#like Im not saying people shouldn’t make awareness posts of unity’s shit
dailynarilamb · 9 months
I think I should stop responding to what’s basically a reactionary post urging people to genuinely believe COTL is being deleted. The more I respond, the more the person who @ed me gets what they want in spreading it for “awareness.”
Anyways, fuck Unity for what they’re doing and fuck capitalism. The CEO behind this bullshit is from EA and if that doesn’t explain everything, then…. The fuck am I even alive for.
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safety-pin-punk · 6 months
hi, so I’m a teen who’s starting to get into punk culture bc a while ago I was researching punk culture for an oc I was making (cuz I wanted it to be accurate) and I realized ‘oh shit wait this is really cool and aligns with my views and stuff and the music is really good too’ and i just have a couple questions about it:
What are some good punk rock bands you would recommend? (and also are there any problematic ones I should know of so I can avoid them)
2. With lace code, does combining colors change the meaning/add other symbolism (other than black and white/checkerboard for racial unity)? Like if I were to put purple laces on one shoe (LGBTQ+ pride) and green on the other (anti-racist) would that change the symbolism at all? Also does the way you lace the boots change it bc I’ve heard lace code only applies when they’re ladder laced but I haven’t had a chance to look into that more so idk
3. Are there any problematic movements/groups within the punk community that I should be aware of?
4. anything else i should know/general tips and advice for baby punks?
also I saw on your blog that it’s ur birthday so happy bday! :D
0. Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!
1. That is a *whole* question in and of itself that really deserves its own post. But the short answer is that it really depends on your own personal taste. There are a lot of subgenres of punk rock too. (This site is actually a pretty good map of the genres and how things connect)
But as far as bands I recommend: Ramones, the offspring, sum 41, greenday, rancid, afi, linkin park, misfits, the cure, magnolia park, dopamine, teenage bottlerocket, anti-flag, pennywise, the living end, street dogs, the smashing pumpkins, slapstick, left alone, dog park dissidents, the virus, hotel security
That should give you a decent mix of different sounds to check out
And in regard to problematic bands, to be honest, I try to stay away from any news like that. Sooo, Im not your best resource there. If I like the music, then I like the music. But yeah, due to the trauma of *life* thats just not my fight, ya know?
2. Gonna direct you to *this* post for lace code. But, yes it only applies to ladder laced combat boots. And a LOT of lace code rules are very subjective to your area too. (Example: I’ve never seen the black/white checkered thing.) but having different colors on either side shouldn’t be a problem
3. Every group is going to have either problematic people or some problematic ideas floating around. Thats why it’s important to be able to think critically about things, people, and ideas so that you can form your own opinions. Though, I will say that there is a reason why ‘nazi punks fuck off’ is a commonly see phrase. Punk groups are great! But it’s important to educate yourself of the signs to know when something is *not great*
4. Gonna direct you to *this* post. Its my big masterlist that sometimes gets updated lol. You can find the link to it in my pinned post as well
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