#like I love all these characters (except for Lissa who can die in a ditch) but dear God
judelaw · 2 years
I finally watched season 4 of The Dragon Prince and what the hell is up with that Reyla plot. The show spent three seasons constantly explaining how revenge is bad and how it creates this never ending circle of violence and how we need to break out of this circle — but then Reyla wants to get revenge on Viren for “killing” her parents and the crew is like ‘yeah, that’s perfectly fine and reasonable’. Like Callum was more then happy to give an entire speech about how revenge is bad when his own and Ezran’s lives were in danger but then Reyla tells him she needs to go to get revenge (by also risking her own life, which in itself should have been reason enough for him to say something) and he’s just like ‘I know, see you later bby’??
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