#like Micah has NO reason to recognize Shadow Weaver in that moment unless he was somehow briefed on her changes
tippenfunkaport · 1 year
A scene that apparently happened sometime between leaving Beast Island and arriving at the Bright Moon:
Adora, pulling Micah aside: OK, so remember that old teacher you had up at Mystacor? Light Spinner? Yeah, she's alive and she calls herself Shadow Weaver now. Just wanted to mention that in case we get to Bright Moon and she's hanging out and you want to dramatically say her name, no one will get who you mean if you say Light Spinner, so... Shadow Weaver. Got it? Honestly, if you forget her name just call her "traitor" or something, it's fine. Oh! And she's got a new color scheme now, no more golds and pastels. It's all magenta and black with this CRAZY asymmetrical turtle neck thing. Plus, she always wears this full face mask. Yeah, not just the little scarf thing anymore. The whole deal. Just wanted you to be able to recognize her on sight so if she's doing something crazy like sitting on Glimmer's throne or whatever when we get to Bright Moon, you won't be all "Who's that?" because she looks nothing like the person you used to know. Dramatic moment, no time for exposition, you know how it is.
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