#like! she's great but im also sitting here soooo bitter like. i could have done that. i just wasnt one of the hand selected people last
munamania · 2 years
yeah ok so this girl from my school is going to the fucking oscars. and presenting. like ok!
#what the fuck ever man not jealous at all or anything#i mean idk what she's presenting really but the fact that she's even involved!!! hello!!!#not discounting her work she's incredible but. she was also forced into a lot of stuff by this insane guy in our program#who totally totally creates his own legion of nepo babies#like! she's great but im also sitting here soooo bitter like. i could have done that. i just wasnt one of the hand selected people last#summer that this guy worked with. despite applying several times to work with him and now having met and interviewed with him#for a position i probably wont get cause he's gonna pick the most annoying evil insufferable girl instead just cause he knows her#she will absolutely not be a better representative of our school than i would be. im a really great speaker lol. and am generally charming#she has the personality of like. a fucking leech. she's terrible#and it's like do i want to work for this guy for a month while trying to get something out of this trip no but do i think im good enough#to deserve his backing like yeah. i was a better producer than one of his wunderkind lol.#wow ok sorry this is truly showing how cutthroat we little film kids will get i guess. it's just bullshit#you'd have to know this guy he's notorious with everybody in the film/english department#he could NEVER be my bestie prof. but my bestie prof also doesnt have all the same connections. but who cares he's also not the most#annoying guy on the planet#abby talks
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pixigirl · 4 years
Who will Marinette choose? Luka or Adrien and will Chloe save the day?
Context: Luka and Marinette are dating but she still has feeling for Adrien and Luka knows it.
A miraculous ladybug one-shot (which may have a continuation of some kind??). This is a typed version of an amazing role play I was part of in the Tumblr chat called Miraculous Ladybug. Owner: @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj
Participants: @viperionx, @pixigirl, @ravenabby, @purrpewl and  @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj
A: Adrien
B: Chloe’s butler - Jean
HM: Hawkmoth
  (At Andre’s ice-cream stall)
*gets ice cream and gives it to Marinette* Here you go!
*takes ice cream* mmm thanks Luka
Anything for you *smiles and sits down on the bench with Marinette*
*starts eating ice cream beside him* delicious
A: Oh, hey guys
Hey Adrien
H-hey Adrien
A: Enjoying the ice cream?
Y-yeah it’s delicious. You should get some.
*thinks: she still likes him, doesn’t she*
*coo coo (pigeon)*
Hey Chloe. You’re here too. You should also get some ice cream
Chloe? As in the mayor’s daughter?
A:Yeah she is our classmate.
Ugh! Like I have time for that high calorie stuff!
Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!
Your loss not mine
A: Come on Chloe be nice.
If you want some quality you can get only the classiest gelato at our new hotel restaurant.
Just saying.
What? You said be nice!
I prefer Andre’s ice cream over expensive gelato *laughs*
A: *laughs*
You can join us if you like
A: He has the best love heart ice cream
Y-yeah *looking at Adrien*
*raises eyebrow* heart ice cream?
*looks at Marinette and signs*
Yeah Chloe whoever eats Andre’s ice cream will stay in love forever
Really??? *surprised*
*nods* that’s what he told all of Paris
*looks at Adrien*
You just have to believe
A: believe!
W-well I personally don’t believe in baby fairy tales like that but if Adrikins insists!
Let’s go get some more ice cream I’ve finished mine
I’ll just wait here
Ok its your treat
Ok *goes to get ice cream*
*smiles and sighs*
*eyes Luka*
*looks at Chloe and Adrien* Soooooo are you two like together?
Like since kindergarten!
Wait what-?
You’ve been dating since kindergarten?!
A: I um – no?
Dating? I thought you were asking how long we have been friends
*shakes head* no I meant dating, sorry
A: Um... no? we are like long time besties
  What about you? I’ve seen you around school. Don’t you hang with Juleka?
She’s my sister. I have to pick her up from school every day, I go to College Francoise Dupont.
YOU’RE JULEKA’S BROTHER?! Wait… *squints hard and leans close into Luka* Actually I can kind of see it.
*Adrien leaves to go get ice cream so he can bring some back for Chloe*
You have the same eyebrows! *she says with triumphant*
Huh we do? I never noticed that, thanks for pointing it out miss bourgeois.
Omg you do!
*he notices that Chloe is still very close to his face* are we having a staring contest or do you just like looking at my face?
Hmmm… that’s a pretty unique eye colour you have. Are they contacts?
*shakes head* no they are 100% real
*finally pulls back* Get out! No way!
*laughs* I promise they’re real
*awkward silence*
*Luka looks over to Marinette in distance* So… you and Dupain-Cheng… what is your guys’ deal?
*looks at Chloe* we’ve been dating for three months. Its our uh three month anniversary today…
*blunty* cute
Yeah. I guess *shrugs*
*marinette still getting ice cream*
*takes a seat on the bench crossing one leg over the* sooooo…... Anniversary huh?
*comes back with ice cream* I see you two are getting to know each other better.
Oh yeah… I feel enlightened *blunt sarcasm*
He’s a reaaalll talker isn’t he
Mmhmm *hands them both ice creams* here you go
Thank you ma-ma-Marinette *takes it*
I am glad you are getting along okay
I communicate better with music *scratches behind his neck*
*slaps Luka’s arm* Why are you still teasing me about it
OW! *pretending to be hurt*
Because it’s cute
No its not
Yes it is
*Chloe rollers her eyes as she internally gags*
*glares at him*
Don’t look at me like that or ill keep going.
Not if I have anything to say about it *pretending to be mad*
*laughs* still as cute as when we first met
And you’ve been teasing me about it since we first met
*Chloe thinks: oh now I’m definitely gonna hurl…* Oh, Adrikiiiins!!!!
Oh here we go again
Are you gonna come back anytime soon? *hmm he must be too far away to hear me*
Well I’m gonna keep doing it for as long as we are together
Hahaha (sarcastically)*glares but lets it go because she doesn’t want her icecream to melt*
*chloe abruptly stands* RIIIIIIIIIGHT… im gonna just…. *walks over to Adrien*
*raises an eye brow at chloe’s strange behaviour*
*rolls his eyes playfully and starts to eat his icecream as he leans on marinettes shoulder*
Is Chloe acting weird?
She probably just isn’t used to proper relationships
Yeah I guess *still suspicious*
She’ll get used to it soon
I hope so. She can be great if she wants to
*Chloe hugs Adrien joyfully after he giver her an icecream*
*Marinette is trying not the be jealous but can’t help it*
*she accidentally breaks her cone and notices that her hand is now very wet and groans loudly*
*looks over* Oh no. What happene- *sees why* oh right.
I think I was just holding the cone too tight
Do you need help getting it off
*starts to wipe her hands with a tissue from her purse* No it’s okay I got it. Thanks.
But you could get me another ice cream 😊
Don’t worry you can just have mine, I haven’t eaten much
You sure? What about you?
I’m not hungry anymore…
Oh ok thanks
*fake smile*
Can I ask you something?
Sure *she says as she stares at Adrien*
*looks at her* Do you actually like me? *shes not paying much attention* well then I guess there’s my answer
What?.. What do you mean?
You’re still in love with Adrien, aren’t you?
We are dating that means I like you.
*sighs* when are you going to stop lying to yourself and me?
I am not lying. Adrien is just a nice guy is all.
*rolls eyes* a ‘nice guy’ that’s all he is to you?
He’s also a great friend?
I see the way you look at him Marinette.. you’ve never looked at me that way. If you love him so much then why did you decide to date me?
I look at him the way at look at anyone else.
Oh, come on, Mari! I’m not stupid!
What does he have that I don’t? Money? Fame? Good looks?
I never liked him for those reasons! Is that what you think I want?
I don’t like Adrien that way anyway
I’m sure you don’t
*crushes her cone again because she is mad*
I never stood a chance against him. He is perfect, I’m sorry I couldn’t be
Nonsense. I never said he was perfect he has his flaws, every person does.
*tears fill his eyes* did you ever love me?
*sighs* I don’t think I did
Ok well, did you ever like me at least?
*hesitates* Y-no, no I didn’t.
*tears fall down his face*
I am so sorry Luka. I am such an idiot.
*scoffs* I can’t do this anymore.
Neither can i. *woefully*
You should’ve told me the truth from the start. I’m done. It’s over *gets up and runs away still crying*
I’m sorr- *sighs and sits down*
*Chloe and Adrien have witnessed this event from afar and start to come down*
*Luka is sitting on the waters edge as he cries into his hands*
*Chloe could see Luka and is for some reason compelled to go see if he is okay*
Adrikins I need to go.. do stuff. Talk later *waves as she runs in Lukas direction*
-flash forward to Hawkmoth’s lair as the sky light opens-
HM: Such bitter sorrow of a broken heart who was so utterly betrayed by the one he loved… Fly away my little akuma and evilize that broken heart
-back to the river side-
*Luka is still sitting with his head hanging between his knees. He looks at the bracelet that Marinette gave him for their anniversary*
*footsteps approach from behind him* Hey… can I sit here?
*with tear-soaked eyes he looks at her and nods slowly*
*inahles deeply as she sits down*
*they sit in silence for a few minutes until chloe starts looking around awkwardly*
I’m not in the mood please *as he puts his hands on his face once more and sniffles*
Uh.. There? There?
Thank you but you don’t have to stay
*sighs* Ok look, I’m trying this new thing where I’m supposed to care about other people’s problems so if you a problem I’m willing to-- *but before she continues she sees a familiar black butterfly out of the corner of her eye coming towards them. She grabs his wrist*RUN!
Wait wha-
Shut up and run pretty boy! *successfully pulls Luka away from the bridge*
*he thinks: what? Pretty boy*
*he sees an alleyway and pulls them both into it*
*breathing heavily* Did it follow us?
*shrugs* wow this alley way is tight *as she shuffles around*
*Chloe puts her hand on his face* You HAVE to think happy thoughts okay. Or it will find you again, quick!
i-i can’t..
Yes! you can! Come on. You like music right? Sing something then
Chloe I- *Akuma enters bracelet undetected*
*Chloe’s eyes widen as he pushes her away out of the alleyway and a familiar purple outline appears on his face*
*Luka is shaking as he tries to resist*
HM: Heart Rocker… The girl you were deeply in love with took your feelings forgranted and crushed them. Not I give you the power to return the favour.
*groans* No… I-I don’t wan-want to hurt a-anyone!
Luka fight it. You have to
*he falls to his knees as he holds his head shaking*
*his groans get louder and tears start streaming down his face*
HM: But she will only hurt you more. I’ll give you the power to play with her heartstrings and destroy the one that stands in your way. All I ask for in return are ladybug’s and Chat noir’s miraculous!
N-no! I can’t i- *cries out in pain* STOP!
*Chloe runs to him*
I’m s-so sorry…
Don’t give up now pretty boy, you can do this! Fight him! You know he is trying to trick you.
It-it hurts too much… I have no choice.
I know it hurts. I know YOU’RE hurt! But you can’t let him win now. You are stronger Luka! *hugs him tightly*
HM: don’t listen to that selfish little brat. I can give you POWER! I can get you revenge!
Get out of his head!!!!
I-i can’t do it-
No! *she starts yanking at his bracelet* GET OUT!
*shouts in pain*
*black bubbles start to form around him so Chloe tries even harder*
I’m t-to tired. I can-t fi-fight any long-er
You are NOT going to get HIM HAWKMOTH! YO HEAR ME! YOU STUPID, OLD, TACKY FART! *she rips the bracelet free*
*the Akuma is forced to leave the bracelet and tries to fly away as the bubbles around Luka fade*
Oh nooooo you don’t! *as she grabs an old broom from the garbage and starts to hit it against a wall, crushing it*
*Luka falls to the ground barely awake*
HM: I will get him next time *screams in anger as the light shade closes*
*once Chloe is sure the akums is dead she drops to the broom, get Luka’s bracelet and realises* OMG Luka!
*she moves his head to her lap and pats his head* Come on pretty boy… wake up *she starts to tear up* come  pretty bo.. you’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay….
*everything fades to black*
*Luka’s eyes flutter open* w-where am I?
B: Ah young sir. You’ve woken.
Who are you!? *looks around frantically* is this the Mayor’s hotel?
B:You may call me Jean.
w-wait.. the mayor, so chloe? Where is she? Is she ok? I didn’t hurt her did i? *he tries to get up but falls back down in pain*
B: The young miss is fine. She was quite frantic when she called me to pick you up. She demanded we place you in this suite to recuperate.
Sh-she did? Where is she now?
B: The hotel physician has already given you a look. You should be okay.
I sent Miss Bougeous to her room to calm her nerves. Like I said, she was quite frantic.  
I Understand thank you jean. Could you please let Chlode know I say thankyou? For everything
B: I was quite surprised when she called though, I haven’t seen her this upset about someone else since…
Since when…?
B:*shakes head* please pay my words no heed.
*chloe bursts through door*  FRANCOIS OR WHATEVER! ANY NEWS?! *spots Luka* You’re OKAY!!!!! *runs and and hungs him*
*he smiles* I owe you all my thanks. *he groans slightly because of the tight hug*
B: I will take my leave.
Yeah, yeah whatever claude
Thank you, jean.
*Butler nods and he leaves and shuts the door*
But really? How are you?
The doctor said you were ok but… It takes a lot to force hawkmoth out of your head.
*sighs* but you did it Chloe you got him to leave. You’re really strong.
*her eyes widen and she tries to hide her blushing with a blasé hair toss* Hmph! Its only natural. I AM the Great and Powerful Queen Bee after all
*chuckles* that it true but trust me, you’re amazing. I can’t thank you enough.
*stands and puffs chest with pride trying to hide her embarrassment* naturally!
Well…It would be utterly ridiculous if you stop!
*smiles and pulls her into another hug*
*her face is red* Ok…Ok.. You can let go now *weakly nudges him away*
But do you want me to?
*she is even redder and pushes away* Sh-Shut up Peasant!
So I’m not pretty boy anymore *pouts*
Oh shut it! *but she remembers something and she takes it out of her pocket* Oh here I picked this up for you.
Oooo a gift?
*she gives him a broken bracelet held together barely by rubber bands and staples*
*he tries not to laugh* I ug love it. Thank you
SHUT UP! Arts and crafts isn’t my strong suit ok! You caught me I’m not perfect!
Anyway. Your welcome to stay here for a couple of days if you want. You can bring your family too! I already had daddy deal with the expenses okay!
So! Just forget about that loser Dupain-Cheng and Adrien for now ok?! They aren’t worth your time.
Good-bye! *storms out completely flustered*
*Luka smiles and chuckles, shaking his head as he looks out the window. His heart still aches at the though of Marineette but at this moent… He thinks he is gonna be ok..*
--the end--
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ts-crossroads · 7 years
Episode Nine - “I’m An Indecisive Mess” - John
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I really hope that this is the round that we get Julia out. There's one thing that I do not tolerate, and that's people who LIE ON ME. Julia was in on the Ned vote the entire time and wouldn't even own up to it after the vote until I confronted her on it. I went from trusting her the most to not trusting her at all. This round is crucial. From what I've gathered, the other side wants to take out Sam and I can't lose another ally. I need to keep numbers on my side so that I can gain back control in the game. Ryan wants Sam out because she got mad at him on call and apparently made a chat with him the first round of merge and then voted for him. Julia somehow knows that Sam and Autumn are voting for her (probably Ryan) so she wants them out too. It comes down to Dane and John. Dane told me straight up he didn't want to vote Sam out, so I think he's good. But John is being weird. He wants Julia out because I told him she called him shady a bunch of times but he's constantly worrying about what Ryan will think. STOP PLAYING RYAN'S GAME! I need John to side with us regardless if Ryan agrees or not to make this move.
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I think im gonna go pray to the godess an calm down. I honestly feel like im being paranoid. I mean do I trust the 6 alliance anymore? No. Hell no. Do i trust some of them? Yes. Rebecka, haley, an ryan. Autumn has been asking who people are voting, so it makes me think sam may have the idol, or that sam dosen't and autumn just wants to ride majority. So im hoping this is the case. Still nervous but, ya know.
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At this point in the merge nothing really exciting is going on anymore it's kinda easy sailing since I'm in majority and then have my own alliance within that one. Jake sam and autumn are just sitting ducks at this point and then the rest pluck one by one 
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So last vote was almost a success. I wanted to get to the end without a single vote cast against me, but what can you do when we have bitter betties? Okay so i have 10 minutes so my plan overall right now is to blindside Julia with Rebecka, but Ryan doesn't know that and he's supposed to be my f2 but he was fake to me before tribal council so I'm not trusting him atm. I'm going to pretend that Rebecka isn't flipping and I'm acting defeated that my plan isn't going to work out, but it will. 
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Okay so I haven't made a confessional since reward was posted. I was stressed about immunity bc I tied with jake and then I lost the tie breaker, which sucks. But I think I can work something out. I found another half idol so NOW I HAVE A FULL IDOL! I am playing it tonight. I don't know who is voting with me or against me, but I don't think I have the numbers and I am NOT going home with an idol. Ned did it and I would rather waste it than take it to jury. Me Jake Autumn and MAYBE Dane and MAYBE Rebecka are voting Julia, but I'm not confident enough to trust them. Everyone else is voting me so. Also, I need to stop crying about Ned and Bryan. Time to start playing the game. I am ready.
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I'm an indecisive mess. 
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Okay tribal just happened. I'm sweating a lot. I wasted my idol basically. I did get votes, but only 4 of them. There were 4 for Julia and then I voted for Ryan. If I would have voted for Julia and not played my idol, I would still be here AND have an idol for the future. But since I switched my vote, it tied and then my idol made her go home. It's hard bc a part of me is pissed that I wasted it. But another part of me sees a light in the distance. Autumna and Jake are the only ones who know I voted Ryan. Not even Dane knows. Right now, Coffey and Ryan think it was Rebecka. This hopefully will cause them to trust her less. But Dane's crazy advantage may mess us up right here. There is no immunity. Dane can sit out of tribal tomorrow, be immune, and not cast a vote. Or he can come, vote and potentially be voted out. He told me that he is too busy and he is sitting out, which sucks. Now there will be 7 votes. And I know Haley, John and Ryan won't vote with me. My only hope is Rebecka. And either way, none of those 3 believe that she voted with them. Julia got 4 votes. The obvious solution would be me, jake, autumn, and dane. They would never assume I would throw away a vote to ryan, especially how low I am, numbers-wise. AND there was a voting confessional for Julia (I think Autumn wrote it) but it said "this is for imperium" and i have literally cried to ryan and john about how sad i was seeing ned then bryan go back to back. They most likely think that was me. I think this then created distrust among them and rebecka, so hopefully we can pull her to our side. I think the smartest vote this round will be Ryan. He has had it out for me for a while and he has the closest connections on the other side. Let's face it, he is holding the other side together. John and Haley are not close, but Ryan has been playing both of them against us. I'm stressed whew. I'm lowkey mad at Dane for skipping, but it makes sense for his game so I don't blame him. I just need to work on Rebecka right now. 
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Never thought I'd be able to say this in Crossroads but I'm in the majority and the dog days might be over!!! http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/812ff861-5e39-403c-899c-9e6e33e7d36c/d5504a1c-f8e2-4028-96f6-6b038180e644.gif Highkey told Dane before tribal that I'd hang him out to dry if he flipped back to voting Sam and voted Imperium out for the 3rd time. And we all know I'm cracked enough to deliver soooo we stan tough love haha. He's still cancelled, BUT John and Ryan can enter jury before him/ they already have 3 strikes. I'm so done with John I can't even; he has no backbone and all his does is flop and lie. How are you gonna say we should work together every round and then ghost whenever it's time to vote or when I ask you what's happening? Fakest person in here and he's voted someone Imperium the past 4 rounds; I want him gone so bad but I gotta maximize Dane not being able to vote and put the target on Ryan
 Also y'all saw Owen use his admin powers to blow up my game on camera by reminding everyone that I'm on Imperium and that the tribe has voted out Imperium the past 3 rounds right? OK COOL JUST CHECKING http://i.imgur.com/uN6iEBs.gif So if the tribe speaks this week and I suddenly go to jury, do me a favor and riot cause Owen is rigging for the uglies thanks
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My sleeping meds are making me miss this whole game Bc I'm always SLEEP rip 
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Everyone is still trash and thus they are still cancelled. Ryan and Haley are pressing me about the vote and I'm like what is there to talk about?? Y'all been coming for my side of camp the past 4 rounds. Flattery will get you nowhere. In other news Rebecka and I are officially on the same side/ working together!! Our parents Duncan, Mitch, and Amanda are probably so proud. Also I think Dane is done flopping and is back to being trustworthy?? But never say never Also John is going home tonight because he can't stop lying, constantly flip flops, doesn't have a backbone, has voted someone Imperium out the past 4 rounds, etc. It's funny cause I like John as a person hahaha; he's just doing too much and he needs the Boardroom's permission to do anything. The Boardroom would be John, Ryan, and Dane because anytime me, Jake, or Sam try to talk game to them, they say "ok I'll talk to the guys" and disappear for 4 hours. Then they come back like "ooh uhhh I don't think Dane/Ryan/John is on board" or "yeah I still don't know what I'm gonna do" when the vote is due in an hour. Anyway, I'm tired of building each round around what The Boardroom may or may not do. NOW LET ME OUT OF THE WOODS DAMMIT IM OWEN https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a4/76/7e/a4767e9175f6fd603aa51d12b23c1ddf.gif
Hi VL!!! Sorry I didn't start talking to y'all until recently because I only recently learned that vl confessionals are a thing that I'm allowed to do lmao. Anyway you guys are in for a treat tonight- people swear they're going home even though they're not getting votes while others aren't even talking to me and I've already used majority to seal their fate. So a lot of games and drafts are getting wreckt tonight and you don't wanna miss it. Watch Crossroads tribal tonight at 10 pm EST!! 
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Tribal is happening soon. I'm very nervous. Me, Autumn and Jake originally had a plan to get Ryan out, but apparently he has an idol he wants to use tonight, so we had to switch our target. Hopefully he still plays it. We are voting John out, and Rebecka is telling us she is with us, so hopefully he goes 4-3. Dane isn't voting with us so we can't rely on him to save us this time. Haley came to me earlier and asked me for a name. It was really weird. I know she went to Autumn and Jake as well. I don't know if she truly is desperate in this game or she thinks she can actually get information out of us. We told her Ryan, and she says she will write down any name at this point to not go home. There are 2 scenarios that could happen from this. 1. Haley goes immediately to Ryan, he plays the idol on himself and it is wasted. or 2. She votes out Ryan because she is so desperate to not go home. Then we vote out John, and then Ryan is left and knows that Haley flipped on him. Having those two here and not trusting each other would be great. I feel like Ryan has such a handle on John and Haley and we really need to split him away from those two. It's scary to think about the future, because I don't know if I will be there. A part of me wants to start planning my FTC speech and my f3 (which would most likely be Jake and Autumn) but Haley told me a few hours ago that John and Ryan were voting for me this round too. They think it's safest because my idol is gone. Now I' m stuck with just 2 coins that I'm impatiently waiting to exchange them for something. I'm really annoyed at Ryan and John constantly going against me and my side. I understand why Ryan is, I flipped on him and voted him out when we technically did have an alliance together (even though my heart wasn't in it). I just don't understand why I can't get along with John in this game. I have done nothing wrong to him. All I have done is listen to him and be lied to ever since merge started. It sucks that he has been so against me, especially because I thought we were good friends outside of this game, but he wants nothing to do with me, and he wants me out of the game so badly. I'm definitely getting votes tonight. I just don't know how many. Me Autumn and Jake are voting for John. If Rebecka joins us, we have majority. I just worry about any idol plays. It's getting to the end and people won't have much longer to use them. I need to compete hard in this upcoming immunity if I'm still here. Also I don't think me voting Ryan was the worst move anymore. Haley today told me that she thinks Rebecka voted for him, and I knew Ryan and John already think that. Also, another thing, I'm nervous that I may have lost some trust with Autumn and Jake over having the idol. Because I told Jake in pms first and then hours later he was like maybe we should tell autumn and I'll pretend I don't know, and I was like that sounds great. So I told them. But Autumn was a little hesitant with me when I told her. I hope it was just shock and not betrayal she felt. I really need these two to make it in this game. I couldn't even imagine having to strategize with Haley or John. 
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Sooooooooo, I decided to make a move this round by pushing for Julia to go. I love Sam and Autumn but they want John out and are working with Rebecka to do it and I can't vote out John. I brought it up to John and Haley and then talked to Ryan and they seem down to do it. Rebecka seems to be extremely close to Dane, and Dane seems to have ties with just about everyone in this game...except me. I'm sorry but why should I vote out John who's always been honest with me and talks to me over Rebecka who hasn't bothered talking to me all game. I need to take some power away from Dane before he takes us all out.
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Wow what a twist! Definitely didn't see Julia going home last night definitely miss her psycho ass. People are all on edge and think they are next to go and people don't know who has idols anymore in this game or who has half. I just hope we can keep the numbers and john, Ryan and myself will go to finals.
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