#lighthouseborn . 002 .
aercnaut · 7 months
7. What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
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canon questionnaire!
THE DAEMONS!!!!! the symbolism? the visuals? the idea that no one is ever truly alone and always have a little (or large) buddy with them even when things get hard or dangerous? 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌
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tiderider · 9 months
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he didn't need to say it, harry knew he understood but that understanding didn't make the confession any lighter. it sat between them, heavy as lead and containing all the knowledge of captain james hook that they had between them. hook was a nightmare, a monster, his rage had been the sea. wild and unpredictable, furious and terrifying and when it struck, nothing came away unscathed. every scar, every lingering injury the man had ever afforded him seemed to itch with those memories. arms thrown over his head to protect himself from his boots, being dragged across the deck by his hook, of a fist striking out of nowhere for no reason other than he had just been there.
he feared his father. adored his father. hated his father. he saw other fathers like jack, like will, like smee, like countless others and asked himself why his own couldn't have been like them. it was a useless question. he knew why, had always known why.
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harry read the unspoken apology in henry's answer and scoffed, dry amusement cracking the uncomfortable disappointment and unforgiveable vulnerability oozing out of him. henry spoke in the way that he always did, cutting to the core with quick precision and forcing him to think. or perhaps think wasn't entirely correct, henry was forcing him to feel. to confront the twisting, coiling, dangerous things inside of his own gut and give them names. would it help? ❝ i think it'd make me happier, ❞ harry said. there was another unsettling knowing there as henry looked at him, neither of them were particularly good at letting anything sit still when something could be done with it.
henry raised his arm and harry watched, blue gaze taking in the familiar patchwork of scar tissue and blemishes. henry didn't have to explain any further. harry had the same kind of callouses on his own hands and knuckles, growths were broken bones had come back stronger, tougher, harder. tension that he hadn't realized was sitting between his shoulders lifted and harry sighed, expression softening, a humorless laugh slipping past his lips. ❝ let it sit, aye? ❞ harry spared a glance at his arm. he couldn't see the scar beneath henry's hand but he knew it was there. he turned his arm over, sliding it back so he could take henry's hand in his own. callouses to callouses. ❝ guess we'll find out, ❞ // @lighthouseborn continued from here .
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khozmoha · 2 years
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Czcibor was a land based creature. Large bodies of water had made him increasingly uneasy and uncomfortable growing up ever since . . . well, ever since. Lakes, rivers, ponds, even a full bathtub on his bad days was enough to send the builder into a spiral. Fear so thick and so engulfing that it was as if he were drowning in black tarmac.
    Henry had been kind about it. The first few days, even weeks after, that Czcibor had stuck to the deck like he was afraid the faintest slap of a calm wave against the hull was going to send him into the water to die a horribly slow, suffocating death. It was easier once Henry had opted to keep him busy with tasks. Teaching him how to tie sailor's knots, how to fold the sails, how to steer the rudder and listing all the names of the different tools and parts of the ship. Things Czcibor had never paid much mind to, convinced he would never have to learn it. It was refreshing, learning something new, and it kept his mind occupied on something beyond the endless expanse and eventually the solitude of the sea, of being so far from land, from the living and the dead, became almost comforting.
    Czcibor didn't know if it was because there was no land, or because the currents of the seas were so numerous and so powerful that nothing dead could reach him but he hadn't seen, heard, or felt a single spirit come close to him since the fifth day of being aboard Henry's ship.
    Perhaps that was why Czcibor had recoiled so violently when his hand passed over Henry's cheek, an accident, an unintended brush of the backs of his fingers over a delicately thin off-coloured scar that paled against Henry's sunkissed skin. Czcibor remembered thinking the mark complimented his face when he had first taken the time to look at it. But when he touched it . . .
    Czcibor's breath caught in his throat, a ragged kind of gasp squeezed past his lips and he stood there, frozen as Henry paced away. He knew distantly, without Henry saying or doing anything, that he needed . . . something. Comfort or support or something as plain as careless ignorance. He could pretend that everything was perfectly natural, just the sound of the water, the pull of the wind, the glide of the ship. Pretend. Lie. But he was drowning.
    It was like the water. How it could pour into his mouth and fill him up, clog his ears and his nose and blind him to the light. It poured into him, kept pouring, thick, slimy, rancid, and cold — it was so cold.
    ❝ ‘M fine. ❞ The claim came out choked and he berated himself harshly. He was usually better at lying. Usually better at hiding it all. But the break from the living, from the dead, it had lulled him into an evidently false sense of security. He should have known better. There was no escaping the things he saw, the things he felt, the things that came out of the dark and wrong spaces.
    ❝ I'm fine, I didn't expect . . . sorry, I didn't mean to touch — ❞ the words stumbled past his lips and Czcibor closed his eyes, instantly irritated with himself, ❝ it's a phantom. ❞
    For a moment, it was as if Czcibor was speaking to himself but when he opened his eyes the world appeared to him as if it were painted in shades of colour that didn't exist in the real and Henry looked like Henry. Sunkissed and alive, not pale and dead and holding something that wasn't him. It was all him. ❝ That's all it is, it can't touch you. ❞  //  @lighthouseborn​  continued  from  here
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tiderider1 · 3 years
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―  @lighthouseborn​  gets  a  starter .
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𝐡𝐞  𝐰𝐚𝐬  𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲,  judging  from  the  way  that  the  nurses  and  the  healers  had  talked.  three  swords ��had  been  pulled  from  him.  the  first  from  his  left  shoulder,  directly  below  his  collarbone,  the  second  had  punctured  his  liver,  in  through  his  back  and  out  through  his  abdomen,  and  the  third  had  narrowly  missed  his  kidneys.  the  first  and  last  were  less  of  a  problem,  but  the  second  had  seen  him  bed  ridden  and  under  the  guiding  hands  of  the  god  of  medicine.  he  was  patched  up  as  best  he  could  be,  the  rest  would  be  determined  by  his  own  recovery.
he  moved  slower  than  he  was  comfortable  with,  and  it  hurt  to  move  at  all,  but  he  had  things  to  do.  his  crew  had  been  smart,  those  capable  of  moving  hadn’t  gone  far  from  where  he  had  been  bed  ridden,  and  the  moment  harry  had  stepped  out  of  the  room  he  was  handing  out  tasks.  they  were  all  battered,  bruised,  and  nursing  fractured  or  broken  bones,  but  they  were  all  mobile  and  itching  for  something  to  do.
it  was  as  he  was  roaming  the  area  that  he  picked  out  a  bookshop  ―  or  what  he  thought  was  a  bookshop  ―  asking  the  clerk  for  local  legends  and  trusting  at  least  that  what  she  handed  him  was  good.  he  flipped  through  the  pages  briefly  before  handing  the  clerk  a  gold  coin,  and  moved  on.  finding  henry  was  harder  than  he  would  have  liked,  not  because  of  the  location,  but  because  of  the  stairs  that  led  to  his  room.  corona  had  transformed  a  bed  and  breakfast  into  a  temporary  medical  station  and  henry  was  on  the  second  floor.  by  the  time  harry  shoved  the  door  open,  he  felt  the  overwhelming  urge  to  drop  face  first  onto  the  floor.  he  resisted,  but  only  barely.
❝  whew,  look  at  you,  all  wrapped  up  and  cozy,  ❞  harry  teased,  a  devilish  grin  on  his  lips  as  he  moved  into  the  room.
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eternlle · 4 years
——  001 :    lucy pevensie, the chronicles of narnia  ( yes, already been there, but i miss her ) ——  002 :    jane villanueva, jane the virgin  ——  003 :    james norrington, potc   ( though me? doing him justice? sounds fake ) ——  004 :    lexie grey, grey’s anatomy ——  005 :    a forest witch oc    ( insp. by the amazing devil lyrics ) ——  006 :    a siren oc     ( do y’all know how hard it is to find mermaid fcs ) ——  007 :    morwenna chynoweth, poldark    ( isa you know we’ve got the same taste in muses )
TAGGED BY.     @mehrcies​ TAGGING.      @lighthouseborn​   @emcads​   @evermxre​   @wldbirds​
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digitizedsouls · 4 years
——  001 :     Amanda. I might do it. I’m open to trying. I’ve used her as an NPC a few times, but I’d consider having her be a full muse threads could be made with, if my partners were open to giving me time to fumble and feel her out a bit.  ——  002 :     RK900. I’ve actually got a pretty good idea of him already. I just have to feel Sixty out more and understand his personality to separate them more fully in my head. Pre-deviancy, they are unfortunately similar and I don’t want to write essentially the same muse twice.  ——  003 :    Sage, another OC android child who spent an ungodly amount of time locked in a closet. I’ve got to flesh out a more definitive “how is he here” sort of story, but once I’ve got that, I probably will add him. (Hannah this is absolutely me making heart eyes at you to plot this awful pain out)  ——  004 :    I considered writing Gavin. Knowing he’s an utter prick. I still consider it sometimes. I’m not sure if I will ever go through with it though. ——  005 :     I have Leo as a character, but haven’t written him yet, so I’m adding him here. I am interested in seeing where he could go in a post-rev future. How he could grow. 
TAGGED BY.   @lighthouseborn​ TAGGING.  You~
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immobiliter · 4 years
——  001 :    ron weasley. i went through a phase of writing him and i’ve always had that urge, but he’s just never really stuck tbh ——  002 :    scrum. another that i’ve gone through several phases of wanting to write but i think he tends to get swallowed up and neglected in favour of my ‘bigger’ muses, and i’ve never really sat down to properly hammer out his bio ——  003 :    jane eyre. a muse i’d love to write (as she’s my favourite literary heroine of all time) but she’s too specific for tumblr rp and kinda difficult to branch out into other fandoms/historical settings ——  004 :    zevran arainai. the urge to write zev i think is always gonna be there, but i’m not quite ready to commit to four da muses yet lmao ——  005 :    jean milburn. fucking love her. she fits a Type of mine that i haven’t really had a chance to write on this blog yet and would really really love to ——  006 :   a second muse from merlin. not sure who so i’d need to go back to it for a proper rewatch, but it’s a show extremely close to my heart and i love all of the characters tbh
TAGGED BY.   @lighthouseborn TAGGING.  anyone who wants to do this!!
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rosewiltd-moved · 3 years
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@lighthouseborn​​ said :  👫!!! (any verse, things we have talked about or haven't, ideas you have- up to you!) | (  four headcanons  /  accepting !!  )
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001.  Descendants.  Corinne associates Henry with warmth and good hugs. After witnessing the evidence of Lucas’ brutal murder during the Invasion, Henry was the first person there to hold her and keep her from falling apart at the seams. He didn’t have to say anything and she didn’t need to hear that everything was going to be okay, because somehow she just knew it would be and she associates that feeling very much with Henry. Things are going to be okay. I think regardless of whether they’re friends or more, whether it’s one-sided or mutual, Henry is always going to stand out as someone Corinne can go to when she needs a good long, solid hug. 
002.  Modern verse.  Particularly with your modern verse. As they get to know each other, and Corinne becomes more and more a point of contact and unwilling accomplice in his supernatural investigations, she becomes vaguely aware that she is beginning to Like™ him. I don’t know what to tell you, Hannah. The Boy is just a magnet. Whether it develops into anything mutual is kind of neither here nor there, but she is aware of it and her growing attachment to him just means that any time Henry does something reckless or dangerous, her stress levels go through the roof.
003.  Any verse.  I think. There’s the potential for Henry to be the one person she actually verbally communicates what Lucas did to her. There are people in her life who know simply because they figured it out on their own ( like Harry in Descendants verse ), but very very few, if any, that she has told directly. And not because she feels like she has to tell someone, but because she genuinely has not been able to say “hey, this happened to me” even to herself and. I just feel like. And I could be totally wrong in this. That Henry might be the best, or at least the easiest person to talk to about it. Because, again, he is warmth and good hugs and a stable, grounding element. But don’t get me wrong, she wouldn’t just drop it on him, especially if she thought he couldn’t deal with it. But just, if he gave gentle prodding or asked what her relationship to Lucas was, she’d tell him. 
004.  Any verse.  If you are close to Corinne in any capacity, you will inevitably get your own written piano composition from her, completely original. Henry is no exception to this. Across all verses, whatever their relationship is, he is getting one. She probably already has one, unfinished, in Descendants verse and just needs to polish it up and play it for him. But it exists and she’s very passionate about getting the chords just right to suit someone. So. It must be perfect and it must be very Henry™.
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