Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Yuma Dark [08]
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ー The scene starts on the rooftop at school
Kino: So you can’t answer my question?
Yuma: ...
...Sure, I can’t leave that place in the hands of this deadbeat.
Shuu: ...
Yuma: But listen up, it was none other than Karlheinz-sama himself who chose this bastard as his successor.
I don’t know why exactly he chose to do that, but now that he did, I refuse to doubt his choice.
That’s why I can’t allow fuckers like yerself to just casually steal those powers away.
Of course, I’m not gonna let him throw them away either. It might be what he wants, but I’m definitely not lettin’ him!
It’s our duty to carry out Karlheinz-sama’s legacy, as well as our way to return the favor to him.
Yui: ( Yuma-kun... )
Kino: Hmー I already heard the stories, but you guys really are very devoted, aren’t you?
Yuma: Don’t play dumb. What I’m tryin’ to say here is that if ya want to get in my way, I’m gonna crush yer sorry ass!
Kino: Ahー Yeah, yeah. I know.
It wouldn’t be in my best interest to fight you right here, right now. So I’ll step back. 
You get to live another day it seems, weak Vampire King?
Shuu: ...I never asked him to.
Kino: Heh, maybe not right now. But one day, you might just get down on your knees and beg for his help. See you!
ー Kino flies off
*Flap flap flap* 
Yuma: Che...He’s always quick to run when things get sticky. ...Ah?
Crow: ...
Yui: ( That crow...It’s looking at Yuma-kun again? )
Yuma: ...Ya lil’ fucker again? If you’ve got somethin’ to tell meーー
*Flap flap flap* 
Yui: ( Ah, there it goes. )
Yuma: Hah! Look at all of them gettin’ cold feet. ...Whatever.
ー Yuma walks up to Shuu
Yuma: Oi, get up, shitty NEET.
Shuu: ...I don’t remember needing you to tell me what to do.
Yuma: Shut up! Stop makin’ up excuses and get up!
Yui: Yuma-kun! He’s injured so you shouldn’t be too rough with him...!
Yuma: Otherwise I’ll never get through his thick skull!
Shuu: Coff...
Yuma: Hah! Pathetic! I can’t believe ya let yerself get beaten up by some random shithead.
Shuu: Shut up. Besides...Why did you stop him?
Yuma: Ah? Ya didn’t want me to?
Shuu: Of course not. If you let him have it his way, everything would be resolved now.
Yuma: ...!
Yuma: Ya bastard, cut it out already! When will you grow some fuckin’ balls, huh!?
Yui: Y-Yuma-kun!
→ Shuu-san, are you alright!? 
Yui: Shuu-san, are you alright!?
→ Yuma-kun, calm down! (❦)
Yui: Yuma-kun! Please, calm down!
Yuma: Back the fuck off! I’m sick and tired of this guy’s bullshit!
Shuu: ...You should stop trying to force me into a role as well. I never asked to be the heir to the throne. 
I’m very much bothered by the Old Man’s impulsive decision as well. 
If there’s anyone who wants these powers, they can have them. I’d even give them to you if that means I can get them off my hands. 
Yuma: Kuh...!
Yui: Shuu-san! ...Please...Just stop already.
Shuu: He’s the one who came to pick a fight with me, no?
Yuma: ...Cut the crap.
ー Yuma walks away
Yui: Yuma-kun...!
Yuma: Leave me alone.
ー He leaves
Shuu: Haah. ...What a drag.
Yui: ...I’m sorry, Shuu-san. I’m going to Yuma-kun...
Shuu: And you need my permission for that?
Yui: But, you’re injured and all...
Shuu: I’m in no position to have you worry about me. ...Get going already, you’re an eyesore.
Yui: I’m so sorry...!
ー Yui goes after Yuma
I’d even give them to you. 
I am sure he put little thought into those words. 
However, to Yuma-kun,
it must have come across as incredibly harsh. 
The Mukami Family, being former humans,
can never become (なれない) heirs (当主), no matter how badly they might want to. 
No matter how badly they might yearn,
after the powers of the man they oh-so respect,
they simply cannot succeed the throne.
This is something they were already aware of,
but when I consider how Yuma-kun must feel after once again being directly confronted by it...
a sharp pain pierces my chest.
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