yourvirat · 4 years
Ways to motivate yourself
Define your current problems or flaws, and make a strong decision on what they will be like once you’ve transformed them. Don’t think about it, either. Make it concrete. Write it down. Add a list of explanations why you want to make these changes. Note down all the great things that will happen once your transformation is complete. This will motivate yourself when you are tempted to fall back into your old habits.
Read @ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/ways-to-motivate-yourself/
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justinjeosep-blog · 5 years
Would You like to sit with a warm cup of tea and cake, huddled up in a cozy blanket and feel the feelings?
Then TIS the Perfect season to write about HYGGE ( pronounced hue-guh)
This Danish concept cannot be translated into one single word.
Hygge is a concept originated in Danish culture that focuses on living with a sense of comfort, coziness, and peace. It has been described as, “creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people.” It’s a feeling of cosiness and well-being.
It has also been called “the art of creating intimacy,” to “coziness of the soul,” and even, “cocoa by candlelight.” It’s about that feeling or this moment.
What I absolutely love about Hygge is that one can apply it in our lives anywhere and everywhere. It’s just a way of being. When we are out with friends or alone at home – it’s just always being and feeling Hygge.
Let me share a few simple, easy and wonderful ways we can live a Hygge lifestyle.
The biggest thing the Danish people talk about when discussing a Hygge lifestyle is CANDLES.
Light some candles in your home to give yourself that warm feeling… do dim the lights please 🙂  Ask any Danish person, and they’ll tell you that the easiest way to create a ‘hyggelig’ atmosphere is with candles. I personally love candles and anyone and everyone who been to my home will account for that. One of my favourite gifts to receive are candles.
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These are the candles from my box – My Hygge box below :
Now spending quality time with friends and family is also something that puts you in that lovely cosy space. When I say spending quality time, I mean actually sitting and talking and discussing life and laughing and being there together for each other.
Hygge is about not depriving yourself of anything in life. Indulge yourself a bit. Don’t be too harsh on yourself – Yes, even eat a piece of cake or pastry or anything else you normally deprive yourself of.
Put on Comfy Clothes – Ok this is me for sure. There is nothing like a pair of comfortable pyjamas, warm socks and a big loose scarf around me during the winter months. It makes me feel so cozy and cuddly.
And what is also HYGGE is a big, warm, cozy, comfortable Blanket.
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Pick up a book you know you will enjoy and relax reading.
We do not get too many options, But setting up a fire and sitting around a beautiful roaring fire is Hygge too.
Keep things simple ( and soak it all in )
Indulge in a bath, with lavender and light a few candles.
Put your favourite photographs on the wall.
Bake some bread or cookies, Go out for a walk, stretch and chill and then ..
Make sure you put away your phone Please. Experience the moment, feel the feelings, enjoy the warmth, cherish the coziness.
Hygge is about togetherness – so meet your friends for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and have a few laughs.
It's about relaxation – Curl up in your comfy clothes and blanket and enjoy it.
Indulgence – Yes, go ahead .. have a piece of cake or cookie or that glass of wine or whatever else You feel you would like to indulge in at this moment.
Comfort – A cup of tea, phone on silent, lying on the sofa with candles lit all around You.
Hygge is not just about doing all of these. It is about feeling good, feeling present, feeling happy and spending quality time with yourself and all your loved ones.
So Simple right? I guess that’s why they say the Danish people are among the happiest in the world.
As I wrote this, I lit some candles around, sipped a lovely cup of coffee and put on my twinkly lights which I absolutely love, as they always put me in a happy space.
I Always have little thinking, fairy lights on .. through the year.
What are you going to do today?
.( You can read more about this in the wonderful book:
The Little Book Of Hygge by Meik Wiking )
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avanirai09-blog · 6 years
How to stay focused in life?
Today’s Digital environment makes a person’s brain hard to focus on anything. Moreover, our brains are finely adapted to distraction easily. So coming to the topic of focus, it is often a result of being underwhelmed or overwhelmed.
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Read more @http://www.iinlife.in/blog/2018/06/04/how-to-stay-focused-in-life/
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jayantkapoor · 5 years
Understanding Water
We probably will find it extremely stressful if there is less water or very limited water during the day.
The question is, do we really know what water is? Do we know how to treat water?
First and foremost we need to recognize that water is one of the five elements. We also need to recognize that water has life.
Let us know a few facts about water.
Water has memory. Water reacts to our thought. Dr Emoto did a wide variety of experiments of how water reacts to various situations and environments. The results were quite stunning to say the least.  If you curse water it turns to poison. A water which is prayed for becomes nectar.
It is also known that the earth constitutes 71% of water. It is almost the same in our body.
If our body constitutes of 70% water then can you imagine the effect of negative thoughts and emotions on our own body. We are constantly creating poison within and falling sick because of that.
Our body is and has to be slightly alkaline. If turned acidic it can be quite dangerous and leading to fatal consequences.
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The root of all chronic illnesses is the mind. Understanding this is crucial to providing the right solution. Like they say “healthy mind is a healthy body” it is important to improve the health of the mind.My focus on wellness starts with the mind and understanding the root of the illness. Once it is deciphered the rest of it is easy to cure.
 Read More @
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iinlife-blog1 · 6 years
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http://www.iinlife.in/executive-coaching-in-bangalore.htmlExecutive coaching in Bangalore helps executives to identify problems, work them out, apply solutions, and review results. All of this when done properly can lead to long lasting learning. . Executive coaching can help in developmental growth and to enhance executive level skills, which can in turn impact the entire organization.
Rajan Sampath is having best personal life experience as well as training and certifications in life coaching and wellness. I have also a clear understanding of spirituality which forms the foundation of life.
#lifecoachinbangalore #lifecoachinginbangalore #executivecoachingbangalore
#executivecoachinginbangalore visit us @ http://www.iinlife.in/executive-coaching-in-bangalore.html
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How to study for long hours with concentration
It is difficult to prepare for some prestigious exams in our country. But some students prepared well for those difficult exams. How they are studying for long hours with concentration. The important thing is Concentration. Learn how to study for long hours with concentration
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yourvirat · 4 years
Ways to step outside of your comfort zone
Moving out of your comfort zone is the only way you will learn anything new, and doing so will get you perceived by executives as somebody who takes ingenuity. Also change the way you view your day. Learn something new each day which can help you in stepping out of comfort zone.
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Read @ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/ways-to-step-outside-of-your-comfort-zone   
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yourvirat · 4 years
Finding Time for all important things
Good time management permits you to achieve more work in a shorter period of time. It helps to lower your stress and supports you focus on your goals, which leads to success in life. You must set both your short and long-term goals. In every business they call it as tactics and strategy of work. Strategy is the long-term goal. Tactics are the combination of short-term goals.
Read @ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/finding-time-for-all-important-things/
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yourvirat · 4 years
Ways to Find Your Inner Strength
Our inner peace is expressed in forms of will power, positive attitude, belief, and confidence in yourself. Finding our inner peace will help us to achieve our objectives and goals. Sometimes we need to connect with our inner strength because that will help us to accomplish our goals easily. Inner peace can be searched, developed and worked upon once you are ready. 
Read @ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/ways-to-find-your-inner-strength/
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yourvirat · 4 years
Dealing With Depression and Loneliness
Each and every individual can feels lonely due to their situation, but for some, loneliness arises far too often. Feeling lonely can torture many persons which may include old aged people and the persons with depression have the symptoms such as sadness, isolation and also withdrawal. Loneliness cans slowdown a person who lives alone or someone who lives in a house filled with the people.
Read more - http://www.iinlife.in/blog/dealing-with-depression-and-loneliness/
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yourvirat · 4 years
How to develop an Attitude of Gratitude
Successful people practice gratitude. An attitude of gratitude means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of your life, on a regular basis, for both the big and small things alike. By developing an Attitudeof Gratitude, we can feel more fulfilled and joyful each day.
Read more - http://www.iinlife.in/blog/develop-an-attitude-of-gratitude/
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yourvirat · 4 years
Why one should get the advice of a life coach
Coaching makes you, what you desire to be in your #life? Taking #Coaching helps to #empower you in getting where you are at present (in position wise) and where you want to be (Next after some days, want to be in which position?)  Having coaching unlocks in maximizing your potentials by individual performance. Many Persons don’t know what they want to change, and how, so life coaching allows them to focus on their life and helps to identify the way forward.
Read @ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/why-one-should-get-the-advice-of-a-life-coach/
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yourvirat · 4 years
Finding Time for all important things
Nowadays, for everyone Time is precious and it’s also essential to lead a happy and get success in life. Building Time management skills, helps to be multi-tasks and also, learn those management skills, during any work. With a good time management skills, you can easily get the time to do the things that are important to you, whether it is your professional or personal life.
Time management can be challenging to those who are new to freelancing or self-employed. Life has a habit of pulling us in all sorts of different directions. It can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. At those times, it makes us to feel like we have nothing left to give. Time management is a tricky issue.
Read more @ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/finding-time-for-all-important-things/
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yourvirat · 4 years
Steps to achieving any goal in life
Begin towards journey route and explore #newchallenges in your life! #Achievinggoal is not a difficult task; you can explore it easily without any worries. It doesn’t matter, whether great or small at some point in our lives each one of us wants to achieve something, but we don’t set all those goals in the right way.
The most life changing thing you can do is to #setlifegoals. We plan our future to be brighter and desire to accomplish some great feats. During this process of #goalsetting you have to be clear about your thoughts and search the answer for one of the most profound questions, what do you want from your #life?  
Read more@ http://www.iinlife.in/blog/7-steps-to-achieving-any-goal-in-life/
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yourvirat · 4 years
How to overcome your life problems?
Move on! How many times you want to suffer from the same problems? Once you pick to be positive and move on, every hard task converts easier for you. Share your goals and ask for support from your friends and family. It aids you to keep you in track. It’s okay to be nervous though! But Perseverance is an essential skill that you will need throughout your life.
Read more - http://www.iinlife.in/blog/how-to-overcome-your-life-problems/
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