Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Yuma [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts outside of Eden
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...Shuu-san!
Shuu: ...I’m pretty sure that ensuring your safety is the best way for me to make it up to him.
I’m pretty sure that Ghoul which I killed might be able to rest in peace then as well.
Yui: ...Stop! Please, cut it out, Shuu-saーー!
Shuu: ...Go and tell Yuma that I’m sorry for everything I put him through.
Subaru: Oi, hold up. You’re not bein’ for real right now, are yーー!
Reiji: Shuu!!
ー Shuu collapses
Shuu: ...Uu...
ー Yuma runs up to them
Yuma: Yui!!
Yui: Yuma-ku...
Yuma: Are ya alright!? ...Wait...Whatcha doin’...?
Shuu: Idiot...Couldn’t you wait to come...until after I was dead...?
Yuma: Oi!? The fuck are ya doin’...!?
Shuu: I only...took responsibility for what I did.
Yuma: Responsibility!?
Shuu: No, I guess that’s not quite it...I simply wanted to atone for what I did to yーー Cough!
Yuma: Oi!!
Shuu: Hah...In the end, the two of us...were never able to get along.
If we were to ever meet again...I hope that then...At least a littleーー ...
Yuma: ...Oi...?
ー The World Tree withers
Shuu: ...
Yuma: ...Ya gotta be shittin’ me. I can’t believe ya got to say yer part and then run away...
I really do hate ya...Shuu.
Ayato: ...What’s happenin’!?
Reiji: The magic is flowing out of Shuu’s body...! The powers he inherited from Fatherーー!
Kino: Those are Father’s powers...!!
Yui: ! You can’t! I won’t let you have those powers!
Kino: Haha, look at you talk! Stop me then if you can!
Yui: ...I will, for sure...!
Yui: You’re the last person I’d give those powers to! Not the guy who continued to betray people like it is nothing...!
Kino: Where did you get that knife? How long have you been hiding it? How brave of you...However.
Kino: You won’t be able to kill me with your hands trembling like that.
If you want to play with me that badly, could you maybe wait a few more minutes?
I’ll surely need Eve if I want to change the World after becoming Adam, right?
I’ll make sure to give you plenty of attention once I’ve gotten my hands on those powers. And this time ーー forever!
Yuma: Yui!
Kino: I am meant to inherit those powers! I won’t let anyone get in my way!
Those powers which will turn me into the King of this World shall be mine at last!
Yuma: Fuck, cut it outーーーーーー!
ーー Kino-kun reached out his hand,
touching the vortex of magic which had overflown
When he did, the magic was absorbed into his hand,
in the blink of an eye. 
Once he had taken everything inside,
he took a deep breath.
Kino: Aah...This is it! These are the powers of a Vampire King! I can feel them flowing through me...!
Ruki: ...This is horrible...! I cannot believe Karlheinz-sama’s powers went to such a guy...!
Yuma: ...Move, Ruki. I’ll go.
Azusa: Yuma...You’re going to take Eve back?
Kou: Yuma-kun, that’s crazy! Kino-kun got his hands on those powers! You stand no chance against him!
Yuma: So I’m supposed to just give up then, huh!?
I’m fuckin’ done with messin’ up the whole time! That’s why I’ll no longer try to be greedy and protect everyone and everythin’!
But ya know, the person most valuable to me...is the one thing I won’t give up.
I promised myself that I’d protect her, so no way in hell I’m lettin’ that guy have her!
Reiji: ...Ayato, Subaru. We shall back him up as well.
Ayato: Haah!? Why us too!?
Subaru: Don’t tell me...You’re not tryin’ to avenge Shuu or somethin’ lame like that, right?
Reiji: Think of it whatever you want. I simply do not want to have to submit to that guy.
Above all, only those who were chosen by Father himself...are worthy of inheriting those powers.
Ayato: Che...Subaru, come!
Subaru: Don’t order me ‘round!
Azusa: ...Ruki...
Ruki: I know! We shall go as well!
Azusa: For Eve, Yuma...and Shuu-san.
Kou: And for Eden as well, right?
With Yuma-kun taking the lead,
everyone charged towards Kino-kun who had attained those powers.
I am sure that each and everyone of them,
is fighting for the things or people they wish to protect.
At first, it seemed like each side had a 50-50 chance for victory,
but with one attack after the other being fired their way,
the one who reached their limit first ーー
ended up being Kino-kun.
Yuma: Take that!!
Kino: Guh...Uwaaaah!!
Yui: ( ...The powers are flowing out of Kino-kun’s body...! )
Kino: But...why...? Just when...I got my hands on those powers...
ー He collapses
Subaru: ...!? He disappeared...!?
Ruki: Was he unable to withstand those powers...? ...In which case, I suppose Sakamaki Shuu was truly the only candidate worthy of wielding those.
Azusa: Hey...Now that they’ve been released...wouldn’t one of the Sakamaki brothers be able to inherit them through touch...?
Reiji: ...I pass. It is quite clear that we are not worthy of them since we were not chosen initially. 
Kou: Then what will happen to those? Will they just vanish like that...?
Ayato: ...Nah, they’re flyin. Inside the Castle?
Yui: That’s...the direction of the World Tree, isn’t it...?
ー The scene shifts to the World Tree
Yui: ( Even more leaves have fallen off...I guess they’ve rotten away now that its owner is gone? )
( But then the tree itself should have died as well, no...? What is going on....? )
Yuma: Yui, look! There’s something...layin’ by the base of the tree.
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: An embryo...? How did it get here...?
Yui: ...The World Tree, is born again alongside this World.
Yuma: Ah?
Yui: Shuu-san told me. That’s why it’ll grow again, even after withering.
Yuma: ...So it’ll be reborn even after dyin’?
Hah. I thought he was spoutin’ a load of crap by talkin ‘bout the next time we meet but...Perhaps that time is closer than I thought.
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“We’ll live together as a family. ...To a bright future ahead of us, ‘kay?”
“A new life being born into this world, huh? ...Let’s watch over it. Together.”
Yuma: ーー Hm. ...It’s gotten a bit bigger compared to last time, don’t ya think?
Yui: According to what Reiji-san told us, it’s using the tree’s nutrients to grow.
It might just leave the membrane in another half a year or so.
Yuma: For real...? If this weren’t the Demon World, we’d have the plotpoint for a horror movie.
Yui: I hope the child will grow up healthy after being born into this world.
Yuma: I hope ya realize that ya totally sounded like a mom just now?
Yui: I feel that way towards the child we’ll end up raising together. ...Is that bad?
Yuma: Nah, I guess it’s fine? Reminds me of a real family.
But I can already tell that this lil’ one will turn into one hell of a cheeky brat, ya know?
Yui: Eeh? You think so? I believe this child will grow into a very honest person.
Yuma: Aahn? Based on what, huh? 
Yui: I mean, they’ll grow up with such a straightforward person like you as an example. I cannot imagine they wouldn’t turn out honest.
Yuma: I wonder.
...I mean, I hope that this time, they’ll be able to be a lil’ more honest ‘bout their feelings.
Yui: Eh? 
Yuma: Nothin’. Anyway, ya better not be satisfied with this?
Yui: What do you mean?
Yuma: I want a real family of our own one day too, so ya better brace yerself.
Yui: ...!
Yuma: I promise I’ll be home early today, so don’t go to sleep yet and wait for me, ‘kay?
I’ll get goin’ then. I’ll be spendin’ the whole day at Rotigenberg today.
More and more places have been hirin’ Ghouls as of late, so I’m hella busy puttin’ in a good word for them.
Yui: Good luck, dad.
Yuma: ...I’m not sure how I feel ‘bout that. I mean, if ya wanna gimme a nickname, why not go for somethin’ a lil’ more, ya know?
Yui: ...Good luck, honey?
Yuma: Heh, I like that. ...You’re going to reward me for my hard work once I’m back home, right?
Yui: Fufu, sure.
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*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: I’ll get goin’ then. ...Nn. 
Yui: Have a safe trip. Yuma-kun.
ーー THE END ーー
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