reputablehqs · 7 years
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L I B E R T Y.
(noun). | ˈlibərdē |
the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, ,behavior, or poltiical views
the power or scope to act as one pleases
NAME: noah becker
AGE: twenty-three
PRONOUNS: he/they
OCCUPATION: museum docent in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
SECRET: back in their hometown, Noah was arrested for possession and abuse of heroin and spent 6 months in a rehabilitation center in secret.
FC: miles heizer
R E L A T I O N S H I P with S T E L L A
Noah has been working in the Metropolitan museum for a little over three years and that’s where he had met Stella. She was very enthusiastic about the art and she was present for the majority of the educational tours he gave around the museum. She gradually started to strike conversations with them, asking them about the art and how they had gotten their job; Noah had admired her curious, enthusiastic nature and that was how they had become acquainted with Stella. Sometimes they would even go out for coffee or a snack together after Noah was done with their day and they would just talk. He never really opened up to her because he didn’t trust her—he doesn’t trust anyone—with his past but he did tell her a bit about his hometown and the environment he had grown up in.
They didn’t know she disappeared; they merely noticed that she had stopped coming to the museum but because Noah was never sure where they stood, they didn’t bother to make contact with her. They assumed she was out there doing her own thing. Until one day, they received a text from her number with a photo attached to it; it was a photo of Noah’s personal file from the rehab center. The text from Stella hinted that she knew about his criminal record as well.
Just as they used to be restricted by their family, now they are being restricted by Stella and Noah is disgusted by what she is doing; mainly because they don’t understand what they had ever done to her to deserve this. He was stubborn at first; didn’t do what she asked and didn’t respond to her messages and all that did was make her threats grow more and more daunting until Noah couldn’t risk it anymore. They do what Stella tells them to do but they don’t bother to do it with great attention and care; because they refuse to give all the control to her. They struggle with the weight of Stella’s blackmail but at the same time, they refuse to roll over and beg.
L I B E R T Y is currently closed.        BIOGRAPHY FOUND UNDER THE CUT.        tw: drugs, drug abuse
Noah was born into a conservative family in a small town with a population barely exceeding 3000 people. Growing up, they were a spitfire of a child; their voice would always be heard in the house, they were always playing and moving in random bursts of energy. Their spirit was too bright for the limited, reserved space of the Becker household; their voice was always too loud for the quiet atmosphere that usually dominated the home. Their parents weren’t religious or anything but they were very traditional people; they only knew what was passed on to them from previous generations and never thought to broaden their horizons past the vicinity of the house in which they lived.
As a child, Noah was taught to be obedient and to always follow the rules; that it was of utmost importance that he remain polite and represent the family in the best form when it came to his behavior at school and in other social environments. They ought to do as they were told and do their best to be recognized as an exemplary child.
As an adolescent teenager, right before high school, Noah was starting to rebel. It started with small things; he would talk subconsciously loud if he was annoyed about something and not care if his mother called him out on his ‘attitude’ or he would not listen to his father when he told him to go upstairs and do his homework. Simple things that made his parents frustrated with him but not to the point where they noticed the growing change in Noah’s mindset.
Going into high school, that was where their rebelliousness and desire to break free from their family’s restrictions came to life. They still studied, maintained good grades, and had lots of friends but at the same time, they were getting into the party scene, mixing up with the wrong crowd and indulging in every bad influence they could ever expose themselves to.
His parents’ frustration transformed into scorn when Noah reached a point where they no longer even bothered to listen to their parents at home. All those years of repressed freedom and living under rules and regulations, it all culminated into a rebellious streak that would soon grow detrimental to Noah’s mental and physical health. They continued to embrace their new-found role of ‘rule breaker’ until their senior year of high school when they got hooked on heroin. And that was the beginning of the end.
At first, it was all in good fun; they weren’t doing it alone, they were always with friends and they didn’t consider themself dependent because they rarely thought about it until it was the reverse. It got bad enough that they were caught in their car one night by a patrolling police officer and arrested.
He couldn’t handle his parents’ shame as they bailed him out and berated him before sending him away to a rehab center in the city—in secret, of course; no one in their small, little town could ever find out what their son had done.
After leaving rehab, Noah was different. They couldn’t bear the thought of the sgame they had brought onto their parents but at the same time, they couldn’t bring themself to regret anything—yes, they regretted letting it get so far but they didn’t regret breaking free from their parents’ hold. They made the decision to use the money they had saved from their days of selling drugs on street corners and move to NYC to start a new life on their own; free to be whatever they wanted to be.
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