#like I can feel your love for my story and it makes me go uwuwuwuuwuwu
strawbearytae · 2 years
NAURRR how could u end it like that 😭 I was hoping there’d be some more action or something after oc found out jk goes to yonsei :’(
Are they gonna introduce their friends to each other just to hangout together any time soon??? Cause I would love to everyone like 😶😶😶😶😶 Nd then shit blows up lolol. and then jk and oc realize that they’re falling for with their ex but it’s okay bc they’ve both changed over time and are good people who should stay together 😁😁😁 NGJSHD OMG WAIT WAIT who do you think is gonna hurt more when they realize each other’s identities? like jk, bc he fell for the girl whose heart he purposely broke and ruined—thereby breaking his ow </3—because he couldn’t bear to see her get dragged down with him for his mistakes? Or oc bc she’s falling for with her ex that she reallyyy liked (loved even, I think??) who broke her heart out of the blue (and according to her) bc of the very things she’s insecure about🤔
how did the high school people come to the conclusion that jk goes to yonsei? All namjoon did was post a picture of him
this is really irrelevant and literally nothing will change at all no matter how you answer it lol but it’s been bothering me tbh. is jaegguk’s name 재국? why is there an extra g 😭 
and if I may ask a Korean language-related question: when are you not supposed to call an older guy 오빠? I thought it was it was a general honorific for a girl towards an older boy. Do you have to be close to use it? what about a stranger then. I assume it’d be (name)씨  but what if u don’t know their name?
LOVE BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY I WANNA SKIP TO THOSE PARTS TOO😭😭😭 But unfortunately my stupid ass wants something called ”cHaraCtEr dEvELopMent” like wha🤧🙄
AND A HANGOUT REUNION??? OH MY MY MY😭😭😭 I would love to write that but nooooo we need jk and yn to be deeper in their relationship 😭 Istg the logical side of my brain and my fan girl side are constantly fighting over pacing for this story🤡 Unfortunately, I am planning on making everything slightly more complicated than a BOOM HEY THEY’RE YOUR EX! So get ready for a real sh*tshow soon😌✨
I feel like yn and JK would be equally guilty, horrified and terrified when they find out? Like JK for obvious reasons while for YN???? Jungkook relates to a part of her life that she would rather forget (I.e. her obvious insecurities + homewrecker allegations), so meeting him again would remind her of the bad place she was in yk?
I don’t think I’ll really go into this but what I think would’ve happened was that those internet trolls (sorry I mean ex-classmates) would’ve found Jungkook’s Twitter through Namjoon’s and found the school he’s going to (probably he posted about it or he’s following the school’s Twitter). Which is also how the brutal ones are dm-ing him all that hate yk?
For Jaegguk: His name IS 재국 BUT I slightly went for the more romanized version of his name. Like yk how some army’s spell Jungkook as “Jeongguk”? It’s similar to that. Because depending on how the reader reads “guk” it can easily become “걱” instead of “국”, so the extra “ㄱ” insures more the “ook” sound ig. Tbh I just made him jaegguk to fit his Twitter username nfjdjfhdhd🤧
Now this one is tricky and I could probably write a whole essay on the formal and like more truthful implications of what 오빠 means. Truthfully and technically, 오빠 does mean older brother or anyone older than the female speaker… HOWEVER, there’s kinda like a flirty aspect to it… 오빠 kinda carries a similar meaning to “babe” or “baby”. kinda. It’s more like an very very very innocent version of “daddy” too ig. It’s kinda difficult to really express in a few lines the implications that 오빠 can have. But most the time, between friends, you don’t call the other person 오빠 unless you really think of them as a brother or you’re flirting with them. It’s like bro/babe in one word and you kinda have to figure out what that person means based on your relationship with them.
For example, I have a childhood friend that is 2 years older than me that I call 오빠, but we are 1000000% not dating. I’ve known this dude since I was a fetus and sang Dora the Explorer everywhere. There’s no way we’d ever date but we have a mutual respect for each other so I still call him 오빠.
However when I was first flirting/썸-ing with my ex-bf who was 20 months away older than me I started calling him 오빠. We called each other by names before but that quickly changed when we found a mutual interest in one another.
If you’re a girl and you meet an older guy that you’re legitimately gonna be friends with, you’d more likely call them [name]-ssi until you’d both agree to drop honorifics. When that happens you’d most likely call him by his name and if you start mutually showing interest then you might transition to 오빠.
It’s quite complicated and there’s some guys who tell you to “call them 오빠 because they think of you as a little sister” when in reality they’re flirting with you.
This turned out wayyyy too long, sorry.
In yn’s case I made her call JK “오빠” because she was making fun of him but she’s gradually showing interest in him. Plus, JK seems to hate it rn so it’s funny… ahhh the things I do for the crackfullness of my fics🥴
I should started a Korean-with-Minhee series or soemthing shfhdjdj but thanks for reading my very LONG explanation, I hope I didn’t bore you 😅
EDIT: The -ssi thing… hmm most of the tome the first thing people do is introduce themselves so they’re most likely to know each other’s names… Unless you’re like working with them in which they have titles like Director Kim that you’d refer to them by instead of [name]-ssi… So there really isn’t a situation that you wouldn’t use [name]-ssi. just like english, if you dont know their name: just ask😊
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