#ligastar starwing
dirthara-dalen · 9 months
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I got my b-day commission from @daddyschlongleg. I'm beyond happy!!! Like my boy, my beloved Ligastar in the flesh!
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dirthara-dalen · 4 months
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Ligastar got a new look for the new patch. the new hair makes me very happy as he feels older and more mature now if that makes sense
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dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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Alliance Alert: Rather Belated chat
Contact: Mar Starwing
I have been beating around the bush for a while now father. Probably should have done this a year ago. Still, I recently purchased property on Mek-sha. Can you come and meet me there? There is someone...well, two people you deserve to meet.
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Mar had asked his father to meet him on Mek-sha to finally meet Ra'kou, his husband. Rak'ou was happy to finally meet his father-in-law as well as introduce their daughter Lillian to him. Mar had been hesitant to bring Ra'kou to the alliance as he feared for the sith's and his daughters safety. The meeting had been partly Ra'kous idea given the alliance had rejoined the republic offering citizenship to their members. The couple had agreed this was Ra'kou and Lillian's way out of the empire. Ligastar agreed to this and gifted them a rather large home on Coruscant that he had no need for.
*ra'kou is my second trans character, Solaris being the first. Exploring gender through them both has been rather helpful for my personal journey.
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dirthara-dalen · 9 months
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This isn't how he wanted things to go. He will never forget the sound of Theron calling out to his father. How the choices he made were instrumental in Malcolm's death. Knowing that Theron would rather kill his own father to protect him...the guilt that knowledge now carried with it. It didn't have to end this way.
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dirthara-dalen · 7 months
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Ky'relea knelt next to his son with the most panicked expression Ligastar had ever seen on his fathers face. How in the stars was he even there?! He quickly told Rass what had happened with Shae while his father worked on healing him. The moment he could stand, the three set off to plant some lovely little explosives Rass had. the moment they found a communications panel Rass left them in order to contact Jekiah. It was up to Ligstar and Ky'relea to place the remaining charges.
As Ligastar set another charge he slowly glanced at his father. "So...how are you here?"
Ky'relea did not respond for moment indicating to Ligastar his father was angry with him or maybe just annoyed. He could never tell.
"I do not think you realized you were doing it but I heard you screaming through the force, as did your brothers. Had you not told Cain about this place i would not have been able to find you."
Ligastar did not like to admit that his memories of being trapped within the weapons sights were a bit hazy thanks to the pain. However, he did remember crying out albeit mentally at one point.
"I," How was he supposed to respond to this. "I did not realize you'd hear me..."
"Cain heard you through your bond and...he felt it. Solaris and I heard you though him. I left the moment i had been given coordinates."
"I'm sorry dad."
Ky'relea hugged his son. "Don't be, you are alive and that is what matters." He pulled back as he placed his hands on his sons shoulders giving him a cheeky smile. "Now, we have some more bombs to set do we not?"
Ligastar couldn't help but smile as he nodded in response.
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dirthara-dalen · 3 months
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He made his choice. The holocron had to be secured. After the beam seemingly fell on Sa'har, he left.
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dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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I've been working on her for quite some time now, hell I rolled a d20 to pick her race. Annalise is an extremely person in Ligastar's life. She cared for him when he and his brother Solaris first came to the order during the war. When Ligastar learnt his mother had 'died', Annalise was the first person he ran to for comfort. She cared deeply for the boy and promised once he was of age, she would take him on as her padawan. However, this would not happen as she 'vanished' shortly before the treaty of Coruscant.
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In reality, Annalise was a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Falsus. A former apprentice of Darth Baras sent to infiltrate the republic before war even began which she did masterfully. While as a Jedi master she presented herself as a very kind and compassionate soul. In reality she was cruel and enjoyed tormenting those she helped kidnap.
During the war, acting on orders from the Hand, staged abductions and rescues for promising young force sensitives in order for them to become children of the emperor.
Prior to her disappearance she had marked Ligastar as not just being a potential child but her first Sith apprentice. She was greatly disappointed when she was discovered and had to leave republic space without Ligastar. However, she had left her mark on the young mirialan. She had taught Ligastar the sith code without him even knowing. She taught him to never ignore his fear and rage, to embrace them.
Ligastar does eventually learn the truth after he discovered her fate a year after defeating Valkorion. Even he admits that as a child he would have willingly left with her as it was her influence that made him doubt the order even to this day. He does wonder, however, what would have been had she taken him with her (Fun fact, i do have an au regarding this).
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dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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For once, he could have cared less about what was going on around them. Levi was badly wounded having taken a vibro blade to the gut but he was alive. When Heta Kol at long last made her grand appearance he was not willing to hear anything she said. Her people had caused all this, had nearly taking his son from him.
...He understood now, that day on Dromund Kaas. His fathers sheer determination and desire to save what remained of his family. The willingness to fight to protect even if it costs him his life...he understood now.
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dirthara-dalen · 3 months
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Ligastar did not expect to hear from Sa'har as quickly as he did. The lengths she went to conceal their meeting confirmed to him that her information was extremely important. Upon learning what the machine was for unnerved him. It had to be destroyed and if possible, they needed to rescue anyone the hidden Chain had taken.
Upon agreeing to meet on Hutta, Ligastar couldn't help but feel a bit hesitant. For a brief moment he remembered that if they hadn't been bought on Droumnd Kaas, they would have ended up in the Hutta slave markets. Regardless he had to ignore his feelings, the only thing that mattered was getting that shuttle.
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dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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So i am currently writing out a full fic for this possibly 2 parts maybe more. It involves the guy in the screenshot beneath this text.
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Kadan Shan Starwing, born literally nine months after KOTET. The whole idea behind having another child was partly due to the reaction Lilith had to Ligastar, Theron's drive to see Ligastar experience true happiness and the twins full support. Kadan is not force sensitive like Theron and takes after him far more. Growing up Kadan is extremely close with his fathers and brothers. The twins spoil the hell out of him. However, he despises his sister Lilith. While he ends up working for the SIS, she ends up with Sith Intelligence. Their relationship is so poor Lilith has no qualms trying to kill him.
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dirthara-dalen · 27 days
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Initially, their trip to the city was rather uneventful. That is until they neared the city limits. Ligastar pulled him aside as he had asked to speak with him about something rather important after they had left the prison.
"I've decided to leave the order after this is done."
Cain did not hid his shock from his brother. Why would his brother want to leave the order? He was safe there, well, as much as one could be.
"I just don't want to be a jedi any longer..."
"Whatever path you choose in life brother, I will support you."
"Thank you Cain."
He'd have to send an update to their father and hopefully he could intervene to talk sense into Ligastar.
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dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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This is Jekiah Ordo...
Jekiah was alive. He refused to believe the words that had spewed from that Ash'ad's mouth, Levi had to be as well. The journey to the spirit felt like eternity to both of them. Of course they were greeted with opposition the moment they boarded. Ligastar was getting beyond tried of them standing in his way.
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dirthara-dalen · 8 months
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Everything you have done
Everyone you've betrayed
Everyone you've manipulated
Everyone you've murdered
The force seeks balance, always
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"It's over Tenebrae"
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dirthara-dalen · 1 month
So I finally posted the first chapter of my fic series regarding the Starwing Legacy. Am i nervous? yes, yes i am
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dirthara-dalen · 2 months
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After tracking Ligastar down he asked Vette to deliver a message to his brother on his behalf. Ligastar was currently at house Organa a place Vette could easily access but he could not.
below is a bit of a wip of this reunion for my fic that i'm working on
It was nerve wracking waiting to see if his brother would actually show up at the estate or not. After all...Ligastar believed he was dead. He waited for his brother on the large terrace overlooking the cascading falls at the back of the estate. 
“Together…forever.” Despite how young they were at the time, he still remembered the promise he had made his little brother.
The familiar click of the ornate balcony doors startled him somewhat as he softly sighed and he braced himself. The sound of somewhat heavy footfalls behind him suddenly filled him with such a horrific sense of anxiety, far worse than he had originally anticipated. At long last his little brother had arrived.
“So….” There was a quiver in Ligastar’s voice as he spoke. “Is it truly you?”
It was as if time had stopped. Hearing his brother's voice after so long felt odd, yet right to him. Cain hesitated to acknowledge Ligastar for a moment. How would he react to him?   
Ligastar sighed. “When I asked Vette who exactly sent her to retrieve let alone how they knew where my…” He stopped for a moment. “My estate was. All she said was I already knew the answer." He moved closer. “Cain…please just turn around.”
Cain slowly turned to face his brother. The look of sorrow upon Ligastar’s face finally gave Cain the answer he had been dreading. Ever since Tatooine he had been unsure as to how his brother would react to his scars and sith eyes. Now he knew.
“I honestly don’t know what to say. ” He struggled to look his brother in the eyes. “I kept thinking of ways this would go b-”
He was suddenly cut off as Ligastar pulled him into an embrace. Cain couldn't help it as he began crying as he returned his brother's embrace. It was as if over a decade's worth of sorrow hit him all at once. 
“I was so worried that what I was sensing was false.” Ligastar leaned back as he looked into his brother's eyes. “Years ago I sensed something during a meditation session. I now realize it was you.”
Cain said nothing as Ligastar led him over to one of the benches, getting him to sit down. It was strange to see Cain clearly very shaken. He had always been the braver of the two of them. Gently he squeezed Cain’s hand. He felt that if he were to let go, even for just a moment, Cain would fade away again. Cain met his brother's gaze. It was strange, for the first time in a very long time he felt an intense sensation of safety. For as long as Cain could remember he'd only ever felt such a sensation in Ligastar’s presence. He’d miss this feeling.
“Cain…you probably already know but…”
“I know, I sensed it.”
Ligastar took a deep breath. “Can you tell how you survived?”   
“I think it's best to start at the beginning.”
It had all begun with the plague that ravaged the slave compound. The whole purpose of the plague was purely to weed out powerful force sensitives among the slaves. Rumors had begun circulating at the time among the older children that the plague was actually caused by some rather mysterious sith that seemed very interested in them. Ligastar admitted that he remembered seeing these Sith about the compound on more than one occasion. Cain was clearly hesitant to speak about what had actually happened once he had contacted the plague.   
“Take your time.”
Taking a deep breath Cain readied himself. “Those of us who ‘died’ from the plague were, in truth, placed into a coma. The only way to awaken someone who had entered this coma was with the use of a counter serum. Although…not everyone who'd ‘died’ went into a coma. Those who did not reach the requirement for force sensitivity did die."
“What happened once you were awakened?”
“The best way for me to explain it is like this. The last thing I remember seeing and hearing before it all went dark was you. You were sobbing and crying out my name over and over again. The next thing I knew I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I started hearing voices all around me but none of them were yours.”
“Who were you hearing?”
“Our former master and his twisted scientist.”
He explained that once an individual was awakened they were handed off to a Sith Lord to become their apprentice to a Sith Lord in need. If an individual was not sent off to become an apprentice then they were sent off to another unknown group who had been working with their former master.
“I hesitate to ask but, who were you given to?”
Cain went quiet for a moment. “I was given to Vilee.”
The sense of horror that washed over Ligastar as he stared into his brother's eyes. The torment they endured from that man was unbearable. Whenever possible, their father had taken the brunt of it in order to protect them. Sadly, that still didn’t fully protect them from the siths reign of terror.
“I won't regale you with what happened to me. I think my eyes and scars are enough of an answer.”
“I would like to know.” Ligastar spoke almost in a whisper. “But you don't have to speak of it.”
“Well, after Vilee discovered I had the ability to manipulate the force bonds he decided that he would force me to use it for his own gain. I can’t even call it a training session but during one of them he was trying to force me to actually use the dark side and my ability to manipulate a person.”
“What happened?”
Cain looked out over the waterfalls. Just thinking about what had happened threatened to bring back the waterworks. “I sensed mom’s death…I lost it. I don’t remember exactly what happened that day, only that the result was my eye colour changing as well as the scars around my neck. I had apparently tried to kill Vilee.”
Ligastar couldn't help but question Vilee’s fate. Cain was all too happy to regal his brother with what had happened. Another Sith lord by the name of Lord, now Darth, Icarus had learnt of his abilities. Believing that Vilee was misusing his abilities Icarus challenged Vilee to a duel to the death. Vilee was defeated and killed on the spot much to Cain’s surprise at the time. Icarus then took him as an apprentice. It was through Icarus that he was reunited with their father.
“He's alive?!” Ligastar’s voice cracked so badly as he held back his tears. 
“Yes! Solaris is too. Solaris told me everything about what happened when you fled to the republic.” Cain sniffled as he wiped some newly formed tears from his eyes. “I've been planning or trying to plan how to reach out to you ever since then.”
“I must know Cain. Why seek me out now?”
“I wanted my brother back. Something in me just knew it was time to reach out.”
“I’m glad you did. To know you and the rest of our family yet live gives me a sense of hope.”
The two brothers knew they had a lot of catching up to do but it would have to wait until Ligastar dealt with the death laser. Cain swore he’d do anything to help his brother achieve his task which Ligastar was most grateful for.
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dirthara-dalen · 9 months
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A God has no need for a family
"Good, because they don't need you either, neither does the galaxy. It’s over Valkorion.”
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