#like chasing his ex instead of going to finish up his coup detat
the thing about bookles is, right, that he’s built The Sun Summoner(tm) up in his brain as like this vague amorphous Eternal Companion(tm) of his whose going to solve all this problems and just generally be the saviour of his life. Which, yknow is some unhealthy idealization and romanticization doomed to go topside the minute he actually meets them and surprise surprise its an actual person, who is nowhere near on the same page as him. Yknow, the way it actually does.
But the thing is, while the show version of the Darkling sometimes leads us to believe he’s like planned every moment of their life post-discovery to the point where he’s had her pillow case embroidered with suns (and bookles has done this too idk). Which is again doomed to end in like three different kinds of disaster. But thing is Bookles really seems like he hasn’t bothered, or, more likely hasn’t let himself think about what the Sun Summoner means aside from these very, very vague impressions of “not aloneness” and yknow using them to expand the fold, kick off a coup detat, make them a puppet monarch, etc.
Because the thing is, while Show!sander oozes commitment and general besottedness from the first moment Alina’s revealed, Bookles seems like genuinely so upset and frustrated every time he catches himself genuinely caring about Alina. And like I have to laugh bc like Sirrrrr what did you think was going to happen? What do you think not alone means? Did you think you were about to meet some Sun Summoner and they were just going to be so dull and uninteresting that you couldn’t possibly give a shit about your supposed eternal companion who you planned to keep close for centuries??? And was that the preferable outcome for you??? Or did he, more likely, just not think about this (bc he cant (bc wanting is weak)).
Idk I just think it adds a whole new layer to Bookles and Show!sander’s characterizations. Bc like both of them make these series of stupid ass decisions that spend the rest of their lives fucking them in the ass. And both of these decisions are rooted in a desire for control and a refusal to see himself as anything fallible and others as anything but. But like idk it makes bookles seemed ever so flavoured in i invented being emotionally stunted.
which like we been knew but like jesus christ my dude.
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