#levyn the warlock
rumiraclemi · 2 years
i made one (1) post about my ocs earlier and they’ve been on the brain ever since. so anyways. *strikes a pose* i am mentally unwell about little people in my brain (((:
i’ve had a list going since fuckin uhhh may apparently?? of my dnd character ideas, and these are just my ““playable characters””(/i’ve made character sheets for at some point) ((that i’ll probably never get to play (’: )).
alta seasworn, warlock triton boy under a curse of flames covering his body that sear him when touching water
ella allsworn, rogue/paladin(?) human with the metal leg and family trauma (’:
tetra cirnel, ranger(?) half-elf bitch with toxin/tonic throwing knives
carlyle cirnel, paladin human with a masochism problem (tetra’s distant cousin)
kassim sikare, bard human trying to stop the war between her hometown/tribe and the neighboring leonin
the maverick, fighter warforged unfinished AI constantly struggling with his sense of self and feeling incomplete
riorin terreader, wizard halfling with horrendous luck and an affinity for unintentionally attracting evil
sernatash, druid water genasi amnesiac little swamp creature friend
niyamu, wizard tabaxi wise old man cat (actually a kid who messed up a spell that makes him think he’s old)
oren, cleric earth genasi former priest with open crystal geodes sprouting over their body from being buried in rock for ages
rikiir, sorcerer aarakocra armless city guard that screeches for attacks
marcel, wizard changeling disguised as a half-elf child accidentally attending a dark magic school, learning necromancy and thriving
levyn, rogue tiefling rival to marcel in the dark magic school who eventually drops out/is expelled (for being too good???), petty brat
(ella's siblings; veronica- half-elf cleric, ian- human monk, cici- human ranger, ella- human rogue, miles- human fighter)
mock, druid chimera more so made to be a riptide oc; made by navy experiments
aren, artificer air genasi wannabe scammer mechanic guy with oil streaks in their hair
and i... don’t exactly have a list for npcs, i’ve just got em all floating around in my head, like bo and plasse (they scam everyone out of their money, #couplegoals), kadas (alta’s childhood best friend reuniting after [incident], gay tension inbound), shiir the shiir (what’s a shiir? wouldn’t you like to know), felix liongold (the totally legit and real rich guy who’s absolutely not just a bastard in a suit), cygnid and trifid (the fox twins that are years apart in age), and last but not least the previous world-saving hero party that might be causing the end of the world atm (oopsies!)
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queen-scribbles · 7 years
Levyn Character Info
Name: Levyn Gladewind Race: Human Class: Warlock Patron: Archfey
-------------------------------------- Vital Stats Height: 5'9"        Weight: 150lbs Hair: black, shaggy Eyes: light blue        Age:  20 Alignment:  Neutral Good Identifying Marks: small scars and stains on his hands and arms from failed spells, one longer scar from a bladed weapon that runs the length of his right forearm -------------------------------------- Skill Stats Strength--15       Intelligence--15 Dexterity--16      Charisma--20 Constitution--17  Wisdom--9 -------------------------------------- Languages Spoken: Common, Elvish, Halfling Skills: Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation Armor/Weapons: light armor, simple weapons
Weapons of Choice: quarterstaff/Book of Shadows Armor of Choice: Light-weight leathers Background:     No one spotting the scrawny young man wearing rather threadbare clothes and carefully keeping to himself would suspect he comes from nobility, though they could hardly be blamed for that. Levyn's family are nobles, but only just. His parents rank barely a step or two above "the common rabble", which has led them to guard their reputation with the jealousy and ferocity of a dragon at its hoard. Decorum and behavior and remaining scandal-free were the backbone of all lessons he learned growing up, with heavy stress put on not embarrassing The Family. Unfortunately for his parents, if they wanted Levyn to grow up a model citizen, they shouldn't have dragged their eight year old son to Baron Randall's Winter’s Crest celebration.  It was much too 'adult' a party to hold a child's interest for long, which led to Levyn wandering around until he met someone closer to his age: Trinne Amell, one year older and likewise dragged to this party by parents who thought it would be a good opportunity for her to practice her manners. Emboldened by their friendship, the two children quickly set about causing mischief(mostly Trinne's idea) until they got caught(mostly Levyn's fault), and got in trouble(equally shared). His parents scolded him the whole way home, and saw Trinne as a bad influence. Levyn saw her as his only real friend. He and Trinne stayed friends as they grow up. Best friends, in fact, almost more like siblings. Much as his parents considered Trinne to be a bad influence, with her utter disregard for rules and societal convention, her family was higher in the pecking order than they were, so they tolerated the friendship for the tenuous link to the upper echelons it provided. This only lasted until Levyn and Trinne were teenagers, and Trinne told him she was planing to run away. She hated all the rules of high society, wanted adventures,  to go do her own thing. Before she even asked, Levyn offered to help. He might not want to go adventuring himself, but he wants her to be happy. When her parents found her and dragged her home, the whole story came out, and Levyn's parents told him he wasn’t allowed to see her anymore. He tried to sneak out to visit her anyway, got caught by a servant, and his parents sent him to study under an uncle who was a wizard, hundreds of miles away. He has no talent for being a wizard. None. He's terrible at it. But he loves studying, so he spends a lot of time reading and sketching the places in the books. He's especially fascinated by stories about the Feywild and its inhabitants. Reads anything he can get his hands on about it. By his third or fourth year with his uncle, he would give a limb for the chance to go visit the Feywild. It takes a few years, but he gets his wish, no limb sacrifice required. His uncle(not a particularly scrupulous man) offers him the "opportunity" in search of an especially rare item dear Uncle Eldred needs for a powerful spell. Levyn's so giddy at the prospect of visiting the Feywild he doesn't wonder about the dangers, or why his uncle won't go himself if this is so important. Why send an apprentice, and one who isn't a particularly skilled wizard at that? He enters the Feywild with only a pack of supplies and both a verbal and sketched description of the item he seeks. "It's rather powerful," Uncle Eldred warns. "So you probably won't be the only one interested in it. But I need you to bring it back, my boy. It's vital I have it if I hope to outdo that braggart Irving." He gets completely lost immediately. Not that it matters, really; it's not as if he had the first idea where to start looking for this thing anyway. He wanders around for who-even-knows how long, both incredibly lost and incredibly fascinated by everything around him. After several hours--days? he's not really sure--of exploring(involving at least one close call each with werewolves and fairies), he stumbles into a glade in the middle of a forest with the ruins of what was probably once a small shrine at one end. There's a half-eroded carving of what he assumes is the patron goddess on one wall, long hair and flowing robes, her eyes pale green gemstones. He finds the item he's looking for in the ruins, covered in moss and laying with several other artifacts by a broken altar. He takes it, of course. He can feel the power buzzing through it, but there don't seem to be any spells or enchantments binding it to the shrine. And he's not attacked by anything, or struck down by magic when he leaves(doesn't even feel anything weird), so he figures it's okay. It's not okay. Everything seems fine for about a week after he returns to his uncle(and heaps of praise for actually succeeding, which Eldred didn't think he'd do), until he receives a visitor. She calls herself Lady Ember, and is rather plain-looking; dark red hair, average height. But her eyes are an incredibly pale glass-green that's slightly unnerving, and there's a sense of power about her that's almost mesmerizing. Once they're alone, she smiles disarmingly and asks if he recognizes her. He shakes his head. "And now?" she asks, dispelling her enchanted appearance with a flick of her wrist. She's clearly fey and hauntingly beautiful; hair longer, fading from the dark red at the roots to blonde at the end, features angular yet delicate, her dress shifting shades of green with highlights of faint red and yellow in her gossamer train. She's closer to familiar now, but he still can't say he recognizes her. "I am Lilia, Lady of the Green Glade," she says with a thin smile. "If you don't recognize me, perhaps you're more familiar with my realm." She holds out a scrying orb so he can see into its depth. It shows a forest, the majority of it withered and decayed, and he stammers out that he didn't see anywhere like that during his visit to the Feywild. Lilia's smile turns cold. "Because it looked rather different before your visit. A vibrant forest, with a well-kept glade and a small shrine. A shrine housing a collection of artifacts." That's where the cold, sinking feeling hits his gut. "And not a willy-nilly horde of trinkets like you mortals keep," Lilia continues. "It was carefully curated to sustain the barrier that protects my realm from corrupting forces. Your actions, thief, weakened the magic and now corruption runs rampant, striking down trees that should live another century or more. However, I am a reasonable woman, and will seek no vengeance if you simply return what you stole." it's an incredibly generous offer, and Levyn knows it, one he would take advantage of in a heartbeat. If he could. Whatever spell or ritual Eldred needed the artifact for consumed it. Lilia is not happy to learn this. "Well, then. Until you can find a suitable replacement to atone for your grievous error, I think your soul is fair trade for the soul of my forest." He tries to protest--he's a lousy wizard(ask anyone), he wouldn't know where to start looking, will almost certainly get himself killed. Can't they work out something else, like a few decades of servitude? Lilia rolls her eyes and mutters something about mortals and their excuses before taking his face in her hands. Her eyes briefly glow a brighter green and there's an unmistakable surge of power between them. "The deal is struck," she says with a smile(not kind, but not malicious). "Powers easier to call upon than a wizard's tricks for you, your soul for me. This bargain stands until my forest does once more." She restores her enchanted form and leaves. Levyn's uncle kicks him out when he hears what happened. So he goes home to see if his parents have anything they can spare to help. However, his uncle wrote them, which gets there before he does, so when he arrives he's promptly and coldly informed he's no longer their son. Not if he's going to dabble with forces he can't control and go haring off to the Feywild.  They can't afford to have that kind of recklessness attached to the family name. He next visits Trinne's family, hoping she'll want to go adventuring with him. He finds out she ran away again two years after that first attempt he helped her with and they haven't seen her since. He's welcome to try and track her down himself if he thinks he'll have better luck. He does just that. He's already looking for rare artifacts, how much more difficult can it be to also find one specific woman in the entirety of the world? He takes the last name Gladewind for his adventures, since he can't use his family name any more, and sets out to find the best friend he hasn't seen since he was fourteen. He figures she'll be happy to join him on an adventure where the only plan is to travel and look for powerful artifacts. He's not wrong, of course, but he has to find her first. Virtues: Curious, always trying to do better, cares deeply about the people close to him Flaws: Easily distracted by the promise of knowledge, bad decision making skills Other Traits: Loves a good mystery, socially awkward, artistic(charcoal sketches, primarily) 
Yes, my artist!Jowan headcanon bleeds into yet another ‘verse. I can’t help it, I’m very attached to that particular headcanon. Also, I’ve changed my mind three or four times about his alignment, bc I keep reading different people’s summaries/simplifications o the alignment chart and feeling conflicted. xD The closest I’ve ever found for a Jowan faceclaim is Diego Luna, who isn’t 100% perfect, but he’s good enough.
Given my lack of familiarity with D&D, coming up with the patron was the hardest part. I knew I wanted to do archfey(tho if anyone could accidentally stumble into a Fiend pact it would be Jowan), but then had to decide which archfey. Came really close to stealing Artagan from Critical Role using Titania before I found a reddit thread of five or six people talking about the archfey they created to be their warlock’s patron and went “K, Imma do that” and thus, Lilia.
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