#lia and i haven't discussed any of these in full but askjdfhkjdfhd i had feelings.
awalkoflife-arc · 2 years
harrison morgan + headcanons about caroline’s death in his tvd verse: ( note: harrison’s caroline is and only ever will be @seesgood​​ in this closed ship verse. )
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- as soon as caroline’s admitted to hospital, best believe he is by her side every single night; sleeping in the chair by her bedside, refusing to move even though the doctors and the nurses and even liz herself have told him to go home. he doesn’t listen to any of them because that’s his girl and they can all get fucked if they think he’s leaving her. therefore, the only explanation as to why he wasn’t there when katherine showed up was because it was a full moon so he physically couldn’t be there due to transitioning.
- initially, he doesn’t want damon to give her his blood because it’s damon and he’s already done enough damage. he’s in agreement with elena on this matter, but it’s bonnie who manages to convince both of them that it’s for the greater good. (!!!) he actually likes bonnie so he chooses to listen to her. he’s in the hospital room with caroline when she drinks damon’s blood. he won’t leave her alone with him or let her be vulnerable around him ever again. “ give her what she needs and get the fuck out. ” is his warning to the vampire. after she feeds on damon, he gets into the hospital bed with her and stays there until she falls asleep.
- he’s in complete denial about her death which then transcends into a state of shock. he blames himself first then blames all of her fucktard friends. he wants to murder matt donovan, tyler lockwood and her mother for not being there on the one night that he couldn’t be. harrison knows the perils of a supernatural existence and he mourns the loss of her humanity. she’s his best friend the love of his life and he doesn’t want this to be her reality, but ultimately, he’s just so grateful that she’s still ‘alive’ and breathing.
- he has a moment with bonnie in the disabled bathroom of the hospital where he completely loses his shit, falls to pieces, crumbles into a shell of himself and breaks down after his first visit to see caroline while she’s in the process of turning. bonnie tries to comfort him, but he leaves and doesn’t return until later that night when he can be alone with caroline. he brings her a selection of her favourite snacks, trashy magazines and one of his oversized hoodies, as well as a concealed water bottle filled up with a stolen blood bag. it’s during this time in the hospital that he reveals his secret to her, in the hopes she’ll feel less alone --- but also to promise her that she’ll never be alone in her immortality. “ you’re still my girl, babe. you’ll always be my girl. fangs or not. ” 
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