artstudioelle · 4 years
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6th August 2020
NEWS: The group have also begun to choose their pieces of work they would like putting on this blog, so I will be uploading them too. See the Artwork section on the Ellenor Blog or scroll down for more too.
During this weeks’ art session, we looked at Light in Art. This was inspired by my looking at the colour and shadows created by these objects in this photo.
Some of the artists we looked at are as follows and are a great intro to looking at the way light is painted in these pieces:
Caravaggio and The calling of St.Matthew
Vermeer and his use of northlight in his paintings-north light is reflected light. Every artist who paints at home will have the challenge of north light moving around the room during the day. Girl with a Pearl Earring and assorted others.
Monet and Rouen Cathedral, West Facade
The group also looked at the idea behind Plein Air painting which was introuduced by artist John Constable. https://www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/p/plein-air
This method of working was really embraced by The Impressionists.
Diego Rivera La Era. You could almost dive in to the desert light in this painting.
The group had a super brief intro in to looking at black and white photography of Man Ray & Henri Cartier Bresson.
Once you start looking, light and shadow are used to create all sorts of ambience and drama in a painting. See what you can find.
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