...You never change. You really need to fix that rash nature of yours.
Shin: ...
Carla: What was your plan?
Shin: I was going to visit the Wolf Clan first.
They’ve always done a splendid job at protecting their territory from outsiders. They have a strong sense of duty and their King possesses great qualities of leadership. 
I figured they would be the best party to form an alliance with. 
Yui: ( I see...So that was his plan. )
Carla: I see. However, listen carefully, Shin.
We are Founders. First Bloods like us must not rely on any outsiders to gain sovereignty. 
Shin: But we worked together with Mertz in the past...
Carla: I made a rare exception in that man’s case because he seemed to worship us. 
Shin: ...Then, what do you want me to do? 
Carla: ...We shall take down the Demon World together.
Yui: Eh?
Carla: ...No, the three of us, I should say. 
Yui: ( Eh? ...He’s looking at me? )
Carla: Heh...I shall not take no as an answer. 
Shin: ...Aah, Nii-san...!
Let’s do that! We’ll be victorious for sure...!
My heart began to beat faster,
when he corrected his statement to ‘the three of us’.
It felt as if they had acknowledged me,
as one of them,
giving me a warm feeling inside my honest.
However, cutting through the happiness,
was the anxiety looming in the back of my heart. 
There will be opponents,
we will have to face off against. 
And then there’s this guy,
who suddenly showed up and dubbed himself the new Adam.
I wonder if I will be able to safely make it out,
of this battle over sovereignty,
which lies at the very core of all the chaos in the Demon World? 
Yui: ( However, I need to have faith. I decided I would stay by this man’s side after all... )
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