#liam was the only one that didn't seem up in his own ass in 1d
zot3-flopped ยท 2 years
It is very telling that only Harry came out of 1d with a good head on his shoulders and a vision for his future. The rest of them just threw their hands at a solo career to one up the other without really having any plans or goals for their future.
Zayn - Went the Justin Timberlake route by quitting the band mid tour and causing a worldwide breakdown which helped him launch his career. Shaded the band non stop to cause headlines and to get easy promo. Had a decent couple of years thanks to massive collaborations and Pillowtalk and then everything went downhill. Drugs, smoking, attitude and overall laziness sealed his fate. I don't take his anxiety as a factor because he seems to be using it as an excuse for his laziness. Because there is no way he could not have pre recorded an interview or a performance in the 6 years since he went solo. Even during lockdown when he was releasing NIL. Everyone was doing pre recorded interviews and performances right from inside their houses. And he couldn't?? And now he is back to singing 1d songs, label-less and has a criminal record under his belt. Nice.
Liam - Went solo by releasing the most typical basic song an ex-boybander could release. Did non stop promo and toured the world promoting that song. Bragged and bragged and bragged about the said song and shaded the others specially Harry for his music and singing. Thought he was the JT of 1D. Released more typical mainstream songs closer to each other. None being a non collaboration except Bedroom Floor. Jumped on every song that came his way. Kept lying about an album from day 1 but took him 4 years to release and then kept lying about a 1D reunion that came and bit his ass later on. Had no vision from the start and lost his way within 1 year of going solo. Now has a reputation for being the dumbest member of 1D and is ridiculed by everyone whenever he opens his mouth. Drugs, alcohol and excessive partying sealed his fate. Now a full time TikToker and a Youtuber at best.
Niall - Had no distinguished personality of his own, so after going solo started to copy Harry left and right. Had a decent first year as a solo artist, but showed signs of being a narcissistic asshole. Kept on doing everything Harry did. Literally followed Harry's every move. But still had a good first year. Debut theatre tour in 2018 was a disaster and didn't sell out to the point his team had to hide the boxscores. And then came his 2nd era and that was when he truly showed his colors as a bona fide narcissistic asshole. Constantly screamed at his fans on social media to "stream, download and buy" his music and "take them up the charts". Clearly pissed off about Harry's singles doing better because both released around the same time. One point even tweeting "you know I got a single out as well. Stream, download and buy it and take it up the charts". It was the same time Lights Up was doing its thing though it wasn't a radio single. Annoyed literally everyone, fan and non fans alike. Turned off his casual listeners including some Harries. Announced an arena tour because well, Harry was doing that too, though he couldn't sell his first theatre tour. Then dragged the album for months and paid the price for it when lockdown hit. Had to cancel the tour blaming the pandemic, but the real reason was that the tickets weren't sold out. And still to this day copies or tries to copy Harry. Dragging the release of NH3 which will eventually bite his ass around. And lastly a special shoutout to his Guinness love.
Louis - Had zero talent to begin with and I still wonder how he is an artist in the music industry. Luck is what he has. And luck is what is getting him through his entire career. The biggest luck of them all is being 1/2 of a conspiracy theory with one of the biggest popstars in the world aka Harry. Luck got him to 1D, attaching himself to Harry got him through 1D, and then pity and Harry again is currently getting him through his solo career. Hates everything to do with being labelled as gay, but now shamelessly baiting his entire fandom which is entirely comprised of conspiracy theorists. Loves to cosplay people and is an absolutely disgusting person with chav like tendencies. Addicted to alcohol and smoking and flaunts it around like it is his aesthetic. And I hate to say this but out of the 3 members above him, he seems to have a more stable career now. Can't believe I said this, but yeah. Might change with LT2 and his personal life choices with his son and girlfriend. But he still can't sing or write any music. And still he is as untalented as ever like he always will be.
Harry - I don't have to say anything about our king. He is The Harry Styles. And he will be The Harry Styles for decades to come. A true legend in the making. Grammy's, BRITs, more accolades, more movies, hopefully Oscars, Emmys, more record breaking #1 albums and singles, a cute loving happy family of his own. His life and career will only go from strength to strength and he will continue to shine as bright as a star for years and years to come. We just have to buckle up and witness the making of a true legend.
Sorry for the massive ask. Had to say it.
Fantastic summary! Agree with all this. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
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bciwasinlove ยท 3 years
Ask your law student friend why Louis has such bad lawyers that they missed really bad clauses in his contracts that are different from everyone elses so much so that he can't even sue while other XF have and others have said no including Leona Lewis Rebecca Fergusson others like Little Mix left and so many spoke out about the industry for decades while only Louis cannot. I mean even Zayn and Liam spoke out about what was going on, controll and how they didn't let Zayn change hairstyles etc
Hello anon I assume this is in response to my reblog of Allies @skepticalarrie post? Well first off my mutral seems to be offline bc she isn't answering DMs [so if she comes on later with a response I will edit this post and add her response] but I don't even need to ask her or any of the rest of my GC to give you an answer to this. It's simple the people you listed like Leona Lewis and Rebecca Ferguson all have things in common that they don't share with 1D. Those former Xfactor UK contestants never got big outside the UK unlike 1D who was known EVERYWHERE. Even Little Mix as big as they are in the UK they never got worldwide big like 1D. This is mostly because Simon being Simon only caring about money wanted LM big in the UK and 5H big in the US and if LM tried to cross over to the US it wouldn't allow both groups to make him money.
The bigger an act/star you are the less control and leeway you have while the smaller you are the more control you have and easier it is to get out of things. Over 90% of former Xfactor contestants/Syco artists that have spoken out about all the issues never got to 1D level fame and at best were big in the UK only. Leona only had one decent hit song here in the US and then no one in the US heard from her again. 1D being WORLDWIDE famous and apart of a boyband who [in the labels eyes] all their fans were young women who dreamed of dating them meant they were under heavy contract so their was much less of a chance they could speak out.
SO as you stated some of the members have spoken out but they spoke out about obvious things like being heavily over worked [5 years, 5 albums, 4 world tours] and their PERSONAL health and the ways they dealt with being over worked they never really said anything that would make people outside the fandom glance at Syco/Simon. None of the members who spoke out went oh yeah Simon and his label gave us all fake images, closeted some of us and treated us like garbage yada yada. On top of that the reason Louis has been the one who hasn't spoken out about anything is because it's been damn well clear out of ALL the members Syco/Simon kept the biggest eye on Louis.
They were the most scared of Louis they knew out of all the members HE was the one who would risk it all to expose their asses! LOUIS was the one who fought for them to produce their own music, LOUIS was the one who fought for them to write their own music and change their sound everything that changed about 1D was LOUIS doing. They kept Louis on a figuritive dog leash because they knew he was the one they needed to watch out for which is why Louis was still stuck with Syco/Simon after 1D went on haitus while the other members were under different Sony labels. There's a rumor flying around other major labels wanted Louis for his solo career but Simon/Syco stopped that from happening.
They have always tried to screw Louis over and it was clear when Louis was suppose to release his first album and go on tour in 2018 but instead they had him be a judge on the Xfactor. He gets almost ZERO promo and out of all the 1D members he is the ONLY one who doesn't get radio play [at least here in the US]. The main thing Simon did to try and screw Louis over in a way that would be long lasting way after he was our of the picture is babygate. If one believes the media lies and the stories "that are for the sun" than Louis seems like a pretty shit person. They are now so deep into babygate they don't even know how to end it but even if it did end tomorrow it clearly did the lasting damage Simon wanted on Louis. Babygate was all about control and wanting to ruin Louis because they seemed to have a personal vendetta against Louis.
Anyways back to the main point all this isn't to say Harry hasn't wanted to expose them to but since 2014 the Azoffs had been circling around Harry just WAITING to snatch him up for his solo career and I believe Jeff saw how Harry was being treated so he made Harry believe if he came with him and Columbia things would be better for him, Harry believed him and since the Azoffs have more power than Simon it wasn't hard for them to take Harry from Simon/Syco.
I do think it was easier for Simon/Syco to scare Harry into doing as they said. We have seen since the beginning Harry was always scared of what others thought of him [ex: painted his nails back in 2012] and overthinking most things so they 100% played on that feeding him lies [from when he was ONLT SIXTEEN A KID] as to what would happen if he didn't listen to them and how "they know what's best for him to succeed" where as Louis he never gave a damn, saw through the lies easily and was definitely the one who stood up to them especially when they did something he didn't agree with to another member.
That's why Louis is the one who hasn't spoken out he the one they put on the biggest leash making sure he would stay quite because they KNOW he was the hardest one to control and they DON'T know what would happen the minute he is off his leash. His Directors Cut MV tells the whole story of how much the "evil one" tells him what he can and can't do and the consequences he will face if he goes against them. He's been on a massive leash for a long time he is now gone from Syco so I can only HOPE something is going to happen SOMETHING will change but only time will tell.
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