#levender anon
sir-sunny · 3 years
- Fukagiri is my ultimate rare pair. Favorite shit. In love with them in all iterations. Though Tokomaru also good ofc. Toko has two hands. But here’s Fukagiri hcs cuz I need people to know my love for them. It’s so hard to find content I gotta start makin it myself.
- Kyoko is the best beta reader and initial editor for Toko cuz she pays really good attention to detail and catches little things, and I imagine she gets easily invested in fiction with more personal stakes. Plus she’s a very fair critic in general.
- Kyoko knows Toko has a crush on her long before Toko does(Toko out here with that internalized homophobia 😔). But no matter who it is Kyoko is never the one to act first in a relationship, especially with all Toko’s stuff she’s gotta deal with. If it’s happening post game, I image Toko eventually confesses by writing a letter to Kyoko like, “Don’t read this for a few weeks ok?” And then she goes to hide on Jabberwock for a while cuz Fear Of Rejection lol.
- Nagito: …Hey Hajime?
Hajime: Yeah?
Nagito: Why has Toko Fukawa hiding behind our trash cans for the past two days?
Hajime: Homosexual crisis, I hear.
Nagito: Ah. Fair enough.
- Kyoko is kinda bad at feelings is the thing lmao. She sits there for like a week after reading the letter, reading it over and over and trying to discuss things with Makoto. Generally poor boy Makoto is the recipient of all Toko AND Kyoko’s gay nonsense He cares them and wants them to be happy but please. Talk to each other about these things just a little. He knows too much.
- I think they take it real slow. Like hand touching is Kyoko Third Base, and as much as Toko fantasizes about romance I feel like she probably gets way to flustered way to easy to go too far too fast. Their first kiss is a few months into dating and all their affection is very private.
- Generally it’s a fairly quiet relationship, mostly on Kyoko’s end. Nobody would guess their dating if not for Toko constantly bragging about how smart and beautiful her girlfriend is especially compared to all your girlfriends. Lmao losers. She’s proven that romance is a game that can be won and she did it.
- Toko is big into small affection like hand holding and needs lots of validation cuz of her anxiety and bad streak with romance in general. Kyoko is always willing to do hand holding, even without gloves when they’re alone. And her compliments are hard to shoot down when she’s so confident and matter of fact and logical.
- Kyoko is much more of a quality time person. Hanging out quietly and reading, or even just standing real close when they’re talking with friends is enough for her. Though she does also like little touches, especially with hair. Tucking it back. Fixing braids. Brushing. Running fingers though it.
- Toko is very attracted to intelligence and conviction. She def fell hard and fast for Kyoko, though it took her a long time to realize it, and mistook it with disdain and jealousy for a while. She’s that one post that’s like. “I had a crush on a guy in my class and so I wrote him a note that said ‘Get out of my school.’”
- Kyoko is most attracted to how passionate Toko can be. I imagine it started as her just wanting to try and understand why Toko’s Like That, and instead of Makoto’s Direct Approach, she started reading Toko’s books and asking her about them. Seeing Toko so in love with her craft and so excited about what she does was def an eye opener in multiple respects.
- This got so long I’m so sorry ahdkahdkshf I just love them.
yes!! tell me abt ur favorite rarepair i love it
i love the idea that kyoko agreed to help toko proof read her writing and at first, she considered it a job, but as time went on, she found herself genuinely enjoying reading toko's work (and in turn, became a fan of her novels)
awww kyoko definitely figures out how toko feels abt before even toko herself does aksgfjskdjg also kyoko turning to makoto for advice but he's rly no good at this type of things :// (he just wants everyone to get along and be happy kasjfgjasd)
oh these two take their relationship SO slow like. during their 10th date, they very cautiously and anxiously let their pinkies rest against each other under the table (they both went home and freaked out abt it in their own ways)
oooo i like to think that toko is surprisingly good when it comes to complementing kyoko (i mean im sure she has a notebook filled with ramblings and poems abt kyoko so)
UAgh kyoko braiding toko's hair,, its just a simple gesture but it rly means a lot between the two of themm,,,
okokokok i kinda love them aksjfgajhdf
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thesoundofmadness · 3 years
you have been granted that excuse
(to talk about the band au—)
thank you kind anon
k so fuckin
Everyone became friends during their last year of high school and during college
Randy, Howard, and Levender were gonna form a band, but Levender decided he wanted to do more of a solo thing, so after ALOT of convincing, Juilan, Theresa, and Debbie joined instead.
Randy the lead singer/bass, Theresa does keyboard, Juilan and Debbie are on guitars, and Howard is on drums. Theresa, Juilan, and Debbie cover back up vocals, and Theresa does duets with Randy if needed. Howard only does drums bc he didn’t want to do extra practicing.
Tho they’re all good friends, it’s pretty fucking obvious that Randy and Howard are better friends than everyone else, and Them and Juilan have Been Through Some Shit (*cough* s2 *cough*) Also Theresa and Randy are involved in a relationship, tho that’s not as hidden as the Juilan shit.
There’s ALOT of tension between Howard and Juilan because Howard hasn’t forgiven Juilan for what Evil Juilan did to him and Randy. Randy doesn’t remember it at all tho bc the mind wipe, and doesn’t understand why Howard is just so mean to Juilan.
Their name is still 30STM bc I couldn’t come up with a better idea. Their logo looks like a doodle in a math book with 5 smaller, different colored doodles around a cloud saying 30STM.
Randy’s doodle is a red sword, Howard is a blue octopus, Theresa a yellow baton, Debbie a pink camera, and Juilan a purple skull. Randy BEGGED them to do a color coded thing for the sake of matching stage outfits.
Not sure about everyone else tbh, but Randy does most of the song writing and mixing. They figured that if he’s gonna sing, why not write the songs too? He’s also the most active on social media.
Multi language covers! Randy does Japanese covers (he studied it in college so if this band thing didn’t work out, he’d have a job as a teacher as back up) Theresa on English, and Debbie does Chinese/Spanish/French. Tho all of their oringial songs are in English.
Resentments of a Forgotten Childhood, aka 30STM 5th oringial album about Randy and Howard’s forgotten ninja trauma, is ALOT more intense. Especially the live versions. Mostly due to more instruments actually being played.
When they all got free time, they live stream playing video games with each other and Levender. It’s always a chaotic mess. Randy and Howard get suPER competitive at each other and fight every time without fail.
Randy also likes to livestream when he’s working on making like the lyric videos. He does a lot of his work at night so the chat helps keep him company. A few times he’s fallen asleep on stream. Once he even started sleepwalking.
Things are always a mess before performances. It’s amazing how they tidy up at the last second to play.
They probably collab with Levender often
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wanna-be-heard · 7 years
Paarsblauwe plekken. Na het drie jaar goed te hebben gedaan, heb ik mezelf verloren door mijn alles aan iemand te geven die niet wist wat er mee te doen. Zo fijn als ik mijn zenuwen voel tintelen, een stekende pijn voel gevolgd door het zien rood worden van mijn huid. Het laat me levend voelen. Ik zit vol leven. Waarom kunnen mensen mij zo kwetsen? Waarom willen die mij pijn doen? Wat doe ik fout? Ik snak naar liefde terwijl iedereen me de rug omkeert.
je kan datzelfde gevoel ook verkrijgen door iets anders dan jezelf pijn te doen lieve anon. Je zou je eigen huid er tegen moeten beschermen in de plaats van ergens het gevoel te hebben dat je misschien niks beters dan dit verdient. Gij zijt meer, gij zijt meer dan deze ene keer in die drie jaar. Gij zijt meer dan de valse illusie dat pijn het vurig leven met zich meebrengt. Ik hoop dat gij weet dat ge niet alleen zijt in fouten maken en er waarschijnlijk heel veel mensen in betrokken zitten.
Leer jezelf een beetje graag zien, één stap vooruit en er drie achteruit maar onthou hoe breder het zicht was toen ge op die ene stap vooruit hebt rondgekeken. Ik geloof in u, altijd x 
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thesoundofmadness · 3 years
(Ninja levander anon) Maybe both? Like they were all childhood friends until the band fiasco happened? Anyhow Ninja Levander is cannot look away from randy whenever he sees him and just turns into a gay mess
ooooooo maybe like, they were best friends throughout elementary and middle school, then over the summer the band thing happened, and Randy and Howard cut Levender off for being an asshole
Levender wants to make it up to them, but they won’t even talk to him. So maybe he tries to use the ninja to reunite with them bc he knows they like the ninja???
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