#like I'm def not a guy or masc-related gender or anything. but i don't feel like void of gender or anything. just... Barely girl-ish
mntcoronet · 5 years
I said this like a few weeks ago or somethin but man gender IS weird
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lesakuraciel · 5 years
trans ask game!
original by @solareclipselgbt
1.) what’s your gender and pronouns?
nb and they/them!
2.) what does your name mean (either literally, or to you personally)
i don't feel a particular connection to my birth name, though it is based off anna karenina (it's anna corinne), but i've been toying w the idea of going by ashe... obv it's based on the tree but to me it means walking through a dappled forest near the end of winter, timeless and strange and perfect
3.) when and how did you realize you were trans?
not entirely sure, def after i figured out i wasn't straight(which was aug. 2016), but as far as accepting my place under the /trans/ flag (i knew i was nb, but was still hesitant bc of the people against enbys iding as trans), that didn't happen until like. end of last year,
4.) what was the most helpful in figuring out and accepting yourself as trans?
my trans friends definitely!! and also doing a report on enbys in the trans community, and subsequently finding what, the white stripe means, i still have trouble asking people who already know me to use they/them though,, (i still say she/her is fine even though it's kinda not)
5.) have you or do you plan on medically transitioning?
i do plan to get top surgery! and soon, hopefully!!! other than that, i eventually want a hysterectomy, but no hrt
6.) what’s something you’re most looking forward to in your transition (or something that was your favorite part of transitioning)?
no! boobs! i hate them!! and not having to wear extra layers (read: binder) in summerr
7.) do you have dyed hair?
sjsjsnd yea it's dark blue right now don't think /that's/ natural lmao i even have The Haircut (tm)
8.) who was the first person you came out to (or plan to come out to)?
i'm pretty sure it was my good friend henry!! i mean, he also basically told me i wasn't straight cause i wouldn't admit it :'>
9.) what’s your favorite season?
fall!! so many pretty colors and finally, appropiate weather for the jackets i wear year-round,
10.) have you ever been to pride?
yep! i went to pride for the first time in tacoma last year!! (plan to go to the seattle one this year)
11.) if you’re on hrt, what changes suprised you the most?
not on hrt!
12.) what gives you the most gender euphoria?
oh being called "sir" definitely, and a xloae second is when strangers use they/them to refer to me!
13.) do you have a specific piece of clothing thats especially gender affirming to you?
hmm i mean my binder obv but other than that, certain shirts when i bind? idk they just Do(tm)
14.) what’s your favorite trans joke or meme?
friend who is very comfortable in their identity: talks abt someone not realizing and being transphobic around them/other people not knowing how trans things work/etc.
(sarcasm) wow i can't believe you're really a cishet
15.) if you’ve had any gender affirming surgeries, how was your experience? what are the biggest positive effects?
not had surgery yet, but kaiser permanante has been great so far in working w me !!!
16.) do you have any piercings?
haha just one in each ear, and i basically never use those
17.) who’s your favorite trans character? or do you have any characters you headcanon as trans?
we stan lup from taz in this house
other than that, i hc a lot of characters as trans! e.x. bakugo, todoroki, and kirishima (bnha), snufkin (moomins), indrid and angus (taz), and like, a lot more,,
18.) what do you wish other people understood better about being trans?
just. it's okay to ask pronouns. god
better to ask than to assume
also use context clues, jesus (like if someone isn't out, they may switch to a diff name for some people. never use it unless they ask you to)
19.) top 5 fav songs?
bohemian rhapsody - queen
oi - carbon leaf
light in the hallway - ptx
ocean city - anthony ramos (this isn't anywhere but soundcloud but it's So Good???? go listen)
wait for it - hamilton soundtrack
20.) what advice would you give your younger self?
you can be more assertive about being trans, most people are good abt it and those who aren't can learn or fuck right off
21.) do you have any pets?
yep! my baby, friend
and my doggo, kody!
22.) do you find yourself fitting into gender roles, or consider yourself gender non-conforming?
def gnc!! i like to be androgynous, whixh usually means wearing masc clothes bc i still present fem, somehow,
23.) are you part of your schools gsa or any lgbt organizations?
nope! i prefer to make friends by just chatting, and they usually end up being non-cishwt anyhow lmao
24.) any trans role models?
not really tbh, i see a lot of people that i want to emulate, but i can't think of any in particular atm.
now that i think abt it though, my friend henry has been a sort of guiding light in figuring out, accepting, and then loudly proclaiming my identity, bc i've def come a long way since sophomore year! (if you're reading this, thank u henry)
25.) did you go through multiple gender identities before figuring out your gender now?
yep! i id'ed as genderflux very shortly, then demigirl for a long time, and finally nb/genderqueer!
26.) what makes you most proud to be part of the trans community?
it's so positive and uplifting!! i love that people are just, kind to others that's v nice
27.) favorite movie growing up?
princess bride was and is my favorite movie, but mulan was my fav disney movie and well, if that was someone's fav movie and they ended up cishet? i'd be surprised
28.) if you went by multiple names before deciding your current name, which was the first?
29.) do you have any pride merch or pride related tattoos?
i have a rainbow flag (handheld) on my bookshelf, and a genderqueer one behind my bed (big)! i also have a trans flag shawl that i made, pan flag converse, several pride shirts, and a pride hat! i'm not shy about letting everyone know i'm neither straight nor cis lmao
30.) if you experience dysphoria, what do you find helps you the most?
binding definitely helps! i get mild dysphoria wearing anything other than a binder or sports bra, and also on my period :/
31.) do you have any siblings, friends, or family who are also trans?
@dorkryptos is my friend and so is henry!! none of my family is though ):
32.) which gender roles or cis beliefs do you find most ridiculous?
nail polish is feminine?? deodorant and razors are gendered???? flowy things are feminine????? guys can't have style beyond Tux(tm)????????????????? fuck all that noise
35.) if cis people didn’t exist for a day, what would you do?
33.) how did you decide on your current name?
go out and make some new friends! ^^
34.) do you fit any trans stereotypes?
i have dyed hair and That haircut, i'm fairly short and afab, i mostly wear ""masc"" clothes, i'm in high school, etc. etc.
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ahah, i didn't? but w ashe i wanted smthn with the same initial, old-timey, and connected to nature
only like, every single trans nb stereotype,
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