#light xendie
xendie · 5 months
vampire xendie is very silly
edie is a human xennie is a vampire
edie is absolutely oblivious that xen is a vampire
xen fully believes that edie is just a vampire too so they are chill with casually doing vampy stuff around them
edie thinks xen is really eccentric person in the acting sphere (it thinks they really like horror cause they find them with blood and bodies... and vampire stuff)
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daragosdragon · 6 years
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Alright, so here’s a little reading stuff if anyone is interested in rago’s little longer description then on the picture. It’s like an early birthday gift to him. xP
(2018, November edit) Okay, so after a lot of time, I finally sit down and strated to rewrite his description. I’ve been thinking for a while now about the details and other things, and there still may be some stuff that’s gonna change in the future or I forgot to think about it, but for now, this is mostly it. I would love to make an ability set image once I have all the ideas, time, and skills to make them as I want.
Name: Daragos (nickname: Rago)
Age: 20
Birthdate: November 27th
Gender: Male
Height: 271 cm (8,9’)
Species: Western dragon – Neon
Elements: Light and fire
Personality: Kind, Helpful, Loyal, Placid, Lazy, Shy, Forgetful
Likes: Napping; Spending time with friends; Storms and rains; Being near water, especially waterfalls; Bioluminescence; Stargazing; Snacks
Dislikes: Meeting someone new; Crowds; Hot weather; Messy places; Adulting
Best friends: Xendy (belongs to a friend),  Kirim (another oc of mine)
Description: He is a bit of a lazy dragon, it’s quite hard for him to do something he should do but doesn’t want to. He likes to have a good nap on a daily basis. Food wise, he doesn’t have a great appetite, his slight body is kept in shape mostly with flying or runnig around, and playing with friends or with some training, however, he does love snacks, so much so that he sometimes just eats only snacks on a day instead of a proper meal. Agility is his natural strength, he was born as an agile one, and he keeps this gift in good condition and his reflexes are really great too. His friends always mock him that he naps too much and does not train enough, but they know he is fine. He even wears the scar on his face for this exact reason, remembering him to get better.
Aside from laziness, he is a great soul. He helps his friends whenever he can, and he is also very loyal to them, he would put his life in danger just to keep them safe. Despite his loyalty and kindness, he is a shy one. He really dislikes it when it comes to meeting someone new, since he is very bad with first impressions, and cannot really talk about anything. He usually gets a bit frustrated and just leaves the sinking ship when he feels like it’s time with a polite goodbye. Also, he's the quiet one when he gets together with friends, he just enjoys listening to the ramblings that happens between them and only speaks up rarely, mostly when a question is directed to him. He sometimes can drive his friends, and even himself a bit crazy because of his bad memory. Forgotten meetings, plans, displaced items, all sorts of those. He can’t stand the hot weather, in the summer, he prefers to go out of the cave for as short as possible, or stay in water when outside to cool himself down. However, he can withstand the cold well, he almost likes it, he can just surround himself in his fire to warm up if needed.
When it gets to chilling, he usually goes to a pond, lake, or a waterfall and lies down nearby, listening to the sound of nature. Sometimes he goes under the waterfall or dips into the water for a while if it’s possible. He’s not great in it, but he would never say no for a good swim. He can also spend a lot of time and relax with watching bioluminescent life in caves or underwater, or stargazing at night. If there's a rain coming, he goes outside and enjoys the fresh air and the rain.
The elements that won’t cause much harm to him other than his own type, are ice and dark, and his weaknesses are against water and earth attacks. The shields will break quickly from these types of elemental attacks and will do greater damage to him then any other. He has strong bonds and improtant memories of his friends, these are very precius to him, and he can be disrupted or enraged by hurting these.
Elements and abilities: Daragos is capable of using light and fire element spells. His light powers can be used as offensive, defensive or restorative, his secondary element, fire can be used as offensive and to temporarily enhance strength and speed.
He mostly mastered healing, and he can use his healing powers easily, on the other hand, light attacks and defense powers are strong but requires a lot of energy. The light attack can either be a straight directed large beam casted from above, which is weaker, than charging and firing it from his mouth, or it can be a rain from above consisting of many smaller needle like beams.
As for defensive powers, he can shape a single wall shield, which is the most powerful one, a ball shaped shield around himself to cover a larger area from every direction, or he can also make a thin defensive layer around something or someone to protect them from weaker attacks for a longer period of time. The latter one can weaken one lethal attack enough to save the tartget’s life but they still get most of the damage, then the shield breaks and stuns the attacker for a short time.
His fire powers are not as powerful and as draining as the light ones, he prefers to use this most of the time, and it fits better for his fighting style, attacking quickly in bursts and empowering these attacks. Attack wise, he can breathe fire and make fireballs, these can be casted instantly for quick attacks or charged for a more powerful one. His fire enhancing sorrounds the target in his purple fire, slightly warmer then the target’s temperature, and causes an adrenaline rush, making them more powerful and faster for a while.
He is also capable of casting both elements to work together. These spells are much more powerful, however, are very energy demanding, so he only uses this technique rarely.
The most used merged casting he uses is when he sets a fire that slowly heals someone who needs it while they rest. This method is more useful and more efficient for slowly healing, or multiple wounds than a simple light healing. This kind of his fire’s heat is equal of the target’s body temperature, does not spread to other objects nor areas, and does not go out until he stops it himself. It’s the most efficient when he casts it right on the injury, but it works well enough when used as a campfire or torch close the target. The larger the fire, the faster it heals, but also the more energy it requires to cast. As for other merged spells, he can cast firelight beam, rain, ball and breath, and can surround the shields with fire too, increasing their defense and damaging and setting fire on enemies who comes close to them.
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