#liek unbelievably annoyed i literally ended up looking for it for over an hour
fluffallamaful · 2 years
Dismantled AU: Recovery.
So the prison has been destroyed. Nuked. Obliviated. Dream has been dragged out kicking and screaming and is now captured, once again — this time, he fears, for good. Punz has stabbed him in the back, Sam is gripping him by the shoulders, the whole server is more united than he’s seen it in years and they’re all against him. The future looks dark.
His cell is made of wood this time. He wonders if maybe he’s not enough of a threat to warrant obsidian walls anymore. He thinks about how easy a break-in would be, here. He considers running, but he’s got nowhere to go. Mostly he sleeps. They gave him a bed this time, for some reason. He dreams of Pandora, of blood and tears and safety made in hell. He wonders if the torture, starvation, pain — if it really was all for nothing. He sleeps some more: it’s the only thing he can do to stop thinking about it.
He has a week of isolation before someone finally comes in.
Sam is even bigger than he remembers, and carries himself with a sort of dignity that he hasn’t seen since before he was appointed Warden. It scares him. It angers him, too, even if he knows it’s stupid. He doesn’t dare show either of these things, submitting quietly and obediently as the man walks in.
Sam is aloof and quiet for the first few visits, but eventually he reaches forward. Dream can’t help but melt into his touch, and then it’s like the former-reinstated-Warden can’t keep his hands off of him. It starts with more basic things — scratches on his head, gentle bumps into his shoulder, hugs — but quickly evolves into hours of cuddles, of hair grooming, of care. Even when he’s not the focus of his attention he’s being cared for: Sam will sit on him and cradle his head in his paws while he reads a book, his heartbeat loud and low like a lullaby drum. Soon Sam becomes a staple of the room, staying day and night and rarely going out into the rest of the world. Dream doesn’t know what to make of it.
(Sam remembers a prisoner who begged for visitors, for someone to come and stay with him for a bit. He’s sworn not to make the same mistake this time around.)
—> edit: this is the link that llama thought she lost (HERE) (edits in purple)
omg this was so confusing because i cannot for the life of me find your first ask for this au??? it was the one with the link right?? wtf did i do with it i just spent the last half an hour determining if i had simply dreamt that that ask even existed 😭 it’s just not even there 😢 i don’t even know if i posted it, maybe i accidentally deleted it during my blog sweeping — i didn’t :( i’ve been trying so many recovery websites lmao i feel awful 😭😭
thankfully you recapped it beautifully here. i think the only bits missing are the fact that dream had to be dragged out of his cell kicking and screaming, and also that he had to watch the prison explode in front of his eyes — his only safe space on the server
(more below):
i can’t quite remember who it was that lead the decision to ween dream away from his prison? — whole server but either way we’ve reached the point where he’s been given a lovely wooden house to stay in instead. something far more civilised… and of course dream despises it 😢 he’s just not used to being ‘protected’ by such flimsy material. he in fact feels anything but protected by it
sam appearing much larger than dream remembers ☹️ that’s so cute. he’s just so overwhelmed with how vulnerable he feels, cooped up in a wooden shack with nowhere safe to run even if he wanted to,, and now his warden is standing at his door looking taller and broader than ever
and yet despite everything, his body lunges for affection when it’s offered. i imagine it’d be a rather slow process, but still a process that progresses far quicker than his ego appreciates.
i forget who’s on his side in this au? — everyone is would he eventually get more visitors or has sam just demanded that he get used to one person at a time? i kinda like the idea of the other server members slowly starting to build other little shacks around him? like slowly creating a little village. i want them all to work together nicely in a village lmao. perhaps i need to create a village au 😂
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