#like assume the person is at 98f
seveneyesoup · 1 month
things i should be doing
1. sleeping
2. essay my whole class grade is riding on
things i want to be doing
1. doing a bunch of math to figure out whether a vampire gets to ambient temperature over time or if they don’t, given some measure of heat transfer from drinking blood
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xottzot · 6 years
internet stuffed AGAIN -- Yep, absolutely stops absolutely DEAD for no reason whatsoever. EVERYTHING STOPS. And when it restarts up again, everything is as usual dead bloody SLOW. - Welcome to thie hellhole of this shitty area, where crime is high but any internet speeds and connectivity is not. It's been like that since late 2015.......
It's a bloody HOT day again...........currently as I write this, it's about 36 C, or around 98F depending if I can focus my eyes in the sweat running down over all my face and into my eyes outside.
So much AGAIN for the bullshit forecasted 'mild' day. - Weather forecasts that mean absolutely NOTHING of reality to this hellhole area and are never applicable. As always......
Was cloudy/overcast earlier and the humidity was sky high too. Bt that soon all burned off and now there's just the damned heat....as always...the damned merciless heat.....
Had to do some physical work outside, nothing extravagently physical, not that I'm able at all to that, and today what I struggled to do it exhausted and nearly killed me....all whilst the sole remaining chicken was going crazy......for no reason......
The sole remaining chicken the insane one Fliss literally found wandering the streets and at the Koongamia shops area, and then dear Fliss brought it to this place to be with our other happy chickens), that chicken the last one alive kept as a pet and as a reminder of time long gone and now dead of when things were happier and not destined for me to die and be dead, it was LOUDLY carrying on and squawking and running/fluttering about in assumed terror. Then AS ALWAYS, after I was done in its fenced-in chicken plot area making the ground nicely cool and damp, then overlaying it with fresh clean straw, the chicken suddenly shut up and thought nirvana was there again.......the entire place there needed that or else the dark dirt gets so VERY HOT in the terrible heat....and what thanks did I get? What thanks or recognition do I EVER get for anything good I ever do in my life for anyone or anything...about ANYTHING? - NOTHING. - ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING.
Returned inside this hovel and nearly collapsed. Utterly drenched in sweat. Had a very cool shower and also washed my clothes and hung them outside to dry in the damned heat under shade. I've since brought them in now because they were dry as if having been being in an oven drier....even in the shade it's so damn hot.
Just took poor Sam and poor Max outside for them to desperately water the ground, and being black-furred animals, they have to come back in quick out of the sun or suffer/die from the damned effects. Not that Fliss cares for them or me it seems. Did she ever, or was it all a pretend act she's STILL putting on that everyone buys into?
Outside is currently false calm.
Let's see what new shit will eventuate as always shall we?
Grabbed a local free paper today, one deigned for a DIFFERENT AREA even though it covers the same areas as the one that gets delivered here but they DON'T include relevant local information in it either unless they've been allowed to. - Shit.
CRIME NEWS:-----Some abo woman in Midland Gate Shopping Centre in Midland made off (stealing) some merchandise that was chained up inside a store (she cut the chain), and despite being yelled at to stop, she ran off with it. --- Just a criminal. NOT someone in need or one of the the 'valiant' ones so championed so hard by idiot groups and idiots and fools. But just another one who shouts loudly to DEMAND to get everything for free or else they'll steal it or violentally assault & bash you for it. - How NOT civilised and expected.......
She should go into abo activism & politics......especially since ALL politicians are liars and thieves.....
Just had to take more painkillers and another painkiller for this damned very bad headache that's returned from earlier becaue the painkiller has worn off. That's what's happens because just short time ago I dared to go outside to take dried clothes off the line under cover in the shade before they go cripsy. - And so I got another dose of damn heat upon how I already very poorly feel.
Criminals will come out when it gets darker, as they alwasy do, fuck the lot of THEM.
Here below is a couple of NEWS bits...once again posted here LATE because the fucking utterly useless internet now seems to REFUSE to send to me my own emails I post to myself until MUCH LATER....sometimes not even until late in the day, sometimes not until the NEXT DAY.
As if the so VERY SLOW & STAGGERING internet now has become just a huge single forever-behind-in-being-updated fucking 'internet cache', and that has been plaguing me since late 2015....which for Fliss caused her to actually BLAME ME for the damned problems in my trying to keep in contact with her and reconciliation during it all....... -- Am I bitter about that? - FUCK THE WORLD AND PASS ME THE BUTTON TO BLOW IT ALL UP WITH. - PRESS. PRESS. PRESS.
a VICTORIA AUSTRALIA NEWS BIT:------(CALLOUS CRIME ATTACK ON 77yo)----Elderly woman fighting for life after being assaulted while walking dogs in St Albans
BTW, dear Fliss loves murder stories and gets great 'enjoyment' out of them, and the uncovering of the facts. But she is SO IGNORANT of real life things and personal values including love whilst at the same time trying to fit real life to her medically manic and delusional imaginings of crime and criminals that she revels in........which she passes off as 'entertainment'....and which is accepted by so many idiot women too....
Has dear Cath in QLD Australia yet figured for herself that I have ALWASY been telling the truth about everything? - Or has she too fallen into the delusions and bullshit and lies and other shit...?
NT AUSTRALIA NEWS:----(ABO WOMAN MURDERS ABO MAN IN A PLACE & SITUATION LIKE FATGUTS DRIVEWAY ABO HANGOUT)-----Stabbing victim's wound was 10cm deep after fight over alcohol, court hears
Stabbing victim's wound was 10cm deep after fight over alcohol, court hears
By:--- Georgia Hitch -- Updated about 2 hours ago
PHOTO: (SCENE) --------- http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/9390278-3x2-940x627.jpg
PHOTO: (outside court, accused murderer Anisa Cadell is currently on trial charged with the 25-year-old man's murder) --------- http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/9390478-3x2-940x627.jpg
PHOTO: (SCENE) --------- http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/9390434-3x2-940x627.jpg
PHOTO: (SCENE with bloody murder weapon in situ) --------- http://www.abc.net.au/news/image/9387468-3x2-940x627.jpg
A Darwin court has heard a man who was stabbed and killed last year had a knife wound more than 10 centimetres deep after a fight with a woman over a cup of alcohol.
Warning: This story contains graphic details and images.
The 25-year-old man died in the community of Kalano, near Katherine, in February 2017, after an alleged fight with 22-year-old Anisa Cadell.
Ms Cadell pleaded not guilty to the man's murder and is on trial in the Northern Territory Supreme Court.
Today, forensic pathologist Dr John Rutherford told the court the man had a wound between 10 and 13 centimetres deep that had split one of his ribs and partially split another.
Dr Rutherford said the blade had continued to pierce the man's left lung and ultimately penetrated, and stopped, in his heart. A woman exits the front doors of the Supreme Court.
The court heard more than a litre of blood was found in the man's chest cavity as a result of the wound.
Earlier in the trial, the court heard Ms Cadell and the 25-year-old were engaged in a "vicious" fight over a cup of alcohol, moments before he was stabbed.
Witnesses said at one point they saw the man sitting on top of the woman and punching her.
The man's uncle, George Maroney, testified he did not see him get stabbed, but did see him fall back onto a long table beside a fridge with a knife in his chest. Wound self-inflicted 'unlikely': forensics
When asked by defence counsel John Lawrence SC whether he could exclude the possibility the injury was self-inflicted, Dr Rutherford said he could not, but it was unlikely.
"You can never entirely exclude a self-inflicted injury on basis of pathological findings alone," Dr Rutherford said.
He said there were "lots of little pointers … to suggest that it wasn't" self-inflicted.
They included:
Self-inflicted wounds with sharp objects are relatively uncommon statistically
Among those wounds, stab wounds are also uncommon
People who do stab themselves usually have a history of past self-harm or psychiatric care
There are usually other smaller wounds near the site from previous attempts where people have underestimated the toughness of the skin
Dr Rutherford said there were no other tentative stab wounds found on the body, and instead it was a "perfectly clean wound".
The expert told the court someone would need to use moderate to severe force to inflict a wound of this nature, and it was more likely the result of a strike than from a push-pull struggle beforehand.
The trial continues.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. I forgive you. You've known that too since last 2015.
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